6 Best No-Code App Builders For Beginners in 2024 (Build Apps WITHOUT CODING)

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no code has made it easier than ever to bring your ideas into life and build web apps mobile apps websites without writing a single line of code however you're probably feeling overwhelmed with all of the different builders that are available on the market right now or you probably run into some of the more complex apps like bubble flutter flow or web flow and you realize that it will take you weeks or even months to learn to be able to build out your idea and as an entrepreneur you probably don't have the time to do that well if you're a complete beginner to no code or you just want to build out a basic version of your idea to get it on the market as soon as possible then this video should be useful for you as today I will be sharing the easiest and most beginner friendly NOCO tool Builders available on the market right now while simple all of these still have some serious functionality to help you build out whatever you might have in mind and guys this video is not sponsored by any of the tools the tools I'll be listing in this video I found throughout my own experience or additional research but I will leave affiliate link links in the description down below that you can click if you want to support the channel if not you can just Google the name of the app and go from there start off the software software is an easy to use NOCO tool that allows you to create web apps from your air table or Google Sheets data it can be used to build a variety of web apps internal tools marketplaces gated communities directories and much more for my own experience it is the easiest knockout web app builder available right now it has a beautiful drag and drop interface that pre-build components that you can use to build at rapid speed each one of the components is customizable to your own liking and there are two kinds of components there are static components and there's Dynamic components static components are things like hero sections images and they remain the same while Dynamic components display data dynamically so that will be the data from your air table or Google Sheets meaning that whenever you make any changes to your database that will display on the front end on those Dynamic components so for example if you had a database of different employees and you were were listing them on your front end and software whenever you added a new employee in that database in your air table that will also show up on your website on software so when you sign up in softer you can start with either a web app from scratch or you can choose some kind of app from the template let's say you want to build an employee directory so we can choose one of these we'll have to Grant access to air table to add new blocks we can just click here on the right and then choose from some of the pre-made blocks here so as I mentioned before there's Dynamic and there's static blocks the dynamic blocks you'll use the data for from our air table so let's say we add the list here we'll be able to choose data source so we choose our air table and that will basically pull the data from the air table and display it here and then the static blocks will be headers hero sections and many more as you can see they have a lot of pre-built blocks already and this is the ones that you'll be building the so they have forms user accounts payments list list details tables inbox calendar Canan chart and many many more blocks to choose from they also have a lot of static blocks and all of these are customized isable so let's say you added a hero block you could click on it and then change all the styling in here you could change the image you could change the background image you can change all of the colors the paddings everything you want to change is customizable in here and software has a lot of different templates they have templates for client portals internal tools dashboards so if you have an idea that fits into any of these categories you can basically pick a template from here and use that as your starting base making it very fast Build It software also has plenty of Integrations with other tools and that can extend its functionality much further there are Integrations like stripe PayPal Google analytics type form calendly and many more and of course it has Integrations the tools like zapier and make which you could use to have even deeper Integrations as well as very complex automations one notable strong suit of software is their management features you can easily Define permissions for different users manage their accounts and that makes software a very good choice for for building web apps that require user registration and permission features so who is software for well if you want to build a front end for your air table or you want to build a web app then software could be a great choice for you it is also a very popular choice for those who are looking to build an MVP for their startup to quickly validate their idea before moving on to a more complex Builder like bubble or vweb next up we've got Glide now I know that I just mentioned that software is the easiest Builder that you could ever wish for well Glide comes very very close but while software is aimed towards making General apps Glide is more focused on making it as easy as possible to build internal tools and basic mobile apps glide's intuitive interface lets anyone rapidly create and launch apps while still having them looking awesome they have a very heavy focus on UI as they believe that's very important in any kind of app now when you start building this Glide you can either choose to start the mobile or large screen which would be web but as Glide is more designed for mobile let's start with mobile you can either choose to start at Glide tables which is glide's internal database or any of these sources here like Google Sheets Excel and air table let's just choose Glide tables and it started us off with this kind of template here on the left we see the different pages if you want to edit something we click here on the components and then basically edit them so let's say if you want to change it to to a grid or if you wanted to add new components you can click on the plus here and add all of these different components just a simple title with an image as you can see it added here you can also just move it up so now it's on the top and then we can edit it so we can change the image here and then change the styling of it and then in the actions tab here you can set up all the different actions the the different Integrations and in the data tab you can see your entire database and this is what the action stab looks like basically you'll set up all the different interactions in this kind of flow diagram now Glide is perfect for Building Product cataloges event apps education apps and customer portals the reason why you would choose Glide over software are two toold Glide has a mobile first approach to building the apps so you're building your app for mobile and then optimizing it for web so if you want to build a mobile app then Glide will be a better choice over software and the second reason is that Glide has much more database Integrations and it also has its own database structure the Glide you can use Google Sheets air table glide's own database big query and even MySQL and it also has powerful Integrations with anything you may need such as open AI slack stripe Discord and much much more now we mentioned using air table as a database for the app Builders and it's one of the best tools to use for that it has very extensive functionality and an absolutely beautiful UI making it easy to use for anyone and that's why we must mention it on this list as well as if you are non-technical founder air table is an absolutely incredible tool for organizing your databases but what exactly is air table well it's a cloud-based software that combines the functionality of a spreadsheet with the power of databases and sprinkles AI as well as automations on top of that air table allows you to store and manage all kinds of data customer information Inventory management tasks basically anything that can be organized into a table format it also allows you to effortlessly link all of these databases together to create relationships between different pieces of data it also allows you to set up automations and integrate the front-end tools to turn all that data into startups but with its beautiful UI and complex functionality you can build more than just databases you can use it to build crms project management apps event management apps internal dashboards client dashboards and all other kinds of internal tools when you start off you're going to have a table like this which is very basic but from here on the right we can choose the different templates so let's say we want to build an air table for a simple project tracker there's different views that you can set up so you can view your data in different kind of ways for example we can add a gallery view and here we can see the projects in a different way like here we see it in the table View and here here we would see it in a gallery view you can add more columns more information and you can also set up other databases that can link to this there's also automations you can add different triggers for example when a form is submitted that could send a notification on slack or when a web Hook is received so when for example you get data from another external source that can add that onto the air table and then make some kind of calculations the options are honestly endless there's many different kind of automations that you can make as you can see there's a few examples here like you can send an email a slack message you can update records automatically you can send like a weekly report from all the data in your air table and you can also set up interfaces so interfaces will basically be like the front end views for the data so it's basically kind of like Mini web apps made from your data within air table itself you can even add a form there so you could have this interface and then send that to your employees or if you have many different projects for specific client you could also set that up and then send that to your client so they could see exactly what's happening for each different project so you could either use air table as an internal tool for your own business or use it as a back and forth startup that you're building and air table comes through an entire universe of templates as well as different extensions making it super flexible for any kind of data needs I know for a fact that some of you watching this video right now who know about a bit of nood space are kind of freaking out why well it's because I haven't mentioned card yet well now is the time I'm going to mention it honestly this is one of my favorite tools on the list because it's absolutely awesome when it comes to being being beginner Friendly Card is the king there are no other builders out there that make it as easy as card to build onepage websites card offers an easy to understand UI interface to build professional and responsive onepage websites you can do it from scratch or you can use their beautiful pre-made templates and they have a lot of templates to choose from choose a starting point you choose from one of the beautiful templates that they have here so let's say if you just want to set up simple landing page and that's it you just edit from here you click on the parts that you want to edit and then you edit them so here you could upload an image you could click here to edit the text and then you could click on all of these different components to add the links to them edit the text once again you can also edit the colors if you need something to build a quick landing page card is for you on the free plan you get all the basic features like adding texts lists images buttons videos containers but if you upgrade your account which is only $1 a year yes a year you'll also be able to add contact sign up and payment forms and custom visits from third party services like stripe and PayPal so you can also use it to take payments so if you need a builder for onepage site or a portfolio a landing page email newsletter sign up form then make sure to check out card now on to probably one of the most advanced no Cod tools on this list while being Advanced it's still friendly to the beginners as the building experience is pretty straightforward and this speaking about adalo what adalo allows you to do is build complex mobile first apps without writing any code it has intuitive drag and drop interface that allows you to build apps for different devices visually and publish them on iOS as well as Android marketplaces as native apps while Glide allows you to build apps they don't allow you to build native apps and that's where adalo differs it is very quick to build a adalo it has in a purchase functionality loads of templates a components Marketplace and of course a long list of Integrations now this is what adalo looks like when you're building the adalo you're basically editing on this kind of board where you can see all the different views for your app and how the different pages interact with each other and when you want to edit something you just zoom in or you can click on the screens here and it will take you to the different screens so let's say we want to go to our login page we click here and that's where we can edited you can basically click on the different components to resize them to change the layout to change the colors to change the text it's very easy drag and drop a little bit more complicated than software and other tools because it gives you much more flexibility like we can resize everything exactly the way we want and we can move everything around the way we want while the software it was more like building blocks here it's more drag and drop a bit more complicated but it gives us more functionality if you wanted to add more components you click on the plus here and then you can choose from the components that they have here they have forms all these different ones like vectors line like vectors images text different buttons different lists different Navigation tabs it is a great choice if you want to build e-commerce booking education social media or business apps and once again it's a popular choice for building MVPs before moving onto a more complex Builder like draft bit or flutter flow at this point in time everybody knows what notion is you probably use it to organize your notes or your study materials and some people even use it to manage their business and their entire content production Pipeline and now imagine if you could set up a notion database and then turn it into a beautiful website in just a few clicks well that's exactly what Super Doo does it allows you to turn your notion data into a fully functional responsive website and it's honestly amazing because the website that come out of it are beautiful for example my website nood Forge is actually made the super the database is on notion and then Super is the front end this is what it looks like in notion as you can see here it's like completely different it's just a gallery view of all these different tools as well as some text and an image but then Super converts that into a beautiful website so it's pretty awesome this one I had to do a bit of custom code to get it the way that I wanted to but there are many different templates available on super that could suit your needs it's a great solution for those who are looking to set up a quick personal site or a portfolio a single landing page a Blog a Business website or some kind of directory now some honorable mentions while not being app Builders this list of apps should help you with any other needs that you might have during your startup journey ken.com is an amazing tool for automating call Scheduling make.com will be your best bu if you want to set up complex automation or integrate all kinds of different apps together milanote is a tool I use every single day for organizing all of my thoughts and ideas in one place absolutely amazing for brainstorming and managing all the different information beehive is an all-in-one newsletter solution very easy to use and outset as all-in-one membership software you can use it to set up recurring payments now if you want to learn about even more no code tools click this video on the screen now and if you want to hear about no code success stories then check out this playlist
Channel: Gleb Kras
Views: 5,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no code tools, top nocode, best no code, best no-code, best no code mobile app builder, best no code platform, best no-code app builder, best saas tool, best no code saas platform, best no code tools, best no-code tools, best no code website builder 2023, no code app builder, no code apps, best no-code tools 2024, top no code tools 2024, top nocode tools 2024, best nocode tools 2024, beginner nocode tools, nocode tools for beginners, beginners nocode, nocode easy
Id: sbsHRjd3-s8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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