Leetcode is NOT enough. What Leetcode doesn't teach you.

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“One thousand five hundred eighty two” - That’s the total number of Leetcode problems it took for someone to crack Meta. For most normal people like you and me, solving so many problems on Leetcode is not possible. Infact, in a recent survey that I conducted on my Linkedin, only x% of people who responded have solved more than 500 problems. This brings me to one good news and one bad news that I have for y’all. The good news is that “Leetcode is not enough”. You can easily do better than someone who has solved more Leetcode problems than you. The bad news is that “Leetcode is not enough”. If you were thinking that solving a few Leetcode problems is all you need to crack coding interviews. Well, this video is for you. There are so many other things that are equally, if not more important than practicing leetcode problems. Let’s do this. The path itself is the goal. A coding interview is not just about solving the problem, it’s also important how you get there. Take this example of a very famous problem called “FizzBuzz'' which most of you can easily solve. You are given a number n. For all numbers less than or equal to n, print “Fizz” if the number is divisible by 3, print “Buzz” if the number is divisible by “5” and print “FizzBuzz” if the number is divisible by both 3 and 5. If none of these conditions are true, just print the number itself. Here is a very simple solution for this. Go through all the numbers from 1 to n. Check if a number is divisible by both 3 and 5, and print “FizzBuzz” if it is. Otherwise, check if the number is divisible by 3 or 5 and print “Fizz” and “Buzz” respectively. If none of this holds, just print the number. To most people, this code would look perfectly fine. But, can you spot the problem with this code? Pause to give yourself a moment. If you look closely, the condition if the number is divisible by 3 or 5 is being checked 2 times. Now, let’s say I change the problem from multiples of 3 and 5 to multiples of 3 and 7, you will have to change 5 to 7 at 2 different places. For a simple piece of code like this, it might be ok. But when you are working in big codebases, this is not a good practice. So, by asking a question as simple as FizzBuzz, the interviewer can easily see if you will be polluting their codebase. A better way to write the same code would be this. Start with an empty output string. If the number is divisible by 3, append “Fizz” to it. If the number is divisible by 5, append “Buzz”. If the output is empty, set it to the number itself. And print the output. In your quest to solve problems using Prim’s algorithm, do not forget to write clean code in the interview. Always think about readability and maintainability of your code and stay away from one liner solutions. Clarity of thinking and communication is another thing that is very hard to learn from Leetcode. I have kept clarity of communication along with clarity of thinking because I believe that you can not communicate effectively if you can not think clearly. The great American writer Mark Twain in a letter to his friend wrote: "Sorry for writing such a long letter. I didn't have time to write a short one.". Effective communication is always short and simple. Let’s take an example to understand what strong communication skills look like in a coding interview. You are given a list of intervals that might be overlapping. You need to merge all the overlapping intervals and return a list of non-overlapping intervals. So, if you are given 2 overlapping intervals like this, you need to return a list with only one interval that has both the intervals merged. Let me give you a moment to pause the video and think how you would communicate your solution. Here’s what I would say: “I will sort the intervals. Then, I will start at the first interval and keep merging it with the next interval until I see an overlap. When there’s no overlap, I will add the merged interval to my answers. And then I would do the same thing with the next unmerged interval in the list.”. By saying this, you have done 2 things: One, you have painted a picture for the interviewer. He knows what to expect when you start writing the code. Two, You have already made the code you are about to write very clean. You have said things like “I will merge intervals”. So, you will need a helper function to merge intervals. You also said that you will merge only if you see an overlap. So, you know that you will have a helper function that will be called “can_merge” which you would use to check the overlap of the intervals. Now, all you need to do is to put your code where your mouth is. Sort the intervals. Start at the first one. And if you can merge it, merge it. If not, add it to the answer and do the same thing with the next interval. Clarity of thinking plus Clarity of communication with Clarity of code, it’s a deadly combination and no number of Leetcode questions can teach you all three. When I told you how I would communicate my solution, there’s a minor detail that I skipped. I assumed that your interviewer can understand and speak English as well as you expect. Well, that’s not always possible. Imagine that you get an interviewer with a strong accent like me. On youtube, you can just skip my video which I do not recommend because there’s a good chance your interviewer might have a similar accent as me. So, I recommend that you subscribe to the channel. Anyway, in such cases, you will have to find other aids beyond verbal communication. One of these can be Math as Math sort of is a universal language. You can also communicate via writing if needed. Walk through some test cases in writing before starting on the code. Remember that in an interview, the onus is on you to clearly communicate what you are thinking. I see so many people blaming interviewer’s to further pump their already bloated egos. Don’t do that, it will not help you in the long run. “Being present” is another thing Leetcode can not help you with. Imagine that you are working through your solution to the problem. And your interviewer thinks that there is something wrong with the code you wrote. But, you are fairly confident about what you have done. What would you do at this moment? Well, interviewing is a collaborative exercise. And you need to be present in the moment. Don’t just go with your train of thought and keep writing code. Take pauses and address any questions the interviewer might have for you. Many times, the interviewers actually want to help you when they ask you questions. So, pay attention to your interviewer. Another time you need to be fully present in the interview is when your code fails to compile or gives the wrong answer. Pay attention to the error rather than just copy pasting it on google. Or doing some random changes hoping it would fix the problem. This is a sign of an inexperienced programmer and it leaves a bad impression on the interviewer. Use this as an opportunity to show your interviewer how good you are at debugging. If the interviewer likes your debugging process, she would rank you as well as, if not better than, someone who compiled and solved on the first go. Another thing Leetcode can not teach you is how to talk about your past projects. There are 3 key questions we want to answer when talking about your projects. What did you do, How did you do it and What was the impact? What you did is going to be a quick summary of the project and why you did it in the first place. How you did it is where most beginners make mistakes. When explaining the how part, we want the interviewer to feel 2 things. One, they should be able to see that the project was challenging. Two, they should feel that the project had a big scope. It’s not always possible to achieve this with every project but that’s the goal. After establishing how you achieved the final outcome, we want to make a strong statement for the impact. Many people completely miss this step. Ideally, we want to talk about some key metrics here. These metrics are called by different names like Key Performance Indicators or KPIs. Or Objectives and Key Results or OKRs. I will leave a link for you to learn more about them in the description. Having said all that, practicing interview style problems on Leetcode is still the most important step to crack coding interviews. If you want to know the Leetcode strategy I used to crack Google, Meta and Amazon, watch this video. My name is Sahil and I will see you in the next one.
Channel: Power Couple
Views: 9,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leetcode, leetcode python, leetcode problems, data structures and algorithms in java, data structures and algorithms, coding interview, google coding interview, software engineer interview, cracking the coding interview, technical interview, how to use leetcode effectively, coding interview preparation, programming interview, faang interview preparation, data structures, algorithms
Id: -zDry7Jkq8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 11sec (431 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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