6 Reasons Kate Middleton Shines as the Perfect Future Queen |⭐ OSSA

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Princess Catherine is a true favorite among the British royal family hi princess what's your name from choosing her outfits to interactions with others especially with children we've listed six reasons why she's the ideal future Queen number one a modern Royal since joining the royal family Kate has consistently respected traditions and rules she never once got into trouble or let the Royals down and even when things go a little Haywire she's quick to find a way out the Princess of Wales handles her duties responsibly she also brings a fresh perspective to the traditional monarchy are for example she has a history of breaking strict protocols especially when it comes to her appearance last year at the Easter Mass Middleton wore a dress coat she had previously dawned at the 2022 Commonwealth Games the outfit including a hat and earrings from a British brand that cost only £130 grabbed attention however what stood out was her colorful manicure which actually broke the Royal dress code Kate's nails were painted with dark red polish contrary to protocol Norms official events usually require opting for sheer pastel tones for a recent meeting with the president and first lady of South Korea Kate chose a bright red dress and a matching long cape as she stepped out of the car this dress lifted and the cape opened up showing more bare legs than expected for a royal and in October 2020 the celebrity appeared in a Twitter video wearing black which goes against the rules too Queen Elizabeth II almost never wore black to Royal events except for for funerals but is that such a big deal it's more about the little things that show Kate's willingness to bend the rules a bit by the way we would like to talk about her style separately number two a modest fashionista another reason people around the world love Catherine is her impeccable style and frugality despite always looking beautifully dressed she often buys clothes and jewelry from Mass Market Brands and tends to repeat her outfits at the baa awards ceremony last year Kate wore a restitched dress Royal fans recall that she had previously worn this gown to the same event four years earlier but thanks to her accessory choice and hairstyle the look seemed brand new in 2022 Middleton wore a bright yellow midi dress to Wimbledon which she had already been spotted in during the Caribbean tour there are truly a lot of such examples Prince Williams wife also owns a unique jewelry collection as a senior Royal however she often opts to wear earrings that cost about5 this sets the princess apart favorably from Megan marle The Duchess of Sussex on the contrary tends to choose expensive outfits and avoids repeating the same attire some might see this as a Savvy PR move for Catherine yet it's important to mention that she has been teaching her children about modesty from a young age number three a loving wife and mother people also admire Kate for her reserved demeanor dignity and dedication to family the princess is to- Earth nature is evident in her everyday approach despite having a maid she often personally Cooks meals for her husband and children uring that her loved ones eat properly the mom of three loves cooking with her kids Kate remains calm and takes on the mess made in the kitchen with ease she's also remarkably composed when one of the children wants to indulge Prince Louie is particularly skilled at [Music] it however Kate and William don't endorse permissiveness according to a source close to the royal family the couple wants their heirs princes George and Louie and Princess Charlotte to grow up with good manners it is important to them that the children learn how to interact with people in person and behave appropriately the whales kids are not allowed to have social media accounts Catherine believes this will encourage kindness and teach them not to flaunt their privileged position indeed the princess herself enjoys being among the Common People number four a sociable princess despite her status Catherine has no trace of ego she remains open and approachable to others when the princess sees someone she knows she doesn't hide her emotions just like when Middleton spotted her teacher in the crowd I do recognize you my moreover the Royal genuinely enjoys the company of children what your name hi J my brother's called J did you know that good name she's cool with playing Tic-Tac-Toe or making pizza with them very good because of this Kate is often compared to Lady Dy who was known as The People's princess Middleton is also dubbed the dancing queen in 2022 she entertained fans by joining dance performances with B's locals and who could forget when she danced with the Paddington Bear 135 even with all her princess Vibes Kate isn't shy about goofing around in public and you know what Prince William often jumps in and has fun with her too number five her royal haha highness many who've met Kate at public events say she's a real cheerful person for for instance she doesn't hesitate to go down a child's slide even with heels she's up for shearing a sheep with her own hands or trying some obscure delicacy in the [Music] Bahamas even William seems surprised by her adventurous Spirit but that's just how she's always been take for instance an interesting story that happened a decade ago at the Commonwealth Games while chatting with a woman William had his wife's name tag in his hands hanging around her neck Kate playfully acted as if her husband was pulling the ribbon too hard and choking her and recall the moment when her dress suddenly lifted in the wind the Princess of Wales playfully embraced it pretending to be a modern-day Marilyn Monroe indeed she's a great example of not taking oneself too seriously number six healthy lifestyle advocate of course we can't Overlook her enthusiasm for sports because Kate has tried her hand at soccer and even golf You know despite this hiccup Middleton is quite the athlete she likes to run swim in the pool ski and play tennis and the latter she does especially hard Kate even has a personal trainer she's all about promoting a healthy lifestyle for the entire family Kate and William even have organized a few friendly competitions together yeah just recently they hopped on exercise bikes and heels didn't slow her down one bit she's fter oh they even had a foot race in the stadium [Applause] once this is how Catherine draws in as many people as possible to the World of Sports and given the princess's popularity her example could be quite inspiring do you genuinely think she's the ideal future Queen can she truly bring about change change in the monarchy share your thoughts in the [Music] comments
Channel: OSSA
Views: 143,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ossa, celebrities, entertainment, Princess Catherine, Royal Favorite, Future Queen, Royal Humor, Kate Middleton, Duchess Of Cambridge, Prince William, Prince George, Prince Louis, Princess Charlotte, Queen Elizabeth II, Meghan Markle, Lady Di, Princess Diana
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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