50 People Tell Us Their State's Biggest Rivals | Culturally Speaking

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we love Mississippi and Louisiana and let me tell you why if it wasn't for Mississippi we'd be last in everything god bless them Pennsylvania has a huge rivalry with West Virginia Pennsylvania doesn't like them they're like West Virginia you know thank you in some parts of West Virginia they'll tell you that if you cross the river into Kentucky that they'll eat you and your babies Kentucky has a pretty big rivalry with Indiana because it's literally right across the river from Indiana they're just two opposing sports teams and right next to each other Michigan's biggest rival is Ohio mostly for football I'd say it's probably the big one it all comes down to who you like in football when it comes to like Alabama you don't want to go there Alabama has a rivalry with pretty much every state that loses to us gross get out everyone hates our Bama it's a football thing but also just like Oh Lorna definitely has a rivalry with Georgia everyone calls Florida the South fifth aren't really south it's just northern transplants that have no southern accent at all so sorry Florida you don't really count as a southern state to me New Mexico's biggest rival is probably Texas Texas Texas Texas people think that Oklahoma is comparable to Texas there's just so much more to do in Texas Texans like to think they're you know the biggest state Alaska is the biggest state Texas is our little sister Nebraska's biggest rival is Colorado they're like our cooler younger brother to the left people in Colorado have a rivalry with people from California I mean a lot of people try and compare California to Arizona but it's not really fair because California has all these beaches Las Vegas is four hours from Los Angeles so you have party party and then party party right next door in LA and of course Nevada wants some of that action California has a rivalry with no one I think California has a rivalry with itself Portland Oregon often takes credit for all Portland it gets a little disheartening when people like oh I'm going to Portland and I'm like you're going to Maine and they're like no I'm going to Oregon they do have very good beer in Oregon we don't like Washington like they gave us grunge but they also gave us McLemore Missouri has a natural rivalry with the state of Kansas because the Missouri River divides us you'll get people that will say oh I'm a missourian or I don't live on the Kansas side I look on the zuri side whenever if they own Summerlin it's like calling yeah you're friendly feels like no Cumberland New Hampshire has a rivalry with Vermont mainly because they have like the same exact shape of us but they're upside down and we're right next to each other people from Vermont go there to buy tax-free groceries but they don't have the beach florida also people tend to favor the beaches here and instead of pitches in South Carolina when they should really come to South come on I think Virginia has a rivalry with North Carolina South Carolina the rivalry stems from purely just being called the same thing and wanting to be the better of the two North Dakota definitely is a rivalry with South Dakota people forget that I'm from South Dakota and they say Oh North Dakota and I'm like no I'm from South Bend it's the superior of the Dakotas when I was growing up we used to tell North Dakota jokes and then I met someone from North Dakota and they tell Montanan jokes Wyoming's biggest rivalry would probably be Montana just because Montana also has a lot of beautiful views I don't know if we have a rivalry with any states I feel like we'd be too polite I don't think we have a rivalry of true rivalry of states with anybody the biggest rivalry in Idaho is between southern and northern Idaho if you're from Hawaii we're for you if you're not too bad Delaware probably has a rivalry with New Jersey Delaware or Rhode Island we're always kind of like Massachusetts little brother we're the best the biggest rival would be New York because you can go from New Jersey to New York and not even go over the water but New York is tops I think it's probably the best city in the world Illinois has a rivalry with Wisconsin Wisconsin either the Packers versus the Vikings or Packers versus the Bears but we can both honestly agree that Wisconsin and Illinois hate Iowa you can tell like when they're driving on the road that they think that they're better than us and that they're they have bigger cities and we are just backwoods but they got it all wrong [Music]
Channel: Condé Nast Traveler
Views: 4,375,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: culturally speaking, culture, luxury, travel, 50 people, 50 states, border, people, state, states, 50 people from 50 states, all 50 states, every state, 50 people 50 states, america, americans, american states, every state in america, usa, united states, usa map, united states map, map, map of usa, state names, conde nast traveler, state rival, rival, rivals, state rivalries, football rival, football rivalries, college football rivalries
Id: 7rEjvl_RiCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 33sec (273 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 27 2018
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