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three-two-one today we are going to wait uh huh I just went through the wrong portal let me let me go let me go back in there hold on hold on hold on okay we're good um I just thought I was recording minecraft video today but uh I don't think it's gonna happen today we're doing something a little bit different actually not different we've done this before we're building a Hot Wheels track but instead of building it underwater or building a giant ramp or building it on my roof we're gonna build it around the whole entire house let's do it we're gonna start upstairs with this giant ramp that I've already built check this thing out look at this we got a ladder with some boards taped to it and then this is going to be the start of the ramp going I don't know we're a little bit about right there okay sick hopefully this works this thing is extremely steep as you can see it's almost straight down if we're gonna have the ramp going down here and go all the way out here this is where the track is gonna start and I think we're gonna continue through here Oh all the way over here and then make some crazy ramp like going off the wall of the stairs and then down the stairs and I'm not really sure where we're gonna go after that we're just gonna play it by ear and see what happens Oh would you look at that little self-made loop we got here I'm hoping that we're able to use almost all the tracks that we have we have about 500 feet of track and I've never used all of it but hopefully we'll use all of it in this video right there we go let's go ahead and straighten this thing out a little bit let's go and test the first section of the track and check out this car I got it's like a minecart from minecraft it's actually really cool or so you don't have a little character to put in the middle but it is okay let's see how good it does here we go three two one Oh what else awkward three two one there we go that's what I my gosh she just went all the way downstairs you think you can hand me that I see it it's right there give it a nice little nice little toss oh geez okay Oh flip I just go okay now it's all the way over there think you could get that back in for me wait are you well at least the first part of the track board that was sick imagine how cool would be if we could like ramp off this and then like land in a bucket and then it can like keep going like whoa toss it oh jeez I'm scared oh really again oh my god where'd you go I'm scared I'm scared well the UI okay not that there it is thirty third oh come on how hard is it to throw Hot Wheels car upstairs so just throw it and have it land up here don't throw it at me I'm not gonna catch it there we go there we go you got it oh my gosh okay okay what is that and then speakable bazooka these will be releasing soon so you can annoy your whole entire family no you guys on camera I'm gonna wake you up in the morning with a frame and I'm gonna I'm gonna get like 50 people in our room and I'm just gonna have all of them holding these and it's just gonna be like it's gonna be like 6 a.m. and all you're gonna hear is I don't know where I'm gonna hire 50 people to do that but maybe you'll happen anyways back to the Hot Wheels track here we're doing pretty good progress I mean we actually haven't done anything from the last clip but I did it in this nice little corner piece so we're gonna corner right here if we're gonna go straight off and then I'm thinking we're gonna do like a ramp up the wall down the stairs go over to the pool table over there and do some like loop on it or some crazy stuff I don't know and then after that we'll see how much track we have left pretty sure we'll have a ton but we'll see stay hydrated kids everything so far is looking good except for that I tested this section of the track a couple times and this is not working obviously it's not gonna work like this it was you know up here like this but the car doesn't have enough speed to make it up and around this thing so I decided to add a booster and when I added the booster it actually gave it too much speed and I thought okay well the boosters may be too close to here so I tried moving the booster back there but then it gave it so much speed that it would just fly off the corner here there's some science to building Hot Wheels track so I'm not even kidding I think we're gonna do to fix this problem this right here is too steep of a ramp the car has too much speed and when it comes off right here it literally just goes flying we're gonna try to make this part more flat and then we're gonna make a ramp that's even bigger so if anything it's only getting better welcome to Texas where everything is bigger and better so let's do this [Music] number one three I've never seen something so beautiful the feeling of a successful Hot Wheels track it made it always to the end I mean obviously it flew off the track because well there is no track we're still building it that was just a test okay see this car needs to go in the garbage well actually landed on the couch this the upstairs part of the track works we're now gonna work on downstairs going on to the pool table this box right here is pretty much what we're gonna use for a ramp this is actually a box I got in the mail it's a green screen I figured it makes literally the perfect ramp can see if this green screen right there because I'm gonna start using green screens in the background of my Minecraft videos yeah he's know I'm funny I got some great ideas I'm gonna have the green screen and then I'm gonna put like a green screen suit on so when I record Minecraft videos I'll just have a floating head coming soon to the minecraft channel but we're gonna have this track go up this box and onto the pool table we might need a booster as well I'm not sure how much speed this car is going to have coming down the stairs I'm pretty sure we will not need a booster because this car is gonna have a ton of speed coming down the stairs I'm pretty sure I'll be able to make it up that ramp if needed we do have a booster just in case on the pool table drak is looking awesome now I had to redo most of this right here obsessing it we were having a little bit of problems from Mike coming downstairs that would just have so much speed and we didn't even use the booster at all I would literally just fly straight to the wall from trying to add some support here with the Legos to make it just slowly increase problem and that is the fact that we don't have any more corner pieces like any more turning pieces so we can't really turn the track if we keep going here it's just gonna go straight to the wall unless we pull some sort of crazy thing that's probably not gonna work on the car it's gonna go flying everywhere probably gonna have to make a quick trip to the store get a couple quarter pieces and I think we should be good [Music] [Music] it we're good got a 2/4 pieces unfortunately they only had two of these I was hoping they had maybe like five five we only have two we're gonna have to work with only two I plan to use like five of them going like all over the place but it work like what look at this we got the first corner piece set up and this thing looks insane I didn't know they have this much of an angle like oh my gosh that is sick though we'll definitely order more of these to use them in future videos my idea is to curve around here go back down that way and then I want to go all down all the way around the kitchen and then back and I think we'll have to stop there just because we don't have any more corner pieces like we can't turn the track it would like we're just gonna have to go straight also guys real quick check this out these are new unspeakable water bottles now these are not out just yet giving you guys a little bit of a sneak peek just got one of these today these are so cool they're gonna be on the store soon they're kind of like a matte finish and then the logo is on there and kind of go long so it looks really cool you could unscrew the top here you know that's how you drink out of it very simple the inside of it is also really cool so it's all kind of like insulated there we go you kind of see there's not so keep taping in there as well so so cool awesome these are sick I'm definitely gonna carry one of these around like everyday [Music] I'm so excited the track is finally completed we have a little bit change of plants at the end of the track let me give you guys a little bit of a tour of the track so we start upstairs here we got the giant ramp this is gonna give the car most of the speed this is held up by the ladder so we start off we go all the way over here we had a corner piece right here going to the stairs going to another two corner pieces a really sharp corner going all the way down the stairs right there after the card goes down the stairs here it's probably at almost its max speed if this legs probably go on like a har miles per hour at this point and then the track is going to continue going up on top of the pool table we're gonna hit a sharp corner right there and going back down the pool table all the way into another really sharp corner and then over the other track and to the end right there I know my plan was originally to go all the way to the kitchen table and all the way around the kitchen through the living room and all this stuff but unfortunately we didn't have enough corner pieces and it's really hard to turn a straight track without the cars falling off you need a lot of speed it is possible to turn the straight track because you can just lay it sideways and kind of make a corner out of it but the cars tend to always fall off at least from my experience because they don't have enough speed or they have too much speed when they go around that corner and they just fly right off the track that's why these corner pieces are very very necessary but we don't have it anymore and I can't find a single one within 40 miles of me I would drive like 30 minutes away for that target to get those two pieces and that's the only two pieces they had there believe me if they had five or 20 I buy all of them because yeah let's go to give this hot Lowe's tract a try for the full run I'm excited and also nervous cuz I feel like it's not gonna work but let's go give a try three [Music] okay all right buddy you got this go go smashed into the wall eight hours of hard work yeah yeah most of the track is failed wonderful but I mean they still look sick right no okay [Music] okay go go go do you go but guys that is pretty much gonna wrap it up for this absolutely ridiculous Hot Wheels track I really hope you guys have enjoyed each day that I build another Hot Wheels track I start to realize that they're not as easy to build as you think kind of crazy answer I'm out of breath building is hot most tracks is actually a lot more difficult than you think it is for example you guys probably didn't know that I actually filmed almost a whole video before I even filmed this one because I built almost a whole entire track and then it was an absolute failure I thought it was ugly so I scrapped the footage to leave you the whole entire video and then started this one and obviously this one came out a lot better because you know it's on the interwebs crazy how long it takes to build such a simple Hot Wheels track like this this took me about seven hours start to finish because the thing is you build a corner like this and then it doesn't work so you reposition it then it doesn't work then you reposition it but it doesn't work I built this corner right here seven different times I've built this ramp three different times originally it was over here then it was here and I straightened it here and that ramp all the way up there I built it the first time actually correct so I'm proud of that one took me multiple tries to get this at the perfect distance to where the car wouldn't bounce too much to a point where it would actually just do this and fly off kinda ridiculous how much work goes into building a Hot Wheels track but if you guys want to see any more Hot Wheels videos on the channel simply leave a like that's all I'm asking for you guys to dude I think next I want to build the world's longest Hot Wheels track but in a straight line I want to make it like a thousand feet of just a straight line if that's something you guys want to see let me know by leaving a like on this video but thank you guys so much I will go give me some food preferably some tacos and I see you guys not tomorrow but the next day and a brand new vlog now also before you guys go this pool tables red and you know what's also red the subscribe button if you haven't clicked it click it because if you watch till the end of the video and you're not even subscribed and obviously you like the content so you should subscribe so you can see it more or you just fell asleep in your chair watching random YouTube videos that could be another option but if you were asleep right now you wouldn't really know what I was saying so anyways cuz thank you so much for watching I'll see you guys not tomorrow but the next day in a brand new vlog [Music]
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 4,249,455
Rating: 4.8672557 out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: oiHhoJk9sNA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 14 2019
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