5,300 mile Pacific Crest Trail Yoyo - Introduction
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: JupiterHikes
Views: 9,856
Rating: 4.9896102 out of 5
Keywords: pacific crest trail yoyo, pct yoyo, scott williamson, olive mcgloin, john zahorian, fastpacking, fastest known time, sub 90 day thru hike, 100 day thru hike, sierra high route, super ultralight, xul, extreme ultralight, how to hike long distance, manning park, pacific crest trail southbound, heather anderson, anish, francis tapon, andrew skurka, fkt, krudmeister, lint hikes, speed hiking, fast thru hike
Id: GXlXohjXQEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Sat May 05 2018
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