6 Strange Einstein's Habits That Could Have Contribute To His Genius

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[Music] some say that great minds think alike and that's up for debate but they do seem to have one thing in common they have some strange habits Albert Einstein one of the smartest people ever had a lot of quirks like not wearing socks and napping with a metal spoon in his hands can you become a genius if you follow his example well let's find out number one no socks ever yes Albert Einstein despised socks for some reason he never wore them at all he wrote once in a letter to his wife Elsa that he had to wear high boots all the time just to hide his bare feet how could that benefit him not much probably but at least he had a reasonably strong immune system to stand against cold weather now seriously the only reason Albert Einstein didn't wear socks was because in his childhood it took him just a day or two to wear out a hole in a new sock and that says something about Albert Einstein's mind his thoughts were so important for him that any issue even annoying socks wasn't worth the distraction he just couldn't stand it so socks were immediately banned for life number two building houses of cards another habit that Albert Einstein adopted in his childhood was building houses of cards one time he even built a 14-story house if you've ever tried building your own card house you know how much patience and concentration this process takes I'm not saying you have to start building houses of cards to become a genius but there's one important point about this habit that's worth a closer look when our brain is busy with something mechanical it sets free our ability of abstract thinking the more concentration needed the greater the possible effect will be it's never wasteful to keep your mind busy something like building a house of cards suits this purpose perfectly number three playing the violin well young Einstein was mostly interested in houses of cards his mother wasn't so fond of it she decided to come up with another exercise for her son that would be more useful so she chose the violin at first young Einstein couldn't stand it but when he was 13 he heard Mozart for the first time and fell in love with it after that he never stopped playing the violin again despite his first reaction Einstein was curious enough to change his mind about violin playing also there's no better rest for your brain than a change of activity tired of doing math play guitar tired of playing guitar go for a walk try out some photography our brains love when we switch from work to abstract visual or audio information but don't forget a normal rest in the form of healthy sleep can't be replaced by anything Albert Einstein sure knew that as well number 4 sleeping 10 hours a day just imagine that's three hours more than an average American sleeps nowadays it's not that Einstein was lazy or a sleepyhead that's for sure we all know that a healthy night of sleep is good for your brain but generally seven to nine hours is enough still it's important to remember that we're all different for some of us six hours are all right and others need all ten like Einstein he dedicated his whole life to thinking about the universe asking daring questions and finding the brightest answers to them it's only logical that he needed more sleep but there's more to this habit than you think strangely enough this quirk somewhat breaks the tradition of other geniuses most of them had strange sleep cycles but in the opposite way sleeping only four or even two hours a night for example Charles Dickens was an absolute insomniac laying his head on a pillow only when the Sun rose and Nikola Tesla was an unfortunate victim of nightmares and couldn't sleep normally he often said that he recharged his battery by having naps during the day and you know what despite sleeping for 10 hours a night Einstein didn't restrict himself from having naps either you see Einstein had a strange routine linked to his daily naps while he drifted into dreamland he held a metal spoon in his hand and had a metal plate lying on the floor right underneath the spoon when he fell asleep he would drop the spoon on the plate the resulting sound was enough to wake him up immediately but why would he do that to answer this question we'll need to investigate another of his habits five daily walks healthy sleep and exercise every day in the fresh air doesn't sound like the key to brilliance more like a piece of advice from your mom but hey first of all yes your mom was right all along and second we already know that the sleeping habits of Einstein aren't that conventional Einstein wasn't really a person with a passion for exercise and a healthy lifestyle his walks had nothing to do with benefiting his health the thing is while we walk we're not busy our mind is left to itself that's why a long enough walk can put you in a sort of trance it'll allow you to relax and think about things differently this is exactly what Einstein was looking for to switch his way of thinking to reset his mind to find that one brilliant fresh thought that explains everything remember Einsteins naps with a spoon in hand he did that for the same reason when we fall asleep our thoughts start to uncontrollably transform into something unexpected it's believed that most of Einstein's groundbreaking ideas first appeared in his dreams number six adopting routine work as a habit Einstein always thought that his humble work in the government Patent Office in Bern was all he wanted even though his salary was low and the job itself was like boredom incarnated in fact this boredom is what Einstein loved about his work when we're doing something monotonous that doesn't require any skill or mastery our brain quickly adapts to it soon we learn to follow the routine without even thinking this allows our thoughts to drift freely from one thing to another you see a pattern here all these habits contribute to almost the same thing Albert Einstein had no recipe for his genius after all he just followed his needs to put it simply he just wanted to be free in his thoughts which helped him develop theories that change science forever what's more important about adopting habits is improving yourself getting good sleep taking a daily walk or starting to play a musical instrument are not bad places to start at all so what habits helped you to achieve some brilliant results in your life let us know down in the comment section if you learned something new today then give this video a like and share it with a friend hey don't go anywhere just yet we have over 2,000 cool videos for you to check out all you have to do is pick the left or right video click on it and enjoy stay on the bright side of life
Views: 444,878
Rating: 4.836813 out of 5
Keywords: Albert Einstein, greatest minds, habits of geniuses, habits of genius people, weird habits of famous people, Einstein's quirky habits, Einstein's daily routine, being smart, being successful, how to become successful, success, high IQ, smarter than others, human nature, brain power
Id: 8pikvHWKi8A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 11 2019
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