6 Steps To Prepare a Monologue & Analyze a Character

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I am The Misfits cheetah and I am an actress and I make actually good videos every Monday and Thursday so if you're interested in acting if you are an actor if you're looking to be an actor if you just want to know what acting is like go ahead and subscribe I make a new acting related videos every Monday and Thursday and I thought it would be fun if I gave you guys some advice / ways that I have learned to act things that I use to prepare monologue scenes the prefer auditions since I already show you or tell you how I get my casting calls hang on my agent and stuff like that and I recently found this sheet from college Thank You professor Marc Jacobs and I used to answer all of these questions every time I was preparing a monologue or a scene and I remember I when I directed the Vagina Monologues I also gave a version of the sheet to all of my actors even if you are a new actor or a veteran actor this would really help you because it's going to help you to ask yourself questions that you might not already be asking in order to create a great character or you know get some good chemistry going in the scene those nonverbal things that happen on your face and your body language stuff like that so I'm just gonna go down this sheet and let me know if you're interested in knowing how I memorize monologues how I prepare scenes how I what I do before an audition and I'm prepared I don't know just tell me what else you want to know about acting I can definitely recommend some books so let's go through these six steps so this just says handout one the six steps I don't know where he got it from there are a lot of different types of acting techniques I personally really like some is offski specifically Meisner but maybe I can make some videos exploring different types of acting methods and I can tell you a little bit more about the method that I like and like and like I said before in college I used to sit down and answer all these questions on a separate piece of paper for my character and they would just give me a lot and I really loved some of these questions because it allows you to get into the scene or into the monologue right away without having to warm up I feel like sometimes there's an awkward like moment when you first started monocot especially in an audition wait you're not like right into it and then you just feel like oh okay it's going better or it went really well but right at the beginning sometimes it takes - a little bit to warm up and I know these questions really help so the first question is Who am I what is my present state of being what how do I perceive myself what am I wearing so you know if some people really don't care about what they wear some people when they get into a costume or wear certain dress or something it really makes them feel a certain way so definitely ask yourself what you look like who you are are you in a dentist are you a kid in middle school who are you the second question I really really love this helps me get into the character right away and it is what are my circumstances so what time is it what is around me what just happened what is happening right now and what is about to happen because of course everything that effect that you do affects the way that you are and let's say for example if I just burned my finger but I'm not going to talk about that I've hurt my finger at the scene I could already come in like you know and like do the conversation with the person like I I I need to go you know and maybe you're not saying I burn my finger I have to go to the hospital and all you can say is like I need to go and you can just have the feeling of your finger burning and you can communicate that through your body language and we already without even saying a word you can already be in the scene physically maybe you're the other person in your scene has a huge monologue well you're definitely going to have to figure out ways of physically paying attention to them reacting to what they're saying or what just happen to you or maybe you're antsy about something you can be showing that in your body and three what are my relationships how do I stand in relation to the circumstances and to the other people objects around me your self perception and then how things can change you at every moment because you can already know in your life that you act differently around your friends you act differently around your teachers or around something you don't like something you do like so all of that can change how you are physically I mean your your body language how you react on your face your voice all of that when you see a dog or a baby your voice is like you know or maybe somebody you don't like you maybe don't talk as much or you talk a little bit more monotone so definitely the relationships you have with other people every relationship you have definitely affects you and your character the character that you're playing question number four is what do I want let's say you are in a scene with your boss and you really want a promotion or you really want to take on a certain project so you are trying to encourage them persuade them into giving you that opportunity that job that raised whatever it is so you're going to try different tactics in order to get that and depending on what you want you're going to try different tactics that is super important definitely establishes the relationship that you have with that person number five is what is my obstacle so a lot of the time in monologues or scenes films and general TV shows the entertaining part is to see somebody that has some kind of obstacle something that they have to get through because if it was easy if you were just watching somebody succeed that would be pretty boring identify what your obstacle is sometimes it isn't as obvious but maybe if it's not in the text verbatim you can create it in your head based on the character that you're playing and the story that you've created for it or the story that is in it I definitely recommend if you are going to be performing a monologue from a play to read the play if you're going to be doing a monologue for my film or a TV show definitely watch that because it was going to help you develop the character a lot better and number six is what do I do to get what I want so how can I achieve my objective what actual tactics am i using in order to do it and what are my actions what am i doing in order to achieve that goal to get through that obstacle to get what I want if you are new to acting or if you've been acting for a while and you feel like maybe something is missing and you really want to get more into your character I would definitely recommend sitting down with each scene or each monologue that you're working on and just answering all of these questions and it's really going to help you to get into that character because at least for me whenever I do a cold reading or whenever I read something for the first time in general even if it's at home if I say it out loud and let's say I'm just reading it like this it still doesn't feel like I am the character yet because it takes me a little while once I'm in the monologue once I'm in the scene to really feel like that character or like I'm performing as well as I would want to and all of these questions really help out because let's say even if the monologue is about maybe you are sharing a story that happened to you but then in the middle of the story because you are a teenager you might get distracted by like a cute boy walking by or because you're really stressed out mom in in the monologue you're you know dealing with a kid while you're trying to interact with the other character in the play or in the scene and it's really fun to see the depth of characters when you are performing rather than just straight up saying the lines which some monologues can be very intensive when you're just staring straight into the other characters eyes you know so all these questions are definitely going to help out I'll leave all of this in the description so you guys can copy and paste it and answer all the questions screenshot it whatever you like I would really appreciate if you liked this video and subscribe to my channel and at the end of every video I do feature another channel this is today's feature if you would like to be featured on my next video make sure you subscribe like this video and leave me a comment
Channel: Belgica Paola Rodriguez
Views: 3,213
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: monologue preparation, how to, los angeles, acting channel, belgica paola, how to make a resume on google docs, backstage casting, casting networks, how to start acting without experience, how to memorize fast and easily, how to be an actor, how to find auditions, my casting file, the 6 steps to a great monologue, how to prepare for an audition, tips for actors, how to learn to act, how to start a career in acting, acting monologue, acting advice
Id: Qnwh7R4q27A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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