6 reasons WHY you should get a vintage synthesizer!

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hey and thank you so much for watching i'm aspen craft this is a follow-up video to my last one where i gave you six reasons for not getting a vintage synthesizer i was overwhelmed by the comments and thank you so much by the way sorry i didn't have the time to answer all of them as i usually do but i had so much to do so you have to forgive me this time i thought i'd be doing a follow-up video as i promised in the last one as well where i gave you six good reasons for getting a vintage synthesizer so uh here we go reason number one for getting a vintage synthesizer is you want it what better reason than to get it you want it go get that vintage synthesizer reason number two and this is a very important reason for me personally nostalgia you see nostalgia that's a big thing i live by nostalgia i love nostalgia i love going back to that place where i started in the early 80s i love the smell i love the looks i love everything about vintage synthesizers gym machine samplers and using these synthesizers turning them on smelling that old electronics warm up all of that give me the inspiration i need to make my most beautiful music i don't get that same kicker out of new hardware i don't get that kicker at all out of software but i use new hardware i use software as well because they are great tools no question but the nostalgia factor is high with vintage gear i just love it and that's all the reason i need for staying with vintage hardware reason number three maintenance you see all tech old electronics are usually very fixable okay it might cost but you will get it fixed if you want to when your new hardware synthesizer break down in four years what are you going to do then it's basically made up of surface mounted components not made to be repaired so keep that in mind tech is usually very fixable at a cost yes but newtek not so much reason number four no usb no need to hook it up to a computer no need to do anything but play really reason number five and this will be controversial i know but you can't make authentic sounding 70s or 80s synth pop pop music synth music without vintage hardware i firmly believe that you can come close with new hardware emulating old or software for that matter but the combined result the combined sound of vintage synthesizers vintage converters minted reduced bit lengths etc his noise that combined sound profile cannot be emulated a hundred percent with the new hardware or software so if you're looking for the most realistic authentic sounding music if you make music with your gear i hope so then you can't do it alone with new tech i can already see hordes running to their keyboards to shame me online maybe maybe not please let me know in the comment section what you actually think about that statement i believe in it and that's why i live by and reason number six investment vintage synthesizers are they a good investment well yes and no you see i grew up in the 80s i was born in 1969 so in the 80s i was a teenager and i have that strong nostalgic feeling towards that gear i grew up with and gear i lusted after back then and as many of us in my generation grew up earn great money we could afford to buy some of that gear so if you bought a jupiter eight five years ago you could probably sell it now for a lot more and it goes for insanely amounts of money that's true and that will probably still hold true in 10 to 15 maybe 20 years from now but when my generation dies and we will die then all the other generations coming up after us they don't have that nostalgia factor attached to that gear at all so they won't probably be interested as much in that role in jupiter 8. they have gone on to new and better things in their mind so if you want to make an investment buy the vintage gear now and sell it in five to ten years and cash in on it because if you wait too long you won't make that kind of money and that is my prophecy towards that argument that sins are an investment they can be but they can also not be but enjoy it while you have it and make music with it that's my um advice well these are my six reasons for getting a vintage synth and i firmly believe all of them are true and i live by them and so while you're debating whether my reasons hold up or not i'm gonna have myself a bit of double dip and enjoy my latest vintage synth i'm aspen croft and i am the 80s thank you so much for watching and i'll see you next time cheers [Music] uh
Channel: Espen Kraft
Views: 16,749
Rating: 4.9267654 out of 5
Keywords: Retro, Vintage, synthesizer, synth-pop, synthpop, synthwave, retrowave, 80s, digital, analog, roland, yamaha, korg, akai, EMU, norway, aremark, espen, kraft, 6 reasons, you should get it, you want it, maintenance, investment, authentic, hardware, software, why
Id: Z6vLfWqH-I0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 33sec (393 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 04 2021
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