58 Hebrews 1-2 - Pastor Chuck Smith - C2000 Series

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let's turn to the first chapter of Hebrews there's been quite a bit of discussion as to the authorship of this book of Hebrews and many different suggestions have been offered by different scholars needless to say we don't know there was no autograph on it so we don't know for certain who was the author of the book of Hebrews it is my own personal opinion that Paul the Apostle was the author it seems to have a Pauline style however that's only my opinion which is worthless and is only what God says that you can put your real confidence in so whenever I say something I like to let you know that's my own thought and you know you can throw it out if you want and say well you know that's just what he thinks and you should be doing that you should prove all things and hold fast that which is good so for what it's worth it would seem that Paul was the author to me but a lot of people see different authorships and any number but the author is not so important because in reality the Holy Spirit is the author all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and so this is a book written of course as the title would indicate to the Hebrews to the Hebrew believers now in the church in Jerusalem there remained in strange and interesting adherence by many within the church to the Jewish laws and in fact they were seeking to press the Jewish laws on the Gentiles and at times they would come to the Gentile believers such as those in Antioch and they would disrupt the fellowship declaring to them unless you are circumcised and you keep the law of Moses you can't be saved so within Jerusalem there was an imminent and they remained Jews in their cultural practices in their keeping of the cultural aspects of the Jewish law not eating with Gentiles the forbidding of eating certain meats and so forth this was a continued practice within the church in Jerusalem going to the temple going to Temple worship and there were those who had for a time embraced Jesus Christ who were actually going back to offering sacrifices in the temple worship again and so the author of the book of Hebrews addresses the issue of Hebrew Christianity and of the danger of turning away from Jesus Christ and trying to find salvation under the Jewish religious system once again and so we'll find the warnings about those who have tasted of the heavenly things the Kingdom to come who have gone back and tried to offer sacrifices before the priests for sins again and showing that there is no further sacrifice Christ is the one once and for all but the book begins with the assumption of the existence of God which is something that is assumed always in the Bible never sought to be proved it would be ridiculous for God to try to prove that he exists even as it would be ridiculous for you to try to prove that you exist however sometimes a person is put in that strange position if your birth was not recorded then you have a difficult time proving that you exist to the United States government I mean you have to go through all kinds of legal hassles to prove that you exist and so some people have had that problem of proving their existence but it seems it seems rather ridiculous that I would have to try to prove to someone that I'm existing Here I am and so with God he did not seek to prove he existed the Bible doesn't seek to prove he existed God's Word to us the fact that he gives his word to us testifies of his existence how could he speak to man if he did not exist and so the existence of God is assumed and then the fact that God has spoken to man is also assumed to assumptions God who at different times and in different ways spoke in time past unto the father's by the prophets so the acknowledgement that God had spoken different times different ways the Bible the Old Testament is the record of the different places and the different ways by which God has spoken to man in the book of Genesis we find God speaking demand by angels there were no prophets in the book of Genesis but God was speaking to man through angels they were the messengers in the word angel has its route messenger God's messengers to man then God began to speak through anointed men such as Moses and as the people said to Moses now look you go up in the mountain you get the Word of God and you bring it down to us we don't want to approach that place it's terrifying and we will obey all that God commands you to say to us and so God spoke to them through Moses through Joshua then God spoke to them through the priest so many times they wanted to know the mind of the will of the Lord they would come to the priest who would inquire of the Lord through the Urim and the Thummim and God would speak through the priest and then as time progressed God raised up prophets and God spoke to the people through the prophets and so the Old Testament the various times the various ways sometimes God spoke to them in very interesting ways and as Chuck gets into his class on Ezekiel you'll find some very fascinating ways by which God spoke to men through Ezekiel lying on one side for a long period of time and then rolling over and lying on his other side and so God is spoken various ways various times but in these last days he has spoken unto us by his own dear son unto us by his son now God's final revelation was given to man through Jesus Christ in other words all that we need to know about God we can know about him through Jesus Christ the revelation of God up until the time of Jesus Christ was often misunderstood and often not complete Jesus came to bring to man the final the ultimate message of God the ultimate understanding of God so all that man can or is to know about God can be discovered in and through Jesus Christ hath in these last days spoken unto us by his son now his revelation to us through his son is superior than all of the other revelations his revelation through the son is superior than the revelation through angels and that's what we'll be covering tonight the first two chapters the superiority over the son of the son over the Angels and thus of the revelation through the son than that then through the angels in Chapter three he will show us the superiority of the God speaking to us through Jesus over that of Moses for Moses being a man was able to lead the people to the land of promise but he was not able to lead them in he pointed to the land he brought them to the land he could not lead them into the land the revelation of God through Jesus is superior to that of Joshua who though he led them into the land was not able to bring them into the rest chapter 4 and then beginning with chapter 5 the superiority of Jesus over the priesthood and this will carry us through chapter 10 as we see the priesthood of Christ compared to the Levitical priesthood and showing the better covenant the better way the better sacrifice through Jesus Christ the superiority of Christ to the priesthood and so God in different ways in different times spoke to our fathers but in these last days he has spoken unto us by his son whom and now we find seven facts declared concerning Jesus Christ he has appointed him heir of all things God's kingdom is yet to come a glorious Kingdom indeed through the prophets God revealed some of the aspects of his kingdom he opened little windows and they looked on the head into this time warp kind of an experience and they could see the glories of God's kingdom and earth in which man lived together in peace an earth that wasn't cursed by commerce but every man could freely take what he needed everyone's needs were supplied men lived together in love and in harmony a world in which there were no sick people no physical impairments where the lane would leap for joy where the dumb would be singing praises unto God and the blind would behold the glory of God and so the prophet saw into this glorious age in this glorious kingdom of which the father has ordained to put his son over this kingdom and he shall reign as king and kings and Lord of lords and he shall sit upon the throne of David to order it and to establish it in righteousness and injustice from henceforth even forever more and the zeal of the Lord of Hosts shall perform this so they foresaw this glorious age that God was going to bring to pass Christ the heir of all things and we who are in Christ adopted as sons through him have become joint heirs with Christ so God has appointed him heir of all things secondly by whom also he made the world's so Jesus Christ was the agent by which God created the world's the universe in the beginning was the word the Word was with God the Word was God the same was in the beginning with God and all things were made by him without him was not anything made that was made Colossians tells us that he was he made all things it was by him and for him we're all things created and by him all things are held together Colossians and so he is declared here to be the creator next of all who being the brightness of his glory in some of the Bible's that you have you'll find in the notes there he folds but what does he fall gence mean the greek word literally is a combination of two greek words the first being off and the second being shining he is the off shining of God now there is surrounding God a glorious brilliance the glory of God so bright that man cannot perceive it brilliant to see a light unapproachable by man we are told this shining forth of God in heaven we're not going to need any light of the Sun or the moon for the lamb shall be the light the glory the out shining of God through Jesus Christ will light up Evan there will be just a glow about everything everything will just be glowing as you get there glowing with the presence of God the Shekinah of God that lit the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle in the Old Testament you remember as they made the tabernacle as the priest came into the holy place the outer Court well actually from the outer court into the holy place as he enters now into the tent itself this first room some 15 by 30 feet on the right hand side the table of showbread with the twelve loaves of bread one for each tribe in front of the curtain the veil that it went into the Holy of Holies was the mercy was the actually the altar of incense on the left-hand side the seven golden candlesticks representing the holy spirit as we find in the book of Revelation and the seven golden candlesticks lit the holy place but when he went behind the curtain into the Holy of Holies there was no light in there there was the Ark of the Covenant in the cherubim but it was lit by the presence of God just the glow of God's presence now Jesus is the off shinning of God the brightness just that off shining of God's glory is there in Christ and then he is the Express image of his person jesus said he that hath seen me hath seen the father he is the Express image of his person or as we might say today concerning a kid he's a spittin image of his old man the Express image of God so he who has the son has the father he who rejects the son rejects the father also he is the Express image of the person of God you cannot love God and hate his son you cannot receive God and reject his son they come as a package to have one is to have the other read 1st John you deny the Sun you deny the father he's the Express image of his person and then he is upholding all things by the word of his power now it is interesting to me that in the beginning when God created the universe he created it by divine fire that is he declared it into existence and God said light be and light was that's literally from the Hebrew yahi or wat yeah or light be and light was he spoke it into existence and God said let there be a firmament dividing the waters and God said let the dry land appear he spoke these things into existence and so the worlds were created by the world of his word of his power but the worlds are also being held together by the word of his power and as we mentioned this morning in atomic structure there is an interesting phenomenon and that is positive clusters or positive charges clustered together in the nucleus of an atom that's contrary to columns law of electricity that tells us that there is a repelling force of positive charges if you had one tablespoon full of positive charges just solid positive charges and you set it at the South Pole and you add another tablespoon full of positive charges and you set it at the North Pole it would take 30,000 tons of pressure to hold the positive charges at the poles because at that distance the pressure of the repel in force of positive charges would be so great that it would be pushing away from each other and so it'd take 30 thousand tons of pressure to hold them on the poles try and put positive poles together of magnets and you'll find that it takes force to hold them together you can put them together but you've got to hold them there by force because the natural law of positive charges is that of repelling each other and yet within the nucleus of an atom clustered together are these positive charges defying the law of electricity now we have learned how to upset the balance of the nucleus of an atom and allow the positive charges to follow their natural instinct of repelling and we have the atomic bomb we have atomic fission and what we're doing is just upsetting the balance the structure in the nucleus of an atom and allowing the positive charges to be released and we know the tremendous power that was unleashed when we allowed the positive charges to follow their natural bend in the bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima or Hiroshima and Nagasaki now that same power that was released equal power is necessary to hold those atoms together so he has created an interesting universe that has a self-destruct mechanism within it and all that has to happen for this whole universe to just blow in one they talk about the Big Bang but all that has to happen for another Big Bang to take place in the universe is for him to just let go it's all being held together by the word of his power he said let there be firmament let there be dry land and it appeared and it was there and all he had to say is let it go and that force that is holding together the atoms the the positive charges when the nucleus of each atom if it were released you just have a horrendous bang and the positive charges would be heading out to the vast infinite edges of space as they'd be pushing away from each other you really wonder how powerful is the Word of God that he could speak the universe into existence but just as easily he could speak the universe out of existence oh how awesome is the God that we serve Jesus Christ the Express image of his person upholding all things by the word of his power when he by himself purged our sins it is interesting we talk about God speaking to man through angels and even in the New Testament God spoke to men by angels it was an angel of the Lord that came to Mary and told her that she was going to bear the Messiah and then during the life of Jesus the angel spoke the Angels told Joseph not to be afraid to take Mary as his wife the angel warned Joseph to take the child and flee to Egypt because Herod was going to seek to kill the child and when Jesus after he was tempted by the devil the angels came and ministered unto him and there in the Garden of Gethsemane the Angels ministered unto Him but when he was upon the cross there were no angels ministering to him that was the task he had to accomplish by himself it was significant in the Old Testament that on the Day of Atonement the high priest was the only one who could offer the sacrifices unto God that day during the regular daily sacrifices there were different priests that would offer sacrifices on the Lord but on the day of atonement when the sacrifices were to be offered for the sins of the people the nation only the high priest could serve that day he had to do all of the butchering of the some Oh 27 animals or so forth that were offered that particular day and then he would have to go alone into the Holy of Holies with the blood of the offering to make atonement for the sins of the people significant because Jesus in making atonement for us had to go it alone no angels to comfort or succor him there but alone he bore our sin and our guilt and died in our place made atonement for you and for me and so had by himself purged our sins and now his have sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high so we see Jesus now sitting down at the right hand of God and we are going to be told in Chapter 2 of his waiting there until all things have been brought in subjection unto him now we begin at this point in Chapter 1 discovering the superiority of God's revelation through Jesus Christ the superiority of Jesus Christ over the angels now the Jehovah Witnesses teach that Jesus Christ was Michael the Archangel but here we're going to find out that Jesus is definitely superior to an angelic being he's not an angelic being elevated to a divine state he was in the beginning with God and thought it not robbery or something to be grasped to be equal with God he has coexisted with the father from the beginning in the beginning was the word and the Word was with God and the Word was God the Mormons would make him a cherub the brother of Lucifer for Lucifer was the anointed cherub and being a brother of Lucifer when God wanted to redeem the world he called for these two brothers to offer their plans of redemption and when they had offered their plans of redemption the father chose the plan that Jesus offered and it made his brother Lucifer very angry and so he came down and was determined to disrupt the plan of his brother Jesus through sibling rivalry but we will learn that Jesus is much higher than Lucifer in fact he's not an opposite to Lucifer at all he's not the good angel in Lucifer the bad angel or the good brother and Lucifer the bad brother and it's terrible to bring Lucifer to that elevation of an opposite of God or an opposite of Jesus so many times we think of them you know God and Satan is opposites not at all there they are totally in different categories completely God self existent eternal creator whereas Satan is a creation of God and and does not come into the same category at all as God Lucifer would be an opposite to Michael the Archangel and they're going to be tussling they've tousled in the past they tousled at the body of Moses there was a big dispute between Michael and Lucifer over the body of Moses Michael didn't bring a railing accusation against him but just said the Lord rebuke you when the angel was sent to Daniel with the message from God and Satan captured the angel and held him captive Michael came and set him free that great prince came and he set me free and I've come now to bring you the message the angel told Daniel Michael and Satan have come into conflict before and in the book of Revelation they're going to come into conflict again Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon and his angels but Jesus is not the opposite of Satan Michael would be Jesus again is the Express image of the person of God he is the off shining of the glory of God he is that which we see of God and so he was made so much better than the Angels as he bought half by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they for unto which of the Angels said he at any time that is did God say thou art my son this day have I begotten thee psalms 2:7 God declared of him thou art my son this day have I begotten thee God could never say that of Lucifer God would never say that of Michael it was said only of Jesus Christ God so loved the world he gave His only begotten Son thou art my son this day have I begotten thee and again I will be to him a father and he shall be to me a son the prophecy in 2nd Samuel the seventh chapter of God to David when David said he wanted to build a house for God and Nathan had to tell David that God wouldn't allow him to build the house because his hands were bloodied with war but you tell David he said that I'm going to build him a house and I shall raise up of David a seed and he shall sit upon the throne forever and I will be to him a father and he shall be to me a son God's declaration to David concerning the seed that should rise up from David and reign over the world without announcement David was speechless as he knelt before God ease of what can I say I was nothing I was only a shepherd kid chasing after sheep and you called me to rule over your people and now you have spoken of the kingdom to come Oh God what can I say and David probably the most articulate person in the history of man was speechless before the Grace and the goodness of God oh it's glorious when God reveals his love and goodness to us to the point that you just become speechless as Savonarola said worship when it reached reaches the ultimate words are impossible God did too much what can David say and again and he's making several quotations and it's interesting this fella had a tremendous grasp of the Old Testament Scriptures and again when he brings the first begotten into the world he said and let all of the angels of God worship Him now this you won't find in your Old Testament but it is in the Septuagint virgin version of the Old Testament which was a translation of the Hebrew into the Greek by 70 Hebrew scholars thus the term Septuagint who wanted the people to be able to have the scriptures in a language they could understand and so they translated the Hebrew into the Greek after the Babylonian captivity the return for the Babylonian captivity it's called the Septuagint version it's the Greek version of the Old Testament and in Deuteronomy chapter 32 verse 43 of the Septuagint this translation comes from that and let all of the angels of God worship Him now he's never said this of any angel before but of the Sun and of the Angels what did God say of angels he made his angels spirits and his ministers a flame of fire but under the son he saith thy throne O God is forever and ever a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom now here's an interesting thing Psalm 45 6 & 7 where God calls Jesus God no John calls him God in the gospel Paul calls him God Thomas called him God my Lord and my god and now God calls him God shame the Jehovah Witnesses have such trouble calling him God when Jehovah himself calls him God Under the Sun he said thy throne O God is forever and ever a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom and thou has loved righteousness and hated iniquity therefore God even thy God hath anointed thee with oil of gladness above thy fellows going back to verse 7 and of his angels he saith who maketh his angels spirits and his ministers a flame of fire that is a quotation from Psalm 104 4 and it is interesting that we will talk a little bit more about the angels and the Ministry of angels in verse 14 and I'll wait till we get there to bring it up verse 9 or verse 10 and thou Lord in the beginning has laid the foundation of the earth and the heavens are the work of thy hands quotation from Psalm 102 they shall perish but you remain and they all shall wax old as doth a garment and as a vesture shalt thou fold them up and they shall be changed but thou art the same and thy years shall not fail talking now about the eternal nature of the Sun even the universe is going to grow old the universe is growing old the universe is gradually in a state of entropy deterioration the Sun is giving off 1 million two hundred thousand tons of mass every second given enough time the Sun will flicker out and die the fire will go out in enough time the heavens grow old like a garment but you remain jesus said heaven and earth will pass away my word will never pass away the universe the material universe is going to pass away seeing then that all these things are going to be dissolved speaking of the material universe what manner of persons ought we to be if the material universe is going to pass away dissolve it's important that we be spiritual men and spiritual women and that our stock be in spiritual things not in the material things because they will pass but Lord you've existed mean you shall exist your forever you are the same your years shall not fail but to which of the Angels said he at any time sit on my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool never said that to any angels and yet to the Sun in Psalm 110 verse 1 speaking of the angels are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for them who shall be the heirs of salvation now the angels are first of all ministering spirits and that first term recognizes their ministry unto God in Isaiah as he saw the throne of God he saw the Seraphim as they were worshiping God saying holy holy holy Lord God Almighty in our study in the book of Revelation chapter 4 when John saw the heavenly scene he saw the cherubim around the throne of God saying holy holy holy Lord God Almighty their first ministry is to God in the worship of God there in the heavenly scene but God dispatches them to his children to minister to us or to serve us at particular times of need when in Isaiah as Isaiah was beholding in chapter 6 this scene of the throne of God and the seraphim's saying holy holy holy Lord God Almighty as they were declaring the holiness of God here as Isaiah realizing me I'm a sinful man then I look here's the holiness of God and he realized how unutterably wicked he was oh woe is me for I am a man of unclean lips and I dwell amongst the people of unclean lips and God dispatched one of the Seraphim with a coal a live coal from the altar and he touched the lips of Isaiah and said now you are clean so you see he was a ministering spirit he was there worshiping God saying holy holy holy and when Isaiah cries out oh I'm unclean you know then god dispatches him to serve man so the angels exist first of all to serve God but are dispatched to be ministering spirits to those who are heirs of salvation now in Psalms that said he will give his angels charge over thee to keep thee and all of thy ways to bear thee up lest at any time you dash your foot against the stone so these angels are actually ministering spirits but God never said to the angels are to any particular angels let the angels of God worship Him or did he say to any angel sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool because they are servants and Jesus is not there as a servant he is there reigning and a vast difference over the angels who worship and serve God continually there in the presence of God and Jesus who sits there to be worshiped and to be served reigning there upon the throne therefore we ought to take the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard lest at any time we should let them slip or more literally we should drift away from them now God has spoken unto us by his son the complete revelation and we have better give the more earnest heed to what God has said through the son than what he said through angels or through prophets or through others we'd better give more earnest heed to these things which we have heard lest at any time we should drift away from them and that was the danger with the Hebrew believers of drifting away from this position of salvation through the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ going back again to the law to seek to be justified before the Lord that was the day their position you better take the more earnest heed to these things which we have heard that you not drift away from them for if the word that was spoken by angels who are inferior and inferior revelation well in the revelation is good but an inferior medium of Revelation if the word spoken by Angels was steadfast and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense of reward then how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord and then was confirmed unto us by those that heard him so let's take the more earnest heed at the things which you may have heard the things which Jesus has taught us concerning salvation concerning God's plan of salvation for man through faith in Jesus Christ for it was Jesus who said for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life for God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world but the world through him might be saved and this is the condemnation that light came into the world but they would not come to the light for men love darkness rather than light for their deeds were evil and so the finish of that chapter for he that hath the son hath life and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life but the wrath of God abides on him we better take the more earnest heed to the things which Jesus has spoken to us for if the words that the angel spoke was steadfast of it you know if what they said was true and it held their their word held the things are true and they hold true then how much more the things that were taught us by Jesus Christ how are we going to escape if we neglect this great salvation are you going to be saved you can't go back to the law for under the law every transgression receives a just recompense of reward under the law you get what's coming to you that's what the law is all about but Jesus taught us the grace of God and the forgiveness of our sins through our faith and trust in him and so we better take the more earnest he we better not drift away from this as some of the Jewish Christians were prone to do drifting away from the truth in Christ and seeking again to be justified by the works and the deeds of the law so Jesus first of all proclaimed this glorious salvation and message of salvation and then those who heard him the disciples confirmed the things to us that Jesus said and then God also bore them witness both with signs and wonders and diverse miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit according to his own will and so the word was first spoken by Jesus the word of faith salvation through faith it was confirmed by the disciples who had heard Jesus and then God Himself confirms the witness with the signs and the wonders and the miracles and the gifts of the Holy Spirit that were operated by those apostles who had heard the message from Jesus and declared the message God proving it now to be true yes they are of God and here's the proof the signs the wonders and the different miracles and the gifts of the Holy Spirit notice the gifts of the Holy Spirit according to as well again as Paul talks about the gifts of holy spirit in 1st Corinthians chapter 12 he said the holy spirit dividing to each man severally as he wills I cannot buy this that you have all the gifts of the Spirit all you need to do is exercise him whenever the need arises the gifts of the Spirit are operated only as God wills the Spirit divides them severally as he wills I don't control the gifts of the Spirit in my life that is I can't say well this is the gift I'm going to exercise now it's a work of the Holy Spirit and it remains in the sovereign work of God's Spirit within my life for unto the Angels has he not put in subjection the world to come where ever we speak the angels aren't going to be ruling the world that is to come they will still be serving but one in a certain place testified saying and of course we know who that one was it was David the psalmist what is man that thou art mindful of him or the Son of man that thou visitest him now David was an outdoors man if any of you fellows are outdoors men then you'll love david he was he was a man's man loved the outdoors great hunter great sportsman spend a lot of nights sleeping under the stars in a time when there was no smog nor powerful city lights that dimmed your vision of the heavens but under those black qdn skies lit by the brilliance of the stars and planets and galaxies he often would look up and as he would look up at the vast universe above his head he would think how nothing I am and so in Psalm 8 when I consider the heavens the work of your fingers the moon and the stars which you have ordained what is man that you are mindful of him God Who am I that you should even think about me have you ever had that overwhelming experience of of sleeping out up in the mountains or by a stream or out in the desert where you can just you know see the Milky Way and you can see just looks like Chileans of stars and as you begin to contemplate the heaven above your head have you ever had that I have this Psalm really speaks to me I've had this experience so he does as I've considered the heavens the work of God's fingers and and these stars and all that God has ordained and I thought wow what am i this planet Earth is just like a little speck of dust rotating around the Sun are revolving around the Sun rotating on its axis out here in a little corner of the Milky Way galaxy our Sun being one of the billions of stars within the galaxy here am I just a little speck of dust on this little speck of dust I'm so insignificant in the whole world especially to get out the end of desert and you know you hear coyotes over the hill and and you think you hear Rattlers nearby and you're lying there in the cot and all you hear are just the sounds of the desert and the quietness in the sky above your head and it seems like there's no one for a thousand miles and you think Who am I that God would even think about me what is man that you are mindful of him or the Son of man that you should visit him Who am I that God should visit me that he should come to me that I could have the privilege of just having God come to me that I might worship him and talk to him and fellowship with him and feel his presence there Who am I God that you should even be mindful of me or that you should come and visit me and I feel your presence and your closeness and your nearness speaking of man you made him a little lower than the angels and you crowned him with glory and honor and you did set him over the works of thy hands so man was created a little lower than the Angels angels are ministering spirits they can take on a bodily form but they are not restricted by a body as we are restricted by our bodies you see our bodies made up of atoms experience the repelling force of atoms when we walk into a wall you want to know the repelling force of positive charges run into the wall now theoretically you should be able to run right through that wall because there's much more space in that wall than there is solid matter there's much more space in your body than there is solid matter in fact if you would reduce the solid matter of your body to just plain solid matter you'd be the size of a microscopic speck of dust you'd weigh the same but it just collapsed the atoms in your body and you'd be the size of a speck of dust you're just a bunch of blown up atoms you see there's very little matter to the electrons two and a half quintillion of them could be lined up single-file only be one inch long the counter would take in nineteen million years counting day and night at the rate of 250 a minute very little mass to an electron there is a little more mass to a proton now the atom being the nucleus of the protons with the electrons revolving around it the distance at which the electrons revolve around the nucleus of the atom are such that if the proton was this or the the nucleus of the atom was the size of a basketball of your big boy expand as the size of the basketball the electron that is spinning around it would be three thousand miles away that's how much space there is between the nucleus of the atom and the electrons that revolve around it so there's more space than there is solid matter but we have this other problem of the repelling force of positive charges they keep us from passing through the walls however it would be possible if you were made up of a different molecular structure to walk right on through that wall and leave it unimpaired now the resurrected body of Jesus evidently was of a different molecular structure because this disciples were all in the room the doors and all were being shut and yet Jesus suddenly appeared right in the room with him now according to scientists it would be perfectly possible for two worlds to coexist at the same time in the same place both of them passing through each other both of the both of them unconscious of the other's existence but just made up of different molecular structures so there could be another whole world right here and some you know superjet could be flying through here right now you know with a lot of passengers on board heading for some continent far away and there they went and you weren't even aware of it now interesting concept I like it because I believe that it is true that there are two worlds that coexist side by side passing through each other and on our part we are unconscious of the other's existence but it is real there is the world of the Spirit and these spirits are all around us are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister to those that are heirs of salvation for the most part we're totally unaware of their presence and yet they are here passing through passing by helping strengthening ministering reaching out and giving the helping hand their conscious of our existence but we're unconscious of theirs and heaven isn't that far away I think it's right here only in a different molecular structure you know we think oh the throne of God must be away and on a yet there in the desert at night new seals are rule you know throne of God was believed how many millions of light years out there you know how far to my prayers have to travel to get to God and if God dwells at the other end of his universe and I could speed my prayers on a ray of light it taken twelve billion years to get there and by the time I got my answer it be too late Paul said concerning God for in him we live and we move and we have our being he's all around us we often are unconscious of his existence because we don't see but nevertheless he is here and in him we live we move we have our being were surrounded by him he's just in a different molecular structure passing through passing by all perfectly scientific and so God made man a little lower than the angels and he crowned him with glory and honor and he did set him over the works of his hands God said to Adam I give you dominion over the fish of the sea the fowl of the air every moving and creeping thing have dominion over them so God placed man over the works of his hands and he has put all things in subjection under his feet for in that he put all things in subjection under him he left nothing that is not put under him but now we see not yet all things put under him but what do we see we see Jesus who also became a man who was made a little lower than the Angels for the suffering of death he had to become a man in order to redeem man he had to become next-of-kin in order to redeem that which man had forfeited to Satan the world so we see Jesus made a little lower than the Angels for the suffering of death as God he could not die he had to become a man take on the limitations but we see him now crowned with glory and honor that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man there you have what Redemption is all about the wages of sin is death but God laid upon him the iniquities of us all and he tasted death for every man now this is talking about spiritual death and as we have told you the difference between the earthly understanding of death and the spiritual definition of death is that from an earthly standpoint death is the separation of a man's consciousness from his body when you are in a terminal state and they connect the EEG probes to your shaved head and they watch the monitor when the little line goes flat they say there is no brain activity and they'll watch the flatline for 24 hours and then they'll pull the plug they'll say he's dead there is no brain activity for 24 hours when they pull the plug they will watch the line because if there is any life at all even in that state you'll your brain will start searching for oxygen and and if there's any flutter at all then they plug the oxygen back in and say well you know not quite gone yet the brain started searching for oxygen but when the consciousness has then separated from the body they say you're dead now from a biblical standpoint when your consciousness is separated from God you are dead the man who lives without the consciousness of God is dead he's spiritually dead Jesus tasted of death for every man you remember on the cross he cried my God my God why hast thou forsaken me at that point when our sins were placed upon him he suffered the consequence of our sins being forsaken of God he suffered death for us and so we see Jesus who was made a little lower than the Angels for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man now because he tasted death for me I don't have to taste death I will not taste death jesus said if you live and believe in me you will never die I will never die oh you say you think you live or get you're really nuts now man I'm talking of it in a biblical sense I will never be separated from God I don't have to be Jesus took my sins and he tasted death for me that I don't have to taste of that spiritual death I will never be separated from about oh I'm going to move my old spirit is going to move out of this old tent one of these days it's going to move into the new building of God not made with hands eternal in the heavens and that will be a day of rejoicing and blessing but I won't die because I'll never be separated from about Oh the papers might read Chuck Smith died but that's because those reporters don't know enough about it poor reporting again they've reported poorly on me many times in the past I hope that some reporter has enough sense when my spirit moves out of this tent to write in the paper Chuck Smith moved out of an old worn out tent raggedy old tent full of holes into a beautiful new mansion the building of God not made with hands eternal in the heavens so Jesus tasted of death for every man which means you don't have to taste of death he was forsaken of God so that you won't have to be forsaken of God because he took upon himself your sin and the consequence of your sin that separation from God for as the Prophet said God's hand is not short that he cannot say neither is his ear heavy that he cannot hear but your sins have separated you from God that is the effect of sin but Jesus tasted of death for every man for it became him for whom are all things and by whom are all things notice again the place of Jesus all things are for him this is told us in Colossians chapter 1 all things were made by him and for him and he is before all things and by him all things are held together now here again the same declaration concerning Jesus all things are by him and all things here that declares are for him and by whom are all things he is the creator but he is more than that he is the object of creation as when in the book of Revelation the 24 elders announcing the worthiness of God to receive the glory offered by the cherubim for thou hast created all things and for thy good pleasure they are and were created created by him yes but more than that I was created for him and your life will never be complete or never be satisfied until you start living for him as long as you live for yourself you'll find your life will be empty meaningless frustrating but the minute you start living for him your life becomes rich and fulfilling it became him for whom are all things and by whom are all things in bringing many sons unto glory to make the captain of their salvation complete through sufferings and so there was a work of God being wrought through the sufferings of Christ in Isaiah the 53rd chapter as he prophesies the sufferings of Jesus for it pleased the father to bruise him now here is the captain of our salvation made complete and will understand this as we get to the end of the chapter how he has become complete through his suffering because it is through his suffering that he can understand what it is to experience suffering how can anyone ever really comfort you at the loss of your dearest friends if they've never lost anybody they know if they don't know what the grief is of having a child die how can they comfort you in your death if they don't know what it is to experience it themselves those who have been through the experience are those who know what you are feeling they are able to empathize with you and to really minister to you because they've been there they know what it's about they know what it is to have such grief that your stomach aches they know what it is to have such grief that you feel you can't swallow you're going to choke to death because of the 8 that is there and just hangs there in your throat Jesus because he suffered made complete our captain of our salvation because now he is able to understand and thus to help us when we are in need in trouble for both he that sanctifies and they that are sanctified are all of one in other words we have been made one together with Jesus Christ that's what the word fellowship means coming into fellowship with our Lord for which cause he is not ashamed to call them his brothers oh if we only realize what Jesus has done for us suffered tasted death for us and now he calls us his brothers we are one together with him saying I will declare thy name unto my brothers in the midst of the church will I sing praise unto thee and again I will put my trust in him and behold I and the children which God has given hath given me so here I and the which God hath given me Jesus made the way for each of us to come in to the presence of God and to become a part of the kingdom of God by tasting death for us by bearing our sin and our iniquity by purging us himself from our sins and now to present us as brothers joint heirs with him under the father to share together with him the glories of God's eternal Kingdom no wonder David said what shall I render unto God for all of his benefits unto me when I think of what Jesus has done for me what can I do for him to show my Thanksgiving my appreciation for tasting of death for me by burying the guilt of my sin by taking the penalty that belonged to me by granting me this glorious privilege of being an heir with him of God's eternal Kingdom what in the world can I render unto God to show my love and appreciation for such things I feel such a beggar sometimes I have nothing to offer him he's done all for me and I have so little to give to him but all he wants is that I just give him my heart in my life that means more to him than any bucks that I could ever drop in the plate just give me yourself give me your love give me your spend some time with me turn off your TV and just spend some time with me that's all he's asking fellowship with you give me some time and we even fail there for as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood you see I made up flesh and blood his body made a little lower than angels for as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood he also himself likewise took part of the same he came in a body of flesh he shed his blood for my sins he took on the limitations of a body of flesh experienced the same pain of weariness that you experienced in a body of flesh knew what it was to be tired knew what it was to stub his toe noon what it was to hit his finger with a hammer knew what it was to experience the the restrictions and the limitations and the pain and the suffering that we have in a body of flesh and blood he partook of the same that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death that is the devil so Jesus through his death the word destroyed had a girl put out of business he who had the power of death that is the devil he who brought death to mankind by tempting Eve and Adam and so Satan has no longer a hold over me because of sin I have been made righteous through Jesus Christ Satan then has no more claim upon me as far as death because of my sin because Jesus has cleansed me from my unrighteousness and has made me righteous before God and so through his death he put out of business the one who had the power of death the claim of death upon me that is the devil and he delivered them who through fear of death were all of their lifetime subject to bondage that is the bondage of sin and the slavery to sin for verily he took not on him the nature of angels but he took upon himself the seed of Abraham he became as a man wherefore in all things it behooves him to be made like unto his brothers that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in the things pertaining to God to make the reconciliation for the sins of the people for in that he himself has suffered being tempted he is able to succor them that are tempted so our great High Priest Jesus Christ understands us and that's important he understands us because he came in a body of flesh and he experienced the limitations in all of this body of flesh and so he was made like us in order that he might be a merciful he has mercy upon me he knows that what it is to go through the hassles of life he knows what it is to be hungry he knows what it is not to have money for taxes he knows what it is to be pressed unjustly for taxes by the government he knows these things that we have experienced these things that we chafe under he knows what it's about and thus he is merciful in that he himself has suffered he is able to also minister to us and to help us when we're tempted he knows what it is he is experienced it the Bible says that God knows our frame he understands we're but dust god help us to understand that so many times we we see ourselves with a cape and the S on the chest you know super Saint able to leap over the buildings of the single bound faster than a speeding bullet you know Here I am the super Saint you know the Bible warns us about that kind of a feeling or attitude let a man take heed when he thinks he stands lest he Falls the only way I stand is he he is holding me up but hey when he is holding me up I can't fall when I considered having the work of your fingers now if you get up tomorrow morning at about 4 o'clock providing this cloud cover is gone if you go outside over here in the southwestern sky you will see the constellation Orion and if you look at the left shoulder of Orion you'll see that great star beetle gaze 465 thousand miles in diameter Thank You partner 465 million miles in diameter I made it much smaller than it is the Sun is 865,000 but 465 million miles in diameter now that means if the Sun was in the middle of beetle gaze and the earth was rotating around it you'd have two million two hundred million miles to spare inside the thing to get to the edge of it That star beetle gi's is estimated to be traveling at a speed of 19 miles per second now what force do you suppose it took to get beetle G's into orbit that large body that larger mass 465 million miles in diameter what kind of a force and thrust you suppose got it going that fast 19 miles a second well David said when I consider the heavens the work of your fingers so I see God's just sort of flicking beetle gays out there but the Bible says underneath of us are the everlasting arms if God can flick out beetle G's with his finger surely he can hold me up with his arms I don't have to worry about falling the eternal God the creator of the heaven and the earth holds me he loves me I'm his child he sent his son in order to redeem me from my sin that he might make me an heir of his eternal Kingdom oh that God would grant to us a more complete comprehension of the depth of the riches of love that God extended towards us and continues to extend toward us in and through Jesus Christ our life all that I need is found in him and he is more than sufficient for the task of preserving me and presenting me faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy what does he want from me in return just some time spent in communion fellowshipping together how little to ask when he is given so much shall we pray Father we feel much like David as we stand here on our tiptoes and try to catch a glimpse over the fence of the vastness of the riches of the grace of God and the love of God towards us God we feel so unworthy so undeserving of all that you've done for us what is man that you are mindful of him who my lord that you should visit me and yet you died for me you rose again you live for me as you make intercession for me there at the right hand of the Father you uphold me with the right hand of your power you keep me day by day Oh God my god how excellent is thy name in all the earth and how I love you tonight teach us your ways Lord that we might walk in your truth and bring glory unto the praise of thy grace in Jesus name Amen just a little throw in here it's an article out of the paper the scientists are puzzled by a galaxy with the energy of two trillion Suns I like these little things a galaxy that is only faintly visible from Earth by telescope has been found to emit as much as as much energy as two trillion Suns but the source of the energy remains a mystery astronomer said Monday the galaxies known as ARP 220 and 300 million light years from the earth was discovered in 1966 data from an orbiting infrared telescope launched in 1983 has revealed that the galaxy is a rare formation because 99% of its energy is emitted in the form of heat rather than visible light said dr. B Thomas Sofer of the California Institute of Technology most of a RPS 220s energy is in the infrared part of the spectrum and the amount of energy it emits makes it one of the most luminous infrared galaxies ever discovered so far also told the National there the annual convention of American astronomy as Astronomical Society and infrared galaxies is one that emits more energy in the form of heat than light the Milky Way emits amounts equal in heat and light so it is not an infrared galaxies but that's interesting as two trillion times more energy than the Sun we'll take a visit to ARP 220 one of these days check that thing out you know that vast universe out there just holds a lot of interesting things that we'll be able to do you know to explore and discover those at all I don't go to have and sit on cloud total my thumbs and play our well I'll tell you what it's going to be a lot more excitement than that as we discover the vastness of God's love and grace through Jesus Christ our Lord god bless you spend some time with him take time to just send and commune worship and fellowship and thus may you have a very profitable week as you grow in your walk and in your relationship with him
Channel: Ken Zenk
Views: 52,872
Rating: 4.7961783 out of 5
Keywords: Bible, God, Jesus, Christ, Love, Hell, Death, Sex, Marriage, Drugs, Satan, Porno, Cancer, Sports, Girls, Music, Holy Spirit, Children, Family, Heaven, Healing, Pregnant, Aids, Gay, Movies, TV Shows, Animals, Israel Prophecy, Last Days, Christian, Jewish People, Gentiles
Id: O_3rJmKrlRs
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Length: 91min 36sec (5496 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2013
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