$50 Saw Mill - Installing Custom Unique COOKIE CUT Wood Floor!!!

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well good morning guys another fine day at The Sawmill this is like my new happy place today we're working on the inside we gotta button up our sharpening station our chill out location we you know dare to call it a man cave she shed you know a place to have all your stuff because when you're Milling you kind of need some stuff so we're gonna make a place for it that's what we're out to today let's get started all right [Music] [Applause] there is sort of a while you're at it job I had a lot of the uh stuff that wasn't great for boards that I made battens with so I got a three inch Batten and what that saw mill does excellent is resource stuff so when you want to put a whole bunch of material back on and then re-cut it to size you can make a whole lot of wood in a hurry that's a whole lot of buttons all right if you guys don't know what the heck this thing is this is a log Arch and uh last year we used it and uh well we didn't really have the right setup on the tractor we had the uh tongue on the forks and what we're doing is uh well I don't think I was giving good enough directions and then a lot got stuck and we pushed we bent this shaft I don't think our I don't think it should hook to the right well that much anyways the shaft should be straight long stiff but this one is a little noodly it's a new whole territory new whole territory maybe one more another one give her hard Don too hard too hard okay Let's Straighten It Out quite a bit yeah we're still in the hole but anyways this guy works kind of like a lever so you hook your uh hook your log up to there and then you uh you lift it so we're just gonna fix this up and then this guy once you're done hooking up you hook it on the tongue of the uh the tractor at this point and then you just carry it out because when the weather is this nice and the muds is starting to go you don't want to be dragging your logs through the mud and then to the sawmill so this guy lifts it off the ground we'll show you [Music] [Applause] this is the first time I've used a chest camera what do you think Don do I look like an Android it's normal normal pretty much yeah summertime so we're gonna move these guys out of the way this is our firewood there we go move that guy it's probably good done a little able to Fork that one so the idea behind this thing is you can maneuver easily with your own strength to get it into a kind of narrow place as you can see your roll is pretty good this needs to be a a tombstone car that's where the wheels came from so we're gonna try to get the log and not General vicinity [Applause] foreign there I'll go right to the right there nope too far go different get right there and then we take this guy tilted up I think we gotta chain it there so the idea is to when you lift the uh log up it lifts the back end of the log [Music] right oh I feel like it's gonna go that time there you go this is relatively light now you know quite got it in the right spot because he's not balanced but you can see here this is off the ground all right so we got another Bush we're just going to chain her up a little further so she doesn't kind of Wibble wobble as we go but this thing's a great little invention in order like if you had a ATV and you wanted skid logs out as you can see all it does is it hooks up to a uh it's a receiver and you can lift like uh like that's probably what 800 900 pound log well it's it's got to use in leverage no but I mean oh the loader yeah I can't lift it on the loader so yeah so I'm just thinking at the front so it doesn't uh so she doesn't do the funky chicken when we turn [Music] [Music] [Applause] so my plan is today is to level this area out as you can see it's really hard to show on camera how unlevel something is but if I throw a level on this guy I am about five inches high on this side here so what I have to do is actually move some dirt from either hair to there to make myself a level spot and then re-grade on the outside so water doesn't come in because I want my floor to be level it's not like a plan sounds like a plan in order to make my area flat I first started off with a rake and I raked out all of the organic material that was sitting on top because that tends to get in the way and I kind of want to pile that in a different area and then once that's done I took my tractor and removed a little bit of the topsoil on the right side in order to flatten out my area and then once that was done I kind of had to dig a little bit near the edge in order to get the material out because I didn't want our tractor to take the wall out and then once that was done I had a couple of buckets of sand I had laying around in order to further smooth it out and then I used a six foot level and I ran it back and forth in order to give it more of a fine detail and to kind of mitigate the mud and give it a little bit of drainage underneath I don't think I need drainage underneath but you know what it doesn't hurt well there's our subfloor this is going to uh support our actual finish floor and my plan is to do some hardwood cookies on here but this is a great repurposing of old garage door panels it offers an R value and it's going to keep the water out of the cookie as you can see there's styrofoam on the inside of that guy and then there's Steel on both sides so that'll keep us up out of the water give us a nice subfloor do not sound the sirens or air horns in the building I ended up picking up these garage doors they were uh fire hall doors that were being replaced for more energy efficient ones these ones are just a single pane they were being upgraded to double pain to be more efficient and they're about uh just under 14 feet uh but what's cool about them is they're made out of aluminum and they're kind of made to Specs so they're they're designed to be you know custom so what you can do is actually you take them apart so you take the the aluminum mullions apart and you can shrink them down so it for my use I need about 104 so what I've done is I've actually taken one of the panels out of the window and then shrunken them down to the size that I need and then I got an extra window for you know a later project but I got quite a few of these things these are really nobody wants them because they're mostly glass weight but uh if you have them you can actually take them apart make a whole bunch of money and recycle the aluminum because I think I don't even know what the price of aluminum is today actually you guys if you guys know the price of aluminum at your local scrap yard you should put it down below in the comments I think it was in and around 50 cents a pound and this stuff's like clean aluminum uh like not painted so it's like the premium stuff if you guys are wondering where to get old garage door panels a lot of the garage door installers get shipments of brand new garage doors and they're sandwiched between sacrificial panels of garage doors and the recyclers don't like taking them because they're filled with styrofoam so they might be looking to get rid of them so if you guys want yours you know want some garage door panels reach out to a garage door installer and they might have some also they're always removing and replacing older garage doors and uh again they have no use for those either so you could probably get them there as well but uh yeah I usually stockpile a whole bunch of them because you never know when you're going to use them and they don't really go bad it's not like you know it's a banana on your counter stockpile them they don't take up that much room foreign [Music] big picture window that's pretty neat looking it's got that blue Tintin so it doesn't allow too much light in but it allows enough light you can see out it's actually got that privacy screen on I think it's got a UV protectant on it too but it'll prevent any you know harsh light from coming in nice relaxing spot and to boot it's very thick glass it's like quarter inch thick so it'll actually dampen a lot of the noise if the Sawmill is in operation so you can actually sit inside your office while somebody else is outside Milling your wood for you that's not going to happen but the thoughts there all right we're going to move around to flooring now we're going to take advantage of the warm weather to allow our glue to dry now the plan over here is to make like a cookie floor but we're going to do it rather quickly with the Sawmill we're gonna add a bunch of making a bunch of cookies but first of all we have to actually Harvest some some trees I've got a couple down already that are just sitting there but there's a lot of standing dead ones that I can make cookies out of because I want to kind of place them here and there like to protect the coating on glue them to the floor and then I'm going to grout them like you would tile but we first got to go grab them all right we're on the hunt for some ash logs this is currently what we have we don't want too big a diameter ones they're about uh five or six inches in diameter Don's got the old trusty saw but we're in the in the bush like this guy here this guy here it's dead all the way up as you can see there's no top on it I don't want to break off but that guy there can probably get a lot of a lot of cookies over there and the good thing is about it is it's dry there's a whole bunch in there pretty much everywhere even like this this guy here is just a branch it's just sitting there that's the kind of stuff the diameter that we want so we're gonna gather some of that stuff and then we can make our floor with it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign so the current plan is we're going to set a piece of plywood in here it does come right out and then we're going to set our pieces of wood upright we ran away undone everything's falling apart so we need a place to put these logs it'll become very apparent in a moment what we're going to do so what we'll do is we're at the Block we can actually take the other stop we take the other stop and put it there we got a nice even spot right versatility down this thing let's take this out all right we got our cookie factory doll set up this is either going to work really really well or fail catastrophically my plan is to ratchet strap the base of these logs in the upright position and then skim off the top at a controlled depth in order to make myself a lot of cookies in a hurry I don't know if anybody's ever tried this before we're gonna give it a whirl we're gonna we're gonna ratchet strap it I don't know if this is this isn't in the official Norwood handbook but as long as your material is clamped solidly it should be okay here Dawn I picked that strap up from Princess Auto they were on sale was it four thousand pound breaking strength that we got there yet are we have we cranked it to 4 000 pounds I don't think so the the idea behind this is that every swipe we gain probably probably four or five square feet worth of flooring material and we got this much I think I'm gonna make about an inch and a half thickness on the cookies I think Don is this a solid plant hopefully Don's Don's back there safety officer Dawn you know it's actually quite scary is that the fact that the blade is a kind of like a head height this is the first time I've done this let's uh let's see how this works [Music] foreign [Music] is that anytime one of the moves ever so slightly it throws it off so what we're going to do is we're going to add another ratchet strap around the midsection here to kind of secure the see the top sections and then we're going to move it down as we go in order to secure the things the logs because as you can see they kind of as soon as they move don't just grab another ratchet strap we're gonna ratchet strap that thing try it again at least we got it flat anyways [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign we Dodge everything you're working in a cookie factory no no I know that's actually kind of cool it looks like a like a gear is a camshaft yeah it does that's kind of neat you got to know that's going to be something at some point look how many cookies we got out of that one cut and then some these those go to the other side so as you can see it works that's actually does it doesn't that look like a camshaft that's pretty cool I like it there's a couple cookies next time you buy one of these guys or if you've ever bought one of these guys at those little craft stores and they charge you a buck and a half well that's probably how they make them there's a nearly a million dollars worth of little cookies here oh ah this is like the smoke comfortable floor ever it's actually nice and cool on this hot hot day well my shoes would ever become clean the idea is to put cookies all over this thing and because we got such unseasonably warm weather a little dry overnight because we're rushing against time to get this thing done let it dry overnight all right so next on the agenda where all our cookies are dry they're all solid onto the metal subfloor and Don's gonna actually give it a little bit of a sweep to get all the black dirt that's on the top of the cookie see it there and then we're gonna do is we're gonna throw a top coat of varnish on it uh because what we're going to do actually is point as opposed to grout these things so what that involves is like a piping bag full of mortar we're gonna just squirt it in all this stuff once it's all dry but first we gotta seal it seal the top and then we're gonna we're actually gonna seal it first and then sand it because it is a it is a shop floor so we're not going for you know glossy finish or epoxy finish we're just going for like a a nice sweepable floor how does it feel on your pizza oh it feels comfortable I think it's good feeling I don't yeah exactly good not falling through or anything so it's got lots of grip it's probably very grippy anti-slip floor fun fact I've had this stuff kicking around for uh I don't know 10 years 20 years this is a flame control coating this is designed to go on wood and it makes it essentially fireproof if you put a couple coats on it it's engineered I think these two gallons back when I bought them were four hundred dollars they were 200 a gallon there's only just a little bit left in there and there's a little bit left in here there's a part A and A Part B we're gonna Mix A and B together and throw it on and uh hope for the best that's the plan foreign there's a nice pillow maybe the pillow should go like this I don't know it's like a wooden pill there we go that's a better pillow roll around on my pill and it's hard oh that's better there just cozy up to the camera got myself a nice ear block pillow hmm laying down in the cookie factory we always have a nap so these cookies are well stuck to the floor now and uh we are going to uh coat the insides of these little cracks with uh icing or better known as mortar or grout depending on how you slice it it's gonna be a lot of work you just have a nap instead start the day with a nap it is relatively comfortable you could probably just lay here all day oh time to wake up for the mix I'm using uh what am I gonna use one part Portland to three part sand and that's going to give me a little malleable mix the more Portland you put the more brittle it becomes so I'm gonna do one part Portland three-part sand kind of like what I did at the Log Cabin because that is holding up awesomely and it should allow me a lot more working time so that's the plan is to mix it in this wheelbarrow moving on over there use my icing bag which looks like a pointing bag well it looks like a big bag of icing and I'm gonna squirt it in the cracks but first I gotta mix this stuff where's Dawn when you need them well before I start doing this floor I want you guys to guess how long is actually going to take if you were to estimate how long it would take to do it put your guess down below and uh I'll let you guys know in the next video just so people can't fast forward to the end and somebody that gets close without going over not gonna do the prices right whoever is the closest you can go over you can be under whoever's closest to the actual time I will I don't know we'll see we'll see let's first first things first guess how long it's gonna take and then we'll go from there all right well that wasn't so bad I got the thing all grouted out it's just gotta dry probably overnight it's got a lot of it's got a lot of mortar in there so it uh it's gonna dry and we'll see how it how it looks but uh I think I want to take advantage of this uh well it's kind of like a very warm spring summer like weather I've got a couple of buddies coming over Mike and Grant you guys might know those guys from uh previously and we're gonna actually do some a little bit of spring cleaning get the pond area all kind of buttoned up we got some raking to do and then uh we're gonna get the hot tub and the actual pool all kind of set for uh for summer because anybody that's ever had a pool knows that you need to you need to clean those things out regardless if you've got a cover or anything so basically open them for the summer even though it's unseasonably warm and uh yeah so that's what we're gonna do and uh yeah take advantage of the warm weather but before we do that you guys make sure to guess how long that took in real time put your guesses down below the next video I will reveal how long it actually took to get it done well Vigor take the opportunity for the spring weather to do some spring cleaning so I got it pretty much cleaned up this is the old uh astro turf it needs another a little bit of a vacuum there was a lot of clay from uh over the winter but we got the pool all fired up and uh we got the here going got the heater going we've got the uh we got the Heat going we got the hot we got the hot plate going we got the cooking you can see we filled that up pond water it's got that nice green glow that means it's spring water or something and uh we've got the uh we got the heater fired up so the idea is to get this into hot tub weather because well because we can't get three people in here so that's dry that's the uh the Wood Fired hot tub so we're gonna make this guy the Wood-Fired hot tub and who do we got here we got Grant you know Grant hey last time we did an overnight uh at the at the off-grid grant Bert the smoker down and we got Mike he's cooking again again somehow I don't know how what do you got you got some we got some potatoes and we got some garlic and some garlic and onions they're like onions spices some secret specials and then we're gonna go on the tub yeah but we got to cook our room temperature meat first room temperature yeah it's room temperature meat Mike that's apparently that's the uh that's how Mike is known that's me I don't know how but uh I've gained that name there you go you guys can check me out yeah testing with Mike you can actually see uh him uh stick his probe into various Electronics make sure your age it's a kid-friendly show anyway so we got some we got some T-Bone T-Bone sticks T-bone steaks ready to ready to rock and uh we're gonna put this on camera because uh I wanted to see him do it the Mike's gonna jump in the pond yeah I've uh committed to it the ice has come off um like last week it was snowing yep which is crazy and this week it is is crazy warm it's gonna be a polar dip the polar dip so I'm ready for it we're gonna watch we're gonna film we're gonna we're gonna definitely watch and then that's the idea behind getting the uh the pool all set up so you can unfreeze it'll be great looking forward to it that's the update on the pond look at that the uh clear you can almost see right down when the sun gets to the right uh angle so as you guys can see here this looks like you know Barren Wasteland because it is early spring time but we have our uh perennial food plot here this is my brother actually planted this last year and it's coming up already this was a food plot by Cabela's Bass Pro they have the uh the seed so you just kind of till in the ground and yeah sprinkle it on and it comes up so the idea is the deer or whatever come back out of the swampy area and they come Feast on this uh this food here as you can see look at that a lot of stuff that's coming up it's nice and green you know our Condors windmill Still Standing ready ready to catch the wind okay you want to tell about your casualty what have you got so after our uh incident of Frankie eating all our hamburgers and we all walked up away from here they don't know that story oh they don't no not these not these guys so I'll tell the story uh Grant had made some burgers some fresh Burgers he had got some ground beef and we had two pounds of it and we had them in little balls sitting on a table and we were waiting for them to become room temperature or something anyways Frankie came down and ate the ball every single every one of them every bird or two pounds two pounds of ground beef uh yeah gone so Grant you were coming down here quickly coming down here to protect our steaks because I was worried because nobody knew where Frankie was and I ran through the bush my steel toe flip-flops and a stick oh penetrated by between my toes it was not fun there's a story there's a little blood there's a little there is like you can fly the blood trail we're gonna be able to follow you later on yeah Blood Trail there's actually a I have a similar story of my childhood you want to hear my my childhood story that people will probably crunch my brother the wooded beardsman you can check him out on his channel but he was running on the beach like just picture Baywatch style running on the beach and he jammed a stick so far between his big toe and the Toby sided it had to be surgically removed and I went with him to the ER and the the doctor had these they were neither those pliers and the suction of this stick stuck between oh it was it was like a plunger and it came oh it was something ah that was uh that was dramatizing that's a core memory that's a core memory now it's your core memory too uh we're just gonna wait for these guys to cook and then we're gonna enjoy our our dinner that's the uh that's the current plan and then uh and then Mike's gonna go first the jumping I'm jumping in jumping in the pond oh that's good Grant oh yeah we're selling the sizzle buddy I'm selling the steak we're selling the sizzle there's a gratuitous advertisement for um usa.com that is the grill company that makes these grills you guys are gonna check one of their website the link will be in the description below if you want to check them out I featured them many times and uh what we're doing we got the Dual we got the um griddle at the back which is acting as a warming tray and we've got the grill in the front that we're cooking our T-Bones on do I want to talk about my potatoes sure I'll talk about my potatoes we have roasted potatoes we have um yellow onion we have garlic uh my secret blend of spices don't tell your brother and uh olive oil and a little bit of uh love why is it a secret why can't you tell them the spices I can't do it okay I can't do it it's it's one of those things where if I tell someone they're gonna be making their own and then it's not going to be as pleasant all right if you if I made them you know we'll keep it we'll keep it as a trade Trade Secrets all right don't tell anyone all right well if you guys can look really closely you could probably tell what kind of it's uh let's look away are you a medium rare because that's probably about medium rare you're medium well medium not medium that's probably fine that's good there's garlic this garlic is perfectly done you're gonna eat the garlic oh yeah I didn't realize I don't uh I don't get out much it's okay so when I when I get the uh so everything in here is edible everything so my common question is it cooked because it is cooked it's mashed potatoes it's potatoes oh yeah they must be good these are mashed potatoes oh they could fall apart on the fork they must be done delicious potatoes let's just try give her a whirl a little hot very hot oh it's too hot the best part is if you flip it upside down there's the crispy ones so quickly one I'll put the fried underneath right at the bottom well it's I got no taste buds left so that's good no I'm kidding they didn't it wasn't that hot casualty oh we're in the woods no behind yeah it's five second rule you just I was gonna eat them right out of the tin foil because I'm like you just put it right on the top there you go that's that's beautiful looking look at that you're gonna have to uh bring us up the hill yeah we're not gonna be able to move we're only up the hill you know what we'll just throwing in the back of the tractor yeah perfect and uh and away we go so do we let this thing rest for five minutes yes and it's is it good Brad what's your what's your opinion on that we're gonna find out here oh we haven't I'm already uh salivating so I usually like the little tiny piece next to the like the round part I don't know what the heck that is it's about the technical term on this little guy right there that little round part in the yummy part it is that's the best part if they can make a whole meal out of just the yummy parts right right there that little guy that's oh we're gonna pull that apart nicely done crap see thank you oh well that's good oh yeah that's the the best part is can those frogs be quiet no I'm kidding we'll cook them cook them cook them fries I think they're protected those guys those if you guys don't know you guys probably can't actually hear that the frogs are currently um they're making babies how they're doing oh yeah should I be looking over there I'm not old enough yet you already saw the you you had a handful of them I did yeah so there's there's tadpoles being um created over there and uh that's a tangent I didn't want to go anyways this steak's delicious and the potatoes are great it's right we're not gonna be able to move after this you're right do we yeah we're gonna have to take a ride up yeah oh who's driving the frogs okay all right as much as I like chewing on camera I'm gonna I'm gonna we're gonna finish our meal and then we're gonna we'll do a closing closing notes on how how we feel after this giant steak looking forward to it actually there's a question what's the perfect thickness of steak so you get the Costco ones like inch and a half are like a little bit they're a little bit too big to cut in half again um and then this guy is about three quarters of an inch thick what's the perfect thickness of steak down below let me know I want to know I want to know as well you do I do you want to know if they if they if they warm their steaks with their hands first I actually want to know the thickness in millimeters dude I do no inches inches I'm inch guy we got a we gotta appeal to all the audience all right so the guys in Europe that have the millimeters in millimeters and uh in uh you know the proper way in North America give us an inches all right we're gonna enjoy our dinner we'll be right back so Mike you've decided yeah you're gonna jump It's Hot it has got to be well over a hundred in this thing oh yeah it's I don't know if you guys can see this theme but they can see the steam I think I am hot right now it is hot yep very warm what does it say you stick your watch underwater and that's a good time my watch worked bad so I'm gonna say yeah I'm trying to insert the ambient temperature is oh Amy is like 10. no it's not over ambient as in above the tub 16 degrees 16 degrees above the tub above the top air temperature forecast is uh 60 degrees okay doodle and you're gonna do it the next clip you see is me in that pond really is that peer pressure no that's just me all right this top is definitely sitting that like you actually put I put the lid on so it doesn't get too hot because I don't want to cook my friends uh unsuccessful unsuccessfully I just look like a like a I'm like you can't see me you're in the tub with a sweater on that's right well I just got out because I I had to tend to some things all right you ready you're ready you're just gonna run and jump I'm just gonna run and jump I'm either gonna jump you gotta jump to like there but remember there's a there's a thing that goes down you gotta get you're gonna get down don't go down too deep holy crap ready you gotta jump like to there okay yeah that dude I should oh yeah that's not bad that's not bad let's be out of here I did it oh dude man that was that was cold yeah how does that feel man I'm cold just thinking about that it's good for you all right well that's Mike you're the first person to jump in the pond how's it feel great excellent yeah yeah is it like your heart going weird there describe describe what that was like it's like ripping off a Band-Aid for your whole body oh yeah would you do it again that's good yeah I would actually okay well now that I'm in here again it's it's extremely warm well over 105 I think all right well I I think I don't think it's that hot but it's both I'm actually burning I have to get out and it's too warm we need a regulator on there all right well look at that Mike true to his word jumps in the Old Pond look at that there's a frog there is he swimming right there look right where I jumped over 'd you kill it no no it's fine all right
Channel: Kevin Builds (Modern Self Reliance)
Views: 73,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: building, tools, hand tools, power tools, sawmill, cabin construction, how to build a cabin, tiny house, forest house, small house, log cabin, construction, cabin design, sawing, cutting wood, off grid, homestead, cottage, tiny cabin, self reliance, solar powered house, small home, axe, saw, shed, framing, norwood sawmill, woodland sawmill, milling lumber, milling, mill, mill wood, woodworking, offgrid
Id: Qlhwn8Vw8xs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 23sec (2543 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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