50 KINGS vs 5 QUEENS | Chess Memes #71

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oh my God why are there so many white Kings here greetings to you black king today you will face me the white Bishop the white Bishop are you controlling these Kings yes I hold the power now the white Bishop Reigns over the Kings damn it this is not right where did he get so many kings from I am a great Mage I cursed these fools and now they are bound to serve me damn it I've never seen anything like this enough talk I want my collection to be enriched with the black king attack my zombies I obey master damn it I think we shouldn't just attack them head-on there are too many of them they'll simply overwhelm us you're damn right that was my calculation you will lose in any case I attacked him because I had no choice if I had backed off one of us would still have died at his hands how much I enjoy seeing your panic death has come for you black queen [Music] oh my God he came too close to me I can't accept this normally kings are not allowed to stand next to each other according to the rules it's all right my king I will kill him don't be nervous we need your clear mind well it seems we have a plan now a plan what is it we take them out one by one when they're not covering each other maybe we have a chance for victory why are you standing there white fools attack indeed the plan is good they don't look like real Kings there's some silly puppets of the white Bishop then it's decided we attack very cautiously not exposing ourselves to their strikes Kings you are now my property you must kill all the queens and bring the black king to me alive that's an order very well my Lord death has come for you black queen they frighten me I'm retreating you have nowhere to run [Music] no choice damn it farewell dear Queen you did everything you could kill this queen executing the order listen black king you have only three Warriors left are you sure you want to continue fighting me what do you want to offer me I offer you surrender join my Army of Kings become its commander and be your slave hell no I will keep fighting damn fool then don't expect Mercy from me don't want to become my slave willingly I'll force you to do it then you'll have to kill all of us believe me I was planning to do that anyway please my Queens be careful we are too few we need to play very cautiously all right my king will do our best this battle is not fair the order was to eliminate the black queens I will carry it out I will destroy the black queen hell no you won't catch me white puppet you must die white fool do they really have no brains they just follow orders blindly without thinking about their moves that works to our advantage we must use it black king you're coming with me you're needed by my Lord hell no get away from me Queens get rid of him I can't stand it when kings are too close to each other already on it they're moving one by one now even I think we have a chance for victory fools don't move one by one move in pairs assist this white king they're even blindly following The Bishop's orders they have no rational thinking what have you done to these Kings you mean these creatures they're not Kings I cursed them and turned them into Kings I think you're lying to me this is some nonsense what do you care if I'm telling the truth or not your chance to join my ranks is over now I will take you by force if that's true then these Kings or whatever they are probably don't want to serve this bishop either we need to reach out to them stop don't kill me you don't have to obey the orders of that stupid idiot Bishop you will die I have an order did you seriously think that would help [Music] damn it he's not reacting at all he's just going along with the order I think their minds have been brainwashed too much nothing will save them now there must be some way out but you keep defending yourselves I need more time to think have an idea we need to kill the white Bishop then they will all disappear if it's a curse we can't get to the bishop he's being protected by too many white Kings I'll create a gap in their defense I might die but you'll have a chance to get through there Queen you didn't have to do this we swore to protect you my king at any cost even at the cost of our own lives I see the queen I'll destroy her we slightly overlooked the fact that even if I managed to get behind them the Kings can easily eliminate me damn it that's true this means the queen sacrificed her life for nothing no not for nothing we'll Target them from one side and then we'll get to the bishop only two kings left let's kill them and then I'll be able to kill the white Bishop are you planning to kill me what the fools you won't succeed Kings attack the queen hell no I'll be killed by the hands of Puppets As You Wish don't want to die by the hands of my Kings you'll die by my hands chick black king surrender you have only one queen left you are nearly defeated there must be a way out there is a way out join my Army check fool you've already lost this battle I won't surrender until the end run from the battlefield my king I'll hold them off but you'll stay alive I won't leave the battlefield I won't leave you here I've come up with a plan white Kings I the white Bishop command you to kill the other white Bishop standing next to you what haha that's too ridiculous do you think that'll work fine I'll obey the order what no I commit well done my king but they didn't vanish as we thought yes indeed but now they have no one to give orders to which means I can give them orders and set them free let's try it white Kings I the white Bishop command you to be free you will no longer obey my orders after this you're free to do as you wish your minds must truly be your own did it work we'll find out soon we're not Kings we're pawns turned into Kings let's break the curse together no we were ordered to kill Queens we must obey orders you don't owe anyone anything now thank you for setting us free now we'll work on Breaking the curse and kill you in our true forms what but I saved you we were ordered to kill you we have to carry them out or will die then everything we've done was in vain we'll keep fighting yes we'll keep fighting now we're free and smart you won't defeat us nevertheless we'll still try judging by their actions nothing has changed they're still foolish still be very careful [Music] let's kill both of them and break the curse finally I couldn't stand the orders of the white Bishop anymore fools you won't kill my king I will always protect him then we need to not attack but instead remove the curse first they even remove their curse I don't know but it's better not to test it let's keep destroying them [Music] move in a chain no one should separate from each other we have to reach the end of the chessboard then we'll turn back into pawns for some reason I don't see the logic in that isn't it easier to remain Kings pawns are weaker after all let them do as they please if they all become pawns it will be easier for us to destroy them you're speaking the truth I asked you not to separate from us I don't want to listen to anyone's orders even yours so now you'll die idiot no no oh God please no no no no we won't make a similar mistake let's continue the attack well I hope they'll make many more mistakes there aren't many of them left compared to the beginning finally we're a step away from lifting the curse we'll shed this Dreadful form and be ourselves damn it it's even getting interesting it's working now I'm a pawn and what will you do next move to the end of the chessboard and become a queen of course you can't allow that if they all turn into Queens we'll definitely lose this battle I'll think of something my king I figured it out a pawn can't fight like a king when I'm behind it so I'll just destroy it pawn run faster to us you won't touch our Pawn we'll protect it damn it can't escape death we'll achieve our goals sooner or later this is the strangest game of chess I've played in my life I'm watching you watch as much as you want but you won't be able to kill me otherwise you'll die yourself go white Pawn just one check and you'll be a queen yes I'll do it finally finally now it's their end do you really think so damn it I've come such a long way damn it our Queen Is Dead now if you want to survive we need to play smart let's go together to the end of the chessboard return together they won't do anything to us sounds very bad it's all right my king since we've made it to this point I believe we'll make it to our Victory as well forward guys straight to our dream they keep walking like this I won't be able to do anything to them that's darn bad get out of the way black queen you can't stop us I'm just watching here we are we've reached it onward guys let's remove our curse queen as soon as they turn into pawns destroy them these idiots transform immediately what morons I'll destroy them myself damn it don't follow my mistakes don't turn into a pawn help me get back otherwise they'll destroy us all right we can't allow that my king you go on by yourself I'll destroy the pawn well that's even better this way damn it the Queen's move was very foolish this is very bad he's afraid of us he's not getting closer to us he can't do anything to us forward guys damn it what should I do [Music] I'll catch them when they turn into Pawns [Music] now I'm really mad don't stop check black king you won't destroy me as my king is protecting me this is very bad damn it they're not moving back together I must catch up with that white Pawn soon I'll be a queen soon it's the end for the black king it's pointless for you to chase after me black king I've already reached where I wanted to go I'm in deep trouble come on doll come on man now just proceed calmly guys I've blocked the path he won't be able to reach you not at all shouldn't have freed them from the curse that's my mistake [Music] stop why do you want to kill me I freed you after all if we don't obey the white Bishop's orders we'll die but he's already dead as you saw the curse works even after his death so forgive me black king it's either your life or our lives transform into a queen already and let's finish this I want to remember the taste of bread me too we probably haven't eaten for thousands of years now it's definitely the end for me forward after the black king Checkmate black king wait don't kill me farewell black king we're truly sorry don't forget subscribe to the channel [Music]
Channel: Funny Chess
Views: 35,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shitpost, Daily chess highlights, Dank memer, memes, lichess, blunder, chess, dank memes, typical 900, Shitposting compilation, Shitpost compilation, Daily dose of chess, meme, typical 800, chess clips, typical 800 chess match, typical 700 match, chess content, chess openings, chess strategy, chess tactics, how to play chess, chess games, chess videos, checkmate, chess lesson, blitz, how to win at chess, chess memes, chess memes compilation, top chess, Funny Chess, Chess.com
Id: 931J85n2bJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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