512GB只需999元!!開箱 + 評測 【Honor X8b】Unboxing - 外觀上你徹底贏了。

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Channel: GJ Wong黃志傑
Views: 6,232
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: honor x8b, honor malaysia, honor, honor x9b, android, android smartphone, smartphone below 1000, smartphone review, 安卓手機, 安卓開箱, 手機開箱, honor x8b malaysia, $250 smartphone, 千元機, 萬元機, 9千元手機, 小米, 真我, oppo, vivo, xiaomi, phone review, smartphone unboxing, gjwong, gj wong, GJ Wong黃志傑, snapdragon 680, honor x8b 开箱, honor x8b 测评, honor x8b unboxing, iphone 15 pro max, huawei, huawei mate 60 pro, 華爲mate 60, 遙遙領先, 榮耀手機, honor magic 6 pro, honor magic v2
Id: _Ft8s7NYwy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 26sec (2966 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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