#52 Palm Village Old Fashioned Community Hymn Sing 6/17/2018

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good evening friends grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ we welcome you to him sing number 52 we're glad that you're here on this Father's Day happy Father's Day to all fathers we're glad that you have joined with us tonight to sing together to enjoy the presence of the Lord and to do lots of music this is going to be a great service we want to invite you if you have cell phones or pagers or any other electronic devices to please silence them or turn them off or do whatever you do so that we don't have an interruption that would be great we have cameras you can see all around and so with with God's blessing almost said with any luck but we'll be on the web tonight and some people we listening to us live so that will be good too I think that's all I'm supposed to tell you the theme tonight is rock songs not rock music there is a difference maybe that's why some people stayed away I'm not sure anyway think Rock of Ages Christ the solid rock he hided my solos anyway as we start with some instrumental music we want to invite you to have a time of quiet and as you're listening to the keyboards the sound of the chimes reminds us to listen be aware of God's presence as we meet together [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] great start for the evening you know when you did that marching medley I was about ready to get up in March weren't you I was just everything was just great this evening and we're bad worship together let's do a responsive scripture it's taken from Ephesians 2:19 2:22 so then you are no longer strangers and aliens but you are fellow citizens with the Saints and our part of God's household in whom the whole building being fitted together is growing into a holy temple in the Lord let's sing together the solid rock it's number 314 and it also be on your screens let's sing together [Music] [Applause] [Music] may the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight O Lord my strength and my Redeemer thank you so much for this evening in the word and song may your name be lifted up our wonderful Lord amen tonight we want to welcome you once again especially those who may be watching on the web who are watching us live or who will be watching this broadcast weeks or months from now you can always find it on the internet after the service is over we were led in prayer tonight by bertha pauls who is one of our residents we had a guest pianist you might have noticed on this side tonight Helga man thank you for being with us at our time of moments in the word our resident Galen Snell is going to be sharing with us tonight we've already had the pleasure of hearing brother Vernon Jensen play the accordion and we're going to be hearing him again a little bit later in the service we look forward to that our song leader tonight was Bob Platt and a little later in the service brother Don McNeal will be leading us in our closing song our theme song so once again we're glad that you're here to sing rock songs with us remember not rock music we're singing rock songs and we trust this will be a blessing in your life tonight let's read the next scripture or the next song isn't it next song sorry I'm out alright hymn number 265 Rock of Ages on the second verse women you'll be singing on the third verse men will sing the third verse so let's sing together [Music] the next response of scripture is found in Psalm 18 verses 1 to 3 I love thee O Lord my strength my shield and the Horn of my salvation my stronghold I brought my staff with me those around here know about this stuff in fact some of them think I'm Moses but I'm going to tell you a story about Moses quickly I want to tell you a story about Moses the Lord the people around Moses got mad at him the reason they got mad at him and his brother is because Moses was not able to keep them with enough water and so since he couldn't keep him with enough water they hollered at him and screamed at him and so Moses and his brother went to the Lord this is the second time they went to the Lord in the Book of Numbers they got to the Lord and they Dourdan he said Lord the people are mad at us what are we to do you know what the Lord said he said take your stick go in front of the rock and say to the rock and say to the rock let the water come out for my people Moses and his brother went to the rock but the people were out there hollering and screaming and they were saying you are a terrible leader why did you take us all the way out here and Moses got madder and madder and madder and madder and madder and he took his stick and he walked that wall that big rock twice and rain came thundering out I mean what that wasn't the end of the story the end of the story was as dead that God said to Moses I'm sorry Moses you didn't listen to me I told you to ask the water to come out instead you got mad and you hit the rock and therefore you or your brother will go into the Promised Land with with my people yeah a rock kind of mean not sure whether the rocks fault a little bit later there was a man he was a young boy that young boy learned how to do a sling then they're going came a guy named Goliath hey young man grabbed a rock five rocks he took him out and put him in his pocket and he said to Goliath you're in the way of the Lord's business I'm not scared of you I've hit how many Tigers have I grabbed know they were Lions and how many bears and he took the sling you know the rest of the story but the beautiful part about this story is that we find out that this young man went on and we have in the scriptures that not only did he go on but he would became a man after God's own heart and then we hear about him later in the in the chapters in in in acts and in there we are hearing a sermon by Paul and Paul says that out of this experience of a man named David came one who was called Jesus of the lineage of David we've been having up here next to us behind us all this time about the different expressions of the rock in the scriptures but the two that Jesus gave and the one I like the best and I love it in Luke better than I like it in Matthew when he says dig deep in the dirt down to the rock before you build your house and then in another place jesus said they have rejected the rock which has now become the corner and why do I tell you that because that's a very soft foundation on which Jesus gives us the opportunity to be with him forever and I have the last part of this little and I have no idea Stephen whether it's four minutes or 10 now but the last part is when we get to heaven in the second chapter of the book of Revelation you know what it says there it says if when they get there Jesus is going to give us a white rock and that rock is gonna have a new name on it and he's gonna give it to us where'd he get the rock I imagine he was running and walking all the time all these years well they don't have years up there he's a god whenever he was picking up the rock side of the river taking him up and holding him and he's got one for you and he's got one for me a white rock with a new name on it and do you know what the importance said that is it means that you are of absolute worth in heaven and that at any time you want to you can pick the rock up and you I don't know if there's a telephone in heaven but there's some way you can take that rock and say Jesus and Jesus will answer this is and it's gonna be you just your name nobody else's name just yours and Jesus say how are you doing and I'm gonna say I'm doing fine why do I know that because before I get my rock I'm gonna rest on his bosom god bless us Gailen we thank you very much for sharing with us and taking us into the word that is so important we always make a place in our hem sings for the Ministry of God's Word well we also always sing heavenly sunshine so let's get ready we're going to do it twice [Music] wonderful wonderful Jesus is to me here we go wonderful wonderful Jesus is to me consul Prince of Peace mighty God [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] I was listening a couple of weeks ago to a really old recording from Angela's temple down in Los Angeles and I mean this is really old you know they barely had recording things at the time this was done but I heard sister McPherson Aimee Semple McPherson singing with this huge congregation I'll take Jesus for mine and you probably don't know it but it's so easy you're gonna know it in about a minute okay and here's it goes like this I'll take Jesus for mine I'll take Jesus for mine you can have the whole wide one but I'll take Jesus for mine and that's it you can do it right here we go I'll take [Music] [Applause] sing it again [Music] [Music] we always called those Sunday night songs no we saying holy holy holy in Sunday morning but on Sunday night we sang those kind of songs burdens are lifted at Calvary [Music] [Applause] [Music] and another old chorus things are different now [Music] I don't know if you know this little chorus I hope you do you might remember from a long time ago the melody is actually this land is your land [Music] I hope that's the prayer of your heart tonight it is mine well that's the end of what we have planned so now we're going to give you the opportunity to pick songs from the Green Book which we still are using after all these years the way we do it and I tell you this every time but there are always new people you can't be polite when I say we're ready then you have just shout out the number and you'll be ready to do it if you want something other than the first verse please tell me and we'll try to do the verse but what you cannot do is say I want all four verses because I might do it but like don't hold your breath for that our whole goal is to get in lots of different songs so we can sing lots of lots of different ones alright I think we're ready who's set to go say it again two six seven and the numbers will be up on the screen 267 this is a song that our choir just sang an arrangement this last Thursday night so we know it really really well my song shall be of Jesus [Music] someone else okay 531 five three one this him is we've a story to tell to the nation's [Music] good someone else two three zero three three zero I was close 330 the title is the love of God by the way the reason I'm saying that is because for people who are listening in they don't have the book so they're wondering okay what are we about to start so we want to let them know [Music] [Music] thank you for singing parts thank you alright who else is ready three one six 316 the title is hiding in thee and it has a high F so I'm gonna lower the key okay Sopranos in your videos alright [Music] [Music] good someone else okay well I heard 297 then I'll come back the other one was that right 297 okay sorry we're gonna be coming back to that because that's the one I'm telling the story great choice we're going to be singing it eventually so what was the three one three five four okay 354 I knew somebody would pick it because it goes so well with the theme but that's also why I picked it 350 402 be like thee John 3:5 for there we go okay MOTU [Music] who says the next one 392 392 the song is teach me thy way O Lord I'm thinking about a key that's what I'm doing okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're singers for [Music] I have to tell you something it's funny how songs bring back things to you because I grew up in a pretty peppy gospel church and we didn't sing this song I don't know why we could sing power in the blood with tambourines and everything else but we I just didn't know their song but in 1974 I became the minister music of the First Baptist Church of Visalia which is called Gateway that's the same Church but that's what it's called now and I was 23 and they sang this song and I thought man that is a great song how could I have missed that all these years so and it's funny singing it tonight just took me right back to that sanctuary thinking that morning how God spoke to me that very first time alright who's next okay hold it first 109 and then the other one 1:09 the song is crowned here with many crowns [Music] it was the one that started with 391 okay 391 take the name of Jesus with you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 231 grace that is greater than our sin [Music] [Music] [Applause] 434 4 3 4 in the rifted Rock I'm resting you know we have some this for a long time let's just do the whole thing will that be all right ok [Music] [Music] please switch pass [Music] we're gonna pause just for a moment brother Jenson if you prepare for your next piece before we sing the last verse I want to tell you this is another song I didn't know till I came to Mennonite land in Hillsboro in Kansas and I thought where has this been my whole life and that very year Jonah Kleber published his arrangement with Shermer which is like the top music publisher of his choral arrangement of this this is such a great song verse 4 in the rifted rock on resting til the storms of life are passed listening [Music] it's such a privilege for us tonight to have brother Vernon Janssen we had him speak for our chapel service we've known him a long time a lot of you know he was the principal Emmanuel way back longtime Mennonite Brethren pastor and my big thing he was the president of Tabor College and now he's a published author and we'll tell you about that a little bit later brother Janssen a few words before I play it was my privilege to be here just a week ago last Thursday and talk on the subject of the exhilarating life living by god-given principles which happens to be the title of the book that God led me to write tonight it's a privilege to share exhilaration first of all because this is Father's Day we can worship our Eternal Father who's the one who enabled all those people who have filled the role of father in our lives and so the first song I'll play will be God of our fathers whose almighty hand and then after we recognize what God has done for us and who he is we really need to worship and so we'll move from that song right into oh 4,000 tons to sing my Redeemers praise but after we have worshiped and praised God there needs to be another step and that is we really need to hear the voice of this father God tell us come follow me sweetly Lord have we heard the company calling come follow me will be the third song and then that still isn't enough there needs to be a fourth response there needs to be the response where we say I want you God to be the one who is my shepherd have 909 way Lord have thine own way you're the Potter I'm the clay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you so much brother Vernon I think we ought to sing God of our fathers we never sing that is 631 would you turn that and notice it has two measures of Trumpets so I'll give those first in the absence of any trumpets or the organ 2 or 631 and let's sing verses 1 & 4 [Music] I know you're gonna find this hard to believe I just remember who I heard this the first time to in the Riverside Public Library down in Riverside they had LP records that you could check out like a book I checked out the recording of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir singing this and I thought oh man I had never heard an organ like that it was this was think 1959 or 1960 I mean this was really something and it has stuck with me ever since - all right enough chitter-chatter let's pick the next song who's ready number seven okay and then what okay seven and then 103 the song is to God be the glory [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] 103 was that the one okay 103 this is my father's world [Music] first three okay stay on the same one and do verse three hey here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] 484 484 I think we're gonna make this our last one because then I want to tell you the story of he hide it's my soul the song is face to face [Music] [Music] it's so reassuring isn't it to know that that is true that's not just a nice signs true based on our faith in Christ we're gonna see him because we belong to him well the song I want to tell you tonight he hided my soul first it's number 297 if you'd like to turn in your book 297 and here's my true confession I told you this story in July of 2015 but I figured if I didn't remember it probably you didn't either and I particularly wanted that song for tonight because what's the course he hided my soul in the cleft of the rock that's such a great phrase the music for this one was by William J Kirkpatrick he was a composer church organist we've talked about him but the words we want to talk about the words tonight guess who the words are buying miss Fanny Jay Crosby yep she's the one Fanny Jay Crosby it was based on exodus 33:20 - and here's what God said to Moses so it shall be while my glory passes by that I will put you in the cleft of the rock and we'll cover you with my hand while I pass by bouncing back in times of adversity and being assured of God's care these are the qualities of a life that we need to cultivate aren't they we need to bounce back when we have times of adversity and all of us have them that's for sure life's always full of struggles isn't it so how do we become resilient with an unshakable faith in God's care well Fanny Crosby wrote and she said a wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord he taketh my burden away that's how you do it he holdeth me up and I shall not be moved he giveth me strength as my day this great song of testimony friends is one of 8,000 that she wrote during her 95 years of life do you remember last month we talked about a writer who had to use a pen-name sometimes because he had too many songs in the same hymnal same deal with Fanny Crosby she had to write under different names sometimes because the editors of hymnals felt that they had too many of her songs this book the Green Book has 27 of her songs in this book in that amazing that God so used this lady you know during her lifetime she had three at least incredible hardships number one she was blind you see those dark glasses up there that wasn't to be cool in those days it's cuz she was blind it was caused by a careless doctor when she was only six weeks old it wasn't when she was born that was number one she was blind number two she had a less than ideal marriage to the point that she eventually lived apart from her husband for a while not divorced they just lived apart the third thing that was hard in her life was the death of her infant child but she could still write a wonderful Savior is Jesus my lord he taketh my burden away everyone who knew Fanny Crosby spoke of her energy her vitality one biographer wrote these words even in extreme old age she would tire out people 20 or 30 years younger that's a compliment that really is a compliment now here's what she said about herself not just picture her telling you this how long am I going to travel in lecture always there is nothing that could induce me to abandon my work it means nothing to be 84 years of age because I'm still young see she wrote this when she was 84 what's the use of growing old anyway people grow old because they're not cheerful and cheerfulness is one of the great accomplishments of life well that's nice we know that her cheerfulness was based solidly in the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ that's why she was cheerful Fanny Crosby lived out her song every day of her long life he hided my soul in the depths of his love and covers me there with his hand would you join with me tonight as we sing it together Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] now on this last verse here's our hope for the future you ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you so much for singing that as we come to the conclusion of this evening service we always like to say thank you for coming we need singers it'd be nice if we just had the piano players but nobody's saying well that wouldn't work too well with it our next hymn sing is on the earliest possible day of July it's on July the 15th for it to be the third Sunday it could not possibly be any earlier so July the 15th is our next team sing the theme is extravagant love and it's going to be the story of the prodigal son and our brother Milt Friesen is going to be here to sing this big solo called the penitent it's a wonderful solo it's the King James version of the prodigal son so be sure that you're here we want to thank everyone who has helped us tonight and I'd like to say just a reminder the Lord impressed this on me the hem sing is run 100% by volunteers every one of us the committee the players the speakers everyone it's all volunteers and we love doing it for the Lord we want to thank mrs. Bertha Paul's for leading us in prayer Galen's Snell for awesome time in the word tonight thank you brother Janssen for the recording and solos and we want to say that as you are leaving tonight he would be happy to autograph one of his books for you in exchange for some money from here to help their ministry so he will be outside there with with books or you can order it if you're not prepared to pay tonight and I have read it I read it quickly I think in three days and it was a blessing all right this is my heartfelt endorsement of it not that it needed it but it was a blessing it was a great blessing it's like a who's who of Mennonite Brethren circles and of what God can do through a yielded life we want to thank our brother Bob Platt for leading us tonight for Don McNeal who's going to be coming just in a minute for our keyboard players as always held the man Ruth's nail on this side mary-jane dick on this side we appreciate you so much our visuals are done by John and normal Owen our sound man is Jonathan Lerman back there in the sound booth our master uh sure is Don beckon our and his team we need them so much and then our brother do Maddox who is running the YouTube you can find the him sing on the internet if you just put in palm village him sing and all the past ones will pop up and you can click on whichever one you want this one will be up in two three days you can find it here's something that applies to almost no one that him sing committee tomorrow is meeting at two not at three okay just take note of that we're going to evaluate this service we always do that see what we did right what we did wrong when you leave tonight if you could take your book back to that cart that would be helpful now listen carefully please leave extra time for people with walkers and wheelchairs just sit and visit for a minute let everybody get out that will really help us alright god bless you thank you so much for being tonight brother MacNeil the benediction and the song glad you came tonight one more time did you have a good time yeah it's good it's worth every effort in being here and sharing and all the good music we're seeing about our Lord remember that's what it's all about and having a good time in doing so so thank you for being here and a part of that we're going to close with a scripture it's got to be posted for you and then we will sing together our closing song wonderful grace of Jesus the benediction is together reading unison the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the Fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Drew Maddox
Views: 141,521
Rating: 4.7792377 out of 5
Id: mWvr0ebBwMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 4sec (5044 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 21 2018
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