6 Genius Cooler Hacks

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here are six great ways to get big-block performance from your low-budget cooler number one you may know of polar bear tubes but we made supercharged polar bear tubes using PVC pipe and fittings make watertight tubes to fit your cooler and your freezer to super charge them we mix salt into the water so it freezes at a lower temperature and the ice lasts longer fill the tubes 3/4 full seal them up and freeze them those are supercharged polar bear tubes number two when cube ice and the contents of your cooler thaw they make a nasty grimy slurry a false bottom made from a cheap piece of wire shelving supported by your polar bear tubes keeps the contents high and dry number three high-dollar coolers have lots of bells and whistles like built-in bottle openers with a church key and a zip tie we put one on for a buck number for another thing fancy coolers have is a gasket seal around the lid you can add your own with one roll of foam rubber mounting tape and a pocketknife number five inexpensive plastic coolers slide around your truck bed or boat deck to get wreck and wreck other stuff our simplest hack use a self-adhesive non-slip furniture pads to eliminate the problem in seconds number six finally the thing that melts ice and cooler goods the fastest is simply opening the lid keep the cold in and the warm out longer by cutting a piece of two-sided reflective insulation to act as a second lid there you have them six great ways to get gold standard performance from your department store cooler
Channel: 50 Campfires
Views: 2,341,178
Rating: 4.1195879 out of 5
Keywords: Genius Cooler Hacks, Best Cooler Hacks, Coldest Cooler Tricks, Keep Ice Longer, How To Hack A Cooler, Turn A Cheap Cooler into a Yeti
Id: nXZR1vkLEiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 57sec (117 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 13 2017
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