5 Ways to Make Money with OPENCV (Examples Included)

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hey everyone welcome to my channel in this video i will share with you five ways you can make money with opencv so let's get started okay so you have been learning opencv and it seems that you can do a lot of projects so what is the next step well it's time to make some money out of it right uh by the way i have a timer here so that i don't exceed the time limit i am just watching it again again so i have the tendency to keep talking for a long time so just uh letting you know so let's start with the first idea and before we actually start with that i want to talk about what exactly is the concept of money and a lot of the times when people see that how to make money with you they think that there will be a magic pill or somebody will give some advice that will magically change everything and they will get rich so that's not really the case um the idea here is that you have to work hard and you have to put your energy but where do you put your energy which direction do you actually go in that is the main idea so if you align yourself in the right direction then over the time you can make a lot of money before i actually begin with the five different ways you can make money with opencv i want to discuss the concept of money and why do you think that people should actually give you or hand out money so let me give you an example let's say we are there are only 100 people left in the world right like they show the 100 which is very good so let's say we are a hundred people left in this world and only one of these people knows how to create or how to build a house so immediately that the value of that person increases so everybody wants to uh contact this person everybody wants his services so people will be willing to pay whatever they can to actually get his services so that is the concept behind money so the more valuable service or the more valuable solution you are providing the more money people will tend to give you so let's start with topic number one now number one is very simple and basic which is freelancing now you can become a freelancer without doing much work so uh by much work i mean there is no uh startup cost or there's not much delay from the point you actually decide on becoming a freelancer to actually start being a freelancer so all you have to do is you have to go online and set up some accounts and you can go to um so the top three websites i recommend are fiverr.com people per hour and upwork so you can go to any of these websites and you can sign up there and start putting your portfolio out there and you can share your projects and tell people that for example i can build this i can build that and this is how you can provide different solutions and the good thing about this is that there's not a lot of programmers out there who are providing these services it's it's not really saturated at at least at this point uh for example if you go to fiverr.com and you check out how many people are providing website services uh i believe it was in 80 000 something and if you check out how many people are providing open cv services uh computer vision services uh they were about 100 to 200 something like that so there's a massive difference and i'm not saying web development is same as opencv and computer vision but still there's uh there's not that point of saturation and there's a lot of enhancements that can be done and one thing to note when you are providing these services don't put out a bad portfolio there's a lot of people um that actually share bad projects as well they share every project they have done now uh i don't have personal experience of being a freelancer on these websites but i do have a lot of experience uh being a buyer i have bought tons and tons of projects from this website in fact one of these websites has labeled me as one of the top buyers um i'm not bragging it's just that i'm telling you that i have worked with a lot of uh freelancers and there's a lot of demand but you have to take these necessary steps to actually get to that point where people think that okay this guy can be beneficial for me so you have to portray yourself as a classy guy as someone who can do excellent projects don't put out 10 different projects and showcase all of them even the bad ones or 20 different projects showcase a few projects that are uh that are up to that level and once you have that people will start focusing and people will start buying it from you okay i think i'm already taking up a lot of time so i will do this quickly now so the second way is opening up a youtube channel now you might say that there's a lot of people who have youtube accounts already and a lot of people who are doing opencv computer vision ai stuff online already it means that it is saturated well the answer is yes and no it is saturated but it is not saturated enough the thing is that every now and then there will be people who will keep coming to youtube and out of nowhere they will rise up suddenly so what is it that makes them uh more successful than other people so at least for opencv at this point what i can see and this is the reason why i started is because i don't see a lot of projects out there so if you start with something like basics there will be a lot of videos that will be teaching these opencv basics like how to read an image uh how to add blur how to change it to grayscale so these are very basic techniques that everybody pretty much has their own tutorial for it so how you can be different is by creating new projects so emphasize on projects create different projects and upload the videos once people will see that you are capable of bringing in new projects they will automatically subscribe to your channel and they will look for your tips and tricks as well and youtube can be a very good way of making money uh like it can supplement your current income and it can eventually become your ultimate source of income as well so all you have to do is you have to give it some time and you have to put in some effort the third way is courses and this is one of my favorite ones and the reason being that it is a passive income so passive income means that once you actually create once you put an effort then over the time you will not have to put the exact same amount of effort maybe you will be answering some comments maybe you will be adding some extra stuff to your course but overall the main income will be coming by itself so this means that courses can be a very good way of making money so you can create your own course and you can put it up on websites like udemy you can create your own website you can go to many different um vendors where you can upload your courses and make a lot of money if you go to udemy and you see their courses there's are there are thousands of people uh looking for different uh different topics for example opencv website development app development recently flutter has been roaming around quite a lot so there are new courses about flutter and if you go and look at different projects or different courses you will see that they have thousands and thousands of users so if if one project or one course has a hundred thousand uh users that means that if they charge ten dollars they would have made a million dollars and of course udemy will take their part as well and usually um i'm not sure exactly how much they take but normally it's said that they take up to 50 so even if they take 50 that means half a million dollar for a hundred thousand students and that is a massive massive number and in fact um i read this article somewhere and it said that there was a woman there is a woman she made about eight million dollars in one year from one course and yes when i heard this um i i just wanted to find the nearest wall so that i could bang my head right into it i i couldn't get i couldn't grasp the information well it's it's amazing so courses can be a very great way to actually supplement your income and you might ask that okay um i am a beginner why should i create a course there's thousands of people who are experts and they are creating their courses why would people buy my courses well the answer is very simple in fact i will give you an example there is a youtuber by the name ali who i follow and you should follow him as well his videos are very inspirational now in one of his videos he mentioned that he created a course on photography now he himself is basically majored he's basically a medical doctor and he created a course on editing video editing and he had been video editing for two years and then he made a course on that and he said that i know that there's tons of other people who already have who are more experienced than me and they already have these courses online but because i'm a beginner you might be able to relate more with my course because you will see what sort of problems does a beginner go through when they start editing videos and that is a genius move because he was able to generate a lot of money uh i will put the link in the description and you can see what he mentioned uh if i can find that video again um that how much money he's making i think it was more than a hundred dollar per day he was making out of these courses that he made so even being a beginner he's making a lot of money with these courses and he mentions that i am a beginner and that is why you might benefit more because if you are at the same stage you will learn more and you can you can relate more in the long term the fourth one is basically project templates by project templates i mean you create a project and you put it online so you upload all these different projects you upload their templates and you showcase them that this is the final result for example you can think of omr optical marker recognition here for example if there is a school they want to automatically detect the answers of multiple questions they can purchase this omr software from you and they can do it for their own exam papers so a project like this it has a template people can see what is the end product what you can do is you can provide the source code or you can reskin the project one good example of this is uh sellmyapp.com so if you go to that website you will see that a lot of people are selling their apps and they are selling uh the the service of actually reskinning the app or the game and then providing it to you so that could be a very good area in which you can create these templates and you can sell these templates with the source code or with the reskin so you can provide it on your own website or you can provide it in uh area in websites like sell my app or other areas where you can upload your projects final and the fifth one we have is consultation and this is something that you cannot do when you are a beginner so you have to have certain knowledge before you can start consultation for example in the field of opencv right now a lot of people need consultation or a lot of companies need consultation in object detection they want to know which object detection method is the best one for their area should i use machine learning or should i use uh basic methods of image processing so things like that actually are beneficial for companies that don't necessarily have the expertise of opencv or ai methods and what they want is a direction in which they can go and they can start using these different tools so you can be the one that provides these consultations but i recommend at least spend two to three years before you start consultation if you want to start it on an early stage you can consult different students different universities different research projects that are not that massive and whose primary concern is not the technology that you are providing for example there is a research project uh about let's say conveyor belts and how they can enhance these convertibles so somebody is already working on that and they will come up to you and they will say you know what my part is mostly mechanical what i want from you is a simple software that can detect something on the conveyor belt and it can tell for example it's if it's red color or if it's in good condition or it's in bad condition something very simple so in that case you can consult them okay you need to use this um api you can use this methodology and you can have a very simple product for demonstration purposes so in every scenario you can fit in uh even if you are not an expert so even at a beginner stage you can make a lot of money with these simple techniques but these were the five ways you can make money with opencv and if you like the video give it a thumbs up if you find it useful write it in the comments below if you have any other method that you think i do not add in here you can put it in the comments and i will put it in the website or in the description so this is it for today's video i hope you have learned something new if you haven't subscribed yet do subscribe and i will see you in the next one
Channel: Murtaza's Workshop - Robotics and AI
Views: 87,553
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: make money online, make money on the internet, how to make money on the internet, how to make internet money, how to make money with your phone, passive income ideas, passive income online, practical wisdom, passive income video, how to make money online, make cash online, make cash flow, making online passive income, cash, online, passive, income, business, opencv money, make money opencv, opencv, opencv python money, opencv make money, opencv pyhton money, opencv cash
Id: eJCjG2lTsVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 20 2020
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