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my name is fedor and if you want to reach a to a level of vocabulary which is above beginner but right before intermediate you have to learn these next 50 verbs because if you do know these you will know how to speak questions so much better let's get right into the first one first one is jet that means to take that then we have uvidid to see video suevo droga now i saw my friend on the street it's not that i just see him but i noticed him so u video means i noticed him or i saw him then we have but do it but do it is to think for some time uh for a short period of time i need to think a little bit then we have pasmatric basmatit means to to look somewhere left right center things like that not to see a person but to take a look at something take a look at me or look at me as you probably have already noticed we have we just had four verbs and three of them have prefixes that's how common you know predictions are in russian so if you know prefixes pretty well then that's not going to be a problem for you for the remainder of these words as well but if you don't know prefixes guys check out our beefling class with the first link in the description we talk about prefixes there breaking them down and teaching you guys how to use them better and students that have already joined hundreds of them they have already taken their russian to the next level so check it out with the first link in the description and now let's move on to the rest of the verbs we have 46 to go we have shitat and shitait means to count like one two three four five but also touch can be to think meaningless to have an opinion ya i think or i believe that you are not you're not right so shitai can have two meanings then we have solution swished means to hear i hear something next one is astavaz means to stay unnas established we were having a little bit of food astavaza have left have remaining have have stayed okay then we have hatchets so i don't feel like going outside so khatitsa is used to say i don't feel like it or he doesn't feel like it it's not like hadith to want to have a strong desire but just not feeling like it maybe it's like not so strong over want like a more mild want okay it's typically used like in the sentence that you see on your screens you know and other you know kind of similar variations because that's how we express our feelings with this word then we have choose village yeah show any truth to you i don't feel anything maybe somebody punched you in the shoulder is that an issue when you choose to i don't feel anything and then we have visti visti means to lead or to carry i can say javid saboy i lead or i i take care of the whole team i carry them behind me or i'm taking the lead i'm carrying them i'm bringing them forward okay yeah we do or misty as a as a as an infinitive then we have prada and prada means to continue something video i continue making videos all right then we have nakajitsa and haditha means to be when it comes to location to be located somewhere i can talk on the phone and say yana jesus i'm located at the restaurant or in the restaurant right now my location is in the restaurant next one is and means to hold or to keep okay i'm holding this pen all right next is pasta and pasta it means to put but to put standing up okay i can say yeah pasta i put a cup on the table but the key here is that when i put it the cup is not laying down it's not sitting but it's standing up vertically okay now if i put a pen i cannot use pastage because pen would be laying down on the flat surface we have to differentiate between that so time it means to put something down that it's standing up vertically then we have mouth shot and my chat is to be quiet to be silent i can say mochi tenechi won mochi you don't know anything then we have iskach um i'm tired of looking for a good t-shirt maybe you are walking around the store and you cannot find anything that you like and you can say that it's kind in this in this case would be to look for to find to seek then we have vedic to believe yeah to be any video we have a song like that [Music] i don't believe you all right then we have stan avitza and estella means to become or to be someone actually to become you weren't something but then you became that yes i am becoming stronger okay yesterday i am becoming i'm in the process of doing that then we have smudge and smudge means to be able to and it's it's something that we have to use this in the beginning to say that you weren't able to do that before but now you can i can say yes smok perid i was able to move a box i didn't know that i could do it okay it's not like i i had the ability for it i didn't know or i i thought i couldn't move it but actually was able to do it and so i would use smudge for that then we have praise hadith and praise hadith means to happen it all happened so fast okay then we have uh solution means to hear something or to catch something but by by listening yellow solution i heard a yelling off of people or a scream of people i was walking doing my thing then i heard it i caught it by my ear kind of a thing all right then we have chris to shout yeah i love i scream loudly all right then we have paired means to go where you live magazine let's go through the store so paella would mean like let's go let's do it let's go somewhere all right there we have brachadit but it means to pass or go through i can also talk about prague hadid when it comes to playing a game or completing something in a game kind of a fashion i can say yap rashol ocean i've have completed a very tough game okay then we have obaza to smile yeah right now i'm smiling all right then we have privisti and privisti means to bring i can say yeah preview i brought or i i guess walked my sister to the kitten garden okay kindergarten i brought her here okay then we have pravisti and pravisti is a similar one as you can see we only have changed one letter from e to o in this word and that would mean to bring someone through something i brought them or i i let them through the forest you know i was leading them to the forest they were behind me and we crossed the whole forest that's kind of the meaning you crossed something then we have smileza and it's miata means to laugh smileza then we have pateryat but that means to lose something i can say yeah savoy telephone i lost my phone and then we have pacquiao but kazut means to show any pacewood novi spectacle they are showing a new play a theater or something or somewhere like that they're showing something new i need picasso then we have beat beat means to hit i can say ya bill gruso i was hitting a punching bag as you can see i have a little bit of a skin off on my on my uh knuckles a beet means to hit then we have oppaised i fell from the roof or past then we have vis-a-vis the white means to cause or to call up i can say yeah i'm calling up the police but also with the right means to cause something this caused panic okay with the white then we have rasgavari means to talk or to have a conversation i don't like talking on the phone then we have what hadid and it means to approach something we approached a house okay then we have this it is to hang we said hanging off a rope or hanging on a rope okay that's how we drive things in russia then we have garit and garet means to burn got it my house is burning okay got it but also got it i guess it's like a side meaning of it slaying meaning got it means to be tilted or to be very angry especially when it comes to playing online games got it i am angry from this game i am tilted from this game i am just um you know super super angry from the game that's kind of what it means i'm burning from this game then we have sajitsa and sadisa means to be sitting down uh lugia dog people weren't sitting down for a long time at their seats maybe it's a theater they're walking around they weren't taking their places for the play to start then we have nasit nasit means to wear yellow blue okay then we have plucket pocket means to cry pluck it mining kitty bonnet a little kid is crying okay then we have misat mishad means to disturb me you are disturbing my work or you are in a way of me working and message can also mean to stir something to store like let's say a pot of soup yeah meshaio soup i'm stirring soup then we have polo chats and power chats it means to be successful or to achieve something i managed to do everything fast okay so power chats it means i was able to do it i managed it i achieved it i achieved doing something fast okay then we have joat joat means to wish yeah i wish you happiness or i wish you to be happy then we have litig letter means to fly i'm flying on a plane or on an airplane then we have zvenite when it means to call yes when you mamia cash the bonnie jelig i call my mom every monday then we have stavaj means to get up okay after you is the stella i get up from the table then we have pre-de la gate pre-developed means to offer something pretty i offer you to go home or i am suggesting we go home then we have zas miyaza zasmiyatsu means to start laughing we already had uh smiles without the prefix za so zas miyaza means to start laughing public the audience quickly started laughing okay then we have street chats means to meet that's the first meaning is to meet yeah i was meeting with friends that's the first meeting but also means to be dating we are dating for three years already and the very last word for today is means to rise [Music] the sun is rising early in the morning it's also not only the sun you can be raising out from the bed okay that was all the verbs for a2 and check out these a2 nouns next
Channel: Be Fluent in Russian
Views: 45,386
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fedor, Shirin, Russian, language, teacher, easy, simple, educational, BeFluent, BeFluent in Russian, learn russian, russian language, russian, russia, russian for beginners, russian phrases, russian alphabet, russian pronunciation, easy russian, languages, russian grammar, how to study russian, basic russian, русский язык, speak russian, language learning, how to learn russian, study russian, russian words, common russian phrases, intermediate russian, russian lesson, russian online
Id: dq-5NjBjW3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 27sec (807 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 22 2022
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