5 Video Editing Mistakes Beginners Make (and how to fix them)

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in today's video you're going to learn five common editing mistakes that creators make and how to fix them so that way your video's story will flow better alright let's go ahead and Jump On In [Music] the first tip is to cut out the fat and by cutting out the fat I mean removing those unnecessary parts that don't add to your story here's an example from Anna Dean Adam's YouTube channel they have an adventure YouTube channel basically here they're introducing their dog who is spoiled this is where Betsy got to sleep last night she got her own space and that right there is a heated pad she got her own electric blanket for her own bed just saying she's so spoiled he pans that whole way around a few seconds just to get Anna's reaction we don't need that extra turn so what we can do here right after he says just saying just saying we can press C and cut and then right when we get to Anna we can cut right here and then we can select this bit and press shift delete to Ripple delete it together we can actually go over here to effect controls and zoom in to get a closer shot of her because we saw her before in The Wider angle so after Anna turns her head here we could actually cut to a close-up of the dog so let's grab that shot from before let's see and that right there let's duplicate it by pressing option and bring it over here zoom in on this shot so when Anna looks at the dog you get that eye line she's so spoiled obviously ignore the music in the background because I don't have the raw files so by cutting out that fat that extra turn we were able to get to the point that their dog is spoiled faster and have a cute little moment that could then drive the viewer into the next scene another technique is called sound bridging this is another way to cut out the fat so here's another example of anody and Adam's YouTube channel where they're walking out of their Airstream oh we're finally leaving my comfort what we can do here is do an L cut or a j cut so we can cut out a couple seconds of her walking towards the camera which we already see her doing and hear what she's saying first so first we need to de-link the video from the audio so press command l or control l so now the video is separated from the audio right about here we can make a cut here when she starts talking we can make a cut and then we can delete this part of them walking and then we can roll the video clip of the second shot over this Gap here we can press delete and roll this clip in to fill in the Gap so that way we hear her talking before we get to this scene so we can actually press the end tool to roll this edit in so we can see her sooner this is what the end tool is good for the rolling edit tool we have been here all morning but it's been really nice actually there's also a gap here that we don't need so we can cut this out we're finally leaving the comfort of our Airstream we have been here all morning but it's been really nice so removing That Awkward lull of her walking towards the camera and then bridging that sound over we're able to get to what they're saying faster rather than watching her walk all the way to the camera next up is removing redundancies to put it simply it's like if you say the same thing twice but in two different ways you don't need to say it both times here's an example from The Banger anything YouTube channel he's documenting his journey of leaving home and going exploring in Asia for four months as he's leaving he says this this is everything I take for my trip which will be about four months maybe even longer I won't even take a jacket walking towards the taxi right now I have no coat ah and only a backpack and a camera which is quite cool and I'm going to Bali yes sir he said that he just has a camera he doesn't have a jacket again after he set it here so in this case depending on which take you like you could actually just go with this first take that's it and then cut here and then go straight in the airport scene so this is just cutting out redundancy and deciding which take works better maybe which one showcases your personality better or has something that gives more context to the scene that's it hi guys I'm in Warsaw airport because the cut between this scene and this scene is quite abrupt without telling the viewer what you're doing you can show it you could have some b-roll shots in between here of the ride to the airport with some music for example the editing tips that I've been giving in this video are actually tips that I gave live in an advanced editing workshop on Creator now and Creator now is a community where you can supercharge your YouTube career while you can learn editing tips from myself you can also learn from all these other amazing creators I know firsthand that YouTube can be very difficult in the beginning because you're doing everything by yourself and you start to have self-doubt and you question your own creative voice and your editing Styles and I so wish that I had a Creator now when I first started because it wouldn't have made it so lonely with Creator now you can connect with other creators balance ideas off of them get feedback join challenges and if you want direct editing feedback back on your edits I'm actually hosting a free workshop on Creator now this Thursday I've dropped the link down below where you can sign up for free this tip has to do with leveling the sound so not to make the sound effects too high it's going to be overpowering to the rest of your sound in your edit if you don't know there is audio meters here where you can expand this out so you can actually read the decibels here which is how we measure the sound and for your general edit you want it between -6 and -12 now right now when we play this back finally leaving my comfort of it's exactly in between those levels which is great finally leaving the comfort of our air but here there's a photo being taken so what we can do is we can go to the cut Point frame by frame using the arrows and let's make a cut and I'm going to apply a little flash effect like a photo is being taken and I actually use this plugin called film impact so I have a transition called flash impacts and I'm just going to drag and drop this here you can also use a free transition inside of Premiere Pro called dip to White so this is the flash of our Airstream we have and now we can drag in our sound effect from mix kit to line up with the photo being taken all right and notice how loud that is it's way up here in the zero it's almost distorted so we can select it go to sound effects and then first of all we can make sure to auto match it so that way it's that broadcast standard and then we can lower it down our Airstream we have been here and now it's a lot better right because it's not overpowering the people talking and the whole idea with editing is to make it invisible so it's not as noticeable and if your sound effect is way louder than your dialogue then that's going to be distracting to your viewer and last but not least is to look out for black frames or gaps in your edit for example this is a video from Charlie Auckland he has some great poetic YouTube videos and I can teach the world but sometimes the best way to grow is typical and there's just one little black frame if I use the arrow keys to go back to the left right here that one little black flash can interrupt your edit one way to avoid this is by using Ripple delete for example if this was two separate Clips we had this clip appear of him on the bus and this clip here of him walking on the street and there's a gap in between instead of trying to move this over and guess that it's there of course with the snap tool on it will snap together but another way you can do it if the snap is off is you can select this Gap and press shift delete and it will Ripple delete them together so there's no frames in between now this is very useful for Premiere Pro which doesn't have that magnetic timeline like Final Cut Pro has so this is just a way to ensure those black frames won't happen so I hope that all of these technical tips will help you re-examine your edits going forward so you can think should I cut this out maybe I can re-level this also I want to thank Creator now for supporting today's episode and making it possible don't forget to sign up for my upcoming free Workshop where I'm going to roast and take a look at your own edits to see how it can be improved if you want to learn some more Premiere Pro tips for me here on my YouTube channel you can click right over here and you can click over here to go check out my brand new plugin for Premiere Pro thanks so much for watching and as always keep creating better video with gal see you next time bye
Channel: Premiere Gal
Views: 17,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Premiere Gal, Premiere Pro, Adobe Premiere Pro, adobe premiere pro, video editing, premiere pro, video editing mistakes, premiere gal filmmaking tips, YouTube Editing, premiere gal plugin, video editing tips, video editing software, how to edit videos, 5 video editing mistakes, learn video editing, post production, premiere pro video editing, j cut premiere pro, premiere pro 2023, adobe premiere pro tutorial, how to edit like a pro, sound bridge, editing tips
Id: Tr_8OzCiKVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Tue May 23 2023
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