6 Types of people Amazon avoids hiring at all cost

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so Amazon has one of the most rigorous hiring processes around so you can imagine that they are quite picky when when it comes to choosing the people that they want to work with and in today's it I'm going to touch upon some of the trades that represent red flags throughout their hiring process and the first one is refers to putting the blame on others and now you may test hate them but why would I want to put the blame on on someone else during an Amazon interview which is a fair point now the tricky part comes in when you're being asked some not so common no it's not straightforward behavioural questions such as tell me about the time when you failed or tell me about a time when you received feedback challenging filter from your boss and there is in some cases a high probability that you will talk about other people that you are engaging with and you were engaging with other people within a tense context it is not that hard to put the blame on someone else if you think about it it is not that hard say okay but my boss was a bit too strict or had an old mentality or used to shout at me or I don't know what so all in all you should you can prevent these these mistakes by ensuring that you prepare your answers and you know that you should avoid putting the blame on on anyone at all costs and the second trait here that I wanted to talk about is one that's actually being advertised in the media for for quite quite a while now and I know some recruiters have have come up saying this that the number one trait for which they disqualify Arizona traffic and this is because they are not sincere and this usually applies to junior roles because engineer roles you don't have much experience to how how hiring processes work and how good your recruiters are spotting since here and not since your behaviors and if I may say so if I may recommend something here they are very good at these things because we do this all day long so why wouldn't they be after all so if you if you have to engage especially in an on-site interview at Amazon just ensure that you you present the best version of yourself and try to genuinely be sincere now of course you may you may unintentionally sugarcoat something or present yourself in a much better light at points which is you know fine I mean it's up to it's up to you how well can you sell yourself but just be genuine throughout the process this is really important the next point that I want to touch upon here is negativism and this this type of behavior if you if I find a call like this results from from developing too much on certain answers and essentially comes it goes hand in hand with boring answers so if your answers on boring and sound too long then there's a high degree of probability that there is too much negativity in there so for example when you're talking about the failure story the usual way these goals is one sentence for for this situation and task two sentences for the failure for the actual for the action part and maximum three sentences for the result now what happens here is that many people do well on the first two sections and then on the result section they tend to do a whole monologue about these things it's like they still feel like they they could have done much better there so they really take it too personally and when you when you develop on those answers for too long you obviously unless you're a great entertainer you risk on on boring your audience and employing too much negativism now if you put yourself in your in your recruiters shoes why would you want to hire someone that's that is negative that employees negativism and is rather boring to talk with why would you recommend someone like this to your hiring manager and would you work with with someone that's negative in the in their day to day job just just think about it and maybe consider tuning up your your approach at the interview using using this feedback another very common mistake that people do when entering Amazon interviews is they do not take their leadership principles seriously so Amazon is all over the media with their 14 leadership principles and this is not since yesterday but they are doing this more and more by the day and this is something that even if you don't feel like should be the main highlight of the job interview it is something very important for them and this is what matters the most because after all you want you want to work for them so needless to say here if you if you want to get good at these things just ensure that you read them and you you prepared those the leadership principles properly and also it's only since recently I start seeing more and more within job descriptions that meets and exceeds the 14 leadership principles so they even mention those specifically which should be another reason for you for you to take them even more seriously next Amazon doesn't like people who do not communicate fluently and not to be confusing here they if you can if you're not fluent in English this is not this qualifier what I mean here is to not be able to convey ideas concisely so in other words for example I had someone who start the conversation with me about the Amazon interview and when I asked them okay but can you tell me a sample answer that you would give for any question that you like and they went on for 8 to 10 minutes so and you know that they were not applying for jr. or this was for senior but this is the way that they saw the process and it's super important that you you understand that the Amazon culture is in such a fashion that they put a lot of emphasis on communication and their internals their internal applique a proven process for new ideas goes around to page six page narratives and so on so you have to be very good at at communicating ideas concisely if you want to get the job at Amazon and last but not least you should be also you should also take into account Amazon's number-one leadership principle that of customer obsession the reason for this being that Amazon is very careful at looking for people that think about their customers first and not about their competitors so for example if you if you're applying for a sales role you should and you're being asked a question that would emphasize your strongest project then you should avoid talking how you beat the another team from another company as as opposed to talking about how you made the difference for your own business now of course you could also reference the competitors and so on but just ensure that the main highlight of this will be your core competencies so these are the six elements that you should probably avoid and you should probably take into account if you're considering a role with Amazon and as always I hope you found this information useful and thank you very much for watching
Channel: Dan Croitor
Views: 270,060
Rating: 4.7759495 out of 5
Keywords: amazon interview, amazon principles, job interviews
Id: X3gNtXRqvZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 44sec (464 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2019
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