5th industrial revolution - Humanity, Purpose, and Inclusivity. | Pratik Gauri | TEDxIIFTKolkata

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we all want a life of privilege we all want a life of abundance we all want a life of luxury but do we want all of this at the cost of gifting our future generations and children a world where this lack of gender equality where there is lack of quality education where there is lack of clean water and sanitation I'm sure the answer is no I've had the privilege of working in two worlds which I feel have been operating in silos the first world is a world which we often say the for-profit world the corporate world the business world this world is heavily centered around profits and progress this world is centered around returning shareholders maximum return compromising a lot of factors which I just spoke about there is another world which I've had the privilege of working in which is OK in operating in a second silo this world we call as the philanthropic world or the nonprofit world this world is heavily centered on purpose and inclusion magic can be produced if both these worlds intersect and this is what I call the fifth Industrial Revolution we all know that you are living in the world of the fourth Industrial Revolution where we are heavily influencing through technology artificial intelligence Internet of Things blockchain and robotics let me just give you an overview of the Industrial Revolution that have existed in the past every time a new source of energy is created we transition from one Industrial Revolution to the next we jump from one orbit to the other and that is how Industrial Revolution of progress in the past let's look at the first Industrial Revolution which was created in the end of the 18th century there was a new form of energy which was created which we call the steam energy because of the invention of the steam engine which trusted foreword material and economic progress of humanity in the beginning of the 19th century we experienced another form of energy which was created which we say electricity oil and gas that brought us into the Second Industrial Revolution the third Industrial Revolution began in the end of the 19th century through the invention of computers and Internet this is what we call another energy creation which was the nuclear energy we transition to the fourth Industrial Revolution in the beginning of the twenty 21st century through artificial intelligence blockchain data Big Data robotics and 3d printing and that's the world we are living in there is no doubt that this world has this revolution is called not of good but has caused a lot of harm as well due to this harm I say there is a new form of energy that needs to be created which is already ongoing which I call the human energy and that is what I meant when he said that we need to work at the intersection of both those worlds and heavily bend profits and progress towards purpose and inclusivity this is what I call we need to transition from the fourth to the fifth Industrial Revolution we are going to we are going to bend the focus of technology back towards humanity let me just tell you the fourth Industrial Revolution has had great successes with you all of you know when we talk about profits in progress but it has often eclipsed the service of humanity to an extent that pioneers of the fourth Industrial Revolution like Elon Musk have relinquished their intellectual property rights the fourth Industrial Revolution because of the harms and the threats that we face we need to transition to a fifth Industrial Revolution let me just take you through some of these threats which the fourth Industrial Revolution has has put us n let us talk about electricity do you know that 1.3 billion people in this world do not have access to electricity and out of that 300 million people are in India which is one-fifth of a population let's talk about gender equality do you know there are only 990 girls - a thousand boys one-third of women experience sexual violence in their lifetime let us talk about climate change India is the third largest emitter of carbon dioxide in this whole world contributing to 7 percent of the total carbon dioxide emissions let us talk about clean water and sanitation 1/5 of the kids died happen due to diarrhea 520 million Indians still defecate in the open which is obviously not hygienic due to all of these problems we need to transition and use all the 21st century innovation and technology to bend the focus towards humanity and solve all of these problems and that is what we say the 5th Industrial Revolution that is why the world needs to move towards the 5th Industrial Revolution but how would the transition from the 4th Industrial Revolution happened to the 5th Industrial Revolution well because of amazing technological advances that that have happened it's made our life really easier first and foremost it is business and corporate world which need to act as a force for good when I say that business needs to act as force for good what I mean is that businesses need to bend their progress and profits towards sustainability I run a global impact accelerator based out of the United States in India called the Fifth Element roof where we are creating the fifth Industrial Revolution we create traffic on the bridge between key performance indicators that brands want to hit and sustainable development goal aligned impact which we call the STG or an impact we create or given solutions only main by only when I mean a win-win-win solution by bringing together businesses philanthropists social entrepreneurs and nonprofits to gather on the same table and we design solutions which maximize businesses profits and progress but doesn't compromise on climate change and humanitarian values let me just give you a live example of an omni wind that we did last year veer on the Red Nose Day campaign Red Nose Day campaign by the way is a campaign to end child poverty in the United States Walgreens which is the second largest pharma company of the world was actually producing this campaign what we did in this campaign was that we fall greens actually funded comic relief which is again a big charity based out of the u.s. to actually promote and end child poverty how did we do this by the way the Red Nose Day every time a consumer engaged with a brand every time a consumer bought a rednose had some dollars were unlogged from the budget or Walgreens towards the social cause this was child poverty in this case isn't this beautiful wave all greens was actually getting an amplified brand warmth as we say in marketing joggins they were hitting all their key performance indicators but they were also creating social impact on the ground and hitting all their KPIs and bending the bending that purpose progress towards purpose let me just give you a generic view of how we will transition into the fifth Industrial Revolution innovation in technology which is being developed in all for fortune 500 companies coupled with STG aligned impact which I say sustainable development goals the United Nations align impact backed by women at the center of the workforce is actually going to propel us into the fifth and revolution it is actually a linchpin this intersection of all these three pieces is a linchpin to actually solve all global issues that I just spoke about if you see here that is what the impact that we created through the Red Nose Day we reach millions and millions of audiences and we created something which Walgreens never imagined to create the second biggest pillar to achieving the fifth Industrial Revolution is about empowerment of women and girls why I say that do you know that India lost two trillion dollars metaphorically in 2018 because I because women only contributed to 23% of Labor workforce imagine if that 77 percent women happened to join the workforce they obviously represent 50% of the population it's actually going to help us propel into the first Industrial Revolution the increasing prominence of the United Nations sustainable development goals is another thing which I think is going to help create the fifth Industrial Revolution the United Nations has developed 17 global goals which I spoke about which are going to help us transition into the fifth these goals have gender equality climate change hunger access to quality education partnerships as goals which are going to obviously help create an environment from transition from the fourth to the fifth Industrial Revolution and creation of a new form of capital which we say the human capital these three factors together will help us take us into the fourth to the first where I say the first and foremost being business as force for good increasing prominence of United Nations sustainable development goals which by the way has been agreed to by 193 Heads government heads of 193 United Nations member states and it provides Universal framework and empowerment of girls and women the world needs a fifth Industrial Revolution to flower like a renaissance are you ready to be a part of it the time is now thank you [Applause]
Channel: TEDx Talks
Views: 29,727
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TEDxTalks, English, Business, Change, Entrepreneurship, Humanity, Philanthropy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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