6 Things to Remove from Your Diet to Skyrocket Your Energy

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so energy is the currency of life and when your body has enough energy it does all of the maintenance tasks if you get it the right signals from the environment but if your body doesn't have enough energy it'll say well what's the least important maintenance task and it'll stop doing that same thing with your car what's the least important thing if you're really on a budget you're probably not going to change your wiper blades because they just don't matter that much you can still drive except it sucks and sometimes you might hit a tree cuz you couldn't see anything [Music] so in circadian biology when we're talking about sleep chronotypes there's four of these and they're mostly genetic although you can reset yours if you want to and about 60% of people they wake up sevenish and they are good for the normal day and they go to bed 10ish and and that's kind of the default thing and then there's those are called bears in Michael Bruce's work then the people who like to stay up late they stay up late because when we evolved in tribes of about 150 people you needed a night watch in case there was a predator so these are the people who are just genetically wired 15% of people to stay up late and be alert and their hormones like melatonin and cortisol and things are fundamentally different so they're the night owls and then there's these morning people and those are called the bad people cuz I'm not one of you u in the morning people it's also about 15% they wake up four or 5 Spring out of bed you're the 15% who should wait to have your coffee everyone else you can have your coffee when you wake up because you already are such morning people and there's another 15% of people that are called Dolphins because they never sleep they're the backup alarm how elegant we evolve so there's always going to be a small group of people watching out for the rest of us whether they're the morning people taking the morning guard shift or the nighttime people taking the nighttime guard shift and there's a backup alarm chronotype as well so if you're here in the room this morning it's not that early but most people stayed up pretty late last night so full respect for showing up it was work for me I was up pretty late too and you may find me using neut Tropics like mic micro do nicotine that was 1 milligram which is about 5% of what's in a cigarette I don't smoke never smokes but nicotine in small doses is an anti-aging substance that is good for your brain in high doses it's bad for your arteries so isn't that interesting so how am I on this I'm also on modafanil and this like Mother Nature's other original neutr might be coffee so you may see me drinking coffee now this is a workshop and I'm going to do some teaching in it and I'll ask for some input from you and I'm hoping more people filter in but it may end up being a smaller Workshop which is a lot of fun because for about 5 years I used to teach at the University of California I taught Engineers working in Silicon Valley how to build the internet and cloud computing um so I love a small classroom session it it's very rare that I do it which is super fun so I want to teach you guys six steps to energy success and if you read smarter not harder you'll find that these are there's a little bit more information in it but I'm also going to do a lot of Q&A for you and we'll focus first on just how to get your energy working because that's tied in with a quest but if you have other questions yesterday we were lucky to have a few extra minutes for Q&A which worked out really well so I'm always happy for questions and because right now the room is still pretty small we can probably just handle it if something doesn't make sense you can just get my attention and then I'll say what are you saying even if we don't have a mic I'll just repeat the question for you does that sound like a deal all right so you remember why energy matters the reason energy matters is that you say no I don't need energy I need money but I've been there where I spent all of my money getting my energy back if you're out of energy you have fibromyalgia chronic fatigue you must get it back and you will do everything in your in your power I used to spend 20% of my income on biohacking because I was sick and there are a lot of people who don't identify as sick but their brains aren't working and there's a sense of quiet desperation so money doesn't fix the problem say no time is your most precious commodity turns out if you don't have any energy you know what you do with extra time you take a nap and the time isn't worth anything without energy so energy is the currency of life and when your body has enough energy it does all of the maintenance tasks if you get it the right signals from the environment but if your body doesn't have enough energy it'll say well what's the least important maintenance task and it'll stop doing that same thing with your car what's the least important thing if you're really on a budget you're probably not going to change your wiper blades because they just don't matter that much you can still drive except it sucks and sometimes you might hit a tree because you couldn't see anything right so we want you to have enough energy so that you can at the end of the day go that was a great day I handled everything that came my way including the three unexpected things and I folded every protein perfectly and I performed mitophagy to get rid of the weak parts of my Power Systems and I got rid of zombie cells and I did all the other anti-aging things oh and then I had sex for 3 hours like that's that's what high energy looks like but not a lot of people are there anymore and I certainly spent a lot of my life not being there so to summarize the things you want to know here let's just start I mentioned this yesterday moving friction is much easier imagine that you had a pickup truck and the bed of the truck is full of bags of sand and you take it into one of those car customization places like I want a faster truck now they could say well let's put a bigger engine in that but what they're going to tell you first is maybe you should get that out of the back of your truck because it weighs so much it's not going to be very fast so removing the friction from your life is so much easier than trying to to do stuff that's going to have you make more energy and this isn't what we're usually taught to like just work harder come on you could do you pick up one more curl that's not how it really works so one of the biggest sources of friction in the modern world one that our ancestors knew about very well is called anti-nutrients and if you've been following my work for a long time going back to 2012 the first chapter of the bulletproof diet I talked about these five categories of anti-nutrients one of them was lectin and lectin have had their day in the sun Dr gundry's done a great job of talking about this what lectin are are very simple molecules they are proteins that stick to certain kinds of sugar now your body makes more than a thousand lectin types of Le every day as part of biological process they are not bad but if your body makes the kind of sugars maybe on your joints that certain plant compounds stick to when you eat those plants they will you up and the person sitting next to you will eat the same plant and they'll say that was delicious and I'm completely fine like wow so sometimes it's really severe and you know it other times I don't know my back always hurts when I wake up and I have this weird stuff on my skin and I just I can't solve it like well maybe you should look at lectin which are a part of the antinutrient complex but not all lectin are bad and you may not be sensitive to the leant another I'm going to call it an anti-nutrient right now is omega-6 fats these are the plant-based oils that they've been trying to sell as healthy since the invention of Crisco krisco was invented not the brand name but the substance by Napoleon he needed fat to feed his troops so he's like oh what's the cheapest thing we can feed our soldiers so they figured out how to hydrogenate oils and we've been doing it ever since but what you end up with is the idea that whether they're hydrogenated or they're just that good for you canola oil stuff which is also known as rape seed oil rape seed oil isn't very good for marketing so they renamed it to Canada oil canola that's where it came from and it was an industrial lubricant because you cannot eat this until you go through many steps of processing and you say okay who cares it's processed but if it's an oil that's good for me here's what happens when you eat these fats throughout the course of a year we have our Seasons during during the time of year where you fatten up for winter you eat more and more polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats this is what makes bears hibernate if you give Bears butter they won't hibernate and get fat if you give them lots of nuts they will hibernate and get fat they don't tell you this but omega-6 oils slow your metabolism and you need some about 1.6% of your fat if you eat grass f beef and about 1.6% of your fat when you're really healthy is going to be there at various levels at different parts of the body so when you believe that plant-based oils are somehow good for you even though your body isn't made out of plant-based oils what that does is that slows your metabolism and that's one of the reasons that the French paradox isn't a paradox at all French paradox was why why do French people not get fat when they eat so much butter because the belief was that butter Mak you fat it should be called the American Paradox which is why don't Americans eat like French people and it wasn't the wine it was the butter and if you're going to eat a croissant made with canola oil or some other sort of weird oil versus one made with butter they have a fundamentally different Metabolic Effect so this is why you don't eat the salad dressing at the restaurant this is why if it's fried at a restaurant you just don't eat it unless they have duck fat fries or they cook in palm oil or there's a new company and one I'm really stoked about um called zero Acre Farms that makes cultured oil this is a fermentation-based oil that's free of omega-6s and it lasts twice as long as canola oil in a fryer and it costs half as much so this is a company that will be putting millions of Acres of Farmland back to Prairie Land because we simply need less acreage to make oils that we can eat that's something that I'm super excited about but for you go to a restaurant if it's cooked in oil and you didn't tell them cook it in butter it's probably actually not food anymore because they're going to load you up with fats that make you fat in one of my books this one is not in smart or not harder I talk about omega-6 oils and there's now studies of where oils go in the body it's not like you eat it and it just sort of randomly smears itself throughout your body your white fat if you have love handles it is most sensitive to what you eat so the more restaurant food you eat the more of that goes into your white fat cells the more white fat cells you have the more estrogen you make the more disregulated your metabolism so maybe it just makes sense to modify the ratio of oils so if you want to remove friction from your life eat less omega-6 oils and that'll work really well in the quest I believe we have a copy of the bulletproof diet and the fasting road map that shows you which oils are better it even shows you which foods are high in lectin can anyone name a very high lectin food tomato lentils Tomatoes yes peanuts peanuts are very high turns out grains nuts seeds and the deadly nightshade family where belladon is from that would include unfortunately potatoes tomatoes eggplants and my favorite food on Earth Peppers my family has the genetics we are sensitive to night shads other people don't necessarily have that in fact my daughter didn't get that chain so my son came up from school in first grade dad my neck really hurts will you rub it for me said and it was doing this every night for a month so I went to the school and said what are you doing are you feeding him potatoes because he and I have that genetics and they said oh no we fish them out of the soup before we give it to him so I said well let's change that and a week later his neck pain went away and didn't come back so my daughter happily eats potatoes all day long and my son goes I don't eat those cuz I don't like to hurt I had arthritis diagnosed when I was 14 because I didn't know this and I was in constant pain up and down my back all my joints hurt all the time because for me that was a major source of friction and this is why it gets tough we're not meat robots we're not all wired the same and if you come from a part of the world where your ancestors ate lentils for thousands of years you probably tolerate them pretty well unless one of your ancestors made it with a Norwegian in which case you don't know but you might want to try to either test it just by eliminating High lectin foods and then eating a bunch of them and see if you wake up the next morning going oh wow that's right I have brain fog again I didn't realize I felt so much better so your job is to be curious about how do I feel and the easiest thing to do is go on a relatively low complexity diet that doesn't contain all of the trigger foods and when you do that you're like oh I feel really different or you could be one of the lucky people in the room it's like I didn't feel any difference at all like good for you but if you don't know what the friction is and you're doing it every day imagine you're Superman and like I've got superpowers I can look through your clothes I can burn holes in walls and then lowest Lane gets the Kryptonite perfume and starts wearing it like I don't know it's just like my laser is a bit dimmer today I I just must be getting old it it it's just a slow decline it's because you're getting exposed every day and you don't know it another massively important and underrated anti-nutrient and I'm working hard in the world of biohacking to bring this into our awareness is called ftic acid now why would you care about that it's because fightig ID sucks minerals out of your body it's a plant defense compound you have to imagine plants they run the f-words too you guys remember the FWS in order first one's fear what's the second one food thank you third one I knew you guys would get that one fourth one friend fifth one forgiveness all right you guys are good students so plants follow the same actual rules including forgiveness believe it or not so what that means is the Fear Part run away from kill or hide from scary things you're a plant running is hard when you have Roots so you can't do that which means your strategy is kill or hide and you hide by putting a shell around the Walnut by having heavy bark on your tree or by killing you know I'll put some toxic compounds in here and those bugs won't eat me any mammal that eats me if they eat too much of me they will start to die so I can live and if they eat a little bit of me maybe they can get away with it so that's how Mother Nature creates balance in the world and it actually is very very logical is anyone curious why I said plants can do forgiveness all right I saw a few question marks there we all have to do some mushrooms I'm kidding um when I wrote my book on fasting actually many years before I wrote my book on fasting in 20 8 I felt called to do a Vision Quest so I found a shaman outside Sedona who dropped me off in a cave for 4 days with no food and no people so I could experience loneliness and hunger at the same time and show myself that I wouldn't actually die and she told me a story she took me out into her Corral where she kept albino camels and alpacas shamans are weird by the way if you didn't know and she said do you see those thorn thn trees I said yeah and she said go look at them there's no Thorns I said how did you do that she said I went and I meditated with the tree and I told it it was safe and it dropped all the Thorns so plants when they feel safe they make less toxins they're less aggressive the same as us which is remarkable another example of that is coffee you've probably heard of Robusta coffee beans these are the gross ones that folders uses they're a smaller being they're much higher in toxins because there's more insects the more insects there are the more aggressive plants are at making compounds that they use to hold back the world so the more stressed a plant is the more toxins it'll be it'll have or in the case of some plants the better it'll be for you so if it's a plant that manufactures a polyphenol you use and you stress the plant a little bit it'll make a lot more polyphenols this why Chili Peppers if you don't water them very much they get really hot and if you water them a lot they're mild because they're reacting to the environment the same way your body does which I think is really cool like life always follows those four FWS no matter five FWS no matter what you do because that's the algorithm of life itself and it's really cool and when you understand that all of these steps to energy success make a huge amount of sense another source of friction for people that is become becoming more known especially postco is histamine rich foods histamine rich foods happen not usually because the food itself has histamine but because when Foods start to spoil microbes take action and microbes make histamine to keep other microbes away so those two-day old leftovers that you ate they didn't taste that good but especially if they contained fish or pork or soy if you eat them and you're just tired afterwards and like God I need an extra cup of coffee and some sugar it's because you got a dose of histamine and histamine makes you tired or if you had covid and had longer covid like wow I have really strong symptoms and I'm super tired maybe I'm starting to cough that's because histamine in foods can be a trigger for some people and if you have the right enzymes in your liver and you don't have an overactive system because of an infection like toxic mold will do that as well then you'd be fine on that so one person can eat the leftovers for the next person they're a major source of friction because I grew up in a basement with toxic mold I had toxic mold induce brain damage I have an overactive it's called a mass cell system so I know for me their histamine foods like soy sauce fermented soy fish sauce and leftover meat if I eat those I'm probably not going to feel good in fact if I do eat those I take a quarter of a benad dril and then I can eat them because I know what's going on if I take a whole Ben I just want to take a nap right so you can balance the amount of antihistamine you take with those foods but if you didn't know you're like I don't know sometimes I eat and I feel like and then I eat the same thing the next day and I don't feel like like what is going on here what's going on here is there was an antinutrient from microbes trying to protect themselves and they're basically saying that's my cheese and you're saying no that's my cheese and then well depends on the quality of your gut and your genetics so this is why it's not the same for all of us but your job is to be curious just take note if you have sugar Cravings or you're just profoundly tired after a meal like oh my God take notes what what was in the meal how is it prepared and all of a sudden you're going to realize there's a pattern here the other thing that is a real serious problem for us is glyphosate glyphosate is something that we spray now all over the planet it's incredibly toxic for soil levels that are allowed today 1 300th of those levels is enough to cause seizures and earthworms so when they spray glyphosate they're sterilizing the soil which is completely unacceptable and actually will lead to the destruction of the planet if we allow them to continue it's that big of a deal fortunately it breaks down over time so glyphosate does something else pretty evil it sticks to minerals so they are not bioavailable and what they do in the US particularly is at the end of the season when they're growing grains especially wheat they spray glyphosate on the crop which kills the plant and the plants are like oh no there's a sudden lack of minerals I've been poisoned I will put all of my energy into my babies so it causes a surge of growth in the wheat kernels and they can Harvest It 2 weeks early and then they feed it to you or they feed it to grain fed animals that you eat so glyphosate is something that may be affecting your gut and if you're eating things with glyphosate in it it is also sticking to your minerals and your job is to get enough minerals and speaking of minerals I started talking about phytic acid but I didn't tell you the full story phytic acid that you find in the plant-based Foods Whole Foods especially um oats are a great example of this rice cakes are great examp example this corn flakes are a great example of this phytic acid sucks minerals from us but we don't really measure it or pay any attention to it but Farmers especially ranchers they know if they give corn and soy and Grains to animals with too much phytic acid the animals can't reproduce the animals don't grow they break their bones their hoves fall apart so they and by the way cows with three stomachs they can handle a large amount of phytic acid we don't make the enzymes that allow you to turn this off so when they have too much phytic acid they add an enzyme to break it down so the cows can eat even more of the junk food for cows without breaking their bones they don't care about you because they don't do that for us traditional preparation techniques for grains like sourdough for instance that removes a substantial amount of ftic acid but even soaking things overnight can help or a little bit of sprouting all of those are time intensive processes and our industrial companies don't like it does anyone know why cornflakes was invented I'm guessing someone here knows oh my gosh just what do you think according to so the the the version of the story that I know is that corn could decrease uh sexual drive yes in men and so the idea is that from the forgot the name of the Dr Kellogg Dr Kellogg has this idea that the the the what what was messed up of our Humanity was a uncontrollable sex drive and so he came up with a product that people would have during breakfast that would solve the problem by decreasing testosterone levels and make people feel less like having uh sexual exactly so Dr Kellogg was a raging pervert he liked four stas 10 times a day and he was very opposed to masturbation so he believed in circumcising men and women to prevent masturbation very few people were willing to do it to women so he focused on men and to this day in the US a lot of guys are circumcised because of what Dr Kellogg did because he was a weirdo along the way he said oh let's invent some foods that lower testosterone because hey sexual desire is the root of all evil it's actually the root of all creation guys it's not the root of all evil so he said we can make cornflakes cornflakes are very high in phytic acid which steals your zinc which drops your testosterone and they're Hing a bunch of other bad stuff as well and they just put it into marketing using the magical power of marketing to take over your meat operating system to make you believe things that aren't true another one of his contemporaries was Graham Graham Crackers these heal foods are exactly the opposite of that fertile humans are healthy humans when they're at their ages when they're appropriately fertile people are losing their fertility more than ever before and this just fundamentally false belief that plant-based Foods are inherently good for you 99% of plants on the planet will kill you or you up if you eat them I'm swearing a lot this morning I need more nicotine but this by the way is also plant-based so I'll answer your question in a sec um so what's going on with all of this is that you got to know how it works and we are having this incredible problem where people can't conceive healthy people and their 30s are just finding they can't do it I just joined the Advisory Board of a company called clockwise that's now measuring the endocrine disruptors you're exposed to and when you stack that with a plant-based diet bad things happen to your fertility which means bad things happen to your creativity that's actually the source of life so I just want to caution you those are anti-nutrients and there are companies who will stare you right in the face and they'll pay for all sorts of garbage studies and they'll just tell you over and over and over that it's good for you because it's cheap to produce it has a long shelf life and they don't care about you they care about the lowest cost food and your job is to say I am going to invest as much as is reasonable for me in quality foods that don't do that so I look at cornflakes like I can go 60 days without eating and I won't die that's about as long as most people can go I'm not eating that I will just not eat and because I've learned and I've taught my body carefully I won't die if I don't eat even though it feels like oh my God if I don't have lunch I'm starving that's none of that's real so skip the stuff that's not actually food even though it has a pretty box and you might find massive things happen question here um thank you that kind of just blew my mind uh what you said about uh Dr Kelloggs um and I had had a question about cereals in general like Cheerios and other types of cereals do they have the similar properties that I guess Corn Flakes have on your body yeah Cheerios are high in phytic acid and glyphosate so here's here's the deal no one on earth ate cereals for breakfast if they had a choice so this is what you feed the peasants who are working your Fields while you eat the bacon and eggs this is history this is GRL this is literally what they would feed people even if they were slaves the the lowest quality lowest cost cheapest foods that are a source of calories because we need energy but you want to take in energy that doesn't also steal stuff from you so it's food free of these antinutrients that gives you power but if you're starving you can eat a lot of stuff and over time in different cultures because famines have been a part of our existence forever they figured out you know what if you take that route and you boil it and you steam it you leave it in the sun and you ferment it for a while you can not die by eating that plant yes and after while this is a sacred food for us because it's the thing that keeps us alive when we're going to die but that doesn't mean it's good for you and when in all societies historically when there is availability of high quality fats they get prioritized when indigenous people people in America would kill a buffalo they would eat all of it but the two most important parts were the fatty hump on the back and the liver the liver goes to the kids and the pregnant women first for a reason they did not give them corn as their primary thing because it's a superfood it's not a superfood and they knew it and there are people trying to trick you into believing this it just doesn't work by the way I was a devout vegan and then a vegan for a while so I went down that path because I didn't understand this stuff and I had to repair my biology after I did it um so I I just want you guys to understand this is a source of friction in your life if you're eating a bunch of foods that you think are healthy but they're actually taking your minerals you need minerals to make ATP you need minerals for bone density you need minerals to make your hormones you need minerals for almost every enzyme in your body and it's shocking what happens when you bring your mineral levels up and back to glyphosate how do you get rid of glyphosate in your body anybody know there's this thing called humic and fulvic acid huh I think it might be endanger coffee um there are some studies that show it helps to pull it out of the human body eating a diet higher in animal protein and specifically the amino acid glycine that is found in collagen is also a way to push glyphosate out of your body because the gly and glyphosate sticks to the gly and glycine when you're forming collagen so you're eating you have two plates of food they look pretty similar one of them is relatively high in anti-nutrients the other one isn't they both taste good if you know like I'll choose the one that tastes good and is good for me so this is a major part of biohacking it is the easiest thing to do versus doing things that make you stronger it's just stop things that make you weak all right let's move on to our next one getting raw materials to do this you got to look at what your body's made out of so I hate to tell you this you don't have a body you think you do but the body that you will leave this room with is fundamentally different than the body you came here with because right now your metabolism is working it's taking some of the stuff you ate and it's replacing cells and you're actually shedding some cells other ones you'll be excreting later so we don't see it this way because like I have a body your body is more like a whirlpool in matter than actually something that exists because all the cells in your body will be replaced over seven years so you're just an exceptionally slow whirlpool and that means that if you're taking things in and things are going out if you don't take the things in that are required for you to show up at your full performance at your full energy levels over time you get weak so I don't know anyone who is made out of kale or sugar or even carbohydrates now carbohydrates are useful and something you probably want to eat unless you have epilepsy you can go without carbs for a while if you want you to lose weight or for a specific thing but if you do it for a long period of time you will hate your life because we're less than 1% carbohydrate we are actually an equivalent percent of minerals but we're made out of protein and fat and water so if you're saying all right I'm going to do a solid for the Earth because you've been misled what you find is you're eating a whole bunch of these plant-based proteins that don't have a lot in common with your proteins and you don't have the right raw materials because your amino acid ratios are off and something else happens that's magical you guys have probably heard of collagen protein right so I made collagen into a billion dollar industry category and collagen is important because it's not just a collection of amino acids the building blocks of protein when you eat proteins proteins act as signals into your body things called peptides that are present the reason you feel good when you put collagen in your coffee is that there's signaling molecules called D and tripeptides that actually talk to your body they're one of the ways of getting a signal into your operating system so it's fascinating how all this works but when someone says I have this very highly processed product like brown rice protein it was cheap but it doesn't do the same thing in fact you need to eat twice as much of that as you do animal protein to get the protein equivalence into your body so imagine that you were one of those well we're in Columbia I can say this there was a time when people would take two condoms full of cocaine double bagged and then swallow a whole bunch of them and then fly to the US right well they ate the cocaine why did they die because it wasn't bioavailable plants do the same thing to their proteins so that you can't use them because they don't want you to use them those proteins are in the plants either for defense or for reproduction but plants are not primarily protein based so when we're like we're going to go get all these proteins it's because someone somewhere said you got to get enough protein there two kinds of protein I'd like to tell you about the first one is called sarin the nerve gas it's been used in terrorist attacks it comes from Beans so it's a plant-based protein so using vegan logic therefore all plant-based proteins will kill you right I mean it's just logical or there's spider venom if you eat that it's probably not going to be very good for you so therefore all animal-based proteins will kill you or what if different proteins did different things in your body well they do so you want proteins that your body can absorb and make full use of and that contain larger amounts of minerals and that don't contain things that block your minerals and you can be vegetarian and do this because you have access to cheese you have access to eggs you have access to butter and actually yogurt and stuff like that assuming you're not sensitive to it so that's why you can have countries that are primarily vegetarian and they do fine because they're getting their saturated fats and they're getting animal-based proteins they're just not eating the animals so I would encourage you if you're on a 100% plant-based diet for some reason to at least add ghee back into it because your life will change and you'll be able to better absorb the polyphenols that are in it so your raw materials protein high quality absorbable protein including collagen protein is absolutely necessary the anti-aging studies that I've cited there's a case for doing 0.6 gram of high quality animal protein per pound of body weight that's probably not enough but there are some studies that show that that can work the predominant belief here is about one gram of protein per pound of lean body weight so when I weigh 300 lb and I wanted to weigh 200 I would have needed 200 g of protein a day if you know you had 30 GRS of protein this morning raise your hand okay a few people if you ate protein but you have no idea how much raise your hand okay good deal you probably ate 10 grams of protein maybe 12 so if you find yourself always hungry you find yourself not putting on muscle getting fat an easy thing to do is to increase protein and actually just pay attention for a day to say huh it turns out I only ate 60 gram of protein you can easily absorb 30 gram per meal and if it's high quality protein you can actually do 50 grams of meal if you need to I do about 50 grams of meal but I'm not a small person so I need a little bit more protein than you know a 4ot tall uh woman would for instance but you still need the protein because protein also builds bones so getting those raw materials if you have that and then you pick up something heavy you'll grow muscle if you don't have that you pick up something heavy you'll produce stress hormones because your body couldn't respond to the signal to improve that you put into it the other two just preeminent but boring things are vitamin D that's vitamind d.com d a i talked about those yesterday this is vitamin D3 which comes from animals there's vitamin A there are lots of people say well just take your plant-based vitamin A it's beta carotene your body can't convert beta carotene efficiently into retinol which is a proper form of vitamin A when people get into Vitamin A they don't get macular degeneration their eyes work better and many many systems in the body work better Vitamin K is missing from plant-based Foods unless you like natto who's tried natto uh one two people did you like it no so natto is a traditional Japan can you've had Nat like you probably like it can't eat it you can't eat it okay good deal so Nat's a traditional Japanese food and I got to give it to the Japanese like their selections of seaweed very high minerals and they when they eat small amounts of soy traditionally it's always fermented heavily to get rid of all the bad stuff in soy natto is fermented until it looks like mucus and it tastes like mucus with a little bit of peanut butter in it but it does contain vitamin K2 but you get it mostly from dairy or you can get it in a pill and you won't get very much from industrial Dairy but you'll get it from grass-fed Dairy especially if it's cultured butter but if it's mechanically separated butter you don't get very much of it which is why you get the Cary gold you get the butter from New Zealand and magically it's more yellow because it has more nutrients but it just tastes different your body likes it somehow that's your meat operating system going I got myself some K2 I love this and it just tastes good and it's not just the flavor it's the nutrient sensors in your body that are invisible to you that's why you drink danger coffee it's like I don't know it tastes like really good coffee but there's something else that's your nutrients start going minerals thank God I needed minerals right so vitamin D drives minerals into the body so if you go to the vitamind d.com website and you pick up minerals 101 or you're maybe already taking a multimineral there are multiple companies who make those and you get that combination of things everything you do will work better so if you want to have your energy working well what you would do is you would make sure you have these first before you take the sexy neut Tropics before you take the stuff that enhances libido or whatever supplements you're into you just start with the basics because we know they're missing from our food the next thing is fiber like Dave I thought you hated plants I don't hate plants they hate us it's totally different see they told me not to laugh at my own jokes but I just make myself laugh all the time so you guys are just have to deal with it all right so when you get enough fiber without anti nutrients what you're going to find is it changes the microbes in your gut and you need healthy bacteria in your gut and you can take probiotics I love probiotics but if they don't have anything to eat it won't work and one of the best sources is something called AA gum because you're looking for fiber without plant poisons in it so you'll find these people go well I'm from the 70s we learned if you eat whole wheat because fiber Now Let's ignore all the other stuff that's in whole wheat that's sucking minerals out of your body or I'm going to eat brown rice because of fiber Let's ignore the 80 times higher arsenic levels in brown rice versus white rice there's a very good reason that countries where rice is a traditional food if you were not the poorest of the poor you would eat polished rice and if you were a peasant and you had no choice you would eat brown rice they know it's hard on the gut but literally because fiber it's the same thing you guys seen Idiocracy the movie only a c all right if not this is your homework you need to watch idiocracy I predicted the future really really well and this is about the world's dumbest man who gets frozen chronically and wakes up 200 years later when he's the world's smartest man and the world is starving to death because they're spraying Gatorade on the crops because electrolytes we're doing that right now because fiber the presence of fiber doesn't cancel out the fact that there could be cyanide in it but the thinking is well if that's fiber it's good for me no there's no evidence for that so if you are from a part of the world where your ancestors ate beans and legumes you probably tolerate them well but you probably don't cook them right because your grandmother's like you got to soak them for two days or you have to pressure cook them even something like quinoa which is indigenous to Peru um hippies are buying so much quinoa that locals are starving because they can't get access to their foods but when they cook it they ferment it for several days if you eat quinoa it needs to be pressure cooked or it's not actually safe to eat and even then quinoa and flaxes and things like that they have high levels of phytoestrogens remember yesterday we have a 50% drop in testosterone across our species maybe eating more plant estrogens because fiber is a stupid idea I'm not saying you can't eat any of those Foods I'm just saying eat less of them and if you do well on beans and legumes then cook them very well but there are tons of people no matter what you do to them they're not going to work well for you and people say but I can get all the protein I need from my beans and rice it's a complete protein yeah you're going to get 500 grams of carbs to get enough protein that doesn't work very well I don't want you to be protein deficient I don't want you to have too much protein either but I'd rather you have a little too much than not have enough and then they'll say whatat about eating the rainbow okay do you think our ancestors throughout most of the year had a rainbow of foods to select from they they flew kumquats in from Florida no they didn't do any of that stuff so how is it that that's what we have to do but our ancestors didn't do it they were surviving on potatoes and cabbage all winter long with a few hunks of pork if they were lucky depending on what part of the world you're from right if you ancestors are Hawaiian the rules are different right from a tropical part of the world right but this is actually how it works and it's fascinating to me because what we're really needing from these plants is polyphenols and we're going to go back in time a little bit when we were first establishing trade routes across the continents do you know what the first thing we carried was you want to guess salt we said pay people in Salt the salt we used back then had all of the minerals that you needed it was Rock salt it was sea salt and it was so precious that people would die trying to transport it over the Himalayas wow and right after that those tread Roots were for herbs and spices and tea and coffee why is that because we need polyphenols they are thousands of times more dense in oregano and Rosemary and Thyme and cumin and all of the traditional herbs those are Mother Nature's multivitamins and we've used those medically and we've used them for culinary reasons because they're very high in plant-based compounds that are good for us but they're low in all the other stuff that's bad for us because you only need a tablespoon of oregano and you get massive benefits from doing that so if you're worried about getting enough plants you actually should be worried about getting enough polyphenols the colored compounds in plants so literally 4X the number of herbs put on your food when you cook it'll taste better and you'll get huge health benefits and then if you just didn't have the salad you'll be okay and you can eat the salad too it's good for you unless it has parasites on it by the way 90% of parasite infections come from eating raw vegetables not meat but it's almost like pea doesn't want you to know that do you guys know what Peta stands for I think it's people for the eating of tasty animals but I've been I've been trolling them for 20 plus years I just I love pea they're one of my most fun toys all right we already talked about healthy fats as raw materials I'll just say your brain is 45% saturated fat your body doesn't make a lot of fats on its own but one fat that it will make is pinic acid which is a saturated fat mother's milk is more than 50% saturated fat yet we go around saying it's bad for you it's not bad for you how many times have you had a family member say you can't eat that because cholesterol right well the American Heart Association this this is a great story we have time for it I was at a very exclusive mansion in Malibu overlooking the water and there's about 50 people in the room Peter grber is there like Hollywood Elite are there and I go in and I talk to a lady she goes I'm curious what you have to say I'm a cardiothoracic surgeon I'm like well this is going to be good so you know just just real respectful and I gave a talk and I talked about saturated fat and I talked about thyroid I talked about all these things and at the end of it the lady stands up she said I'm the president of the American Heart Association and I'm like and by the way two days before I was talking with uh Nina turt about a class action lawsuit against the AHA to stop the nonsense they were doing and she stands up and she she looks at all these people and she said everything he said is right we figured out 5 years ago that eating cholesterol doesn't do anything bad to you but no one will listen eat your eggs it's okay unless you're allergic okay like that's how it works like this is this is humans This Is Us Now what I want you to do after we do these first two steps of energy success is pick a Target area when you do the quest when you read the book what you're going to find is there's five areas that people are really interested in and I know this because when I opened the world's first biohacking facility underneath Arnold Schwarzenegger's office in Santa Monica I brought in all the gear that I used to hack myself and said let's make this accessible to the public started looking at what are people actually asking for and there's five big buckets one of them is I want more muscle one of them is I want my energy back and I want less fat too because usually when you have extra fat you have less energy because the energy that should have gone into your brain or your muscles went to Muffin Top another one is I want my brain to work better I just want my brain back I'm forgetting words I can't focus another one is I want Stress Management I want resilience I just feel like I can't I'm anxious all the time I can't handle it for the first time since we've measured this people are now asking for stress handling abilities more than weight loss even though we have more obese people than ever before people are so stressed like take care of my stress and I'll deal with my fat okay that's that's not a good place to be in but this is actually where we put our society so they're asking for that and they're asking sometimes for additional cardiovascular I don't like getting tired when I walk up the stairs I'm too tired to play with my grandkids stuff like that so you got to pick a goal and if you say I want to be healthy okay so I'll ask you this when you woke up this morning if one of the first three thoughts in your mind was I want to be healthy today raise your hand are you really sick there you go so thank you I've been there unless you're really sick you will not ask for health because you just want your health back and you would do anything to get it right and you're working on it you're in the right place how many people said today I want to be optimized nobody oh two people so here's the thing about optimizing I don't want to optimize I want to have my cake and eat it too I don't want to trade off something for something else I want both and we can do this with biohacking right I want all those five things but you got to pick the first one and whichever one you pick it'll pay dividends in the other categories but you focus in one area and that's really really important so when you get that Target area and you start tracking it there's six spheres that are in the the quest that you'll learn about and you just focus on that and maybe pick a secondary goal and then you choose what you're going to do that's going to get that working for you the most and it's in the challenge or it's in the quest and it's in the book just to tell you how to do that just pick one and some people also say I want better sleep or I want my libido back if you deal with these six spheres in the quest those will happen automatically and if not in the book there's a couple extra sections on those things but those aren't primary goals for most people and then the fourth thing you want to do is send the right signals so if your goal is this and you're sending a signal for this and you don't get results who would ever thought and here's a prime example I want to build muscle but I also want to have cardiov muscular capacity so I'm going to run 5 miles a day and I'm going to lift weights there's a name for that you know what it is overtraining so if you want cardiovascular stuff you should do what I talked about yesterday which is going to take you 15 minutes a week and then you can go lift some weights if you want to but if you're going to grind out the miles because it feels good because you meditate on a treadmill or something like that well I support your your right to do stuff that makes you happy I also question whether you're going to like your hips and your knees when you're 60 because very very few people can keep that up and if that's how you manage your biology and then you can't do it anymore you're going to have an uncomfortable transition period And if instead you conserved your joints by getting your cardio in ways that were more effective you're much more likely to be 100 years old and walking around and cooking your own eggs so that's that's how I look at it there but if you wanted muscles and you're running you're probably not going to get it because doing a ton of cardio teaches your heart and your body to do one thing and doing a ton of weight training teaches it to do another so you pick a goal that's first and I would suggest you probably need enough muscle mass first because that's very potently anti-aging you don't want to be a balloon animal by the way bodybuilder is some of the best biohackers out there but if you carry way too much muscle mass that's not good for you either from a cardiovascular or a cancer perspective so you want to be what the New York Times called me almost muscular like winning and the thing that's the biggest trick that you're going to learn when you do the quest and you'll learn when you read the book is missing it's recovery that's our next one so to recover the exercise is the signal but the signal that you should transform comes from quickly returning to Baseline so when you do the AI bike at upgrade Labs you do a 20 second Sprint and then you do breathing exercises to calm your nervous system afterwards so when your body says there was a Potential Threat that's why you must have been running or maybe why you were picking up heavy stuff now I'm safe now I have enough nutrients oh it's so easy to add those nutrients back in to build more capacity but if you send a signal that says I'm not safe because you overtrained even if you have enough nutrients the body says I'll use those nutrients to be ready for the next threat and it won't be adaptive putting on muscle getting healthier it'll be stress hormones it'll be disturbed sleep and so your goal is signal nutrients recovery and safety and you can do this right after workout you can do deep breathing exercises to just calm down and it's not like this is even necessarily knew I interviewed Frank Zayn One of the most legendary bodybuilders ever on my podcast a while ago he's in his 70s now and it's like Dave the whole time I worked out I was doing breath work I was meditating every day I play the flute to relax like this big bodybuilder guy like it was it was like talking to a monk because he learned to have the physique he wanted he had to recover and he had to have the calmness you had to be able to do that and you can learn to turn on that signal of safety all the time you can learn to turn it on after a workout or if you let your meat operating system be in charge it'll be stressed and jangled and doing all sorts of stuff that isn't in your best interests so this is why a mindfulness practice is why almost any of the quests that you do in mind Valley are going to benefit you because you're going to learn how to do that which is the world's a safe place there is abundance therefore I can be young and strong for a very long period of time if the world is not a safe place or there is not abundance because you didn't learn how to eat then you don't get the results you want and then you're frustrated and what do you do you work even harder and it's not how to do it and the next thing you want to do is the hard part it's evaluate so up here we talked about picking a Target in tracking it the evaluation stage is when you say all right how did I do so I've been tracking it are my numbers going up are they going down am I happier am I more calm am I achieving whatever that goal is and if you're not your meat operating system is going to tell you oh don't pay attention to that it's going to tell you you're doing fine I like what you're doing eat more Cheetos well when you use raw numbers like that you can see whether you're going up or down sometimes having an accountability partner having a community around you having friends you can talk to about this because they're also biohacking this is really important and it's one of the reasons the biohacking conference in June is coming on in Orlando because you almost 3,000 people there who are all doing this like oh what happened to your HRV score when you tried to zic what happened when you did this and we all share but because you can become data driven it's not not just about how you feel how you feel is important but your body will lie to you about how you feel one of the things it'll do you stand up in the morning and here there's Netflix donuts and a couch and here there's an exercise bike or a gym no the rational part of you is like totally I should go exercise but if you feel it body's like man that's the sexiest couch like wouldn't it just be nice and this looks so ATT attractive it feels attractive and this looks really bad right you know one thing up here but it doesn't match what your body's telling you right this is why evaluation is important because when you can evaluate with numbers you can say it doesn't work I did an experiment um Jesus is going back about 10 years and you're going to have to stick with me for a second because like why is he talking about this and yes this is a TMI kind of discussion and plug your ears so there's a old DST equation so I'm into longevity and ancient practices are interesting dsts were actually interested in living forever so what they said is they said for men there's an equation for how frequently you should ejaculate if you want to live forever you guys know the equation age in years minus 7 / 4 so if you were 49 or something then you would subtract seven which 42 and then divide by four whatever that number is that you ejaculate only like that number of days you know once every whatever that number of days is and I'm like this sounds like complete I'm going to prove those guys wrong so for a year I tracked my ejaculation frequency my sex frequency because it turns out it is positive of sex without ejaculating it was very difficult and the daily happiness score before I go to bed like how much do I like my life scale of 1 to 10 like goes today do I like my like what I'm doing with my companies do I like my family life do I like my friends and I'll be damned there is an ejaculation hangover so when men ejaculate what happens is our testosterone drops precipitously for the next 24 hours and so what the dsts were teaching was that for men orgasms if they're accompanying ejaculation they're depleting they say they you walk away diminished but for women you walk away undiminished so isn't that interesting so women need to have orgasms because their emotional intelligence is higher and and it's it's proven health benefits that's why you hear Emily talking about sex magic like that's finally coming into the world of biohacking see what I did there that was a dad joke one of you got it so I published my data in one of my books for a whole year but but the da was said if you really want to live forever Just ejaculate once every 30 days and keep the length of your orgasm to under an hour and I'm like what the absolute like all right I got to so I did this for a year and I will tell you that they're right it it really does diminish men to ejaculate all the time that's why porn is so toxic but they never published an equation for women because I don't know I guess only men wanted to live forever back then so I came up with the equation for women and it was based on a lot of science you guys ready for it okay it's the number of orgasms until you feel like you're going to die plus two but that's why you evaluate daily happiness was easy to [Music] do all right let's do some Q&A and by the way yes men can have hourong orgasms it's painful your abs hurt I don't know if you want to try that I got a question over here I'll repeat it the question was I got addicted to bulletproof collagen bars they're amazing um and now they're off the market what's going on the answer is I don't know they kick me off the board so I have a major Stak and bulletproof but I have no visibility into what they're doing so I I I still use their inner fuel they're Prebiotic I use bulletproof collagen brain octane oil um but I don't have control over what they make or don't make and I am not responsible for the spinach kale smoothie that they make i i a question here so if you could only have three foods and three supplements what would you pick three foods and three supplements definitely for supplement it' be vitamin Dake and it' be minerals 101 what would the third supplement be it would probably be a methylated B vitamin multivitamin kind of a supplement um but I almost want to say aniracetam which is my favorite neut Tropic uh which is one that when I take it this is the only neut Tropic that increases memory Io if you're wondering why I can remember all this stuff it's cuz I weird mental structures let me do that but it's also because I take a cognitive enhancer that increases bandwidth to get things in and out of my memory you have to read the book I'm kidding it's anorm a ni r a c t a m i just I've been on that stuff for 25 years it's the only one of that family that's also stress reducing U but it just has also brain preservation Powers I've been on it for 20 plus years oh you know what I'm going to change my supp thing just give me um powdered liver cuz has all B vitamins and some other stuff and I hate eating liver so I don't really want that to be one of my foods but it would have to be if I had three foods it would definitely be ribey um probably raw honey just CU you need a source of carbs and that's one that doesn't leave a lot of residue what would my third food if I going have three probably Yura nigiri that's salmon egg sushi because salmon eggs are the most nutrient-dense thing after liver you'll get in fact indigenous tribes would dry salmon eggs even in times of war between tribes they would trade dried salmon eggs from Coastal people with Inland people to give to the pregnant women because it made for healthier babies and they're like yeah we're fighting now but you know Seven Generations from now we'll probably be screwing each other so here you have some fish eggs so there's that cool question all right u i see in the red over here oh sorry okay here we go is there ever a time that we should be eating fruit or fruit juice and if so what fruits in what form ah is there ever a time for fruit or fruit juice um yeah eat fruit for dessert after a meal so you don't get a blood sugar Spike if you eat a lot of fruit it will raise your triglycerides that's what fructose does even if it comes in natural natural fruit um so you can have some fruit I eat fruit there's nothing wrong with it some fruits are way more higher glycemic than others like bananas tend to do that but you may do well on them so fruit after fat and protein is okay I don't recommend fruit in the morning because it's going to set you up for blood sugar spikes all day long but generally people do better when they have fruit after dinner or after lunch at the end of the meal and in terms of fruit juice if you have food poisoning or you have really severe hypoglycemia orange juice surprisingly works really well like what orange juice for food poisoning it's because when you have bad bacteria in your gut making something called lipopolysaccharides This is the bacterial Toxin and endotoxin when they get orange juice they stop making toxins because they like the sugar so you could take activated charcoal and orange juice and you'd do better off but otherwise why would you juice a fruit when you could just eat it so there's that um all right we have a mic passer so there you go okay cool hey Dave uh thank you for everything uh just talking for all the men you know that stop listening after you can come one once a month um that doesn't count if you don't ejaculate right if you learn how to do that it doesn't the question is if you learn how to not ejaculate but you you're retaining your seamen um yeah that doesn't count that's what DS are telling you to do so what I found in that experiment was the less frequently I ejaculated the more often I had sex because you're like horny all the time like can we go again like how about tomorrow right and since we already we've already shown and there really are medical studies about this that orgasms are beneficial healthwise for women and it's up to you to decide how many and how often like like U but generally speaking if you're in a relationship with someone and you're like always ready you're much more likely to do something that's really pleasurable for both of you and you can learn to have like whole body orgasms for hours as a man uh and when that happens it's it's pretty intense have you make any experiments on using that for sexual transmutation yeah u in fact I wrote about this in I think game changers was the book so sexual transmutation is really a form of Sex Magic Emily's talking about this as well and there are certain non-ordinary stat we can enter sometimes people use plant medicine I talked about it yesterday breath work all these things one of those is sacred sexuality and when you get into these really highly almost like your tripping states which can happen um if you put an intention into that that can actually make things happen and the energy that you don't expend goes back into your body and when I first started teaching this about 2014 I had a bunch of guys come up to me and I say guys in particular because like this doesn't work for women if if women do that I'm not going to have orgasms it's depleting like that's not necessarily where you want to be unless you're choosing that for a specific reason so the kind of things I would hear was I didn't ejaculate for 30 days and I started two companies I didn't ejaculate for 30 days and I got a raise and a promotion and I love my life and I'm that way now like quite often when I have sex I'm like I'm not going to ejaculate um but let's go as long as you want because you can learn control over that it's just it's an act of U in fact John Gray teaches at best the the Mars and Venus guy and uh yeah we have time for this so the trick is that right before you're going to ejaculate you tighten your butthole so you have to learn how to relax your butt and when you do that you can not ejaculate so there you go TMI conversations all over the place all right I've been hearing some concerns about Himalayan salt one being that the pink color is actually from tin and then the other thing which I don't know if it's true or not I heard of that and then the other thing that there's micr traces of explosives because that's how they're mining it I actually had a friend who got salt uh confiscated at TSA going through because uh they had the trace of explosives and they took it from her interesting it turns out there are different qualities of Himalayan salt the best quality Himalayan salt is mined by hand and it's ground with wooden Grinders or stone Grinders and that's perfectly clean and the Himalayan salt that comes from Pakistan that's exploded and often times it's ground on things that contain brass which has toxic Metals in it like tin you you'll find comes from that so this is a processing issue so the 18 pounds of Himalayan salt for six bucks is probably not how to do it uh another company is um Redmonds sea salt in Utah which is pretty clean um so actually my time is up anyway so there you go the quality of salt matters it's a real issue okay on that note oh we got one more all right yeah yeah so I have a I think it's an important question uh it's for the men but on behalf of the ladies or also the men who like men so for those times when the guy does ejaculate what is the bioh hack for him to be ready again faster and maybe like again after that oh man that's okay having adequate testosterone helps a lot which is a function of what you eat having adequate blood flow helps a lot as well and there are nitric oxide supplements like n11.com is the best that I've found write that down so just a letter n one and then the letter or then the letter O then one.com and the guy who created that has a machine that tests for nitric oxide the beat supplement you're taking now probably doesn't work and I just did a big podcast about the the chemistry of nitric oxide and it turns out they're using depleted beats that cannot raise your nitric oxide so if you're not really noticing like wellow I got veins a half hour after you take it it's not working Arginine doesn't work for most people for instance so that would be one thing the other thing is a little bit more esoteric spiritual but the interaction of the woman and the man is a really big thing so I mean there's techniques without getting too juicy here but you keep them inside you you you have to worship the and it'll wake back up oh do worship worship okay that's your job young lady all right never ended a talk on that guys thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Mindvalley Talks
Views: 4,180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: biohacking, anti-aging, boost energy levels, Dave Asprey, reverse aging, longevity, health optimization, increase vitality, biohacker's guide, energy enhancement, age defying, biological enhancement, Bulletproof Diet, youthful vitality, energy boosting techniques, rejuvenation strategies, life extension, performance optimization, biohacking secrets, rejuvenating exercise, Asprey biohacking, anti-aging lifestyle, health hacking, age reversal tips, biohacking energy
Id: qNdEjrkzTl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 1sec (4381 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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