5 Weird Tips For Your Electric Bike

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hey everybody welcome back to another video from bolton e-bikes electric bikes are a ton of fun but there are always little things that you can do to make the experience better today i'm going to share five simple tips that are going to make your e-bike riding more enjoyable more fun and a little bit [Music] easier as most of you know i put one of these videos out every single week but in order to keep doing that i need your help there's something you can do right now that will ensure i release another video next thursday hit that subscribe button hit like below and stay tuned for those five tips sometimes bikes electric bikes in particular can be kind of big and bulky and heavy and of course the first thing you got to do before you take it out for a ride is get it out of the house you may or may not have a garage where you park it you might have to go through a man-sized walk-through door like this one and what i've seen people do often is sort of awkwardly go through the door next to the bike squeeze them through and who knows what sort of obstacles you have in the way it doesn't always work that smoothly i've got a little bit of space in the shop we even have giant roll-up doors so it's not a problem but sometimes you have a hallway or a walkway where it's not that easy to get your bike through so here's a really simple way to get your bike out of the house and through a walk-through door what you want to do is get on the side of your bike and hold the rear brake firmly and just at the same time as you're lifting up just tilt backwards and at some point you'll find a balance so right here on this particular bike basically i'm not holding it up in fact i can even let go for a second if i want to it's going to more or less stay there but it's not hard at all to hold it up in this position and from here we can simply walk the bike through the opening very easily and of course once you're done with that you can just slowly release the brake and let the bike down but this is the best way to get through narrow tight spots inside of your garage your house even a busy workshop like this now tip number two this is something that can help you not only move the bike around but i think it makes you feel more comfortable with the balancing of your particular bicycle now if you need to walk alongside your bike you can walk alongside it like this by holding onto the handlebars but you kind of have to do this awkward thing where you're standing next to it but try not to hit your shins or the back of your calf on your pedals there is a better way this one takes a little bit of practice so instead of holding the bike by the handlebars you're going to hold it by the rear part of the saddle or the nose of the saddle anywhere along here but you're going to push your bike from this point and if you just gently tilt it one side or the other you can actually roll the bike along and steer it perfectly fine it takes just a little bit of practice but once you've got the hang of it you can walk your bike around a parking lot around your house just by the back of the seat and you won't find yourself running into your pedals anymore i love just riding the bike around being out by myself hitting the trails cruising around going however fast i want but i did say this video was about tips and tricks to have more fun and you may not have known no matter what sort of two-wheeled vehicle or bicycle you're riding pedal bike road bike mountain bike even a motorcycle i don't care what it is the polite thing to do is to wave next time you're out riding and you see someone on two wheels make sure to give them a nice friendly wave if that's not quite your style you can always do the motorcycle wave anything works next you decide to take a break at a picnic table like this one and watch the airplanes fly by at your local airport and you realize when you stop you're gonna check some messages and your phone is dead no problem we have an e-bike and although it's not standard on all e-bikes most electric bikes somewhere on the bike have a usb port either on the battery or on the display i can plug my usb cable right into the battery into my phone and have it charged right up in no time you might be wondering if i plug in my phone is that going to drain my battery and take some of my range and of course technically yes it would but even some of the largest phones nowadays have a battery of around 15 watt hours so on a battery like this one that's a thousand watt hours 2015 that means we could charge this phone over 60 times before the battery would die so as far as your bike ride goes very very minimal difference to charge up a phone there's a very good chance that you will go through a signal a traffic signal at some point along your ride or perhaps you live in a gated community and there's gate to get out and you have trouble tripping the sensor to open the gate or tripping a signal so you can get a light to turn green there is a solution to this problem it is super easy you guys are not going to believe this is if you haven't seen this before this is going to blow your mind here is a typical gate there's sensors in the pavement here many people think these are pressure sensitive and they're not you can jump on them step on them it doesn't matter they are not going to open and if we get on our bike sometimes they don't open or they don't get triggered either same true for traffic signals so i rode up to the gate nothing happened i can wait i can jump up and down like i said and it's not going to trigger but if you step off the bike every time you might be wondering what just happened how exactly did that work is it detecting the mass of the the frame does it need a whole bunch of metal and the answer actually is that it doesn't actually need as much as you think the thing that usually trips it is the wheel the way a typical bicycle wheel is laced with the spokes going outward it can basically create a field that is big enough for the sensors to detect so it's not about magnets or how much metal it is as soon as we tilt the bike over opens right up once again thank you for watching bolton e-bikes i appreciate every one of you if you liked any of these tips or if you hadn't seen them before make sure to hit that like button and hit subscribe and come back every thursday for a new [Music] video
Channel: Area 13
Views: 100,492
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: e bike, how to, bike skills, electric bikes 2020, electric bike, eike tips and tricks, charging phone with ebike, ebike greetings, how to charge your phone on bike, cool bike tricks, ebike battery tips, secrets of e bikes, 5 tips for e bikes, how to get ebike out of house, easy way to walk your bike, electric bike tips and tricks
Id: 1NyFWpjfpdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 56sec (476 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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