6 Signs Someone Is Meant For You

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(calm upbeat music) (eye chimes) - [Amanda] Hey, Psycho2Goers, do you struggle to build deeper connections with others? Are you looking for ways to connect with people beyond the surface level? Today's video is sponsored by So Syncd, a place that can match partners' personality types based on the 16 personalities model. You can access it by clicking the link below. Hey, Psych2Goers, welcome back to another video. Thank you all so much (calm music) for the love and support that you've given us, enabling us to make yet another exploration into everyday psychology. So, let's get into it. Ah, sweet love, the happy little feeling that makes the world go round. Nothing quite like it, right? Many people have strong relationships with someone they love. They seem to be inseparable for months, only to call it quits eventually. What causes them to tumble down from their cloud nine? Okay, so you're in a relationship, things are going well, you love each other, but how do you know if you've found the one? And, no, we're not talking about Neo, aka Keanu Reeves from "The Matrix." Though, he sure makes for a devilishly handsome the one. Anyways, here is a list of six signs someone is meant just for you. Number one, they support your dreams. Does your partner support the decisions, little or big, that you make in your life? Are they ready to support you on your journey towards your lifelong dreams? If your partner is not only your number one fan but actively building something together with you, whether that be a business or building a home together, they're most likely meant for you. According to psychological research by Dr. John Gottman, couples tend to last longer and have a stronger relationship when they build something together that is meaningful to them both. Someone who truly cares for you isn't selfish. They genuinely respect you and care what's going on in your life and wanna help you achieve any goals you have along the way. They'll be cheering for you the whole time. Number two, they alter your brain just by thinking of them. Do you find yourself thinking of your love even when they're not around? If so, your relationship is on a strong path. We all know that love makes us feel all happy and fuzzy inside, but what if the one does much more to our brains by thinking of them? According to research from New York's Stony Brook University, real romantic attachment can alter one's biochemical reactions in their brain. So if you can't get your partner out of your mind and you gain a sense of euphoria just thinking of them in the process, they might be meant for you. Number three, you can't wait to introduce them to your friends and family. If you have a partner who you just can't wait to introduce to your closest friends and family, things are looking good. When you feel strongly about someone and things are just right, you want to not only introduce them to the ones you love but get their support and feedback on that person as well. According to a 2014 study, support marshaling for romantic relationships is normal, especially if you can't stop thinking about them. You want your closest friends and family to root for the one you love as much as you. Getting their feedback and security is a stepping stone to moving the relationship into a much deeper place. By introducing them, you are subconsciously looking for the okay to move things further, to a more serious commitment. Once they give you the okay, what's holding you back from further commitment? Number four, they've started using we and us. Has there been a change towards plural pronouns? Oh, boy, there's no turning back now. You're officially in. In fact, according to research from the University of Texas, couples who have a strong bond will more often use plural pronouns. So if you go from the singular pronouns to the we and us, something is going on and it may just be true love. We talked about the importance of your potential partner being attentive and remembering the little things, which is why So Syncd could be the right app for you. They pair couples who have the right amount of similarities to get each other, and just the right amount of differences to create that spark for deeper, meaningful dating. Upon taking the personality test, you discover your personality, such as INFJ, so thoughtful, or ENFP, so curious. Once you've mutually liked each other, you can start messaging. Here are what some people using the app have said. Lily, INFJ, said, "I didn't expect to find love so fast! Our personality types will be tattooed on me somewhere." And Indy, ENFJ, said, "Matching people using personality types is such a simple and powerful concept. So Syncd helped us find love, even in this difficult time. You've really changed our lives. In fact, we're now married! Thank you." Make sure you check out the app in the description box below for more details. We encourage you to try it out and give yourself a chance to find deeper love. Number five, they've moved on from their past heartbreaks. Does your partner continue to talk about their ex in a longing way, or do they talk about them disrespectfully as if they're still holding onto a grudge? If so, something else could be going on there. It can be pretty obvious when a partner isn't over their ex, they may still have feelings for them, but the one for you is only going to have you in their sight. They won't be thinking about their ex often and instead, their mind will be on you. Remember sign number two? If you're thinking about your partner often and it makes you feel happy or fuzzy inside, they should be thinking of you too, not their ex. And number six, you get each other, you connect. There are dates where you understand and get each other on a surface level, and then there are deeper connections. If you've found the one, it's likely they actually get you on a deeper level, you share the same ideas, core values and genuinely like who they truly are. Everything about them you love, their personality, their little flaws, you love every part of them. Yes, things can be annoying sometimes, but, hey, that doesn't stop you from loving them, and it's not always on your mind. If they're meant for you, the little things don't drive you crazy, instead they're just another imperfection that you love about them. Are you thinking of that special someone while watching this video? Do you think this person is meant for you? Is your heart all warm and fuzzy just thinking of them? Do let us know in the comments below. If you found this video interesting be sure to hit the like and subscribe button and share it with someone searching for their soulmates. Thanks so much for watching and we'll see you soon.
Channel: Psych2Go
Views: 768,099
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Keywords: signs someone is meant for you, are we meant to be, signs you're meant to be together, 6 Signs Someone Is Meant For You, is he for me, is she the one, is he the one, are they the one, signs you found the one, relationship, relationships, relationship advice, dating, dating advice, dating tips, relationship tips, psych2go, psych 2 go, psychtogo, psych to go, love, love advice, love tips
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 42sec (402 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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