6 Reasons Why Greeter Ministry Is Important

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welcome my name is rusty Richards and I'm glad that you have taken an interest to being a part of our greeter process here at minor Christian Church and I want you to know that being a greeter is a really important ministry here it's not a second-rate ministry or not as important as other ministries but it is just as important as any other ministry in the church including from the worship ban or even myself speak in so I'd like to just begin this session that we're calling from the street to the seeds how to welcome people to our church it's a greeter training 101 session I'd like to just begin by giving you six reasons why greeter ministry is very important the first is new people are gifts from God when a newcomer comes to our church they walk in the door for the first time because God has brought them here we pray that God would would begin drawing people to our church and we pray that he would open up people's hearts and release the harvest and that people would would come to our church so whenever somebody comes we believe they are here because we have prayed and God has brought them here they are literally gifts from God in the Bible in Colossians chapter 4 verse 5 Paul says that we are to live wisely among unbelievers and we're supposed to make the most of every opportunity Paul is stressing that we need to make the most of every opportunity in and that includes in the parking lot in at the front doors and at the Welcome Center during the fellowship time and before the services start as people are sitting there waiting and and after the services are over what better opportunity do we have then the first week or two we get with newcomers in Matthew chapter 25 verse 29 Jesus says to those who who use well what they are given they will be given more and I think the principle from that verse is that God gives us these newcomers gives us gifts he gives us with new people every week and God gifts us based upon our ability to to receive them and if we're not ready for them if we're not praying and asking guidance in the harvest he's not going to send the gift and so that's that's one reason why greeter ministry is so important the second is the church is a family expecting guests we are a family we're not a club when an organization we are a family a big spiritual family and I don't know about you but in my household if if my family has invited people over or has unexpected guests here or guess if we know that there are people coming and we're expecting people like we like minor Christian churches expecting new comers every Sunday my family goes out of the way to clean the house and we get the house ready and we prepare things that countertops are clean and put up all my kids toys we get the food ready if we're going to have food we turn on the front porch lights on and we wait for them at the door and we greet them at the door now if that's what we do in our homes and our lives outside the church how much more should that be for the spiritual family for God's made for the church when people come to our church every week so we're a family expecting guests and I want you to know that in the Bible and Jesus says in mark 937 whoever welcomes others welcomes me and I think the whole point of that is when we have a welcoming God we have a welcoming God and when we welcome people to our church we are joining with God in in welcoming people so we're doing something that's at the heart of God we're doing his will so we welcome people because we have a welcoming God and because we're family expecting guests and because each guest is a gift from God thirdly our first impressions affect other people's first impression they're their impressions of God now I want you to just imagine what it would be like to be a newcomer to come into church for the first time and to wonder the hallways and and just imagine what it'd be like to be ignored by people maybe people smile at you and hand you a bulletin but but you you still wonder around not knowing where to go and then you sit in the sanctuary and you sit through the whole service sitting by yourself in your row by yourself and then you get up and and you leave now what impression would be an ignored through the church service leave on you about God if if God's people ignored you what would that make you feel about how God thinks of you you would probably begin to start thinking that God doesn't care about you and that you don't fit in in his family so I just want you to connect the dots between people's first impressions of Christians and church with their impressions on God and I believe it or not everything in our church is speaking a message to people from from when they pull in the parking lot and they walk in the doors and how they're greeted at the kids check-in counter and how they're greeted at the Welcome Center or not greeted and during the fellowship time in a worship time all that communicates to them that they either deeply matter to God and they deeply matter to us or they don't so we need to understand that first impressions do matter a fourth reason why being a greeter is very important is because it's one of our core values it's our leadership has gotten together and developed some list of core values things that we believe matter to us as a congregation these are the things that describe who we are and why we do what we do and one of those is that we would be a welcoming come Gatien it's part of accomplishing our mission and our vision fifth reason why reader Minister is very important is because there is a sermon that is preached before the sermon is preached now let me explain myself there what I mean is before I get up to preach on a Sunday morning the guest has already heard a message loud and clear through the way they have been received and loved on here at my name Christian Church the way that they're communicated with in the parking lot and the hallways the classrooms are live groups and and as they come and go from from the services preaches a message to them everything we do speaks a message to them and you need to make sure that that message speaks what we wanted to speak and I want to say it's not fair as a pastor and that I can work really hard on a message and deliver the best sermon that I could possibly deliver and yet it doesn't matter because people have already decided before they even hear me open my mouth for the first time if they're coming back or not experts actually say within the first few minutes they've already decided if they're coming back to church or not so I don't think that's fair but that's the reality of it and there's a sermon before the sermon lastly the the sixth reason why we term issues very important is because without relationships new people will be gone in four to six months that's the the research basically people are looking for people that know if they're there and I know their name and they need four to six friends that know them beyond just being an acquaintance in order to keep them connected to the church for the long haul relationships matter in fact they're the most important thing they trump any program or quality program or worship or band or anything relationships are key and that's what's going to keep people to the church for a long haul that's what's going to be the glue hold tight and keep it coming back so those six reasons why Grieder ministry is really important
Channel: Minier Christian Church
Views: 14,685
Rating: 4.8857141 out of 5
Keywords: Rusty, Richards, Greeter, Training, six, reasons, why, greeter, ministry, is, important, minier, christian, church, mcc
Id: m8O_xqD_fvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 25sec (505 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2016
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