54 hours on the worlds highest Railway-From Guangzhou To Lhsa-Sleeper Train 4K

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Hi everyone Today we will take the Qinghai-Tibet Railway From Guangzhou Station to Lhasa Station, this journey will cross half of China I'll spend 54 hours on the train This is the highest-altitude railway line in the world It is also the longest railway line in China I will experience a low oxygen environment This route is one of the most beautiful in the world, where you will see, cities, mountains, rivers, villages, snow-capped peaks, hills, and countless yaks. Please enjoy the journey Now I'm going to Walmart Prepare food and daily necessities for the journey Sliced bread Duck meat Rice Peanuts I like it My favorite sausage A box of kumquats Fruit is enough for me I don't want to bring too many things Instant noodles are a must in China I want to buy more This bowl can be recycled haha Not enough Instant rice Two different flavors A canned meat Need some drinks A carton of milk Lemon drink Okay. I am going to proceed with payment. China has been using automated payment machines for a long time. I need to scan the product myself This type of machine has liberated labor force. But I still find it troublesome, haha. Pay with mobile phone or face payment 109yuan/16dollars Wow, what a big bag Call a taxi 1.7km The car is coming Back to the hotel to rest Let me see what I bought Wow Drugs bought in advance This is Hongjingtian, used to treat altitude sickness This is glucose effervescent tablets, used for replenishing energy. Good night and sweet dreams Good morning Good weather The temperature is not bad Depart from Guangzhou Station It’s very convenient to call a taxi with a mobile phone So excited Goodbye It’s Guangzhou Station This station was built in 1960 Swipe your ID card to enter The police at the station Nice police dog Good boy so cute Waiting information My train number is Z265 I have booked tickets online in advance It's still early This is the ticket office Take a ticket It's not necessary but I want to keep it as a keepsake 1550yuan/225dollars My wallet is crying It's still early for the departure time, let's go around the station The waiting room I want to drink something Make payment using mobile phone My favorite corn juice A convenience store Many massage chairs Available after mobile payment A KFC I'm going to have breakfast Self-service ordering machine I want this 24yuan/3.5dollars Pay with WeChat It's ready Let's pick up the food It's fast very good It's delicious finished eating let's go There is one hour left before departure Let's play some games My favorite is RPG games A card game that almost all Chinese people know how to play It's time Many people My car is number 10 Wow, the car is very clean my room Surprising A neat room This is my location A trash can The quilt is very soft Pillow Light switch Volume adjustment Speaker a handle Stairs a big mirror Cushion storage rack A hanger TV controller Earphone jack Reading light Brightness can be adjusted Curtains Viewing window I like it Air conditioning system Another light switch Go up and see A locker Air conditioner Same as lower level Wider field of view Take a look outside This is the first class car, suitable for remote people Public bathroom The journey has just begun Destination Lhasa It takes 3569km to drive Take a break The train is moving Maximum speed 160km/h Where am I Still in Guangdong Province The train attendant is checking tickets Eat something Sausage and toast This is my lunch Good scenery Shaoguan, a small city in China Elapsed time Passing through the city Shaoguan has a population of 1.5 million Many residential buildings Shaoguan is the gathering place of Hakka culture It is also an ancient city with a history of two thousand years Arrived in Chenzhou This stop will stop Get out of the car and go around A lot of people get off to smoke It's still early for dinner I want to go to other compartments This is the Restaurant car Wow, how exciting This is a hard seat area, suitable for short-distance passengers It is also the cheapest ticket I like this ticket because you can communicate with more people It's the end, here is the direction of the rear of the car The door is locked I think this can prevent robbers But I want to go and see Take a look at the front of the car This is a soft sleeper car, which is also a first-class ticket This is the hard sleeper area, second class ticket The comfort level is a bit worse Suitable for half-way, long-distance to passengers Many people Unfortunately, it's a dead end again Okay, I give up back Keep lying down I've finished my dinner It's getting dark Now my location is Changsha Changsha is the capital of Hunan Province Go outside and have a look This is the high-speed rail that Chinese people are proud of Maximum speed 350km/h It's time to get in the car One more aunt Arrived in another provincial capital city, Wuhan Wuhan is the central city in central China The population is 13 million Wuhan is an important tourist city and transportation hub Very big station with a history of a hundred years The train will change its locomotive here I don't know why the locomotive needs to be changed. If you know, please tell me This is the conductor, don't bother him New locomotive The company of the locomotive is different Command staff It has been changed already Very hard work, wish them all the best Okay, the train starts It's late Look out the window Quiet night Okay, I'm going to sleep Good night waking up early The next day Sleeping on the train is a little uncomfortable This is my current location Zhengzhou Drink some milk Not bad Take a look at the news Arrived at the station go outside Zhengzhou Railway Station There are few people in the early morning Back to the room Hot water Public washroom Many people got on Arrive at the next station in the morning Good night good morning Today is the second day My location The cabin is very warm, I slept well Eat instant noodles for breakfast Essentials for Chinese travelers Use hot water Wait a few minutes Okay, let’s eat It's so delicious Everything is delicious when you are hungry It's over Go wash the dishes It can be recycled Washing time Brushing teeth and washing face I finished washing The sun just came up This is Xi'an City, with an average altitude of 1,000 meters Xi’an is the central city in western China with a population of 13 million This kind of green leather car was very popular in China because the fare is cheap It's time to arrive Xi'an Railway Station This is the locomotive It's a very big train station The train will stop for 20 minutes The railway staff is adding water to the train The train starts to move From this station, the altitude will gradually increase Plateau travel agreement I will sign it Sign it, give it to the train attendant This is a disclaimer, not everyone is suitable for high-altitude travel Working hours The computer is out of power Reading e-books This is the Loess Plateau One of the four major plateaus in China Through the tunnel, it's getting dark haha Welcome to the light through many tunnels Baoji City, a small city in western China, is rich in fruits Another tunnel Chatting with the aunt next to me Train commentator Introduction of attractions and precautions There is a docent Selling souvenirs But I don't recommend buying on the train because it's cheaper when you get off Good afternoon Lanzhou City Average altitude 1500 meters I'm so excited, it's my first time here The weather is nice Lanzhou station, this is the seventh station I don't have altitude sickness yet The scenery is beautiful The next stop is Xining City, the starting point of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway I have two new roommates It's getting dark Beef rice and peanuts for dinner go add water Oh my god Using hot water was a mistake wait a few minutes Enjoy the sunset The rice is ready Let's eat It's delicious I finished There is heating under the compartment The heating is very hot Xining City, the first city on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Xining has a population of 2.47 million and is a multi-ethnic city Altitude 7464ft/2275m Temperature Arrived at the station This station needs to transfer to a high-altitude train Xining Railway Station It's very cold here, people are wearing winter clothes I'm here for the first time, so excited Check the documents Wow What a beautiful carriage Take a look at the room my bed Soft quilt There are pillows with fillings, which I like The last day of my trip, I will enjoy the heavenly scenery I can't wait This is the control system Can adjust lights, volume and air conditioning Press this button to call a service staff I'm sorry, I pressed it by accident I like this room what is this Oxygen port You need to connect a straw, or you can suck directly Test it Oxygen supply is normal I hope I won't need to use it The radiator is so hot This temperature can grill meat haha garbage can a socket Reading light Two hangers TV control system not working This is the stairs Bottom lights The trian attendant said she can find her anytime thank her Very comfortable compartment Heating The cabin temperature, I feel a little hot haha Public washing area The food truck I don't know what the numbers mean public restroom very clean The windows are sealed Long mirror Radiator Survival system Disposable cushion High pressure flush toilet Take a look at other compartments This is the third-class seat area, and most of them are locals Trolley This seat is purple locked sorry The food truck back Can be locked What a big mirror Talking with my roommates It is also the first time for them to come to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau The outside air pressure is low, so the bread will bulge Playing poker with roommates This is a game in China, similar to Texas Hold'em, called Zhajinhua Okay, brush my teeth The water is warm Wash my face I feel good now go to sleep Good night Arrived at the station The roommate woke up too go outside Ge‘ermu Station The altitude is 2829 meters It's so cold The wind on my face feels like a knife cutting Everyone is cleaning the glass The reason will be known later haha I have a little cough I wear less clothes It's still warm in the car minus 14 degrees Altitude The train starts It's time to rest Goodnight again good morning Today is the third day I have a slight headache, which is a symptom of altitude sickness oh my god But I still want to see the scenery This is the charm of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, even if it's difficult, you still want to enjoy the beautiful scenery Watch the sunrise I've never seen a sunrise like this What a big sun A lot of people are filming Wow Amazing The endless wilderness Hilly landforms, I learned about them in geography class tell me if it's wrong The rivers are frozen My head hurts, I need drink some glucose water. Don't put too much water Eat some bread It can relieve symptoms of altitude sickness Delicious, thanks my roommate I feel better now People who come to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau for the first time will experience altitude sickness but the severity of symptoms varies from person to person The glass is clean that's why we wipe it Low blood oxygen saturation and high heart rate This is a symptom of altitude sickness Arrived at the station I want to go out and see Anduo station, 4702 meters above sea level I'm so excited, it's my first time walking at high altitude The train stops for a short time It's beautiful here, but it's not my end A small city in Tibet The heavenly scenery Occasionally passing through several villages Countless yaks It's worth it for such a long journey The endless mountains There is a poem in China The sky's with a blue colour,the ground has no border,In the wind grass seems lower,and the cattle feel free to wander. It's perfect for this The train is turning Occasionally passing through several villages There are few vehicles on the road Tanggula Mountains I want to take some pictures The train is turning Yangbajing Station Close the curtains I'm going to sleep for a while I still have a little altitude sickness Good afternoon My roommate hasn't woken up yet The scenery outside the window is like a painting It's so shocking Everyone wake up and chat with friends Arriving in Lhasa soon, everyone is very excited This feeling is beyond words check where we left off Good weather 53 hours have passed Already arrived in Lhasa Lhasa is the capital of Tibet with a population of 870,000 It is also one of the highest cities in the world It's winter now The bulge in the distance is the Potala Palace It is the highest palace in the world It is also a must-see place in Tibet The journey is over soon My timer is half an hour late arrived Finishing point: Lhasa Station Go and see the locomotive Shock! Passengers are taking pictures The front is the exit 54h My timer is slower swipe ID card This is what Tibet Station looks like Okay, next I will spend my vacation in Tibet Thank you for watching!
Channel: Yin's Travel
Views: 1,532,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Qinghai-Tibet Railway, 4k, Sleeper trian
Id: YmLPGrUjK18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 9sec (3609 seconds)
Published: Tue May 02 2023
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