5K SUBSCRIBER GIVEAWAY!!! Mina Villegas Inspired Palette "Pinwheel" and "Lotus Flower" Good Luck

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[Music] hi guys this is the dried result that video i just did and i just wanted to let you know that the this is the gold with the quinacridone nicolaso gold that i mixed together and it shines i'm hoping not to get any shadows in this but it is like spectacular just shines like gold beautiful color and got some really great lacing on this one so i just wanted to give you the dried result it dried pretty quick it was like a day so pretty happy about this baby um there we go and i'm gonna try i'm gonna do more with this color i love that color that teal essential tail by there all right i'll be back in a quick guys it's michelle welcome to my channel grateful creations well i want to tell you guys i just hit 5 000 subscribers i am so grateful to each and every one of you um i can't i'm just i'm so humbled um i'm very i do this because i love to paint i don't do it for the money i don't do it for the noted variety i just do it because i love to paint and um i'm just so glad you guys are here for the journey um i i really really appreciate you guys so these are the two i did with the um tlp this is the cloud poor and let me tell ya it is a blinging so tlps are good for cloud pores now i'm going to tell you what happened here um there's some bumps all through here and i don't know if it's because i poured over this one or if i don't know exactly what it is but there are some bumps but if i resin this the bumps will be it won't be an issue but it did produce some really nice shimmer on this one too so still struggling with the dutch pore but it's getting better now for um for my 5 000 subscriber i'm gonna be doing a giveaway and i'm hopefully it's going to be this painting if it turns out um if it doesn't then i'll pick another one and i was also going to send the winner a jar of this i have plenty so i want to share so um it is open to everyone in canada and the us and if you um enter and you're not from canada or the us i'm just going to ask that you pay for shipping um it'll be free shipping for canada and us so sorry about that guys but that's the best i can do there we go so i have been watching mina vilagas actually i was on i was chatting with her when um my subscribers flipped over to 5000 so she must be my uh my lucky charm and i've been watching the serendipity and the the tilted swirl one they're both in the same palette and i am going to go with her palette on that now the only difference is i have mixed up some um tlp in pinwheel and i'm going to add this to the pour so i've mixed this just like i would mix um well actually i did have to put a little bit of thickener in it because it was a little bit too thin so i put some um liquitex gloss medium and then that wasn't working so i put some uh golden gloss gel and the gloss gel is what i use to mix the pigments anyways and um erica hughes has great video on that on how to mix these so that's the pinwheel this is amsterdam pearl violet and i've added just a smidge of white to this so that it actually shows up this is pebio iridescent in green blue or is it blue green it's blue green this one's blue green all right and we have decoart metallics decor americana metallics in 24k gold all of the paints are mixed with liquitex pouring medium and flow troll and a little bit of water if i needed it this is amsterdam permanent violet glue i can never tell if it's violet blue blue violet so and i also have some flow extender here i haven't thinned it out yet but i will before and she did um she did two of them one of them was a tilted tilted the other one was um tilted and um sponge so that's i'm gonna spin it tonight because i really liked that one and i am going to get started pouring so i'm going to go in i didn't mix any extra paint so if this doesn't work it doesn't work i'm going to put a good amount of the blue violet and then pepio and then the pearl and then i'm going to put yeah i'm going to put the gold first just a little bit then i'm going to put the tlp i think i put a little bit of ultramarine violet light from amsterdam in that paint to make it um a little bit more opaque i don't want a lot of paint in this cup this is a 16 or 18 ounce cup and i'll put this next to it there we go and then a little bit more of the pearl just put something in between the gold and then i do want to put the rest of this in because that's what we're going to be pouring just a little bit more so i'm going to water this down just a little bit because i find if you add water to the 24 karat gold it does sell up a little bit better um just a little bit not a lot all right that should do it i'm gonna put it right in the center so you can get some gold nice gold cells this is almost identical to nina's pour except i'm gonna pour from that side yeah except i'm gonna do a straight core um the only thing that's different is the tlp here we go i hope my paints are thick enough wow there nice dismount i love this oh my goodness now i'm going to want to keep it i can always do another one but it's sometimes you know you want to replicate a painting and it's just it doesn't work you can't replicate it so let me turn this this way so we can get it a little bit more centered oh my and we are going to spin it let me um and now i'm going to put down i'm going to water this down just a little bit wow i love this color palette nina uses it quite often and it's just it's so beautiful just it's my favorite favorite but that tlp is really appearing and i'm surprised because well i'm not surprised i've just never tried it in a straightforward before and i'm really excited about this so i am going to go ahead and pour this around [Music] so [Music] make sure everything's pretty even because if it isn't then i might get some wonkiness all right i'm scared i'm scared i want this to turn out because i really do want this painting to go to one of my subscribers one of you guys one of you wonderful people i love all the comments you guys leave me so encouraging out a little bit this way just center it i'm loving this all right i'm gonna do a little baby spin because i'm afraid wow wow all right i'm going to tilt it just a smidge i might even not tilt it i think i might just leave it um it doesn't have enough paint on the corners though wow what do you think guys and it's going to develop yet too um i'm just going to try to if i try and tilt it i'm going to lose the integrity of the pour so i'm just going to try to put more paint down i'm loving it loving it all right let me try and get some of this out and then add it to the corner here this is the corner that's lacking the only thing i'm worried about is if it doesn't fit if it cracks i hope not don't know how much paint there's my lovely squirrel all right i'm gonna torch it again and see where we're at i just love it i don't want to do anything more to it i'm afraid fill in some of those blank spots and pray that it dries well i'm so used to working with um thin paints this is kind of um tricky it's a little tricky [Music] all right i love these spinners i still have yet to make the spinner i've been dizzy flying so i haven't had time but i do have the materials so i've got a week off now so that's the beauty of this job you know it's full time and i only work like 15 days out of the month and that's considered full time so it's um and benefits and i just i love it and it's fun i can't believe they pay me to go to work because it's so much fun all right guys i'm gonna leave it like that torch it and i'm going to see if how heavy it is it's not bad is it moving it is moving a little bit let's bring it up here a little bit wow there's a lot of bling a lot of bling i'm really happy with that between the gold and the um tlp all right i hope you guys love it too i am going to torch it and let it sit for a while and then come back and give you a close-up now i'm painting during the day so might not be able to give you a close-up to later oh i see your hair hair kitty hair there it is pretty cool wow well i got to um say nina sarah max sarah taylor gina de luca christine welch christina welch um gosh there's so many erica hughes um fiona um there's just so many artists i hope i'm not forgetting anybody but those i mean i've been following my first person the first person i ever followed was gina deluca amazing artist she just did a wonderful river waterfall today all right guys i'm hoping this dries well famous last words the center looks a little it doesn't have as much definition as out here and that could be it might be because my paints maybe were thinner um i thought i had them pretty thick though but uh jeez that uh i love the tlp the tlp in in a straightforward awesome awesome awesome awesome all right i'm gonna stop talking now i'll bring you down for a close-up in a little bit all right guys it's daytime so i don't know if this is going to pick up or not but wow i hope i don't drop my phone yeah kind of liking this i think i should have made my gold a little bit thicker because it's kind of floating but uh that tlp is sparkling it's pinwheel that's what i'm going to call this one it's going to be called pinwheel since i used pinwheel in it got some nice cells and this is nina's um palette although i've always admired it it's so cool just that um permanent violet blue next to the the um turquoise is just amazing and uh that tlp it's really you can't really see oh maybe a little bit there doesn't really do it justice but uh yeah and then here's the center [Music] yeah the tlp really mixed in well so you can use them for straight pores too a lot of bling to this one look at that big fat cell there it looks like an opal it does it looks like an opal it's multiples in here so this is it for this one um it's a 20 by 20. i'm going to do a little 8x8 on cradled wood and that'll be second prize right guys so i have some leftover paints i'm gonna do an eight by eight uh cradled wood port cradle board and i'm gonna do the same colors um that i did on the big one and this will be second prize so here we go with the amsterdam permanent violet on blue don't have too much of this left and then we're gonna go with the white the pearl white and then i don't know how yeah i guess i can put this next to it and another layer this will be just enough for here for this uh little one it shouldn't probably be all right so i'm gonna put a little bit of this is these canvases um they're da vinci pro panels and i never have to um prime them it's just they're that nice so i'm going to put down a little bit of gold and i'm going to pour into this it's this is way too much paint it really truly is she had a bigger panel there we go that's pretty too oh look at those fingerlings okay i can't spin this really hard because the other one's right right next to it [Music] i just put it in the cup that i just poured from so i don't know what i need this i really don't think so i take the sides i like the wood to show so hopefully whoever wins this likes it that way too and of course it it'll all depend on how they dry there we go okay don't have to worry about the sides let me see here i really like that pinwheel oh i don't want i can turn it this way it doesn't really matter i'm going to bring it up it's not really crazy about those it's not bad there's a lot of paint on there though all right i'm gonna leave it at that and i am going to torch it and uh we'll see how it goes it's pretty but it's uh there's not that much turquoise in it because i didn't have that much turquoise left oh i'm running out of juice all right i'll bring you down for a close-up um once this has settled down a little bit but i do like it it's pretty nice little tiny one yeah i like it it's going to uh develop a little bit too so give it a chance i'll be back all right guys this is the baby i love help the purples are blending with the aquas [Music] beautiful and these fingerlings they look kind of like a almost like a tulip or something yeah it's kind of cool so that is second prize please like share and subscribe please be safe and great and once again love you guys thank you so much for being here you
Channel: Grateful Creations Fluid Art by Michelle
Views: 1,146
Rating: 4.9814816 out of 5
Keywords: Grateful creations, abstract art, abstract painting, acrylic painting, acrylic pour painting, acrylic pouring, fluid art, galaxy pour, painting tutorial, ring pour, satisfying, straight pour
Id: VfqJf1xdWf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 3sec (1563 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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