500hp 7.0L V8 Superformance GT40 - The Ultimate Analogue Drivers Car...and Flamethrower !

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oh my god hey guys and welcome to petroped now a few weeks ago i got really really excited when i was a passenger in a super performance gt40 well today i'm going one better because today i'm gonna get to drive one that one [Music] i've got a little admission i've always had a big thing for the gt40 and then i'm sure like most of you have watched the le mans 66 film and saw the hollywoodized story behind the birth of this car the ford motor company wanting to go toe-to-toe with enzo ferrari at le mans but i've just always loved the the design of these and i think living so close to goodwood and going to the revival and seeing these race around the track at goodwood they've always just held this special place i love the fact that they called the ford gt40 because the roof is 40 inches from the floor i've always worried about being able to sit in one actually because the way the roof is i thought you know maybe i'll get decapitated but luckily when i was with scc private members a few weeks ago one of the members that was on that drive andy gave me a passenger ride in his super performance gt40 and i finally realized that i could sit in one and keep my head and that video went live and literally within an hour of that video going live i got an email from oliver and oliver works at lamont coupes who are the sole uk distributor for super performance gt40 and he said if you think you got excited being a passenger would you like to come and drive one and i was like uh you name the day i will be there and here we are so this is uh lemon coupe's uh demo car we're going to take it for a drive very shortly and i'm going to get oliver on camera to talk much much more about this car because it is a truly special thing just a few things super performance gt40s they are a continuation model they hold the rights to the name gt40 that's why the new ford gt and we're now on the second version of that isn't called a gt40 because super performance own the rights to that name they are a continuation model they are a you know not a kit car or a replica they are built exactly as they were back in period and you can build them as road-going cars like this or if you want a full-blown fia approved race car they'll do one of those for you as well but it's just a stunning stunning thing but the true excitement of this car is the visceral feeling you get when you drive one and all of that comes from what's underneath the back engine housing so yes what's in here is pretty special would you like to see it now there are two pins on the top and two clips either side i've already undone three of them but the final one is just here i just push on the top and then i lift this big clam shell it's on gas struts you can't see it from there but behold the magnificence so what we have here is a seven liter v8 from prestige motorsport now interestingly this one is a road-going version of the gt40 and for emissions um this is actually a fuel injection system uh from a company called baller and they they it looks like a kind of weber um set up the race spec one of these um you can spec with weber carburetors um so you know you you that what i love about this is it's fuel injected it kind of helps with emissions helps with all the kind of stuff you need to get one of these on the road but still looks like a carbureted car um 500 horsepower 600 foot-pounds of torque um all driven through rear-wheel drive obviously but there's a quafe uh gearbox at the back and it's a dogleg five-speed gearbox so you gotta go to the left and then back towards you for first second third fourth fifth really interested to see how that drives and then the sensational thing about this car is it only weighs eleven hundred and fifty kilos so that is a proper power to weight ratio and i love the sculpting of the exhaust with those just twin exhaust pipes sticking out the back it's just an amazing amazing thing beautiful so i think you'll agree as engines go and as cars go this thing is off the charts special but inside inside's pretty special as well so you can see here the gurney bubble that just gives the driver a little bit more headroom and then the only other thing i need to do just to make my ingress and egress a little bit easier is take the steering wheel off because if that's not off there's no way i'm going to get in this car and then it's foot on the seat and kind of work my way in oh it's a snug fit in here it really is now interestingly there are these pads sit on the floor so when i actually go out driving i'm probably just going to not use this seat because it's quite tight for me if you were buying one of these then clearly you would have a seat made for you and they can also move the pedals backwards and forwards which is is quite a lengthy job it's not something you do quickly because a tall lanky youtuber wants to drive the car let's close the door and here we can see this kind of just i'm probably going to tip my head that way and then well at least i've still got my head on and then it's a racing car so you've got this incredible steering wheel with a gt40 logo on it you've got these two little um levers and you just put it on there let the levers go and then give it a good pull to make sure that the steering wheel is on what a special cabin you've got the four-point racing harness but the dash in front is just so focused around being a racing car the main analog rev counter in front of me redline at six and a half thousand rpm and then you've got a range of gauges whatever i've got there i've got an oil gauge water another oil gauge fuel gauge battery voltage and then the speedo on the left hand side don't need that um so the speeder on the left hand side rated up to 200 miles an hour engine starts stop um and i've got some very basic controls here with sort of spots and fog and lights and fans is just spectacular but the really cool thing is where's the gear stick well it's a sill mounted dogleg five-speed box so back or to the left and then back towards me to get into gear and then off we go very very special and then the the view in the rear view mirror the it's like a little letterbox i can just about see the road behind but it is dominated by eight trumpets on top of the engine that's just an incredible view the the little side mirrors they're not not the best to be honest but hey who cares who's behind you and then you've got no rolling windows you've basically got just some some little scoops and patches and then i do have ac in this car but all the controls are actually mounted on the door but what a special place so what i'm going to do is we're going to go out for a drive and i'm going to get oliver to join us because i really want to talk more about the car and he obviously knows all about the car and and you know how if you wanted to have one of these how you could go about specking it and the options and i just find them a fascinating fascinating car they are a race car they're really the best place to really drive them is on a race track but i'm sure driving on the public road is going to be very very special oh man what a car i just love it it's quite tight though quite tight [Music] [Music] [Music] youtube welcome to the channel oliver hello from le mans coupe now um one of the things you'll notice is i haven't got a lovely flashy padded gt40 seat that's because i'm a tall lanky gate so i'm sat on the floor you are i'm as low as it can be it's uh yeah 60s technology here just take the seat out and off you go amazing yeah so we're going to go for a bit of a drive this is a very very special car this is your demonstrator correct yeah this is our demo super performance gt40 um yeah so thank you very much for coming and taking the time to have a drive believe me the thanks is thanks for the invite i know you're very welcome you're very welcome there's something missing oh yeah here we go i honestly the it's on good good so start procedure start process um or you do turn the key one click yeah so that's it and then you press the the disarm button which is the bottom left that one yeah you'll hear the pumps kick in yeah and then you should be uh it's out of gear um just press the start button and it should far into life give it a bit of revs that is uh it's quite raw isn't it it's quite intimidating yeah but surprisingly civil when you get going good unless you want to be a hooligan no we don't want to do that so dog legs first yeah that's it handbrake's off yeah it's quite an early release on the clutch as you can feel so we're away swinging around there and we're away wow wow wow wow so let's go and find some nice roads let's do it i think we need to find some fuel first away yeah fuel fuel first and then we're off here we go who wants to obviously go behind you there's the first time that's happened okay people this is a noisy car everyone loves the overrun yes so we've got so much torque in this car if you're cruising you can chuck it into fourth or fifth right now wow and then you can just talk and you know have a normal conversation yeah you know get to know the car and then um when you want to be a hooligan just drop it second or third and um you're awake hooligan excellent so tell me about them on coupe so your father started the business yeah correct so that's a pretty cool dad to have right i landed on my feet i mean it took me 14 years to get into the business in fairness so um you know i pushed a lot and i'm finally here dad owned a very famous cobra 39 ph uh which had a lot more history and the owner of uh performance knew of the car and dad went out to see a friend at shelby convention in america and the uh his friend had a super performance cobra and dad drove it said that's better than the originals that's incredible he said let me introduce you to jimmy who runs the factory and jimmy knew 39 ph and they hit it off like like a house on fire and uh long story short that's how nigel became the the dealer for super performance in the uk through that connection and then the range has expanded from there so we did the the cobras the shelby daytona cobras and then uh the gt40s um so we'll go straight over here sorry okay um yeah so and the gt40 has really taken off as our best seller we've done about 55 now in the uk yeah so we're about a tenth of the global market uh in our small territory so they're made in south africa yep yeah so all factory built to the original drawings uh it's actually a mark ii chassis so original drawings um we've got the rights to the name through sapphire spares and so yeah they are a gt40 in their own right people say is it an original technically yes because it is just built in the uh you know 2020 it's not not 1960 but about 90 interchangeable with the originals you've got options with the mark one bodywork or mark two body work which since the one has become much more right yeah much more the best marketing video for you it's been fantastic and you know um to have been part of that i mean not us personally but three performers who we represent they supplied the cars for that film uh we'll go left onto the motorway uh they supply the cars for the film and uh you know i think it's just a real testament to the quality of the of the product yeah and the accuracy and the originality yeah exactly so you've got about six and a half thousand revs at your disposal and you can you know you can really stamp on it these tires the avon tires are second to none we're going to come up on this first exit we've got about a mile wow i mean when i went in andy's as a passenger i talked about it being a visceral experience yup jesus because we didn't we didn't really get the opportunity to open it up that much because of the roads we were on well i don't think you used all the 6 000 there you got something got some change left still on my days we'll come up with this one and we'll go off and that was a flavor to try and explain it's really stiff but once you understand the way it works and where you need to position your foot and trust it you're scared to stamp on it too hard because you've got 500 horsepower the other side of it well you've got to remember in period i think they spent 30 million dollars on the chassis which in today's money to equate equates to give or take a billion dollars yeah so it's a billion dollar chassis you're sitting under on top of sorry and it's designed to go flat out for 24 hours around le mans yeah so it's very predictable very neutral very easy to drive so you can chuck 500 horsepower at it and it's fine you know you can drop the gears hit the accelerator and and it goes it will take it in the wet you want to modulate the throttle a little bit more but again it's very touching control yeah it's just your right foot there the steering is very sharp very direct yeah it's really nice yeah it all stems back and you know there's a trend in the car market at the moment to do continuations of original cars but it stems back to that it's built from the original drawing so it's as they are as they were um so you you know you really get the sense of what it was like to be jackie x jackie oliver um you know ken miles whoever it was jumping in the cockpit driving out the the the pit straight at the mall and on to the mulsanne and just seeing that logo in front of me and that that view is it's proper especially yeah but a point to do about goodwood for example we um we've had uh in the old g240 race i think it was seven of rg supported racing you know we've won at the spa six hours so we do the road cars we also do 100 accurate um hfia h2p cars yeah so if you want to go racing and you don't want to spend three four five million on an original we can build you a car to fi a spec to go racing and that's amazing be out spa six hour le mans classic it's very difficult to value one of these because it's very personal of your spare yeah but i guess you say new range from you know just shy of a couple of hundred grand just over 300 grams yeah that kind of that sort of ballpark yeah um depends on the spec in this one we've got quite a high spec with the 427 engine we've got the ball eight stack injection um you know we've got a lot of options on here but you know you can strip it back a little bit have a 302 which still has plenty of power for a nice you know you know you can still have some fun off the lights and on track and on the roads we'll go straight over here finally yeah yeah um and yeah or you can go all the way through to the race cars i mean in the uh in the workshop at the moment we've got a one of 50 limited edition tour room cars of 1075 which was the two-time le mans winning gt40 yeah the gt40 basically yeah which is a real joy to be involved and it's in golf livery as well it is the coolest livery ever it is the coolest livery you can get here we go it's not quite a heavy feel to the steering but it's very direct it's got so much torque yeah there's so many more reps to play with your um 3000 now you've got another three and a half to go i'm being a good boy so we're making peak torque at um 2000 to 4000 rpm yeah then it's peak power you know over 4 000 starts hitting the power band so you know you've got power throughout the whole rev range um but when you say it's um you know quite heavy direct steering we always call it positive it's very positive steering that's the one yeah yeah i like your salesman yeah exactly yeah but it started to firmness to it yeah i think because monday cars are all over power assisted aren't they and they're very light and you kind of get used to that so when you're getting an old car that doesn't have any power systems yeah and it's all down to the geometry and the setup once you put it into the corner you can just feel the steering wheel just stays there yeah yeah on the track this must be sensational oh it's brilliant fun brilliant i haven't taken this one on the track yet we've taken our previous cars on and uh it's where where they're at home right yes it's what they're built to do so they make great track day weapons you know again it's 60s technology okay we've got modern will wood brakes you've run phil stein h r springs and you know things like that but fundamentally it's the same so you know don't have the abs you have to drive it like a 60s car but there's a certain reward to that yeah all right stick to the road like it's on rails one thing you'll find i still have 15. it just it's just a monster jesus and it's dealing with this crappy road surface unbelievably well i i we obviously sell cobras as well as uh gt40s i'd always recommend the 15-inch wheels with the high-profile tires it's how they were in period but you don't have to worry about potholes you're not going to pop them and it'll take it and adds that extra dimension of suspension yeah and just a bit of compliance which yeah fantastic well like so oh yeah sign me up so you mentioned ac's or sorry cobras yeah um you've got one of those back at the shop we do yes we've got the keys yeah yeah let's do it let's do it so that is a perfect place to draw this video to a close oliver you are a legend sir thank you guys i i hope you enjoyed coming behind the scenes of that not the easiest car to film in because it's really noisy in here but in the best possible way it's an authentic way it's an amazing amazing thing but yeah so we're going to head back to the hmong coupe we'll put all of their details in the description below um hit them up and then you know follow them on social media and yeah we've got cars available for test drives and um have to answer any questions absolutely stunning but we're gonna drive this one back and swap for a cobra another car i've always wanted to drive tough day in the office here right very fast i mean that's just naughty anyway guys i hope you enjoyed that one if you did give me a thumbs up comment below we're always welcome and if you can't hear me make sure you subscribe turn petrol plenty more content to come i'll see on the next build which could well be a cobra making just as much noise and nice take care guys cheers [Music] you
Channel: Petrol Ped
Views: 108,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Petrol Ped, Vlogger, YouTuber, Cars, Supercars, Performance Cars, Motorsport, ford gt40, ford gt40 sound, ford gt40 mk2, ford gt40 mk1, ford gt40 2020, superformance gt40, superformance, le mans 66, ford vs ferrari, gt40 flames, ford gt40 flames, le mans coupes, gt40 noise, gt40 exhaust, gt40 exhaust sound, gt40 acceleration, ford gt40 acceleration
Id: p2OnJLQ_omg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 30 2021
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