$50,000 Tiny House Vs. $165,000 Tiny House

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what's up hey what up hey Carly how are you this is the show it's got what the lifestyle yeah and this is our friend yeah finally we're here here we are and so excited to be here with you I mean finally Ivan wanted to be on the show forever what is your debut today we chose you because we know you have good taste first class thank you and we're looking at houses yes but not just any houses and we are bringing and real Nick II producer of the shoot I love Andrew he's up there today I'm worth it lifestyle we're gonna be checking out to different tiny houses have to drastically different price points to find out which one is the most worth it as price I'm just happy to be here I'm happy to go look at some tiny homes I'm born and raised in LA and Hollywood the real estate has gone up so much yeah I can't live in my own neighborhood which makes these like small houses like fascinating to me the first tiny house it's up in Ventura and it's called humble handcraft I mean it's all in the words its humble and it's handcrafted I'm Ryan O'Donnell I own and operate humble handcraft we are gonna check out my personal home the Acorn it really sounds fun that's a good name yeah it's this tiny as an acorn pretty much so how did you get your start into building tiny homes I was working as a carpenter on big custom homes and there was a lot of waste so I wanted to build something small more reclaimed materials do you mind defining what a tiny home is tiny home to me is something that you can move I'd say probably you're under 500 square feet people can actually own their space take it where they want at a much more affordable price you describe the interior of the Acorn to me you walk through the back end of the trailer which is the front door you look to the right there's a kitchen counter there's a sleeping loft there's a lower hangout with an entertainment room can you cook in there and it's got a stove oven I'll be using there's a shower Wow we're trying to represent the green movement and if we can build these things completely without the man's help I think that says a lot just learn right who's the man I don't know I'm still trying to find him what are the prices like would he send you home typically they started around 50 and go up as high as 200 it were it's just ended up yeah what kind of systems we install what kind of materials we use how much does a bond cost the Acorn itself was 50 grand we are here we wrap acorn the Acorn why does any acorn Rienzi born it feels very magical come here get your spell's in here would you like me to find you a girlfriend I'll cast the spell totally in the Acorn it kind of looks like a giant bird you know and if I was a bird I would want to live here remove those shoes I like it we might be here for another half hour yes oh wow you know the fine line between a good hug and strangling yeah I was not sure where it was gonna land but this is a warm hug where I feel like I could live here weirdly I've been in many kitchens that are bigger but still feel smaller my kitchen is definitely bigger than this that this has more counter by the sink looks awesome that think is amazing yeah like a perfect bathtub for a baby I want to see what he eat this is the fridge yeah that's more than what's in my fridge right now you know check of the shower that's a very important okay I'm 6 feet tall and I'm totally in I want to be 60 tough but if you look right down the drain that goes right down to the soil I always think like I'm not wasting water that wasn't go yeah do something so your bathroom you by the way or just the bathroom there's a bathroom in the back to the entertainment center okay this is the do short a little bit short here's a little TV in here look here's books you have enough space with your clothes can entertain you can get this little guitar your sibling yes you ever build like blanket forts yeah oh yeah that's what I was thinking like this is kind of like the ultimate kid imagination space I would have moments when I was younger where all I wanted to do was just chill watch a movie eat and then take a nap wake up to watch a movie and yeah and this is like the perfect combo because everything is so close you could roll from your bed to the oven yep I'm back he has a fireplace having a fireplace is a luxurious thing I have announced the introvert in me is loving yeah it's not even just cozy it's comfortable so it's like an introverts dream come true everything sounds like you're really trying to flirt with me at least once I got this shot he mentioned that he's working on a ladder as of right now uh-huh but that he uses the counter to jump up onto the bed oh so down for that part a little worried about Dean X I feel a little gassy it in my gut oh good help it's scary for me I'm like oh man I gotta go back down there actually that would be a deterrent to getting out of bed you gotta climb down now what do you get creative like this is where all the magic happens here but that's not the magic you can customize and you got your own fireplace and it's like oh yeah it's a lot bigger than I thought you can have everything that you need in life as a human being and not cause such a strain on the earth I think it's cute I think it's cozy I I don't think it's to be called tiny home should be called cozy Oh cozy home park or you know that actually made me feel like maybe I could live in one I mean I definitely am not 100% convinced but I wouldn't be mad but are you a high- person or a load - I'm super super chill but I also feel like a lot of my own upbringing has always been like yes you made it when you have like an island in the kitchen preach away please yeah so according to a recent poll by the National Association of Homebuilders sixty-three percent of Millennials said they would consider buying a tiny home less than six hundred square feet Wow okay first of all you should just be our give in fact deliver you a very good voice sidebar I want to know which Millennials they're talking to you because I'm like 604 feet is a lot of room actually in New York City so before we go to our last stop curly we're gonna go talk to some people who live full-time in a tiny home so how interested the feed how they do how they do yeah I'm Julie Aikens founder of vehicles for changes and we are in our first buses in Ashland Oregon and why are we in a bus we are in a bus because we turn buses into homes for homeless children and families he tell us about your company and just how did it all get started I was a journalist and my project was to interview homeless people and see how they became homeless and how they live along that track I met a bunch of families which I didn't really think was out there I didn't know there were a bunch of little kids sleeping in cars and homeless in Oregon there are 24,000 kids who don't have a place to sleep at night it's heartbreaking but sometimes I feel lost I don't know what to do but that situation or even how to help so how did you then turn that idea into something that's tangible and that actually able to help people I literally had a dream where I pictured a school bus with these pretty window boxes with flowers and I just was like could that happen and through that process I discovered schoolies so a school II is a school bus that's been converted into a home and then I wrote a blog about it with my aspiration I would love to make a home for homeless children and families out of a school bus the very next day I got an email from a woman I had never met who said she would fund me for five years to make buses Wow and then I went into panic mode and what I have to do it Wow all from a dream I met Cody who builds these beautiful homes like pretty much by himself and then money comes in and then you can build more houses so how many have you created so far we named our buses the first one was Betsy this is Mathilda and our next one is Alexis do they already have families that they're going to create first and then we have an application process for folks the way it works is they move into the bus they live in it for one year as a tenant with there's no rent and then if they love bus life we create a buyer's program and they can buy a bus and then that's and they own their home and they're good to go so now we're gonna go meet a family who lives in one it's the flood family David Jennifer raly David jr. and little Noah and now they live in now they live in Betsy the Wonder Bus people need a space that's secure and warm and kind to them has to be home has to be home right exactly these are not for sale no they're not for sale these are made specifically for homeless families well thank you so much right now that's near home you're welcome thank you for coming there's a lot of school buses out there but the ones that Julie Aikens and Leo have done is amazing I think on the outside but when you come in it opens up let's go look at the kitchen private key just a little about what's going on here yeah whoa okay stove top we've got the microwave we've got the cabinet there's a lot of craftsmanship that went into making this kitchen do you ever use a stove here okay I don't be I turn on a stove until I was like 18 a lot of windows yes later and one criteria for kitchen mmm when I look at it does it inspire me to cook mm-hmm this one does yes yeah private really why don't you guys tell us about where we are here this is my sister's bunk do you guys share the closet yeah we all share basically the clouds are really beautiful up there you painted them we've got the storage under the beds oh wow thank you for letting us hang out in your room we're now in our bedroom mmm the master tell us a little about what we have here it's nice it's got a very big mattress there's a lot of storage room under it took a little sleep over a summer party always a whimsical we definitely look at it that way the door opens so you can put stuff under this in there too oh wow I get better than the flush toilet I thought this kind of amazing that they put a shower in here is good not just wow I grew up with the tile shower so this kind of made me feel good yeah were less enough to get this you come all the way in and it's like the safe space this is the cubby hole yeah we're the safe space down yes we have now circled back to the living room area the very front well the whole family's here beautiful this was done by a local artist we were camping at the rogue State Park quite a bit during the summer this looks exactly like a tree that was out there as if it was kind of telling us what was gonna happen is it functional is the boss even living here for is it how many months how has that experience been it's spacious compared to what we were living in before so yeah I'm deeply grateful thank you again so much for having us your home yeah thank you so much it's really nice to meet all of you the kids are brilliant thanks Noah thanks Noah you're the star of the show now we're done take our job here we go the final spot it's company called new frontier and you think tiny homes can't be luxurious well you thought wrong girlie it sounds fancy already I like it my name is David Latimer I am the CEO and founder of new frontier tiny homes and today we're gonna look at the orchid tiny home you tell me about how you got started in I came across the tiny house movement and it's just a confluence of a lot of things I'm passionate about design also the do-it-yourself ethos sustainability in the Latour it's not working a lot of my design inspiration comes from Scandinavian design you've got this cedar siding it's raised off of the side but these are the siding carry over in a perfect line all across the roof I've got this cantilever deck and it has a LED light that spans the entire shape of the home the lighting in this house was inspired by the solar eclipse and it's the ultimate balanced light means you don't see the source of the lighting you've got this wall of glass but that garage door opens up and it gives you that extra living space have some dreams how about a picnic but you don't leave your living room right this sofa is an actual full-size bed slides out and then you've got a bunch of storage in the actual benches so custom-made walnut closet / covering of the air conditioner and one really cool thing is this house runs on solar so you could like cook over here have guests the over got a king-sized bed in the wall king-size bed there's no way oh I thought I can't fit since I've been in my bedroom and it does bring out yeah just that I feel like a child again like the bougie tree huh exactly how much is the organ if I were to purchase about 165 I under sixty five thousand it's beautiful ok ok alright let's try the oh ok Matt it is the Carroll son that what is that how he sit yeah good yeah and there's a bed underneath this thing whoa nice yeah this is comfy there's a little bookshelf in here you want do you want this pillow yeah you can like Nestle so I'm just gonna is this for your eyes so you can sleep you don't know where that's been what's cool about this tiny house is that design with restrictions creates the most beautiful thing I want this in my normal me too you don't do that because I'm like what can every apartment is but I can put away why does my part not have floor-to-ceiling I know why don't I have a giant garage coming this thing you really do feel like you were in nature without having to interact with the nature like I'm a cop but I'm not about that bug lights let's go on the kitchen let's go beautiful steps there and now we're on the second floor this is really cool it makes the space feels so much bigger it does it feels like little surprises like those little dolls and you keep opening them and oh yeah small bit but it's the opposite okay so certainly somebody couldn't be cooking while you're here or I could just watch you sleep from here you could use this as a desk I do a lot a journal that's worthless my morning today in my tiny home I sat at this tiny desk that how I found in my journal I'm gonna just pop this out what do you want for breakfast curly eggs a book today okay crack them eggs not bad flip flip flip flip yeah open your mouth I don't want to see if what the water would look like oh that's a good that's a good one hold on and you kind of have to put everything away right away I feel like yes you let this place get messy it's like what are you doing but I want to go check out the nothing because there's super-important to me of course and I know they're super important to you what is that I did not expect this but I guess that's the theme of tiny houses every real estate hack throw a mirror in there and the room gets twice as big so you got two mirrors this toilet is huge whoa wow it looks futuristic drawer space hey yo okay obviously did a hair straightener give her dinner no thanks up and this is your hair this is my mother and the Lord oh oh I hate that I keep saying this but it's bigger than shower in a hot shower you think tiny house you think like tiny cooking yeah honey food yeah but it's more like no hallways house yeah you actually necessity house yeah although I really love my hallway what are you doing your hallway I pretend I'm a runaway model i bash him in my hallway that's what I know we're gonna find a room the laughs let's go to LA yeah and it goes here right Wow look at that pause it though here it is I don't know if that'll fit oh my but it fits a ladder let's go first this is a king-sized bed definitely the funnest room like if you and your significant other and you just want to cuddle and you kind of want to be alone from like your friends or whatever like this is perfect you know is your bedroom the punishment master that you're home um yes ultimate efficient use of space it is literally a room with a bed my bedroom was actually more of my sanctuary my safe space in my own house warming party I ghosted it it's just too much you know so I wonder my bedroom close the door I know I know rolling over oh it's fun that was fun but also I'm alright for my life right now let's get the shoes back on one hour or later okay finally the dick oh there you go whoo this is exactly the same space it's like a regular apartment I love how we just literally pop the wall open indoor outdoor indoor/outdoor you wanna try it [Laughter] I'm gonna ask you a very difficult question Oh tell me all the homes are worth it they're practically a price point yes but which tiny home was almost worth it to you and it's given price I think my city boy bujji miss mm-hmm I think I would pick new frontier that's only come in a while I'm a fan of space I'm a fan of open windows hey my winner yeah so mine what's a winner mm-hmm has to go to Humble Anchorage it was just so homey and it just had that nook you get away in and I just felt like that was perfect for me as an introvert to get away are very lovable yeah and when you do have limited amounts of space there are clever ways to use it and make it really pretty and beautiful it speaks to my New York soul little space big heart we both know that the real MVP of all of this is people's for changes mm-hmm we need people like her in this world I agree you see a problem see you need and they're like I'm gonna make it happen by just going out and doing it Andrew who's your what the winner you can't choose them this how it works okay all right chosen then just pan to nothing I'm gonna go home curly but through it I'm afraid thanks for being the best guest thank you for having me uh-huh there was so much fun you're better Andrew as a co-host thank you yeah burn I'm just kidding
Channel: BuzzFeedVideo
Views: 2,663,123
Rating: 4.8209071 out of 5
Keywords: buzzfeed, buzzfeedvideo, worth it, lifestyle, tiny houses, expensive vs. cheap, $$, $$$, Steven Lim, Curly Velasquez, worth it lifestyle, buzzfeed steven, buzzfeed curly, buzzfeed worth it, food, travel, cheap vs expensive, experience, people try, people try tiny houses, we try tiny houses, cheap vs. expensive, $ vs $$$
Id: 1DtuZhD8cQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2019
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