5 Weird Japanese Customs You Need to Know

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thank you Japanese hey guys today I'm going to teach you weird Japanese Customs that are a little or varied weirdo first you have to remember the word and that means Customs okay Japanese customs Ichiban today we have special toilet slippers so you know Japanese people take off their shoes at the entrance right here's the thing Most Japanese homes also have special toilet sleepers that can only be used in the toilet so you have to wear different slippers in the bathroom in the toilet specifically then they are usually made of materials that are easy to clean and not with fur and stuff so so I I could wear Pikachu slippers like very [Laughter] um like fluffy slippers um at home and then I have like normal looking boring Sleepers for the bathroom so you open the bathroom door and then change and it's become a normal thing for me but obviously when I was a kid I had to get used to that too like sometimes like end up going in the toilet with normal slippers and my mom would like freak out because if somebody's in the bathroom you'd see the normal sleepers like outside the door so you know that the that person is in the bathroom that you know that the person has taken of the normal sleepers right but my Mom saw that the toilet lights are on but no slippers in front of the toilet door and she'll be like ah it's a big deal so so if you visit your friend's house in Japan for example you really want to follow their Customs as well so yeah you want to change the slippers so Haku is the verb to where to put on shoes socks right Couture but to change like but but we have we also have a verb for changing socks changing shoes which is is like a normal word like a common word although it might seem not and this happens sometimes at the restaurant as well um if you go to a really traditional restaurant like sobaya Sushiya like then yeah you might see slippers for the toilet as well and another thing that might surprise you is we also change shoes at school you come to school wearing normal shoes right and then there is also like a huge uh area where you change your shoes and there are shoe lockers and then we change into slippers or indoor shoes we call them for school so siripa is her you know slippers for home so we wear slippers but uh for school we call them teaches but not always but yeah it is a really weird like specific words for school yeah it also depends on the region but definitely in Kanto area we were Baki and then yeah I was gonna say you also change into toilets slippers inside the school as well so so you wear at school like in the hallway in the classroom right or when you go to the bathroom you have to change and put on toilet slippers that are provided by school again it depends on the school but I think more schools do that is to blow your nose and the pitch accent is a little bit important here that's blowing one's nose whilst means fighting and those so yeah Japanese people also don't bite somebody's nose usually if it's not anime anyway um how come on I mean so blowing your nose is usually considered disgusting or rude so then what do we do we sniffle a lot so the two sniffle we say can also be used about slurping noodles which also is a very Japanese thing to do a lot of non-jewanese people tend to think slurping is a bit disgusting and I understand that um we are in Japan slurping noodles is quite normal and some people even think that that's like a polite thing to do I personally don't do it because I can't for some reason I don't have that muscle in my mouth or something also because I don't want the soup to get on my shirt or clothes or my face um so yeah it's okay not this slurp definitely because I don't um anyway to slurp or to snuffle we say and you might think oh both disgusting things but Japanese people also sometimes use the word to suit it about sipping P so is to sit ti so not always disgusting but yes it is like that action like sucking in so yeah you'd see that Japanese people usually snuffle sniff in public and that is considered okay um but you know we can't always just keep snuffling right like it's gonna come out eventually um you can wipe it but you look away so you try your best not to show it to other people so uh the best thing is to go to the bathroom or to go somewhere uh where people can't see you so yeah even on a date or when hanging out with your friends like um blowing your noses a bit eh in Japan so yeah especially I think in front of you that you don't want to do that like you want to impress the person right so yeah we probably want to blow your nose in the bathroom or um you'd say go man and then wipe your nose like Japanese people really think booger bogey uh to be something really disgusting like Snot mucus ew because the word for booger or you know it's not uh we call it hanakuso I mean right so like we say no sh so to us that you are blowing in front of somebody so that's why we hate it then and the word hamakso is not even that rude like we use it normally like it's not like a vulgar word although I mean it's not nice but yeah make so don't show your shirt in front of other people we have to get away from this you know dirty stuff because so far this video is all of us [Laughter] anyway uh let's talk about hanko and why did you think of the word hanco now it is because of the word poop which is Uncle um I'm sorry I you I don't know I don't know I can't help it okay so hanko like hanko stamp um or seal you can also call hanko income and income is more of a formal word so uh yeah informal situations you'd use the word income but the casually people often use the word hanko anyway it's like a personal seal usually that stump or seal would have your surname so Japanese people's surnames are usually in kanji right so uh then the surname is carved in kanji um and then we put the ink and then usually the red ink and yeah use it for signing contract so instead of like signing uh we actually do sign with a pen and also use a hanko or income and there are three types of income we have ginkgoing which is used in Banks because Ginkgo means Banks yeah you'd usually use the ginkgoing when withdrawing a large amount of money or um changing information for the bank like Bank changing Bank details um like changing the address uh so anything to do with the bunk you do skin coin and then there is also jitsuing which is used for like buying a house something really big and then there is me domain which is used for more casual occasions so accepting um packages that sounds weird right but yeah we would often um use a handbook or me domain to accept a package uh it depends on the service there because sometimes you can just sign it with your finger like on the you know device Japanese people love bathing together completely make it um yeah habaka is naked but if you wanna emphasize that it's completely naked you can say like you can add this ma to emphasize a lot of words like chiro is white but mashiro means Snow White like super super white um a very red anyway means to base to take a bath and maybe a lot of you know this like Onsen hot spring culture is very big so like a lot of families and friends would like base together completely make it couples and married couples also often take a boss together like sometimes yeah like parents would take a bath together um and then kids don't think that's weird um although they completely make it together anyway um yeah like it's quite normal but the one thing that is a bit weird is kids also take a bath together with their parents and they don't stop fading together until they're like seven or even 11 so that's a little bit too much in my opinion um but yeah like I mean like I would say even seven years old uh kids shouldn't take a bath together with their parents but uh I mean that's my opinion a lot of Japanese people think that's normal and you might think like that would also take a bath with his daughter and yeah and Mom would also take a bath with her son so so that's something that yeah I personally don't like I didn't actually even uh I actually don't feel comfortable in Onsen so like I I prefer kashikidi Onsen private Onsen where you can like rent the owner for like an hour and it's not that expensive either it depends on the radio come obviously um but yeah I I don't know it's my thing it's I'm not very um normal but that's where I set my boundaries you know so but yeah what do you think the last one foreign means I humbly receive like I humbly receive your life so you eat the meat fish you're taking their life or it can also to thank the chef people who prepared your food itadakimasu even if you are the chef you'd say that and then gochi sauce it was a feast it was a great meal and also the last thing it's normal to raise bowls especially rice balls but anything like or miso soup for Rice even sometimes don't be um yeah you can pick up your bowl and eat you might sometimes even see people like picking up the plate you know like a big one but it's less common usually we just leave the plates on the table and pick up uh rice bowl or yeah like super bowl and then eat for ramen for example you don't really pick up until the last moment where you want to drink the soup you don't have to and I again personally don't drink the soup but a lot of people do um so they eat the noodles like without wasting out the bowl they might put their hands like left hand on the ball and then um if you're righty um so then eat with your right hand with the Chopsticks I mean and then after you finish you pick up the bowl and drink the soup and that's fine yeah but there are lots of specific table manners in Japan as well so I need to make a video about it but yes okay that's it thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed the video and if you did please give a thumbs up and share the video subscribe to the channel we're almost going to hit 100 000 subscribers so please let's make it happen all right and if you could support me on 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Channel: Japanese Ammo with Misa
Views: 100,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Japanese culture, Japan, nihon, Japan love, Japanese customs, Japanese parents, Japanese family, Japanese people, Japanese language, weird Japan, funny Japan
Id: fO0B7rweXks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 52sec (1192 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 18 2022
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