$500 4 Piece Designer ThredUp Unboxing Was it Worth it?!?

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hello so the box is here and what I mean by the Box the designer box that costs I paid seven wait excuse me seven right $470 and I had $30 credit so if I did not have the credit it would have been a total of 500 so every item in here because there's four items would have been $125 but I think with my discount it ends up being like 117 so and these boxes if you guys were following they were up for maybe 3 days they were up they took down they were in the out of stock then they popped up again I was like I'm going for it it was basically like half a months after school like I put one of my checks towards it and then um that's my dog Aster um what was I going to say oh and then it disappeared so it's not on the site at all so I don't know if thre up lost its mind if they were trying out a new box if I lost my mind we're about to find out but but it's pretty heavy 7.2 I've gotten into weighing my boxes for some reason my last series was like is the Box weight matter we'll find out now I guess I had one that was 7.6 and one was 3.8 it says D9 so I don't know how many designers there were I'm assuming that means designer number nine this is from PA I historically have not gotten the best boxes from PA I've gotten the best boxes from Swani Georgia and they just also package things so nicely um something else is going to say and I don't know what I'm hoping for I mean I just want I don't mind getting like an edgier label like something from the row or you know so I don't know exactly what thread up was thinking with these boxes oh I do see a bag oh my gosh and this you know like it is a little heavier so here it says $450 for the thread up price rescue box designer four items but with state tax and um so here's the peak see what I'm seeing here on all of that it's quite expensive okay if I'm this style of bag is in right now this top handle and I've never had this brand before so this is a MCM I like the color this should do well I actually might make my 125 back on this item it's clean here I'll inspect them it's going to be a short video so I'll take my time four items let's enjoy each and every one of them okay and it looks clean inside so and I'm going to at people that I know how to box the Never Too Late which I love your content I love the things you say it's like you're reading my mind sometimes she's great she opened one last night I think she had very mixed feelings about her box there were some really great things it was a fendy jacket in there that was killer it was awesome so and and then I a couple other people out asked Steph Styles I can't wait to see yours oh my gosh this is good okay I'm happy with the first item thumbs up oh man I don't think I'm going to keep it though I'm not a bad girl I have like an APC tote like here let me show you the bag that I cared I'm such a teacher but I invested in this I love APC but this bag the leather has I mean the handles are wearing out this bag is amazing it's my fave okay now I think I see a leather jacket and it looks like it's chocolate brown I see something okay so we're going to pull this oh it's like sh top actually it's at the bottom but it's weird because everything is layered so I'm just going to go for it let me move the box down interesting piece so far let's find out who it is oh it's that's weird it's coach huh but it's a substantial piece I would have not thought that Coach would be in up in here but this is very interesting wow okay if you told me I was getting coach in this bag I'd be like oh hell no excuse my language but this is actually cute is it reversible no cuz there's a tag here but it gives me reversible Vibes wow it is nice this leather this is cute it's got a little ball chain thing let me okay let's look at the back like I said we'll take our time we'll take our time it has this like Bel yeah it's in great shape I think it's a faux fur color I'm going to zip it up so anything else we need to like indulge in no just this beautiful leather okay sorry I'm about to knock the camera out of here okay okay two for two I ain't mad at it yet oh I see I new with tags and it's a brand I like okay see I'm a peer trying sorry I'm just zipping this up if you're wondering where I am hi I'm like did I that's not bleed on the merchandise Kendra I just like pinched my finger in this zipper so this is cute it has these two buckles that go together here I just zipped it up right and and then you can pop the collar which is fur lined and you can buckle this and it's got these kind of like leather trim sleeves okay I don't see a size but you know yeah the size looks like it's cut out Pockets um I'm going to pop this baby on so I can tell I wish I could model for you but uhoh so I would say it's a medium large it fits me perfectly I'll give you a little peek here oh yeah I should should I wear it the rest of the video nah cuz I'll probably break a sweat okay two for two I have to say at this point if I was given the chance to buy this box again I might despite the insane price okay so this is what I'm seeing Coles de Gan new with tags just going to pull it out so that's two items and it's practically an outfit okay oh man okay I'm saying oh man because I'm like am I going to keep this I mean I think as resellers let's be honest we're like hoping to flip these items right like so 125 an item is a lot but I mean if you're getting designer stuff it should be this is cute it's not a coat oh my gosh this is cute it's new with tags okay another good one I think I can flip all these for a profit oh I see something really small and bubble wrap so majority of the weight was that bag and this that coat so let me see if it says anything about what this is it's a it's polyester which is W it looks like it might be an this say l oh sorry can show you what I'm looking at but it's a little bit washed out L polyester com de garon there's nothing really I just buttoned it up so it's very utilitarian looking which some of their stuff is like I wonder if this was when um wannabe what her name the one that dated Yoji was when she worked for this cuz her stuff was a little like this oh yeah this is cute very asymmetrical has the pocket here yeah like one oh it's cute so it has oh more wouldn't you die if that was like money $300 your box is practically oh look at the price on this [Music] $1,385 Oxford button-up dress my husband's sitting over there listening to all this I think maybe he was listening and thinking she paid what for that box do you hear what I'm pulling out of here H oh he's asleep he went out drinking and watching soccer with his brother okay he's sleeping through this but he'll get an update later so okay this is just I said I'd take my time slow down Kendra these are just informational tags half of it's in Japanese but these are extra buttons inside here interesting and so this is closed it's a skirt and then this is open button and it has this sort of rounded collar it yeah it looks like a very I mean I said the row this kind of you know minimalistic sort of edgy asymmetrical it's let me see if it's a maxi this would fit me but I have enough sister wife dresses everything in here though I could wear so again I'm actually happy with this so far this justifies the box I think okay 3 for three I feel like so here we are let's see what that is I would hope that they're sunglasses but I'm not seeing anything dark they've got to be glasses right yeah you can sort of see oh maybe they are sunglasses cuz I've been getting a couple prescription glasses they haven't really moved I sold a pair of Todds quickly see let see they're teeny okay what are they fendy made in Italy so fendy Shades they're blue with a texture let me see is this a very subtle yeah very subtle see if I can get you to see that FF situation here says findy on the inside so they're blue oh let me see if they're prescription I'll be right back nope oh are they I don't know I can't tell actually oh know I have to have my husband check if they are yeah I think they're slight prescription but it's kind of a little hard to tell yeah I think they're prescription but they're cute all right so I'm really curious to see what you guys think let's recap findy prescription sunglasses I'll get a second opinion but they're pretty mild not my prescription cute though I just I've lost track of where the sunglasses are are they big or small now like someone help me here these are cute though I think these are pretty in so I got findy colesy garoms is probably one of my favorite labels so I'm excited to get that so this little dress the again it the label on it the price tag with was 1,300 and some dollars my friend Jen would love this okay I'm like really I love this dress I don't think I would wear it it I'm not into the material as well it's kind of heavy this coach and let me tell you if someone told me I was going to get coach in this bag I probably would have been like okay no but this is adorable and I'm interested to check comps on this but I'm probably just going to blast this video and then maybe do a follow-up video with comps or something I don't know cuz I just want to edit and get this up okay and I'm going to add the people that I know got the box who is it Steph styles never too late um Lindsay um is it Lindsay V I'm like spacing out it's my first day back at school after break I'm tired but the kids were awesome today I love them um last day for my student teacher anyway and then um stina resells this MCM bag is great and it's clean great color this top handle is in yeah so I'm happy I think that this was worth it and it was exciting yeah I'm happy I think if it comes up again I might go for it but I think it is definitely dicey for the price I mean that's a big risk but if you're willing to do it it might pay off oh I hope you guys all get good boxes and that the return surprises you and really interested to see what these comp for but anyway I'm just rambling at this point I'm so happy to finally get it and do it and I'm going to go edit this and get it up so I can share and we commiserate and all of that all right thank you so much bye
Channel: Winifredbee
Views: 1,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aH7fQFglYT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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