6 Best VideoScribe Examples / Whiteboard Animation YouTube Channels

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whiteboard animations are a great way to create high-impact youtube content that not only earns you some money but also can be done without showing your face and fits around your busy lifestyle but maybe you're worried about the ninja-like skills needed to create videos in this style or you're not sure what software you need or maybe you don't believe me and surely no one is making bank doodling little animations well guess what they really can be a great way to create youtube content and in this video i'm going to show you six youtube channels that are absolutely killing it with whiteboard explainer videos including one that's had so much success that is now working with mr beast arguably the king of youtube if you're new to my channel my name is john davis i help content creators maximize their impact and income using proven strategies and tech if that sounds like your cup of tea then hit that subscribe button now before we jump straight in with the success stories let me very quickly explain what a whiteboard explainer video is and maybe why you should start creating them it's when we use software to create very simple but fun illustrations they're typically short videos that introduce new concepts or processes in a highly engaging and easy to understand way people love to watch and create these videos because firstly they simplify information which makes them ideal for educational videos tell a story so that everyone can visually follow along secondly they're a great way of presenting data and statistics and a low-cost way of creating content thirdly the software that these creators are using is called videoscribe now videoscribe itself is a really easy to learn piece of software which means that anyone can start a youtube channel using this style even a fico like me now let's dive in and take a look at these six channels that are absolutely killing it using videoscribe to create whiteboard explainer videos so let's kick this off with one of my favorite youtube channels paddy galloway paddy is perhaps one of the most modern twists i've seen on the whiteboard explainer video scene as you'll see later on these are often in the education sector and i guess you could say so is paddy see what paddy does is he analyzes youtube growth and strategy and blends that in with what we call hero videos he rides the tailcoat of fame by running a deep dive into popular youtubers and shows us smaller youtubers how these people create their success he's so good at this he's now working with leading youtubers like mr beast to help improve their content so paddy's using explainer videos to illustrate the story so that we can easily follow along and then mixes that up with some screen footage at no point does paddy sit down and talk to the camera yet look at how successful he is with over 240 000 subscribers and he's only produced 25 videos so far that's amazing stuff in my opinion using this video style allows paddy to focus more on the delivery tone and copywriting that makes his channel so damn good two-minute classroom creates videos about science and maths for high school students he's tapping into one of the most important features of whiteboard animations simplicity so take note as this will really help you with your own channel this creator is producing videos that explain a subject or concept in a quick and efficient way no high school student wants to watch a 45 minute scientific breakdown when it could be delivered in two minutes and when it's done via illustration our brain learns much quicker this is why these type of videos work really well with informational content check out channel number three who's got close to two million subscribers i kid you not their videos have been viewed over 100 million times this channel creates videos usually around five to ten minutes long and they're in depth on the subject of psychology and personal development they're using youtube to not only earn money through advertising but they also link to multiple courses that they've created themselves these are making them passive income from the millions of viewers on their channel it's safe to say that this channel owner doesn't have any need to ask his boss for a raise this year the arts of improvement now the fact that you're watching this video now tells me two things firstly that you're freaking awesome and secondly that you're looking at ways you can improve yourself this may be with new skills by taking the leap and starting a youtube channel or even that you wish to make more money well guess what youtube is the go-to place for anyone looking to learn something or solve a problem which is exactly why the art of improvement channel has so much success they focus on personal development and give clear guidance and inspiration by using video scribe animations now i'm not sure if you've actually tried videoscribe yet but you may look at some of these videos and think well i'm okay with the scripting and how to share my knowledge but the animation part looks way too difficult listen using video scribe is crazy easy it's so simple to add images and text and then all you need to do is change the timing so that they fit with your audio i won't go into the details here but when you finish watching this video check out the description as i've got a full tutorial as well as an honest review of video scribe that will answer any questions that you may have teachings in education is an upcoming channel that focuses on the teachers rather than the students covering a broad range of subjects that help educators from around the world if you're struggling to think what your channel should be about then have a think about what you're good at teaching or explaining personally i think that's why there are so many good examples in this niche teachers are good at breaking the concept down and explaining it to their audience with animation added on top they've got the perfect combination to be successful on youtube this channel is sharing their knowledge and making a nice little side income from youtube and the best part is that they don't need to show their face they can remain completely anonymous and they can create these videos around their busy life as all you need is a laptop and video scribe if you want a youtube niche that makes money then one of the biggest is the finance niche whether that's how to make money online or personal finance or investing it's very lucrative which is why this channel has nailed it with their content choice the swedish investor goes against the norm when it comes to video length they actually create really long form and detailed videos but i want to reiterate the point they make in their own about page i will share with you the most successful strategies for taking your personal finance and investing to the next level in a simple and enjoyable way so you see those keywords don't you simple and enjoyable for me the key to a good whiteboard animation channel is all about taking a concept and presenting that in a simpler way that's all so easy on the eye and simple to follow along and understand anyone can do this often we get carried away and geek out on things we're experienced and knowledgeable about when we talk to beginners we melt their brains with terminology and assume that they know the basics too remember that we all have to start somewhere and to put yourself in their shoes and simplify everything i hope that gives you an insight into what's possible with whiteboard explainer videos using videoscribe for me if you've got something to teach then this is a great way of doing it and with enough consistency and effort you can build a money-making youtube channel that you don't need to show your face on either now you might be sat there thinking well how do i learn how to use videoscribe where do i get training from i've never done anything like this before well trust me it's pretty easy to learn and to pick up the software is excellent for that now if you do want some additional training in videoscribe then look in the description i'm going to put a link in there which will give you 14 days of the premium version of skillshare for free so once you've signed up for skillshare there are absolutely tons of excellent quality courses in there just look at all of these which are just videoscribe alone and if you look there there's actually one that paddy galloway himself has created so you can learn exactly how he's creating youtube videos and earns himself over 200 000 subscribers links are all in the description and on the screen now there's also going to be another video which will help you learn more about videoscribe you
Channel: Create With Jon
Views: 43,510
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: whiteboard animation, videoscribe, whiteboard video, whiteboard animation tutorial, whiteboard animation software, how to make whiteboard animation, best videoscribe examples, whiteboard animation youtube channels, videoscribe tutorial, best whiteboard animation software, explainer video, youtube channel ideas, whiteboard, whiteboard animation video, make whiteboard animation, whiteboard animation videoscribe, whiteboard explainer video
Id: E2Zjo6w7ND0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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