兵庫)ラーメン1杯550円。地域では間違いなく最安値のコスパ最強ラーメン屋に殺到する爆食いアニキ達丨Egg Fried Rice - Wok Skills In Japan

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(Staff) 550 yen? (Staff) One bowl of ramen! Yes, yes. Chashu ramen noodles topped with a big bowl of green onions When I want ramen, this is the place to go. Half fried rice. Hyogo,Japan Since 2016,Nagahama Ramen 8:00 AM. Starts with preparing the pork bone broth used for ramen Pork bone broth is simmered for a total of more than 14 hours, including the day before. My parents are from Kyushu, and "Nagahama Ramen" is the soul food of Fukuoka Prefecture. Mr. Matsunaga opened a ramen restaurant in Hyogo with the flavors of his hometown. My parents are from Kyushu (from Kyushu). I've always been from Hyogo My parents are from Kagoshima, Japan. Nagahama Ramen originated in Hakata, Fukuoka. (Staff) So it's Hakata? Yes, Hakata. Pork bone broth that has been continuously added since the establishment of the company We keep adding more every day. (We try not to run out of soup.) We try not to run out of everything. Pork bone broth is cooked for 14 hours every day, including during business hours, We have to stir it frequently to make sure it doesn't burn the bottom. (Pork bone soup) comes to a boil Cook for 30 minutes, then strain it out. (The soup preparation) started yesterday morning About 14 hours total (Staff) 14 hours! About 14 hours total (you cook every day) Preparing the famous "Kashiwa-meshi" rice. Abura-age (deep-fried tofu) Carrot Bamboo shoots Chicken thigh Give me a "cooking sake." cooking sake Gas kettle cooking (The dish I just cooked) from Kyushu Kashiwa-meshi Rice cooked with chicken Preparation of chashu pork Pork belly Ramen chashu pork, with a choice of "thigh" or "belly." This is a (pork) domestic thigh Domestic thighs are more moist. But if you like fatty meat. I think most people like the pork belly. If you don't like fatty meat much I'd recommend the thigh meat. Belly meat / thigh meat It's not cooked at low temperature, but it's It's closer to (cooking) The cooking method is the same. (I don't boil (the broth) If you raise the temperature too much, it becomes a little dry. This is used for fried rice. All the meat in fried rice is chashu pork. (Extracted from roasted pork) fried rice oil/ramen oil Cooking chashu pork. You scoop the oil from that meat. I use it to make fried rice. so it's delicious. (Staff) Oil, meat, and chashu? (Mr. Matsunaga) Yes. (At home, etc.) There's probably no one who goes that far to make fried rice, so... Stirring the soup in between tasks. The state of the soup, the cornerstone of Nagahama ramen. I check it in detail. (Staff) 550 yen? 550 yen. (Staff) One bowl of ramen? Yes. Yes. It started out at 500 yen (Staff) First 500 yen? It was 500 yen including tax (Staff) Isn't that too cheap! The additional noodles were 90 yen including tax. With the increase in taxes and the cost of materials, the prices have gone up a bit. I raised the price. (Staff) If it's around here, it's probably the cheapest, right? I think it's probably the cheapest (Staff) How long have you had this store? About 7 whole years, I think. (Staff) Have you always been a ramen shop? Yes. At first. I didn't start working there. I started doing it myself, ramen, all of it. (Mr. Matsunaga) Do you want to do it? Would you like to try mixing it? Probably never. lol I'm going to try my hand at stirring the soup... Not moving at all... (Staff) Like this? (Mr. Matsunaga) Turn it around (Staff) What? Huh? (Mr. Matsunaga) Lift it up once (Mr. Matsunaga) Turn it once (Mr. Matsunaga) Then turn it ... (Mr. Matsunaga) You'll get used to it. When I did it the first time, I could never do it lol Just a little bit of a push and turn at the beginning. Once it starts moving, you can do it with one hand now It doesn't move when the photographer turns it, but I can't believe how easy it is to turn it without effort... Measure the timer every so often Checking the condition of the pork bone soup (Staff) If you don't stir it, does it burn? Yes, it burns the bottom. Nagahama ramen is called Ramen noodles without too much broth slop. It's pork bone in a rather smooth soup. (Ingredients of the soup are) only pork bones and water. Noodles are made of 100% domestic wheat Gas (kettle) has more heat. It can cook the rice all at once I've done it with electric. but gas cooks better. Preparation of Fried Chicken That's 6 kg. That's one day (amount) Making fried sauce pepper cooking sake sesame oil Soy sauce ginger Garlic potato starch Preparation of takana Sesame oil Stir-fry takana chili pepper and sesame seeds Free self-service "fried takana" In the style of having the customer take it. 6 kg of pickles daily (Staff) 6 kg of pickles! Yes. (Staff) 6 kg! Yes for 6 kg! (Staff) Every day! Yes! Every day! (Staff) You're going to run out of pickles for 6 kg? Yes free (all gone for free) Preparation of grilled pork Pork belly Continue to prepare roast pork (thigh) Prepare the roast pork thigh. Kashiwa-meshi is now cooked Kashiwa-meshi Pork bone soup is now cooked Pork bone soup is strained In the kitchen, where the soup is made, the room temperature exceeds 50 degrees in the summer. This process is repeated every day. Making soup with a lot of time and effort With large bones in it And it's shattered and it's this big. The original is a chunk of bone about 1 meter in size. It's full of them. Finished after simmering for 14 hours pork bone soup Chashu pork is ready Opening of the restaurant Counter Tatami room 5 types of noodle firmness available Customers arrive one after another as soon as the restaurant opens. Kitchen prepares for opening. Divided into two sections: one in charge of noodles and the other in charge of fried rice and serving. Chashu Yes, half fried rice. Half fried rice set Pork bone ramen Half fried rice Chashu ramen Kashiwa Meshi Set (chashu ramen Kashiwa meshi) White sesame Red ginger Kashiwa rice A bowl of "Tonkotsu Ramen" at this restaurant is served in one minute. The speed of serving is great for busy customers at lunchtime! Ramen cooking starts Noodles are added Add pork bone soup Drain off the water from the noodles Placing Negi 1 piece each of chashu pork belly and thigh Pork bone ramen noodles in 1 minute A family comes to the restaurant Leaving at 9:00 a.m. to eat this (ramen) (Staff) What did you order? (Male customer) I (ordered) the ajitama ramen Female customer) (The firmness of the noodles) Raw? (Male customer) Yes, I ordered fresh noodles. (Female guest) I think it's only for a moment (The time it takes to boil the noodles fresh) We ordered regular pork bone broth with Balikata noodles. (The two of us)Ajitama ramen, please. Noodle hardness in Balikata I think hard noodles are better. Ajitama Ramen oil (The hardness of the noodle) left is raw, right is balikata (The firmness of the noodles is) raw, with ajitama and balikata, without green onions. Yes (noodles) raw Balikata (Noodles) Ajitama ramen (Noodles. "raw") (Manager) This one too (both) are balikata (Mr. Matsunaga) Both balikata, table 4, waiting for gyoza (Waitress) Tonkotsu, balikata Tonkotsu ramen (balikata) (Female customer) Delicious! (Male guest) Very crunchy and delicious! (Female guest) This is worth coming! (Female guest) Delicious! (Staff) (How hard are the noodles?) How about fresh? They're so crunchy and well mixed with the noodles. It's amazingly delicious! Excuse me!Two "fresh" refills and one "balikata"! 100 yen for a replacement ball replacement ball replacement ball raw Yes, with barikata replacement ball. ※replacement ball(adding noodles to leftover soup) Harigane Negi (medium) Ajitama Ramen and Ajitama ramen (average). Ajitama ramen New Customer: Mentaiko set, one Fried rice set middle one please Table 3, fried rice (medium), please. Excuse me. Fried rice, (medium) Great! Yes, cod roe. (waiter) mentaiko meshi. Mentaiko meshi Mentaiko Meshi set 980 yen Half fried rice set 980 yen The customer who just came in added a replacement ball. It was insanely delicious! It's light. But the flavor is deep and delicious. (The hardness of the noodles is labeled "raw," but they are chewy. It was the best! It's about as good as the Nagahama Ramen you get in Fukuoka. I'm sure it's delicious. (Staff) What do you always order? Ajitama ramen Takana toppings! (Staff) Takana topping! I think it's about the same as Hakata! (Shop assistant) Tonkotsu (ramen) I'm here once a month for business. I've decided to have lunch here then. It's cheap, it's hearty, and it's delicious. Lunchtime busyness continues! Half fried rice. A couple of regulars Preparing self-serve takana before eating (Mrs.) Once or twice a month (I'm coming.) Ordering the standard "Tonkotsu Ramen" (pork bone ramen) The couple's favorite meal is to eat fried takana on top of their ramen. The wife tops it with red ginger I'm from Fukuoka (birthplace of Nagahama Ramen).  That's why I come here often. (Staff) Really? (Staff) What do you mean by taste? (How does it compare to your hometown?) (Wife) It's very similar. Delicious! Gu~! Excuse me! One more replacement ball! (Staff) You can eat a lot, can't you? It's delicious. (Staff) What is your reason for going to the store? I guess because I miss it. If I haven't been there in a month. I get, "You haven't been there." (Staff) I see. Thank you very much I used to go to Kyushu a lot. I have friends over there. I haven't been to Kyushu in three years. Instead, I feel like I come to the store a lot. I recommend the Tonkotsu Ramen. There are various noodle hardnesses. (I always order: Normal (hardness) Tonkotsu ramen with balikata (pork bone ramen) Ajitama ramen, please. Tonkotsu Barikata 1 Ajitama 1 please Tonkotsu  Barikata Ajitama Pork bone thick soup. Thick pork bone broth with green onion (medium), Ajitama. Ajitama ramen with green onions. (Eating and drinking) I did both Japanese and Western food. Yes, the last one was ramen (Staff) Why ramen? Because we have a lot of customers. I thought it would be attractive to make a lot of people happy at a low price. Table 4: Ajitama Tonkotsu Fried rice, large. Yes, fried chicken. Table 1: Ajitama and tonkotsu. During a lunch break on the way to work at the site. A customer who came to the restaurant The taste is the same as it has always been. When I want ramen, this is the place to go. There are many flavors. It's delicious with sesame seeds It is also delicious with ginger Delicious even with takana. It is also good eaten as it is (I usually order this. It's as simple as it gets! Half fried rice is the best! Fried chicken is also delicious. Tastes good with takana in it! Piles of green onions This is chashu-men topped with a big pile of green onions! Fried chicken The shop has finally calmed down. W chashu men (topped with aji-tama) Chashu pork thigh Pork bone soup Green onion Chashu pork belly on top of ramen Aji-tama topping W chashu ramen (topped with ajitama) 1230 yen Chashu pork thigh Chashu pork belly Fried rice, large portion Fried rice, large portion Kashiwa-meshi rice 400 yen Fried chicken 400 yen
Channel: うどんそば 兵庫 京都 Udonsoba
Views: 609,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: うどん, そば, うどんそば, うどんそば兵庫, 兵庫県, 兵庫グルメ, 兵庫ランチ, 兵庫うどん, 兵庫そば, Udonsoba, udon, soba, 우동, 乌冬面, 소바, 乌龙面, 荞麦面, 烏龍麵, 蕎麥麵, うどんそば 兵庫 Udonsoba Hyogo, Udonsoba Hyogo, yt:cc=on, Wチャーシューメン(トッピング味玉), チャーハン, かしわ飯, 唐揚げ, 味玉ラーメン, チャーシューメン, 加東市, 長浜ラーメン, 豚骨ラーメン, 豚骨
Id: q8B0v6f9az0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 40sec (2320 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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