5 Very Mysterious Stories Found On Reddit Part (Part 3)

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[Music] number five this happened a few years ago I must have been about 17 I finished my shift at a local retail store at about 7 p.m. now I live in the UK and it was winter so it was already dark outside I started my usual 15-minute walk cold on the way I passed a gym that's a few minutes away from my house it's not exactly the nicest of places but nothing too sketchy I've walked past a thousand Dawn's as it was walking past the building I heard voices voices got louder as I approached I turned left after the building onto a dark cycle path and the voices suddenly stopped they must have heard my footsteps as I turned the corner just put me on edge straightaway but people sometimes stopped talking in these situations so I carried on walking I could see through the dark a couple figures sitting on an abandoned stairway that leads to a blocked off door I carried on walking and they kept silent whilst the social paranoia was exacerbated by the natural fear of it being dark as soon as I passed them I heard footsteps walk down the metal stairwell behind me to avoid seeming strange I kept looking forward and kept walking I mean it could be a coincidence or something the footsteps carried on behind me in complete silence then they got closer and closer and closer until I finally forced myself to resist the urge and look behind me an outstretched arm and a grasping hand tried to grab me it was just a couple of inches away when I sprinted off whilst looking behind he screamed come here and I instantly saw it was an older man who was about 40 and very out of shape at the same time I saw that the other guy was a bit taller and slimmer but with some distance back and never attempted to run now being a fit 17 year old I confidently slowed to a run adrenaline was flowing but I kept calm he kept shouting as I turned off of the dark path towards my house they stopped pursuing straight away and I got home safely but the next day in the local newspaper there were several attacks in that area including an elderly lady they got their victims at a headlock before mugging them that was the first time I truly realized that there are people out there who are evil who prey on good people that work for them the moral of this story is if you ever feel someone following you then start running straight away even if it's a slight paranoia just start running number four this all happened about three years ago when I started working at a small financial institution for my college co-op I had to have two semesters of work that was relevant to my major this organization was extremely small and only four people worked there including myself my boss was technically the CEO the problem with organizations this small is that they're sometimes no real obligation for being ethical my boss was the kind of guy who would brush his hand across your lower back when he walked by and he always rested his hands on your shoulders if you needed him to look at something I personally don't like that level of touchiness but since there's no real HR department I had to grin and bear he was married and had five children two biological sons and three adopted daughters he always complained about his wife and flirted with every woman that he had a meeting with in his office after a while I noticed his behavior was getting weirder he would always buy me breakfast give me tickets to sporting events and would ask me to look up profiles on Facebook that he couldn't see anymore he also liked all the pictures that I posted on Facebook he also started sending me to the file room to organize paperwork instead of helping my other co-worker I would sometimes seem staring at me and as soon as I caught him he even run back to his office like nothing ever happened one day he came very close to me and started asking me very personal questions I happened to not be wearing makeup that day and he asked me if I had a long night of fun because I looked tired he chuckled and said that he remembered having that type of fun when he was younger I felt so disgusted by this and scared that I told my dad he got extremely upset and came into work the next day and shoot out my boss I was so stunned and embarrassed but I appreciated his concerns he ended up being my saving grace shortly before the semester ended my boss told my professor that he didn't want to hire me on full-time because he didn't think I worked hard enough he ended up hiring a good friend of his to take my place I was upset to lose a good-paying job but I was happy to be away from my creepy boss well a few months later I came back to close my account there and I noticed that one of the board members was in my boss's office the board member had their own desk and belongings everywhere I was really confused so I asked one of my co-workers what was happening turns out my boss was arrested for taking advantage of his 11-year old adopted daughter his wife walked in on it happening and she later found multiple videos of various incidents so creepy boss let's not meet again number three I was about six or seven years old when this happened I remember my grandmother picking me up from school early that day I used to fake sick all the time to get away from being bullied at school whenever my grandmother would pick me up from school we would almost always go to McDonald's it's right by the interstate and since we lived 30 minutes away from my school district the snack was necessary if we had time she would let me play in the huge play place complexes she knew right away that I wasn't sick and I Fest up that some of the kids were calling me a and were threatening to beat me up at recess so I made myself vomit in the hallway on the way back from lunch that being said I was very hungry and a Chicken McNugget and a cold coke were the only things I could hit the spot nanny felt bad and decided to let me play by myself in the play place while she was ordering food but that was a big mistake I was young and very naive I would literally be your best friend regardless of who or what you were it wasn't until later in life when I got my wits about me I walked into the play place and there was a man sitting at the lower entry of the complex he had a red close shaven beard and a receding hairline she shot me a smile and waved me over as I was walking in he said hey buddy did you want to go in here and play follow-the-leader with me I told him yes and he turned around quickly and entered the complex I followed him but he was really fast I figured he was probably going to the pink slide at the very top of the structure so I tried to find a better way to beat him there I made my way across the netted bridge and around the 160 degree turn to see a green tube that goes up to the pink slide for some reason I started getting little chill bumps all over and just generally felt kind of creeped it was like some primal sense had suddenly been turned on and I was awake stupidly I kept inching my way forward to play follow-the-leader which obviously I'm not very as I got up to the green tube I could see half of him in a crouched position at the landing to the pink slide he says aren't you gonna follow me I leaned closer to move up the tube when I hear my nanny screaming my name she had a sense of concern that I'd never heard in her voice before I look up and see the man's smile go to an expressionless face his hand waving forward moves back down on the mat and he just looks at me I look at him and for a second I felt something more sinister than a game was being played I turned around and bolted to the other side of the compound expecting him to be hot on my trail but he wasn't I made it to the exit where he had to climb down platforms to get out of the complex I could see my nanny and a few employees standing in the play area she asked me what was going on she had seen a man moving through the structure and knew I was in there alone I told her that I was playing follow the leader and was perfectly fine I wanted to actually go back and finish playing at this point despite what I had just fell nanny told the employees that adults should not be playing in there with children if they didn't have any of their own kids and grabbed me by the arm and left I got my nuggets but we didn't go back to that McDonald's for like a month number two the night before the invasion I hadn't gotten any sleep because my friend was visiting for my birthday and snored like a train so I was absolutely exhausted the next day I went about my day but that night I had to change my routine because I was super tired usually I would be up until 6 a.m. just doing things taking a shower whatever I felt like doing I live in student housing and because it was the summer it was only me and my other housemaid while called drew living there anyway my bedroom is close to the kitchen so I can hear everything going on outside of it that night I was in some very deep sleep because usually any noise wakes me up I remember vaguely hearing cabinets being opened and closed and the jiggling sound of my doorknob I thought I was dreaming all of this up but I didn't think anything of it until much later at about 6 a.m. I woke up to the sound of my phone going off and the first thing I read was a text from Drew saying police are coming after reading this I was wide awake I asked drew why to which he responded we've been robbed let me tell you that drew is a very promiscuous guy he wanted some action at about 5 a.m. so he decided Craigslist was a great place to find somebody he ended up finding somebody and decided to meet at our home drew gave the guy our address but at the last minute the Craigslist guy told drew to come to his place instead so that's what happened Craigslist guy gave to the address and told him he would meet him there in 15 minutes somewhere in this conversation drew tells the guy that he had a female roommate me who is at home as well for my past experience with Drew's partners they always seem to ask if other people are home but anyway as Drew leaves he doesn't lock the front door and he never locks his room door either Drew goes to the location but the guy never answers the door so he comes back home when Drew gets home he notices the shoes by the front door are in the wrong place and certain things in the kitchen just look weird he enters his bedroom and it's a mess his valuables like his laptop are gone and things are scattered all over he called 911 but the police couldn't do anything because it's student housing and we don't have cameras so it turns out the Craigslist guy was a burglar and I didn't dream up the cabinet sounds or the jiggling doorknob it was the guy going through my home I get paranoid being home alone now and I have Drew to thank for that so don't use Craigslist for hookups or if you do don't be like drew be smart about number one I was about five years old or so living at fort Brock my dad was in the service at the time we lived in a tiny apartment and had a bit of a wacky old neighbor who was a really weird guy but up until this point he hadn't done anything astonishingly bizarre he was a heavy drinker and a lonely man I have a younger sister and both of us were down for a nap and my dad was sleeping as well and my mom was getting ready for her night shift at Walmart at the time she heard yelling in the apartment next door and just assumed it was the older guy having a PTSD episode which happened on occasion she then heard a gunshot and then became increasingly concerned when the front door swung open me and my sister are wide awake at this point she comes out and the guys walking in yelling about Vietnam and wildung a shotgun luckily for us my mom is basically an amateur hostage negotiator if there's one thing she's been great at my entire life it's convincing crazy people to come down off their Clocktower she tells us to go into the bathroom and yells for my dad to wake up my dad grabs his own rifle and starts dialing wah at this point my mom is calmly talking this man down asking him what's going on he starts rambling about enemies being after she agrees and offers to help him go look for the enemies who are after she's offering him closer to the front door and finally she asked if she can borrow the shotgun the man pauses but then thinks about it and proceeds to hand it to her she goes outside with him and has him sit down at the door and wait for the police my dad has stashed the shotgun at this point and we're waiting for insanity to go down she's comforting him and making small talk when the police show up and take the man away for a mental health assessment it turns out the guy had fired a shotgun into his own headboard during a flashback and it just escalated from there thank you guys so much for watching if you like this video be sure to click that like button also don't forget to subscribe and click that notification bell to keep updated with our videos [Music] you
Channel: Top 5 Unknowns
Views: 937,729
Rating: 4.7191882 out of 5
Keywords: mysterious reddit, mysterious reddit stories, mysterious stories on reddit, reddit, found on reddit, stories found on reddit, mysterious things, most mysterious reddit, reddit stories, reddit posts, posts found on reddit, stories on reddit, mysterious reddit posts, reddit upvote, top 10
Id: n3rcfz7_IJU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2017
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