6 New Construction Upgrades You Should AVOID

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It's very easy to go over budget on new  construction especially with all those add-ons! If   you want to save yourself from going over budget  stay tuned because I will be sharing with you six   new construction upgrades to avoid after touring  the model home of a new construction homebuilder   you have a pretty good idea of what you want  in your dream home after going under contract   with a purchase agreement your next appointment  with the builder is to schedule an appointment   at the design center where you will then meet the  design consultant to go over all of your upgrades   and add-ons The Design Center you guys is like  a candy shop there's so many options to choose   from different colors different textures different  feel touch material it's very overwhelming but as   you can only imagine you keep adding everything  that you like in your shopping cart that list   keeps going on and on and by the time you know it  you're definitely over budget for your brand new   home remember when you're purchasing a brand new  home you purchase now only the base price of the   home but also the lot premium and the structural  upgrades those three things are already covered in   your purchase agreement what's additional are all  the additional upgrades that you'll be deciding at   the design center that would include all the  Cosmetic upgrades such as flooring tile even   appliances and so forth all the design upgrades  that you'll be selecting at the design center are   all additional so definitely keep that in mind  before you go into the design center because if   you're like me and my buyers most of us would be  taking actually half a day at the design center   selecting everything that you like and at the  end of it you'll be very surprised to see how   much additional all these design upgrades cost  my recommendation for you before you go to the   design center is to talk to your family members  and have a budget already in mind that you want   to keep under so already before going to the  design center you have a budget in mind and you   don't want to obviously go and surpass that number  here are six upgrades you should avoid number one   flooring if you were to upgrade the flooring of  your brand new home with the builder I would say   you would need to budget from anywhere from ten  thousand to thirty thousand dollars depending on   the size of the home and the materials you choose  many of my buyers and investors would definitely   be interested in ripping out the whole carpet  downstairs and adding whether it's hardwood or   luxury vinyl or tile if you have the flexibility  to do it yourself after closing I had a buyer that   ripped out all of the carpet in the downstairs  area and upgraded to porcelain tile himself and   when he compared the price that it would have  costed him to do that through a builder it   was a huge discount if you have the flexibility I  would highly recommend doing it after closing but   again a lot of my clients who are relocating from  another state they might have a specific timeline   that they need to meet and maybe they don't have  the luxury to do that or have the time in advance   to do all those right Renovations before they move  in so it's a case-by-case situation but if you   do have the flexibility to do it yourself after  closing you will definitely be saving a lot for   your flooring number two tile work whether you're  looking at replacing or adding backsplash in your   kitchen or upgrading your kitchen island or maybe  it's a featured wall or a featured fireplace that   you want tiled everything that you do after  closing is going to be significantly less   than if you were to do it through the Builder  let me give you an example I had a buyer that   was very interested in basically copying what the  model home had as a feature fireplace where they   had a ceiling height of about 20 foot and their  fireplace basically went all the way up from the   first level to the second level the model home had  the exact look and the Builder was going to charge   for that upgrade close to fifteen thousand dollars  now my buyer had the flexibility and she said you   know I'm just gonna do it myself after closing  yes it's going to take a few days than people   coming in through the house but that's okay I want  to do it myself long story short the cost that she   has saved was over 50 percent by doing it herself  number three appliances it's often the case that   these new Builders when they purchase appliances  are in bulk to save costs so when they are buying   in bulk at a discount you may not be able to  get that quality fridge that you have and that's   perfect for your lifestyle and your family just  to give you an example one Builder only offered   one specific brand of appliances where my buyer  was very specific and loyal to a different brand   so they ended up doing the appliances themselves  and not purchasing the appliance package that the   Builder had offered them at a discount on the flip  side when you purchase appliances from the Builder   do your due diligence and thanks to Google you  could Google the prices of the same appliances   and find out if the Builder is in fact offering  a discount because they're buying it in a book or   not in one scenario it was actually a monogram  brand and by GE my buyer was going to actually   pay a premium if they went through the Builder now  yes it's a less hassle to have someone deliver the   fridge and install it for you and you have your  fridge already moving ready when you move into the   house but again when you compare the pricing you  just need to make sure you do your due diligence   and your homework and make sure it works for you  and your timeline and your lifestyle depending on   the kind of fridge that you want for your family  by the way if we haven't met yet konichiwa my name   is your Las Vegas lifestyle specialist helping you  find your dream home whether it's new construction   or resale home or whether it's in Las Vegas or  Henderson or worldwide I'm here for you as your   Global real estate advisor thank you so much for  watching and I really appreciate it if you can   subscribe to my channel let's keep going number  four cabinet hardware you know what's trending   lately in all the model homes have you guys seen  those black Hardware finishes it's like a matte   finish but they're very cool looking right now  if you were to purchase it through the Builder   the Builder will charge you a premium for it and  Cabinet Hardware might be the easiest thing that   you could DIY and or hire a handyman to install  after closing at a much cheaper rate number   five custom closets there are so many vendors  especially here in Las Vegas and Henderson to   choose from when it comes to custom closet instead  of purchasing custom closets through the Builder   why not take your time after closing interview  several closet companies in town and then decide   who will be able to help you design your dream  closet I had a buyer who decided to do it after   closing and she has saved nearly 30 percent off  what the Builder was offering for her dream custom   closet and if you're looking for that perfect  custom closet contact here in Las Vegas make sure   you comment below or contact me because I have  a really really good one that I use even for my   personal home for custom closets what questions  do you have regarding new construction upgrades   comment below let me know what your questions are  and I will make sure I reply with a video message   now let's keep going a lot of times people order  their window coverings and blinds or shutters   directly from the Builder because they want window  coverings right away as they move into their new   home but let me just say that if you plan your  closing accordingly and have everything measured   in advance before closing you may be able to get  that window covering installed the day of your   closing or shortly after at a much lower rate just  to give you an example there's different options   for window coverings as you know it may just be  the you know drapery it could be the blinds it   could be just the shades or the shutters shutters  obviously being the premium option I had a buyer   that decided to do it after closing and they  already had everything pre-planned so that they   had the measurements and the quotes from a third  party ready to go after closing they were able to   install it right away my advice is let the pricing  and your style dictate your window coverings and   not the timing what did you guys think about my  list of 6 six upgrades to avoid when purchasing   a new construction I have had a buyer who is  a contractor himself that purchased a brand   new home all standard so that he could do all his  upgrades himself so that's obviously an option and   especially if you have the time and flexibility  you're able to do it yourself and make it into   your dream home make sure you check out my next  video on seven things you need to know about new   construction that will help you be better prepared  when you're ready to purchase a new build thank   you so much for watching I really appreciate  it and I can't wait to see you on the next one
Channel: Kaori Luxury Real Estate
Views: 21,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: new construction, buying new construction home process, new construction home, new construction regrets, housing market, new construction homes, new construction home upgrades, design center tips, first time home buyer, buying new construction process, new construction vs resale, real estate market, pros and cons of buying new construction, interest rates, new build financing, buying new construction home, new home design center, semi custom home, new home upgrades, inflation
Id: LvbWv7oNb28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 32sec (512 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 12 2023
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