50 states that rhyme 1 hour

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Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana I want 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah number I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last date or is it 49 no Wyoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and More in Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and go to Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28's Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania now let's see Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah and Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last date or is it 49 no Wyoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New Yorker Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah never mind I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28's Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New Yorker Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania now let's see Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah never mind I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last date or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50s states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New Yorker Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah loverman I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last state or is it 49 no Wyoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and More in Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah number I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last state or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28's Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah not Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last date or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania now let's see Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last date or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania now let's see Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last state or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana I want 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska's 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's utahama Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last date or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah loverman I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last state or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and More in Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28's Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah number I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last state or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28's Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah not Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last date or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last date or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah love Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last state or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana I want 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and Goodwill Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania now let's see Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah never mind I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last date or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50s states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New Yorker Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah loverman I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last eight or is it 49 no Wyoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and More in Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28's Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah number I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last state or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28's Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah not Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last date or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania now let's see Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last date or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah and Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last state or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana I want 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and Goodwill Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska's 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last date or is it 49 no Wyoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28's Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania now let's see Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah not Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last eight or is it 49 no Wyoming is the last day in the 50s states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and More in Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28's Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania and Galaxy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah and Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last state or is it 49 know Wyoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana I want 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and Goodwill Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New Yorker Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah never mind I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last state or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and More in Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and Goodwill Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New Yorker Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last date or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah not Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last date or is it 49 know Wyoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28's Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania now let's see Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah now Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last date or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28's Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania now let's see Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah and Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last state or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana I want 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah love Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last state or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28's Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah government I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last state or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New Yorker Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah now Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last date or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28's Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania now let's see Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah not Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last date or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28's Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania now let's see Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah never mind I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last date or is it 49 no Wyoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and More in Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania now let's see Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah loverman I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last state or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana I want 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah number I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last state or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28's Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah not Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last state or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and go to Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New Yorker Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania and Galaxy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last date or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28's Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania now let's see Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah not Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last date or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana I want 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania now let's see Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last state or is it 49 know Wyoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and Goodwill Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28's Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah love Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last eight or is it 49 no Wyoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28's Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania now let's see Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah never mind I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last date or is it 49 no Wyoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana I want 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah never mind I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last date or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50s states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New Yorker Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah loverman I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last eight or is it 49 no Wyoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and More in Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah number I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last state or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28's Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah not Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last date or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania now let's see Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last date or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah love Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last state or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana I want 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and Goodwill Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last state or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and More in Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and Goodwill Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28's Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah La Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could have was passing me the last date or is it 49 no Wyoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28's Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah never mind I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last date or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50s states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New Yorker Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah loverman I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last state or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and More in Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28's Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah number I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last state or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28's Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah not Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last date or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania now let's see Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last date or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah love Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last state or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana I want 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and Goodwill Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska's 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last state or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania and Galaxy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah loverman I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last state or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah not Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last date or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New Yorker Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah never mind I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last date or is it 49 no Wyoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New Yorker Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania now let's see Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah loverman I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last City or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana I want 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New Yorker Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah love Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last date or is it 49 know Wyoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and Goodwill Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28's Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah government I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last state or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and go to Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New Yorker Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last date or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and the Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania now let's see Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah not Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last date or is it 49 know Wyoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania and Galaxy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last state or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and Goodwill Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28's Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah number I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last eight or is it 49 no Wyoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and More in Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28's Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania now let's see Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah never mind I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last eight or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and Goodall Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania now let's see Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah loverman I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last date or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50s states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New Yorker Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah loverman I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last eight or is it 49 no Wyoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and More in Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah number I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last state or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28's Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah not Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last date or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and go to Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania now let's see Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last date or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah love Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last state or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana I want 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and Goodwill Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska's 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last state or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and Goodwill Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28's Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah loverman I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last state or is it 49 no Wyoming is the last day in the 50s it's at rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and More in Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania now let's see Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah not Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last date or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New Yorker Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah not Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last date or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and go to Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New Yorker Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last date or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah love Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last state or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana I want 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and Goodwill Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah Vermont I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last state or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50s states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and More in Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and Goodwill Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28's Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah government I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last eight or is it 49 no Wyoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and More in Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28's Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania now let's see Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah never mind I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last date or is it 49 no Wyoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28's Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania analogy Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah loverman I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last date or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50s states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and more Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New Yorker Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah loverman I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last eight or is it 49 no Wyoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme Alabama and Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut and More in Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa 35 to go Kansas and Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts and good old Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri and Montana Nebraska 27 number 28 Nevada next New Hampshire red New Jersey all the way down New Mexico there's New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas then there's Utah number I'm almost through Virginia and then there's Washington and West Virginia too could Wisconsin be the last state or is it 49 know why Yoming is the last day in the 50 states that rhyme
Channel: Axolotl11
Views: 40,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _97XV5di3HM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 24sec (3624 seconds)
Published: Fri May 19 2023
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