$50 Conveyor Belt Sushi in Japan - Waited in Line for 1 Hour!

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foreign hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day it's Mark Wiens I'm in kagoshimo which is on the island of Kyushu in Japan and we're taking kind of an easy day today and we thought we'd walk over to a place that looks like they have one of the best conveyor belt sushis that I've ever seen it's a very popular local place so we're gonna go check it out we're gonna walk over there and we're gonna eat some delicious conveyor belt Japanese sushi I'm very excited I Love Sushi I love conveyor belt Sushi let's go it should be about a 10 minute walk from where we are right in the center of kagoshima and the sushi restaurant the conveyor belt Sushi is right along the port should be pretty much along the like at the fishing port at the water's edge maybe we'll have a good view of the volcano from there foreign okay here we are we made it and we have an amazing view of the volcano from here the water Port I think is right across the street and this is the conveyor belt sushi restaurant that we came to it's very popular place locally it's called mawaru sushi mekomen at Dolphin ports we are inside we got a cue number they have both the bar counter seating where the conveyor belt comes and also tables so we're gonna wait for a table since we're three but looks such a great atmosphere looks the conveyor belt is huge we finally got a table that took an hour we waited in line for an hour but we made it so they have about 10 Sushi ninjas in the center just like flying on the sushi just making sushi non-stop putting them on the conveyor belt but then they have a full menu that you can order from as well so we'll do a combination of both but men it really does look extremely good quality I guess that's why it's so popular why there's such a long line here and then they have a couple I mean along with all the sushi and the different dishes they have a couple super premium ones we've got to try one of those [Music] turn it on it's so close today let's grab the nearest one but this really does look incredible this one is a mix of Tunas I believe all three uh from the akami the red meat to the fatty or tuna to the the very fatty tuna this really does look premium okay I'll start with this one first bite long awaited oh that's delicious so sweet so good oh it's in some nice Wasabi underneath it as well on the bottom of the rice thank you that melts on your tongue oh that tuna belly excellent quality not sure what type of fish this is but lightly seared and then with some I think with leek on the on the top there oh I want a really good with the crunch of those leeks very finely shaved very neutral tissue just that Crisp juiciness that's what makes it good oh the premium one has come this is that one that premium one yes it is like one of the one of the specials really nice with the shrimp with uni and salmon row and with a piece of tuna that shrimp is beautiful really really good quality um that is so sweet candy shrimp melts in your mouth oh and then you can suck suck what's up delicious Next Bite for uni and salmon Raw oh I love the crucial Leaf in there so clean so just a buttery texture I also ordered a vegetable miso soup I love miso soup vegetables in there there's cabbage and carrots and green onions [Applause] here we go I think this is my first time I saw the eggplant have to go eggplant Sushi it was my first time to have eggplant Sushi [Music] oh it's so buttery and so juicy with a little bit maybe a musho on there to give it some salty flavor that works really well I love it [Music] take a break with some ginger some Pickled ginger [Music] I love the ginger oh yeah I just picked up another one of my favorites diced little pieces of tuna I believe a mix maybe the medium fatty tuna that is just beautiful a little mountain of tuna and you can see how the color the quality the freshness that might be the best one yet show tender and oily I love the crucial leaves it's the flavor of the Wasabi and the the two weeks like some of the best quality conveyor belt Sushi possible [Applause] thank you this is more of a white meat fish mixed with let's try it [Music] oh sesame seeds and maybe sesame oil that fish is marinated in sesame oil enough to do that gives it a really nice fragrance [Music] I gotta be honest and say I'm getting a little full I mean we've been doing a lot of eating on this Japan trip and yeah we've been eating a lot so I don't want to overdo it but I'll have one last plate I saw the shrimp piled with a it's like a an entire salad of finely shredded onions I believe mayonnaise on top green onions that's just a small mountain with shrimp on the bottom this will be my final plate but I think we've done we've done pretty pretty well pretty well not even totally sure how you can get that whole blob in one one bite or maybe you need it all in one bite how you can split it up between the two oh my God what's the best strategy here all in one bite there's a there's a shrimp hiding below there oh that's a lot of Juicy onions and mayonnaise all in one bite [Music] um those onions are leeks I think they're leeks actually so light and fluffy and almost flavorless just for that Crunch and onions too and then you've got that kind of sweet Japanese mayonnaise okay which will be my final piece I think that's Mission completed that was delicious [Music] you pay by plate everything has a plate to it and then everything is colored so every plate color is a different price to give you some pretty cool toothpicks with their flag on it and then also they give you this like kind of digital receipt that you go up front today so we'll see how much how much our bill is that was delicious and our total bill came to 7 183 Yen I just did the conversion at this exact time that's 54. and 10 cents actually that is not bad I mean these type of conveyor belt restaurants they're not always that cheap because they keep adding up in some of the premium plates cost quite a lot uh but I think that's a amazing value I mean we were two adults one child you saw the stack of plates that we ate I'm at a good full level I'm not stuffed I'm just perfect uh but 54 bucks for that quality and really I mean I love conveyor belt Sushi I think it's just such a fun concept it's like a it's such a happy place it's just positivity conveyor belt Sushi also reminds me of my childhood I used to just love going to conveyor belts YouTube there's somebody there's something for everyone you know if you just want the Cucumber roll if you want just rice I mean or if you want good sushi good fish or if you want squid whatever you want it's all available and I think that's part of the reason why it's so popular and it's just fun so that's going to be it for this kagoshima conveyor belt sushi restaurant I'll have the link for them in the description box below but I highly recommend it if you're in kagoshiman look at that view of the mountain of the volcano in front of us thanks again for watching Remember to subscribe to Mark abroad for more food Vlogs travel guides and tips and goodbye from kagoshima thanks again for watching I'll see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Abroad
Views: 1,393,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Japanese food, conveyor belt sushi, sushi, Japanese sushi, Kagoshima, Mark Wiens, best food in Japan, best Japanese sushi, best Japanese food, top Japanese food, sushi in Japan, affordable sushi in Japan
Id: ESDc9g-QP10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 29 2023
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