6 Query Tuning Techniques - Solve 75% SQL Server Performance Problems (by Amit Bansal)

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[Music] the whole world is joining data platform virtual summit 2020 and there are some very good reasons for that the summit runs 72 hours non-stop continuously round the clock not only the summit even our pre-cons and post cons run round the clock which means the entire package covers all the time zones all the countries whichever part of the world you are in you can join the summit all in all we have more than 200 sessions to choose from and you have about 30 training classes to join this is true value because not only do you attend live but you also get the recordings for it and thanks to our speakers all this is brought to you by more than 170 speakers about 100 are from the community and more than 70 speakers from microsoft let's mention and special thanks to our training class speakers they have agreed that their classes could be recorded and the recordings can be shared with the delegates so hats off to them these are world's best educators we have covered you our technology tracks cover on-prem cloud database administration development advanced analytics artificial intelligence and this time there is a special track industry solution where speakers are going to share real-world experiences with you yes so we have freshly baked sessions for you and you will see that content is king for us highly curated session highly selected session and all this comes to you at an incredibly affordable price in less than 300 you can buy the summit ticket and you can choose a training class for yourself the price is so low that even if your company is not sponsoring you you can buy the ticket on your own so why wait log on to data platform virtualsummit2020.com no data platform virtualsummit.com and evaluate the summit for yourself and see whether it is worth your time and money and i'm sure you are going to be a winner get the dps ticket today grab the content if you join dps 2020 training class you get to attend live and you also get the class recordings to watch over next 12 months as many times as you want let's get started t sequel guru itzik ben bengan joins us devops master alex yates etl gem andy leonard the world-renowned bob ward and anna hoffman with their popular class azure sequel workshop kubernetes look no beyond anthony nocentino anupama netrajan from australia on machine learning for developers no one knows sql server big data clusters better than ben weissman another etl gem benjamin kettner want to dive deep into data science algorithms join this class by dejan sarkar get real world experience into enterprise power bi with the help of dr greg lowe another sql community gm and microsoft certified master edwin msr miyanto with his class on sql server and docker containers the best sql server performance tuning class comes to dps by eric darling niche topic cosmos db by hussein safran yey itzik bengan does his second training class at dps kelly k power bi admin then kevin faisal comes with data analysis in python and sql niche topic want to do cell service ai on power bi desktop joined this class by marcus nish topic again azure sql db performance tuning by martin k day want to do some deep dive into sql server migration join this class from microsoft with the help of mukesh and raj world renowned expert on power bi peter mice comes to dps for the fifth time with his popular class power bi desktop modeling philip c mark does dax in a day prashant boyer with microsoft conversational ai master class community gym rob civil with his powershell and sql server dba tools siva harinath with dashboard in a day jana berkovich with power bi data visualization another sql server expert who we reckon with his performance unique class want to deploy sql server on azure vms join this class by five experts from the sql server team and yes synapse is the buzzword in modern analytics join this class by warner chefs so much to choose from be a winner join dps today good morning good afternoon good evening depending on where you have joined from today welcome to six query tuning techniques that will solve 75 of your performance problem i mean not your performance problem your sql server's performance problem my name is amit bunsel i'm going to be your speaker and host for the next 75 to 90 minutes and there are six precise demos very crisp from real world we have learned a lot from production servers of our customers and i've created a few academic examples that i'm going to present to you so the motivation behind this session and the content really is that when i learn about performance tuning from customers problems working with their large data understanding their query tuning issues performance issues interacting with developers and dbas whatever i learned i tried to put that into academic examples and i saw that there is there are common patterns and anti patterns with customers and those common problems is what i've taken and i've converted them into uh this session and and the demos that you're going to see so it's a it's a simple motivation the inspiration is that many of you many of your sql server deployments potentially have similar problems now what are your takeaways you are definitely going to learn six different problems you will know about them you will learn how to fix them and not only six during this course of 75 minutes to 90 minutes of interaction you're going to learn a lot more internals about sql server and performance tuning some of the problems that i'm going to talk about probably you already know about them you have faced them with your customers you have even solved them i totally appreciate that try to give some feedback on the chat window or in the q a window about how you when you faced how you solved it it could be some learning for the audience and i'm going to call that out but i hope there will be a lot of new stuff new content that you can learn in this session all these scripts and the content is going to be made available to you after the event is over so we have two more delivery on saturday so we're going to package all of that on send and give it to you there is a common question that we get about recording uh we're not sure if we will be able to record the uh session because the entire team as you have seen just before joining is glued and is working quite hard behind data platform virtual summit so not sure if we will be able to get that much time but in some ways or the other will try to bring out more content uh to you so let's see how it goes the uh other thing is about housekeeping which is q a so please have your questions coming in use the q a panel of zoom some of you are watching live on youtube so i'm just trying to see there are many of you on youtube out there so if there is room you can hop over in into zoom but uh if you're not getting inside zoom due to limit capacity continue watching on youtube and use the youtube chat window or the chat box and if you're on sql miss live page use the chat box out there our moderators are constantly watching so if you have questions put them in those chat box i promise no question will get unanswered today so irrespective of where you're watching it uh use the tool to put down your questions we'll bring them on zoom and answer the questions live so friends let's get started with uh query tuning six query tuning techniques and i'm on twitter a underscored bunsel that's my twitter handle i've been working with sql server for many years now and the idea is quite simple um as an mvp as someone who is a community freak so to say whatever i learn i just tend to share it with all of you so hope you enjoy this content let's get started the first one very elementary non uh sargability sargability is a made-up term it's not an official english word it means search argument ability the ability of the sql server engine and more precisely the optimizer uh to go into the index and have the seeking capability uh in the index so that is what is meant by sarcability so sometimes what happens is even if you have the right index on the table and the optimizer is using that index there are particularly two ways on how you can search on the data in the index either you can seek or you can scan and the problem here is that the optimizer is using the index but instead of seeking it is scanning so maybe the query is not written in the right way which limits the searching capability of the optimizer and you land up scanning instead of seeking and now what does this mean if you think about the index the b3 structure and i think many of you know this so you have the root page you have the intermediate levels and the leaf level so scanning would mean go to the leaf level directly and scan all the leaf level pages and that may turn out to be quite expensive if this is a huge index really when you create an index you want seeking capability so you can traverse using the b3 structure from root to intermediate to the leaf level now sargability is a very common issue that i see with our customers and sometimes they're kind of unaware as to why this is happening but it's really everything boils down to the way the t sql code is written so let's dive deep into the demonstration and we'll discuss more concepts as we go along so the in the first demo let's use adventure works 2016. many folks think that adventure works is not a good database it's not about good or bad database it's about good or bad data model even if i was using the world's best database or the world's largest database the learning would have been same so no worries if you're using adventure works in adventure verse 2016 first let's create a index on modify date column which is in sales order detail let's call this index as idx sod modified date and you know why am i creating this index because i'm going to search on this table i'm going to fire a select query and i'm going to filter on modify date so we have the database the index is created let's turn on statistics time and io now these two statements very very popular all of you know about this time will give me time information about my query how much time it has taken for the total execution the elapsed time how much time has my query spent on cpu that kind of information i'll get from time and i o will give me i o information the physical reads the logical reads the reader head reads etc i use these two quite frequently when i'm doing query tuning stuff now let's get down to the query itself the query is right in front of you this is a very simple query where you're fetching a few columns from sales order header and you are joining another table called sales order detail and then look at this you are filtering on a column modified date this is the same column on which you have created the index now when you look at this query i'm sure some of you are trying to figure out where is the problem and many of you know the problem is right in the where clause look at this where clause the problem here is that on the left hand side of the equality operator the caller modified date you're doing some mathematics on that right and on the right hand side you have the expression now the problem with sargability here is the capability to seek on the index uh gets lost the optimizer loses that because when you have an attribute on the left hand side of the column and you you're applying these t sql functions like convert or date time functions or string functions it is no more an attribute it becomes an expression and then the overall t sql query is expression a compared with expression b and at that point of time because it is an expression you will not be able to seek on the index column modified date so this means that if you execute this query let me select it let's turn on actual execution plan and click on what you're going to see is the query runs you do not get any data it's not compulsory to get data right you can always get empty results set but the problem is let's go to the execution plan and you can see the first thing in the execution plan which will catch your attention is that instead of seeking the optimizer is scanning let's take the cursor over the operator index scan and you can see this is the same object that we have created so this was idx modified date this is what we call as the optimizers access methods how are you accessing the data are you seeking are you scanning so on and so forth so a scan is happening here and if you go to the messages tab there you can see in uh perspective in terms of io you can see sales order detail has 33 37 logical reads right not a big number but again remember this is just a demo if you take the same concept in real world you will definitely see big flying numbers if you go and look into the execution time the overall elapsed time has been just slightly over half a second 600 milliseconds and query spent about 78 milliseconds on the cpu so you know that this uh is a typical sargability issue right the query is non-sargable so to say and you got to fix it so how can you fix this well if you go and rewrite the query with something like this now if you see or when we say where modify date is greater than equal to something and less than and the same column of course is less than equal to another expression what you have to make sure that when you are rewriting the t sql query and you are trying to fix the sagability issue both the queries the previous version and the modified the revised version should be logically equivalent and in this case they are logically equivalent let's go and execute this and see what happens so first well let's go to the messages tab and what you will see here is logical reads from 337 have come down to three and i think i can guess that right because now seek is happening so simple write three reads so you have the root page one page in the intermediate level and another page at the leaf level maybe so three reads and if you look at the total elapsed time remember the total elapsed time was something like 600 milliseconds and now it has cut down by uh three times so now you have like 200 milliseconds and very negligible time on the cpu because a lot of i o has been cut down remember i o is the cpu function if you do a lot of i o you will have cpu spiking up so in this particular example we fixed it and there's hardly any cpu usage let's go to the execution plan and verify so if you look at the index now we are seeking and that is index seek happening and you are seeking on the object idx sod modified date now this is a very very basic example of sargability so again to summarize the problem is that you have the index but you're not seeking on that index instead the optimizer lines up scanning you got to go and see whether the query does make sense and if there is something that you can do with the query rewrite it to ensure that you are seeking now of course uh sql server helps you here there are a lot of dmvs like uh index usage stats etc in combination with couple of other helper dmvs that you can use to find out uh what's happening with your index usage stats are you seeking are you scanning that kind of information sql server can give you now of course the session does that session time that we have does not allow me to go into the depth of so many different aspects and artifacts of sql server but just calling this out that those are the helper dmvs that you can use to find out okay i have all these indexes how are they being used are sequels they were seeking or is sql server scanning on them so those numbers and statistics you can get now sargability is just not this friends i mean it's a it's a wide concept and a lot has been spoken about a lot of resources available on the internet now simple things you know let's say you have an index on let's say last name and then you say select star from this table where last name is equal to bunsel and when you do that you may expect the optimizer to seek on the index because you put the literal as bunsen but suppose you put a wildcard character in your literals so you say percentage bunsel so like percentage bunsen if you do that then sql server has no way to start searching the data because you have put a wildcard character and again sql server will start scanning instead of seeking and these are little things that developers dbs they all miss out but that's the whole idea of keeping these common problems in mind bunsel percentage wouldn't be a problem because percentage the wildcard character is coming at the end of the string so when you have this index key column and the attribute values that are being searched upon make sure that there are no wild cards preceding the literal so there could be many such examples of sargability so this is the first common problem that i see generally across many sql server deployments and it's a common thing so you know that indexes are quite powerful in many cases most cases indexes help you improve the performance of your query now remember index is not a magic bullet it just just by the mere creation of indexes you don't improve performance of the queries remember indexes are searching mechanisms they help you get to the data faster not just automatically improve performance and and this particular case could be even worse that you have the index you created a huge index you are spending resources on maintaining that index indexes could be hundreds of gbs in size depending on how how large the table data was and how big the size and the number of rows that you have and you are not seeking so look at the resource consumption there well this was the first demo let's close this hope this was useful let's move on to the second demo now the second demo i just didn't know how to name the second demo the second problem that i see so i kind of just call it what i hear from customer hey amit seek is not happening now in the previous example i showed you uh an example of non-targetability where again seek was not happening so don't confuse with the first one and this second demo in the second demo i am actually not showing you sargability yet i am showing you another example another common pattern another reason why you have the right index in place but sql server is not seeking on it and and you're not kind of you're not able to figure out what's going wrong again let's use adventure works 2016 and turn on actual execution plan look at this very simple query select start from person dot person where first name is equal to ken i try to keep queries very simple in sessions like these so that you don't spend time deciphering what the query construct is etc the concept and the learnings are more important when i select this query and execute you get some data which is good if you go to the execution plan you can see in the execution plan that again the index is being scanned upon now let's say you know that there is an index which uses first name but you are wondering why is the optimizer not seeking let's try to figure this out okay i am seeing that index is being used but it is being scanned upon let's go ahead and take the cursor over the iterator and let's zoom in and scroll down and look at the object name when i look at the object name it says ix person last name first name middle name now great the naming convention was well followed now if you look at you will see that the index is created on three columns last name first name and middle name and probably the order of columns is exactly what's mentioned in the object you can go and verify in object explorer or with dmv's what the index definition is but let's trust adventure works right now for the moment so you have this index last name first name middle name you know friends what creating a single column index and troubleshooting single column indexes are relatively easier sometimes with multi-column indexes things get a little trickier and today i will talk about a few things related to the multi-column index now you have this index and the and let's say you are the developer dba you are the sql server practitioner who's writing all these queries and you are trying to figure out why uh seek is not happening now okay there you go so why is seek not happening so there is in the index definition first name is already included and the question is seek is not happening so here is the deal your query is only trying to search on first name your query construct does not include last name and middle name and how the rule of the optimizer works is when you create a multi-column index with column one column two and column three searching seeking happens from left to right so if you are not seeking on column one you cannot seek on column two if you are not seeking on column one and two you cannot seek on column three this is the rule of the multi-column index with the optimizer always keep that in mind when i started talking about this to some customers that you know you have this query and you have put first name into the query but actually the index is on last name then first name then middle name so last name is not there so uh and uh and and the customer thinks okay so shall we include last name well there are different ways to look at the problem and there are different solutions you may create an index on first name that could be possible possibility one you may modify the query if the report permits you may if the data set is small the client application can discard last name and just take first name if that is the need but the whole idea is order of columns in your select query does not matter this is a misconception that many sql folks have that if i change the column order in my select query i will somehow land up using seeking on the index and i can match that up not really irrespective of the order of columns in your select query first name middle name last name last name middle and first name really doesn't matter what only matters is that does your query have those columns or not but friends the order of column in the index does matter that is very very critical so when you are designing indexes when you're thinking about indexing strategies please keep this in mind because you may land up creating more indexes like you may end up creating an index on first name another index on middle name another index on first name middle name and last name and all these types of permutations and combinations that is only going to just get uh from bad to worse because you will end up creating too many redundant indexes try to create indexes that will just not satisfy one query but probably multiple set of queries and there will be places where you may have to compromise a bit now in this particular case as i said that there is no just one solution it really depends on the workload on the querying pattern what are the other indexes available and what are the other queries that that are running around this person table and how are uh how's the filtering happening but the learning here is that seeking is not happening because of the order of columns and the rule is i am not seeking on last name so i cannot seek on first name and sql has to go to the leaf level scan the entire data search for every value where the first name is ken that is the problem so let's go and fix this now fixed means trying to show you how this works is now if you see i've included last name and first name and if i select this and execute now and go to the execution plan you can see that now i am seeking it's the same object but instead of scanning i am seeking so the idea here now of course you might think that well well my query is not logically the same because now i have another filter you're absolutely right the query is not same as that's why i said that i may not have the solution on how you may want to rewrite the query or how you may want to redesign your indexes is last name really being used uh to search if not why not just modify the index i mean drop and recreate it and put first name as the first column and last name as the second column or third column or whatever probably that can do the job isn't it and if that's the case it will work because see and i will show this to you let me just um change this one and take it here to show and prove the point that if the search was only this much where last name is equal to sanchez and i select this now remember i am seeking on last name last name is the first column when it was first name it wasn't seeking it was scanning what about now so if you execute this and go to the execution plan yes you are seeking and this is what you wanted so this proves the point that yes indexes follow the left based searching mechanism left base subset so you start from left left most column and go all the way to the right most column and great i remember that i can show you the wildcard character thing here so this is there so what if i put a percentage here this is this is what i was trying to talk and explain in the first demo so this makes the query non-sargable now remember this was seeking now because i put the wildcard character and instead of equals to let's put like there and and execute this and you will see in execution plan yeah and now you are sorry let me zoom this out again because the tooltip is coming up and now you can see again that you are scanning why because there is wildcard and the seeking capability is lost this is again a non-sargable uh query okay and you know when i was doing this uh i got this feedback from some attendees okay like will like really have seek i mean will like work with seek and when you use like will optimizer seek yes it will it's not seeking right now because of the wildcard character there which makes it non-sargable so what if i just remove the percentage from here and put he at the end now searching from left you have the character it will seek let's go and execute and you can execute and you can see that we we are seeking all great and what if there is no wildcard character at all like just like sanchez or anything right will it seek there's no equality operator let's go to the execution plan yes you are seeking great now if you you know the second so just to summarize the second demo was not the same as first demo i just took the second demo and the liberty to kind of expand more on sargability which i which i explained in the first demo but the first and the second demo were distinctively different but the problem was common which is you have the right index in place but scan is seek is not happening it's scanning and how can you fix that so i just took up these two common examples that i see all right friends let's go on to the next demo hope you're enjoying so can i get some responses in the chat window are you are you glued to the demos are you enjoying it and if you're we have some room maybe um no not much i guess so maybe people on youtube are continuing to watch there so if you have questions please keep posting them in youtube chat window i have my friend and colleague satya who's taking down all the questions from youtube from facebook from zoom and we will answer them at the end of the session and i will tell you friends after the session is over stick around for the q a because you learn a lot from questions from your peers because different people work in different backgrounds different deployments different challenges and you learn a lot from the questions i learn a lot from your questions so stick around for the q a okay time to move on to the third demo i'm just looking at uh the time okay we're doing well let's move on to the next one implicit conversion another common problem that is there around in sql deployments and i will assume at this point in time many of you really know about implicit conversion but this demo is just not going to be a very simple demo i'm just going to show you a query where implicit conversion is happening and then i will modify the query then implicit conversion will not happen no i'm going to take you to two different levels here in the first example i will just show you a basic implicit conversion so that all of us are at the same page then i will step up bit and show you something else with implicit conversion then i will show you the third part in the same demo uh on how you can fix implicit conversion in in better ways or how you can do things in better ways so let's get started we're using adventure works 2016 again and here is a very simple query where you're doing a varchar2 invercar conversion query is quite simple you're joining two tables fetching some columns the matter the problem is here where account number is equal to some literal the constant that you have specified here now you have prefixed this literal with n which means you're telling sql server that this is unicode data so this is n val char on the right hand side of the of the equality operator and account number what's the data type of account number so if you take the cursor over account number and i will show you that with the tooltip you get that this is varchar so what is sql server going to do when you send this query to sql it's going to figure out what's the best way to do this conversion and possible data types conversion so sql server is going to spend some time that sometime could be very negligible but it's still going to be something and sql server has to figure out the conversions from which data type to which data type and that's going to happen so let's turn on actual execution plan and let's also turn on set statistics time to see how much time is sql server going to spend in doing that conversion and now let's go and execute when we execute we get the data great let's go to the execution plan now you have a simple execution plan in front of you and i'm sure you are looking at the select operator there so if you see the select operator there there is a warning symbol there exclamation mark which means sql server is trying to tell you something if you take the cursor over select operator and zoom in on the tooltip you can see the warning there the warning clearly says that type conversion expression convert underscore implicit something something something may affect seek planning query plan choice great i'm quite happy that sql server is giving you all these warnings in management studio in the execution plans and you can go and take a look at them now i already told you implicit conversion will happen and yes it is happening and sql server is telling you that because of this implicit uh conversion plan uh seek plan uh uh may be affected uh when when the optimizer is computing multiple permutations for the query plan if you go to the messages tab here and look at the time factor you can see the total elapsed time was just about half a second 481 milliseconds but the most interesting thing to note here is that the optimizer has spent about 235 milliseconds on a cpu the execution uh 235 milliseconds okay so just keep this in mind now let's do something let's go and fix this and remember friends this is a very very elementary demo very basic and i'm sure all of you know this so i'm going to just fix this and i'm going to remove n so see what i've done i'm just removing n and i'm just ensuring that on right hand side of the equality operator i have had chat now it is very chat to var chart there will be no conversion let's go and execute this and you are going to see that in execution plan no more warning symbol neat plan absolutely no issues let's go to the messages tab and see how much time has the execution engine spent on doing all this stuff so the elapsed time gets cut by half right so now you get 254 milliseconds and there is hardly negligible time the query is spending on cpu which is zero milliseconds so you can see that with with not having implicit conversion happening you are saving cpu time now comes the interesting question when i was talking about this and showing this this to customers people do come back with questions like does it really matter does it really matter saving uh this much time in um in sql server i mean does every millisecond matters my answer to that is when you look at the query in single ton when you look at just a single execution of the query and you are seeing this improvement of just a few milliseconds it might not be very motivating it might not be very encouraging but look at the larger picture all of you are working with sql servers that are deployed and there are hundreds of users connected to them and there are all these users firing all sorts of ad hoc queries oltp queries very short-lived queries like these this is a very classic oltp query and you're finding all the time to sql server if you look at all of that in totality and if you fix a little thing like this think about the magnitude of time that can be saved the cpu time so to just kind of simulate that why not put this implicit conversion back i'm putting this end and let's go and fire this query let's say 40 times so i'm saying go 40 which means i'm telling this entire batch to just go and hit sql server come back and do that 40 times 40 round trips 40 executions and let's record the total time so while this is running i'm going to not turn on actual execution plan i'm going to turn it off because for every execution i'm going to get the plan that's not required now we are only going to see the 40 executions how much time this takes so let's go and execute now 40 executions are happening one after the other they're going and hitting the engine back again the good thing is right now at this point the client and the server are on the same box in the same vmv so things are going to be faster but in real world you know clients are awake across anywhere across the globe hitting the server over the wire and whatnot now if you look at the total execution here you can see that this has taken about 17 seconds so those 40 iterations took 17 seconds to execute now let's do something let's just remove the end prefix there and make sure that there's no implicit conversion happening and execute the same thing this is just simulating right and i'm running it on iteration and if you just multiply this by 100 users look at the magnitude now when you run this how much time this takes earlier it took 17 seconds now the total execution has taken just seven seconds so if if 200 milliseconds was not convincing enough you will see 10 seconds hopefully that is convincing multiply that 10 seconds with 100 users right those are like 1000 seconds and a lot of minutes and hours and so on and so forth so yes every milliseconds second does matter look at the overall trade-off in the larger picture so the very basic demo is done i am assuming that many of you had already known about this but now let's move on to the next level of this uh uh demo and so the first one was just showing you the implicit conversion second one was the bigger magnitude of it third one and third one could be answering some of your questions that hey amit if i really have conversions to be done i mean then what i mean because there could be a real need to do the conversion yes why not do explicit conversion right explicit conversion tell sql server what do you really want to do so i'm telling sql server that okay my account number is varchar and i want to convert this string to voucher and i'm using the convert function that may just do the trick i'm i'm not letting sql server spend time in deciding all the different permutations and combinations of the data types i'm just telling sql server go ahead and do this what will be the scene here well let's look at this so why not simply straight away jump into uh running this 40 times and that will give you the answer isn't it we are going to do this 40 times i'm going to turn off actual execution plan idea is that this should complete in about seven to eight seconds isn't it and if it does we are the winners so let's go and execute this 40 times explicit conversion now you're telling sql server from where to convert to what data type etc and hopefully this should complete in seven to eight seconds yay you are the winner just like data platform virtual summit pass holder you're the winner with seven seconds of execution that's there so you've seen the three level of demos there right okay so friends first demo done second demo done and third demo done six query tuning techniques we are halfway through and because i mentioned about dps i'm a little excited to talk about dps this conference is just a month away and uh but i will take your permission so in the chat window if you allow me i want to digress uh two minutes like a like a small break have some water and talk about dps and then do session four five and six just give me some feedback how is it going in the chat window are you enjoying the demos worth your time coming over today great thank you for the great feedback friends all right so we um we were talking about uh uh all these demos and yeah dps just came in between so just take two minutes you have been probably hearing a lot about dps you just watched a few slides and a few videos that i recorded to kind of encourage the community the whole idea is very simple apart from all the sql stuff that we do as a team once in a year we do this data platform summit very large scale event we get the world's best trainers speakers or microsoft azure data sql server power bi azure data stack analytics artificial intelligence and uh for the last five years this conference was happening in bangalore and for all obvious reasons for this pandemic covered when everyone goes virtual we took the conference virtual and we had only one thought how can we make this conference more inclusive and how can we get different uh diverse cultures and nations and guess what we decided to run the conference non-stop around the clock which means the conference is actually running for 72 hours round the clock three days and three nights which means wherever you are in whichever part of the world you can join the conference we wanted to enable this for the community in collab with microsoft we're very thankful that microsoft supported us not only microsoft sincere thanks to all mvps my mvp colleagues friends from all over the world came and heavily supported this and guess what 170 speakers today maybe 180 as i speak to you 180 speakers came on board with some fresh unique highly curated content out of 180 speakers 60 spokes are from microsoft from the product groups your favorite sql server bi azure data stack ai and they're coming up with so many sessions and mvps are coming up with some real world experience some great content in total we are delivering 200 sessions across five parallel tracks in those 72 hours and the best thing our delegates are going to get the recordings for all of them it's quite an effort on our side to execute this conference get all the recordings done there edit post event processing etc and you know kind of put them up on uh whatever streaming platform and give you on-demand access to the content community is loving it as i speak to you today there are registrations from 32 countries which is very motivating very encouraging not only this we thought let's go one step beyond which no conference is doing our training classes pre-cons and post cons are being recorded and i want to take this opportunity and thank our speakers all our training class speakers who agreed of course that the recordings could be shared with the delegates so if you take up any training class depending on which time zone you are in remember the training classes pre-cons and post cons are also running around the clock so you can choose eight hour classes divided into four hours each day so you can balance your learning with your work and personal life and that's another great uh thing about the virtual world that you can really customize this stuff so if you sign up for any training class you will get the recordings of that class that's quite a big deal that is um i will say true value for every community member across the globe and of course the third thing is even when i sign up for a conference i definitely look at the price factor that you know i'm going to i'm going to spend my money i'm going to spend my employers money is it worth my time is it really worth it and if you look at the pricing today uh probably less than 300 you can get the a training class and you can go into the summit and you get the recorded content for all of it for next 12 months watch as many times as you want so total true value and i will encourage that you your colleagues your friends should come over data platform virtual summit join you can sign up for multiple training classes because even if you're not able to attend a specific training class you still get the recordings of it so i'm quite proud of our team microsoft all the mvps who have come forward and supported this global initiative to take this to so many countries and let me call this out if you are from a low income group country we have special packages that we have designed to make it inclusive so um any country from uh from the european nation middle east africa or apac region if you are from india and your your employer is not sponsoring you i know how indian companies work so no offense but that's the reality there is pandemic and there there has been a step back due to covet and cost cutting etc just drop an email to contact dps10.com i'm going to ask my colleague sathya to put that email down contact dps10.com just let us know that your company is not sponsoring you but you still want to come on board dps you want to sign up for a training class or the conference we'll figure it out and we'll do something because it is a community conference we don't want anyone to be left out the whole intention of launching this in this virtual world and make it more inclusive running around the clock days and night was to make sure that everyone can join the whole world is invited we want to work with that motto and friends for all of you specifically don't kind of distribute this out because you joined today's sequel maestro's live training there is a special 55 percent discount code sql mesh throws we have limited seats probably uh by month till monday or tuesday or wednesday this is going to be there this discount code so if you really feel encouraged if you see value just go and sign up and use this discount code sequel mage rose which will give you slightly more five percent more than what is available online so the discount code is sql masters and friends take a look at our training classes real gem i don't want to take just one name because all of them are masters right and probably just before joining you must have seen that video and you can go online to data platform virtual summit dot com and explore the content yourself please explore the content content is king that's my background which i'm donning today so yes focus on the content grab it that's the whole idea okay with this let's move on to the next demo which is dynamic plan cash and this is also a common thing that we see with uh customers this is a long demo friends i mean this is a demo which is like one hour because i'm trying to show you a lot of things here but and i was in dual minds if i should include this uh example in today's class um because of its lengthy nature but i thought okay i can cut this down and show you only the crux the key thing that you should keep in mind and probably it will be useful so you know what happens is dynamic sql is great and dynamic sql is good but i see that dynamic sql has two sides of it there's the good world of the dynamic sequel and the bad world and in the back world there is this concept of parameterization that you need to really uh understand well so if i look uh scroll down just let's jump into the query and first let me show you the query here is a query okay what are we what are we trying to do in adventure works here we are trying to run this query which is going to fetch data from human resources dot employee table where manager id is equal to something now look at this query you take this query and you put it into a local variable here sql string and then you are trying to execute the sql statement dynamically using sp underscore execute sql simple dynamic sql concept but how are you concatenating the manager id where is the manager id coming from manager id comes from another local variable at the rate cnt and you run this entire query this batch in iteration for 100 managers let's assume there are 100 managers and then you run this query for each manager where is the problem the problem is here in this query because you have not done explicit parameterization the problem is when this query runs when this batch runs with 100 iterations and you are incrementing at the rate cnt every time sql server is going to create 100 plans one plan for each execution of the query why one plan for each execution of the query because there is going to be a different manager id in each execution so one plan for manager id second plan for manager id two third plan for manager id3 that's going to be bad this is a a scenario which we also call as plan cash bloating because you have this ad hoc query that is being executed with this dynamic sql facility and in the plan cache you will have 100 plans in other world in the in a better world you could have explicitly parameterized this query so that there could be only one parameterized plan and irrespective of any number of manager ids for example but there could be just one parameterized plan and that would be great so first let's look at the bad thing and then we'll look at the good thing so let's go and um take this query here the helper queries for us to troubleshoot a few things i'm going to copy this one and take it in a new window and put it here what am i trying to do i'm trying to see how many plants are there in the plant cache and then i'm going to look at the plan cache size in kilobytes let's go and execute this and you will see that right now there are about thousand plants in the plant cache and about 204 thousand kilobytes okay just to make our calculations simple why not do dbcc free proc cash dbcc free product cash and dbcc drop clean buffers just because i'm showing them in the demo doesn't mean you start running them in your production servers okay so don't do that please this is just for the demo i did dbcc free proc cash which means i cleared off the plan cash and now you can see that there are only two plants in the plant cash and the plant cash size is 192 kilobytes keep this number in mind let's go and run the query the bad version here where there's no explicit parameterization run it in a loop and see after the total 100 executions of this how many plans do we have in the plan cache and while it is running why not just go back uh to the other window and run the helper dmvs to see the total plan cache size now there you go so the execution is done and you can see that there are 103 plans now in the plan cache and the size of the plan cache is 1800 kilobytes and i can tell you that those 100 plans are the 100 executions of that query right that is what it is how do we prove that okay so let's go back and run this statement which i skipped on the top oh no it's on the bottom where let me just go and see yes so going a little internal into the query execution and the query structure so there is something called as the query hash which is the signature of the query how this query is interpreted inside sql server is that select something something something where manager id is equal to 1 where manager id is equal to 2. so look at the structure of the query the structure of the query remains same it is only the manager id value that is changing so the hash the signature is same so can i ask sql server to group all the queries in the plan cache and group them by query hash which is one of the attributes in my dmv dim exec query stats and i see where having count is greater than one so i can actually group all the similar queries together where their hash where their signature is same and do i have any one of those yes there is one there is one query where the number of entries are 100 there are 100 instances of this query and the sample query is right out there this is select employee id national id number right this is our query and there are 100 instances of this query in the plan cache so that proves the point now what are you waiting for is what is the fix well the fix is this let me take a moment to execute the fix the first part of the query here is a kind of same where you write the query put them in put the query in sql string local variable but see what you're doing you're saying where manager id is equal to add the rate manager id now this add the rich manager id is part of your sql statement and it goes into that local variable but where is this manager id at the rate manager id coming from this is called as explicit parameterization so what i have done is you have taken another local variable here a local variable is defined here called param definition nvhr 500 and what we are trying to do is all my parameters are going to be explicitly defined and i'm going to put them in this local variable so if you see here in line number 91 i am doing this i'm saying set pattern definition equals to at the rate manager id tiny end because i know that there are not going to be more than 100 managers i take the data type tiny ink and i put them in at the rate manager um i mean i define the uh the parameter with at the rate manager i didn't just take tiny in because it's not going to be more than 100 now this parameter goes into my local variable param definition so what if i had multiple parameters well very simple i would just separate them by comma put more separate them by comma so on and so forth so all parameters are explicitly defined and this is what we called as exit parametrization so now remember that this add the rate manager id here should match this at the rich manager id here of course because you want this to be contextually same now let's look at the execution now when you execute you say execute sp underscore execute sql this is dynamic sql execution where is the statement the statement is in at the rate sql string it is inside this local variable where are my parameters coming from my parameters are coming from this local variable at the rate param definition where i've defined all of this isn't it now comes the last part you have defined your sql statement you have supplied the parameter definition to sp execute sql but what about the values for those parameters well you put a comma and i'm just talking about the syntax here you put the comma and then you say add the rate manager id now remember this add the rate manager id here this at the rate manager id here and this manager right here is all same and you say add the rate manager id is equal to at the rate cnt so the value for at the date manager id is again coming from that local variable we're doing this counter improvement which means if you actually had more parameters same thing friends just put comma at the rate something something something right and you say is equal to which is parameter equal to some other variable and you can keep separating them with comma and get the total uh parameter set done so this is this is really part of the syntax it's a little uh i would say it's it's just you know first time when you see all of this it just is a little tricky in case you have been doing this this would be like wow why is amit spending so much time on this you know i'm spending so much time on this explaining the syntax because it was a little difficult to get this to the developers initially people who uh have probably are looking at uh sql servers parameterization thing for the first time but then the folks who have been working with java or net developers they know that you can declare even explicit parameterization in the client code you can do this with classes and objects there so that's the part of the syntax you declare the statement you declare a local variable which has all the parameter definitions and then you supply them in your dynamic sql execution and you tell them where the value is coming from quite simple now let's free the proc cache again and go back to the helper window there and see how many plans you have you have again two plans and 192 kilobytes is the plan cache size now let's go and execute this entire query and hopefully now you will see that there will be no plan cash floating probably there will just be one plan in the planned cash and that is going to be a parameterized plan this is what you expect this is another common thing that we see now you you saw it took me so much time to explain this but there will there are more aspects to it which i'm not covering in this uh demo okay so let's go and uh execute this this is done and you can see that there are four plans something else is also there that's fine but just one plan one plan for the execution that you did and now the plan cash size is six to 64 kilobytes remember earlier it was one zero four and the total plan cash size was eighteen hundred kilobytes look at the difference look at the amount of time we are saving the cpu time also we are saving otherwise computing so many plans now there's just one plan we're taking we're saving a lot of optimizers time we're saving on memory remember plan clash memory comes from the main memory and it's it's one of the memory clerks just like buffer pool so you really don't want plan cash bloating and in in big environments if there could be hundreds and thousands of such ad hoc plans and and if of course the plan cash hits the limit plans will get kicked out of the memory then and the same query comes again the plans are going to be recomputed recompiled regenerated and all of that causing extra cpu cycles all right friends let's close this one so this was the fourth demo done let's move on to the fifth demo how are we doing on time well we're just touching about an hour and we have two more uh demos to go okay so let's go into bookmark lookups now bookmark lookups are good but sometimes they can go very bad um i am uh i've seen the good side of things and have seen the bad side of things and when i'm showing this demo i want to thank adam mechanic i'm using his uh big database because sometimes to show these big demos you need large data so i'm using his scripts to create the large data set and at this particular script as an example to demonstrate the bad behavior of bookmark lookup but the learning is not only with bookmark lookups there are some more learnings here so let's dive deep straight away into this we're using adventure works 2016. let's go and look into a query there is this query where you are retrieving some data from uh transactions table in dbo so this transaction table is a big table with 3.9 million records about close to four million records and there is another table called big product table which is not very big but it has just 25 000 records so your query says that you want to fetch data into this temporary object x and you're fetching the data from big product table and you do a cross supply with this inner expression and the inner expression is fetching data from transactions table there is some filter on the product id so a relatively simple query with an outer and an inner expression and you're joining them using cross supply let's turn on actual execution plan and execute this query and let's see how much time this takes so this query is going to run it's going to put data into this temporary object hash x so this select into statement takes how much time it's going to execute this actual execution plan is turned on in my last execution it took about six to seven seconds okay yes it takes exactly seven seconds sql server is becoming more and more predictable with every new release all these demos are running on sql server 2019 now if you go and look into the execution plan this is a parallel plan i can see a lot of parallel operators everything looks good here seven seconds all fine no problem now let's go back to the query window and let's discuss the scenario now let's say there was a need to add another column to the transactions table right the customer id column now this customer id column to be added to the transaction table is not your requirement i'm just making up a scenario maybe some other application some other department some other set of people just wanted to add customer id and and the dba goes and adds customer id column to the transactions table if you're thinking that in real world it doesn't happen that way there is a whole change management process that has to be put into place to add a additional attribute to a table let me tell you in real world it does happen that way you just go and modify schemas so all sorts of things happen anyway that's a separate discussion and debate but let's say customer id column gets added to the transactions uh table now did i really add that let's go and add this okay yes it is added and now what you were not aware of this let's assume because as i said this was for some other application in some other department but just like any other normal day you go and execute your query i need to drop the table to execute the query again so let's drop the table and like any other normal day you go and execute your query now and to your surprise let's turn on actual execution plan and execute now this query takes a lot more than what it took earlier and you know that uh that funny thing that we say you know the query is taking so much time that i can actually go to the cafeteria and have a cup of coffee and while i come back the query is still running and all of that so while this query is still running it has been over seven seconds let's try to put that into action let me grab a bottle of water and while this is running let me drink some water there's no coffee here right now in front of me so water is good enough anyway my throat was drying up a bit okay friends so this is still running isn't it that that joke of the query is running and it takes that much time that i can go to the cafeteria and whatnot yeah it is done so it took about 51 seconds for the same execution the interesting thing to note here is that friends only a column was added you have not done any change to the data so what has gone wrong let's go and look into the execution plan and let's see the execution plan now and all of you are seeing the execution plan let me ask you friends where do you see a problem in the plan now don't say look up just because i said look up you look at the plan and evaluate yourself i know you may want to take the cursor over i traitors and you may want to investigate we will do that but just on the first look at the first look on the plan where do you see is a problem you can use the chat window to put down some answers you can see a lot of iterators flying around there where do you see a problem any guesses you can use the chat window not the q a panel to answer q1 is for questions you can use the chat window okay someone says cost 80 percent okay for the key lookup sort operation uh could be a problem yes there is a warning symbol on the sort operator good observation there okay problem is lookup key lookup io cost okay a lot of okay nested loops and key lookups key lookups and sort both could be a problem yes you're right that both could be a problem okay parallelism fine lot of different answers but yes most of you are kind of right when you look at the plan your first attention your attention would probably go to the sort operator because there is a warning symbol there and of course and real world we will not ignore that and the other thing is the key lookup because key lookup iterator cost takes up 80 percent of this relatively overall plan now the que now the point here is um just for the sake of brevity for save of saving time i am not going and jumping into the sort operator friends i am going and looking into the uh key lookup sort just to let you know it might be spilling the data etc but that's not the real culprit so just for the sake of time let's go and look into the key lookup and you know why key look look up gets more attention here for me at least because of the cost factor the cost factor is eighty percent the sort operator even though there is a warning symbol the cost factor is seven percent i'm not trying to say that i'm not going to look into it i will uh in real world when we are troubleshooting performance but just for this demo i am going to look into the key lookup so when i take the cursor over key lookup you can see that okay what do you see you can see that the object here is pk transactions that we are looking up on and the key lookup is fetching a column customer id that's the crux here friends okay which means what customer id was not was not there earlier in the first execution we added customer id to the transactions table and assuming i'm assuming but i'm going to verify this probably there was an index which was covering the query and all the data was coming from the index but now because you have this additional column customer id which is not part of the index and because your query says select star from transactions table which means get me all the columns from transactions table the optimizer has to apply a key lookup to fetch this additional column and why is it so expensive it is expensive because friends you are executing this key lookup 3.9 million times one for each road to fetch the data so you get the data from the index but there's no customer id you want customer id so go and look up on the base table get the customer id value then the second row go look up get the value then the third row go look up get the value you do that 3.9 million times that's why it took so much time that you had a sip of water in between okay so this is what is happening now let's try to corroborate a bit how are we going to decipher this sql server gives you a missing index hint so i'm going to right click and look into the missing index details now when i look into the missing index details again there's a lot of advice on the internet that missing index hints are bad you should just ignore them or not blindly create them and all of that advice some of that advice is right don't blindly go ahead and create the indexes recommended by sql server this is a hint right a hint is a hint just take the hint try to understand why is management studio why sequel server is not management studio sorry but why sequel server recommending you uh this hint uh and of course the missing index hints are playing in the background but anyway why are you really getting this uh recommendation and then try to evaluate this recommendation based on the existing indexes that you have so what the sql server telling me here is go ahead and create an index on product id there and include transaction date quantity cost and also include customer id this is interesting so let me do something let's go to databases expand adventure works 2016 expand tables and expand dbo transactions go on to indexes and here is the index non cluster index right click and let's script this out and let's look at the structure of this index the definition of this index what are the key columns and what are the columns that have been included and when you look at this index friends you can see that this non-clustered index actually has product id and transaction date as part of the key columns and it includes quantity and actual cost now i would really spend a lot of time on this but just the key summary here there's another column called transaction id in the transaction date but transaction id is the clustered index so transaction id clustered index is already part of every non-clustered index because it is the clustered index so you don't need to explicitly add that which means this actually was the covering index unless until the customer id column came till the time customer id column was not there this index had all the columns that the query wanted so there was no need to do the lookup now because customer id is there sql server recommends you to create another index where you can include customer id so that this new index becomes the covering index and it satisfies the query and there will be no bookmark lookup that is the trucks so what are the solutions in front of you well the solution is you can just go ahead and create this index solution number one but that would be the worst thing you will do because you don't need another index and existing index is already there best of all probably you could just add customer id column in this included section here job done you could do that but you know what i'll go one step ahead and tell you something which is very very fundamental very very rudimentary and developers dbs all of us i mean even i make those mistakes we don't follow the guidelines and the best practices you know the problem is not with adding customer id as an additional column the problem is not even with index even though by creating this new index or by modifying an existing index you can solve the problem but you know the real problem is here this is the real problem friends selects start from transactions table that's the real problem why star why do you want all the columns and even if you want all the columns originally why don't you specify the column names remember the problem that i talked about customer id as an additional column was not your requirement if this query was actually written by uh if this query was actually written with specifying all the column names that were required those transaction date id actual cost and whatnot it wouldn't mention customer id and then y customer id any number of columns that were getting added to the transactions table your query would run actually absolutely fine and would avoid the bookmark lookup so what i'm trying to say is this friends here look at this i'm specifying the columns that i want so see where we all started bookmark lookups do get expensive those are areas where you should look into but remedies could be many there could be very different diagnosis that you can do so in this particular example at least the diagnosis is not to create the new index not to modify an existing index and some other scenarios that could be a solution maybe or that could be required but in this particular case the need is just to make sure that you write the query in the right way and you follow the best practice which is specify the column k names avoid select star and if you go and execute this see i'm not making any change but let me first friends drop the table and if i specify the columns that i just wanted so this is the query let's go and execute this how much time will this take and we are including actual execution plan which is fine this should again take just about seven to eight seconds what it originally originally took so yes there you go and it takes about seven seconds so many learnings from this one single demo and you know friends we talk about uh the putting down the column names and avoiding select star and all these best practices you know this i mean because these are the first few things that we learn when we learn about sql server or we learn about databases but there's another thing testing your query with real data with most of my customers what i've seen is when we are writing such queries you know this actually showed up as a slow running query because it was looking up on a table with like millions of records and when it was really fetching and executing iterating so many times millions of times it was running so slow when i write this query in my dev environment i'm testing it against small tables tables with just like thousands of records this is just going to run so fast and there wouldn't be a problem but when i take this query in production environment and put it up against large tables that is where performance problems are going to come so the learning is in your development environment in your testing environment make sure that you're testing your queries with some real data it may not be exactly production data but today there's so many free tools available to kind of create and you know blow up the table and put like millions and billions of records for you to test take my word on it i have seen developers testing their queries against empty tables no data and query runs absolutely fine right now stop laughing you and i we both have done that okay let's move on so a lot of learnings from this one and let's do a bit of cleanup and drop this column and friends there we come to the last demo of the day which is query tuning parameter sniffing and this is a bit relaxing because this is where i think uh parameter sniffing is recent times has been talked a lot about so many of you might know about parameter sniffing but let's uh see what is happening so we discussed about parameters a bit when we were doing the uh the other demo about dynamic sql this is a little different flavor of uh parameters and uh let's first run a create a stored procedure run it and then understand the concept behind parameter sniffing and how we can actually fix it so i'm using adventure box 20 16 yeah that's fair enough let's use that and there is a stored procedure get customer ship dates which has two parameters there ship date start and date end and the stored procedure is quite simple simple select statement here where i'm fetching data from sales order header uh table where the ship date is between the start and the end quite simple let's go and execute this and then if you scroll down we'll create a index on shipped date just to support the select query so let's go and create an index here you know this is going to be a good demo because it's going to sum up many things about scanning seeking parameter sniffing and lookups and whatnot i don't know it's a coincidence i didn't plan it that way but anyway so the pro the stored procedure is created you have created a helper index just to speed up the select statement which is inside the stored procedure and now let's free the proc cache clear of the cache again because it is a demo i'm doing it and now now let's run the stored procedure with a different set of parameter values the first execution gets us the gets us the all the data let's call it 2020 okay and it's it's getting us all the data of last 15 years this execution and the second execution of the stored procedure is only going to fetch me 10 days of data from july 10th 2005 to july 20th 2005. so let's free the proc cache and let's execute the first execution let's do the first execution when we do the first execution here and click on execute you will okay and let me turn on actual execution plan i didn't do that so execute it again and you are going to see that sql executes it get good you get 30 000 records if you look at the status bar no point zooming in we fetch all the data and you are seeing a scan plan there so if you see this is a clustered index scan that is happening and rightly so optimizer sees that you you're getting a lot of data the query is low selective which means getting high number of records and it decides to use a scan now let's free the proc cache again and let's execute the stored procedure again now and now again this is a fresh execution and this time the query is highly selective only 10 days of data and we execute this and you get no data which is fine no getting no data is also highly selective and you go and look into the execution plan and this time you get a different plan you don't get a scan plan you get a seek with key lookup now don't confuse with key lookup here with other key lookup things that we have talked about in previous demo let's just take our head to this demo two different executions of the stored procedure separately and to different plan what's going well this is called as parameter sniffing in each execution of the stored procedure the optimizer sniffs the parameter value and generates an optimized plan based on the parameter value now there is a thing about the stored procedure which is good stored procedures encourage plan reuse so in the stored procedures are compiled objects in their first execution the execution plan gets created and it gets injected into the plan cache subsequent executions of the stored procedures reuse the plan which is already there in the plan cache but in our example here what has happened is when i executed both the stored procedures i was i was clearing the cache in between which means every execution was a fresh execution of the stored procedure first time execution of the stored procedure and there was no plan in the plan cash so the optimizer creates a new plan every time and then you see the parameter values are different so it generates a new plan every time but now look at the fun this is not what is going to happen in real world isn't it no one is going to fire free proc cache or something every before or after every execution of the stored procedure in real world this is what is going to happen when you execute the stored procedure for the first time with the first set of parameter values which is getting all of the data you are going to get a scan and the scan plan gets injected another user comes with a different set of parameter values making the query highly selective different values and you execute this again you are only getting few records or no records highly selective but the optimizer forces itself to use the scan plan which is already there in the planned cache and look at what happens here the second execution subsequent execution of the stored procedure lands up using the scan plan fine but then something else could have happened which is instead of the first set of parameters coming in first you could have this one this execution coming in first there's no plan in the plan cache now the first execution of the stored procedure itself comes with highly selective parameter values execute this and what happens the seek plan gets injected into the plan cache quite interesting and the subsequent execution could be this probably where it wants a lot of data now and and making the query low selective and you execute and this forces the optimizer to use the seek plan with key lookup fetching the data from the table forcing itself to use the seek plan and the same problem you have the key lookup where the key lookup execution is 31 000 times now the table is small with 31 000 records imagine if this was 31 million this could have taken minutes to exit this is is the problem called as parameter sniffing parameter sniffing is a good thing in general because the optimizer sniffs the parameter values it's great but sometimes it can cause this kind of problem where a plan gets injected into the plan cache based on certain set of parameter values and all parameter values that are that that are good for that plan it's great but then if your database table data is column values are skewed up right skewed distribution of data where you have different parameter values and also varieties of parameters coming in and there could be some other plan that could be good for that the optimizer and because of the way stored procedure reusing plan it it encourages plant reuse it will force itself to use those existing plants in the plant cache and friends this is the reason why sometimes in your sql server environment when you have these stored procedures sometimes they run fast sometimes they run slow sometimes they're running fast again sometimes they're running slow again and all this is happening in background parameter sniffing is probably happening in your environment now how do you fix it again it's a big concept there are a lot of other things that i can talk about but a quick fix could be to use the statement level recompile hint so i'm going to drop the stored procedure now and i'm going to modify the stored procedure in this way i'm going to create the stored proc again with the parameter the variables parameters and i'm going to say for this statement option recompile i'm sure you have probably come across this hint option recompile where i'm telling the optimizer that you know what when this stored procedure comes for this particular statement don't store the plan every time compile it again based on the parameter values so this is going to do the trick first now the moment i say this as a solution i as i said this may not be the best solution it's a quick quick solution elevates a lot of uh other problems uh but now the moment you hear me saying that every time the stored procedure comes again create the plan again you're thinking about plan cash recompilation extra cpu cycles being consumed more time and all of that i'm going to come to that but let's first see if the problem gets solved so you have created this stored procedure you modified it let's go and execute the queries again first execution of the stored procedure what do you get get me all of the data you go to the execution plan it's a scan plan all right second execution of the stored procedure let's go and execute this and go to the execution plan you get a seek i am not running dbcc for free proc cash in between isn't it let's go and execute the first one back again and you will see a scan plan again so every execution of the stored procedure you get a fresh new plan based on the parameter values the previous plan is not stored in the plan cache now you're thinking about the cost factor because every time the plan has to be you know compiled optimized and you know extra cpu cycles etc well there is no magic bullet here it's about trade off very simple to gain something you have to lose something this is an old saying which you have heard all the time so the whole idea is if the trade-off is good today hardwares are modern hardware is quite powerful right storage cpu huge memory on boxes so there are cpu cycles available with those additional cpu cycles if the trade-off is that you you're saving so much on query execution if they're running fast why not if trade-off is good go ahead and use it so that's the whole idea of uh parameter uh sniffing there again the many of these topics are quite um required more debates longer discussions more scenarios but that's what uh a free session is all about well on sql mestros dot conference beyond the virtual summit and all of that i do have a lengthy video course also which is just like as interactive as this i'm on screen but much much better with green screen setup and all of that so go to sqlmespros.com check out the performance tuning video course which is a 15 hour course packed with a lot of demos lot of modules maybe you may like that and you may want to subscribe to that uh go ahead and do that uh if if you think that's uh worth it but uh for this session these are the six demos and as i said the sixth one was quite interesting it summed up so many things about scanning seeking bookmarklet the same concepts came again but then yes friends that's the summary these are uh the six things that i see commonly uh but i'll tell you these are just not the six things but i just picked up some random six common query tuning techniques which can solve 75 percent maybe it will solve 60 65 or maybe even 90 percent that's relative but yes common problems that you see in sql server and i hope your time was useful in today's session you learned something new uh do give feedback friends the link is uh there in the chat window my colleague satya is just posting it so i would want to hear from you if this session was worth your time please give some feedback the linkedin link is there in the chat window if you click on that i hope that it has gone to all the attendees uh when you're posting it great so um uh i'm waiting for feedback and post something there visit data platform virtual summit dot com also and explore the content friends content is king content has to be meaningful for you just don't uh buy a ticket and come up on board on any conference look at the content and compare it with the price i truly believe that the team has done an incredible job here trying to put up all of this together at a very very affordable price even if your company and your managers are not sponsoring you you can still uh think about coming on board so two things yes please give feedback follow me on twitter a underscore bunsel please feel free to give some feedback on twitter as well if you are a twitter user and on linkedin and yeah i had a great uh 90 minutes of uh this session time to jump into question and answers right so your questions if you're on youtube post it on youtube chat window no problem and if you're on zoom let's use the q a window and let's start getting down to the questions so the first question stages has a question how can we use index seek using convert functions do we need to create compute columns which convert date time into date and use directly in variable in where condition yes they just you can actually use cast and convert to do explicit conversion and that might work better but there is a catch to that also there are there is an exception if you go to sqlmastrose.com look at some recent blogs i did post a very long blog where cast and convert was also an exception to sargability so while in most functions it will work but there could be some exceptions as well next question is uh gabriel or the key look up still c is inefficient okay well uh gabriel see it's not about any iterator being efficient or inefficient these are different access methods by that logic i think i can always say scan is always inefficient but nothing is always bad or nothing is always good so to say and the and the best answer which you don't like to hear it depends so given a problem let's take the problem at hand and then try to figure out uh what's good or bad relatively small set of data lookups could be good but you just can't keep creating covering indexes to avoid lookup that could be bad in the other world i know you and that was not the answer you were expecting but that's all i had akshay has a question i have a doubt in the where clause you haven't used business entity id in the where clause so how index scan is uh being used okay actually that's one of the challenges of taking all the questions at the end because your question is about a specific demo so actually which uh demo is this about maybe satya is following he may tell me uh business entity id was this uh okay doubt where clause haven't used business entity id in the where clause index scan is showing so this was one of the early questions probably so am i using why sk seek is not happening so that question came at 726 maybe in the second demo of there i think your question about business entity id could be because it's uh it's the clustered index so if i'm using that maybe it would be only seeking but can you just rephrase which demo you're talking about post that again i will answer that question uh with the demo promise jayhawk has a question do you have any recommendation for understanding how to analyze the execution plans well joe's simple guidelines are there look at look at it with warning look at it actuators with cost factors high cost factors look at where is you know huge amount of data flowing in the visual indicator of the arrows are good that helps always take a point to go and look into the select operator because when you take the cursor over select operator it gives you if the query has been using extra memory grant those are some general guidelines i also go one step ahead and try to figure out cardinality estimations so if you take the cursor over arrows apart apart from the number of rows that are being transferred between iterators try to look at cardinality estimation factors those are important because they may tell you our statistics being up to date and what not right so just general guidelines again much larger topic and mole has a question how convert uh how covering index work in case of execution plan well and it's not about how covering index will work in case of execution plan i mean if you have a covering index uh sql will either just scan or see the whole idea is a covering is index is an index which contains all the data that your query is asking for so if your query has select column a b and c and let's say there is an index which has a b and c in whichever order it could either scan or seek and when it would scan when it would seek that i've already explained in the first two demos actually has a question let's say we create an index on a b and c there is the order of index creation okay a b and c now in the where clause i say b is equal to x and c is equal to y so bill is will it uh use c uh no it will not use c because you are not seeking on a so it won't uh seek on b and c it will be a scan what if c is equal to y did not use the sig what if a is equal to then it will use c yeah so in the order of columns as i said because a is the first column in the index you have to seek on a if you want to seek on b and c right and in that order and you can try that out yourself i mean just write a simple query with with an index with three columns and play around santosh high image session is going really good i have a question how does optimizer handle conversion on var binary or text uh data type columns example select start from table where call one like something percentage var binary and uh text data type which are lobs uh large objects conversion on them sorry santosh um i don't have a good answer for that right now maybe just got to look into it so uh take a note of this uh try to post this question in our linkedin group so friends uh have you joined our linkedin groups do that uh we can continue doing more discussions even beyond the session i'm hitting 8 30 now and that is where i will have to wind up because i have another session coming up for a customer uh but i'll just quickly go over this one post that question there i'll do some research and get back to you on on the linkedin group so you can join either sql mesh pros or sql server geeks group whichever you like no problem okay shilpa has a question is there any way to avoid uh cross apply table uh if there's any way to avoid cross-supply table with the table valued function so it's causing performance it should ship a completely different topic all together with table valued functions and cross apply some other time right or just post the question in the in the group because tvf is a different discussion altogether and you know you know i know where is this question coming from tvf creating performance issues because you it's constantly running for every row from the outer expression so i know where it's coming from and it won't use stats and and whatnot so cardinality estimation will go bad rahul khan's can be useful over seek in some cases yes rahul scan can be useful overseek in not some but many cases three one zero five four one has a question that's a great name three one zero five four one so three hundred and ten five four one asks a question is it good choice to use recompile everywhere no it's not a good choice to use recompile everywhere um i just showed you um a demo and a scenario where it could be used and it is a hint hints are really the last thing we should try to use when we're doing query tuning stuff so as i said nothing is good or bad you know all the time it really depends on the situation and scenario and then ganesh has a question how to find parameter sniffing is happening great question ganesh thank you how to find well if you are on latest versions of sql like 2019 17 16 you can use query store they help you identify but if you're not using query store or if you're on 2012 or 14 something like that then uh there is a way on how you can fetch the information from a query stats dmv where query stats dmv has the information about the time it has taken for the current execution and the time it took in previous execution you have to find out a relative factor that is there is a big difference between the two times and extract all those queries and probably potentially there could be a parameter sniffing problem there not always but potentially that's uh the answer to that so um i think once uh i think in um in sql maestro's youtube channel so uh friends i will invite all of you to subscribe to the youtube channel please subscribe sequel mage pros do subscribe to that channel there's a lot of videos out there and ganesh there is a video under the playlist called sequel shigra where i've talked about that i didn't post the query there but i've explained you how it can be done and thanks i will in some days to come i will write a query and i will put it up in linkedin group or i will blog about it so ganesh you will get the answer to that so that's the channel there youtube.com sequel mage pros please go ahead and subscribe to that thank you friends they just has another question how can we use index c using convert function do we need to create okay this i answered this came a second time okay say two has a question does index seek include columns play a vital role in performance tuning english yes they play a vital role they are very powerful remember in sql server 7 and 2000 this include thing was not there and we used to dump all the columns in the key definition that used to increase the size of the index key which increased this uh you know uh the length of uh of the key on the page and it increased more intermediate levels that was very bad so include is good but remember that if you put a particular column an include keyword you cannot seek on that you can only seek on the columns that you put an index key definition right otherwise including key uh including columns in the in the index using the include keyword is actually quite powerful okay farang has a question any device for keeping system friends i hope those who are leaving are you giving feedback on linkedin please do that that's the only thing i ask right and the other thing i ask is you should join data platform virtual summit dot com okay farang has a question any device for keeping system generated statistics system generated status up to date for um big talk topic about statistics slightly out of context for today's session so i invite you to join the linkedin group post the question there and we can have some discussion friends we have telegram groups also in case you are a mobile freak and you like asking questions on mobile um my friend satya can put telegram link also so we have telegrams for sql maze pro sequel server geeks and data platform geeks and even dps for that matter so um you can join uh telegram app is just like whatsapp um you know app so you can uh join but the good thing about telegram is your mobile number is not exposed and that's why we prefer telegram the other thing is groups can have more members more beyond the limitation that whatsapp has and a lot of q a happening there in recent times i'm not very participative because of the dps work but uh the good thing is community helps so as a community member you can ask questions you can also answer questions of other folks okay friends so morale has a question regarding dynamic sql plan cache can we use the same cursor and rather in a while no no avoid cursors uh try to stick to relational sets sometimes cursors are the only solutions you can't help much with that but try to avoid questions in general santosh has a question procedure means one time uh compilation reused many times procedure means one time compile and reuse many times yeah santosh i think that's what you meant right you create the compile and the plan gets reused correct when you create an index on a table with column of sp use okay more and more questions are coming can we get the recorded i will we'll work on the recordings uh anurag um let's get all these questions answered now again parameter sniffing okay actually when you create an index on a table with column uh if sp is using that column then sps will get recompile if not when recompiled so then actually sorry to def uh sorry to i'm not able to follow your question right now if you could just rephrase it but then friends we are on the top of the hour and i have to end the session now beyond 8 30 need to jump into another meeting but it has been so actually please post your question in the linkedin group i'll come back to this again more questions i'll come back to that please give feedback on linkedin join our groups youtubes and telegram and we let's stay connected and talk to each other more about sql server and performance tuning with this i'll wind up today's session thank you very much all of you joining hope it was worth your time i really enjoyed uh delivering this uh session uh for all of you and uh wherever you are and whatever time is left of the day have a great uh day um have a great sleep if you're in around a pack time zone etc thank you very much and see you soon maybe see you at dps2020 goodbye the whole world is joining data platform virtual summit 2020 and there are some very good reasons for that the summit runs 72 hours non-stop continuously round the clock not only the summit even our pre-cons and post cons run round the clock which means the entire package covers all the time zones all the countries whichever part of the world you are in you can 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Channel: SQLMaestros
Views: 26,680
Rating: 4.8709679 out of 5
Keywords: #Performance, #Troubleshooting, #QueryTuning
Id: FoTMJFZ4wwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 3sec (6123 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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