5 UV Resin Gift Ideas - Christmas Inspiration!

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hello and welcome to louise singleton creations in today's video i'm going to be showing you five different gift ideas using jay addiction uv resin i'm going to be using a variety of techniques including some flame painting which i'm absolutely in love with and obsessed with at the moment so if you fancy watching that stay tuned and i hope you enjoy the video number one flower keyrings in order to include five different projects in this video i've kept my instructions to a minimum but hopefully you'll be able to see quite clearly what i'm doing without too many instructions for this first project i snipped some dried foliage and some pressed flowers and immersed them in the jay addiction uv resin because i'm using the resin clear in this one i've made it quite deep because the uv light will be able to get all the way through to cure it if i had been using pigments or lots and lots of foliage i would have done more shallow layers the first thing i noticed about the jay addiction resin is that there's no smelt well i say there's no smell to it there's minimal smell to it every time i've ever tried uv resin and i've tried lots and lots of different ones they do smell only for a little while once you've stepped once you've got it under the lamp and it started to cure the smell goes but you know some of them do smell quite strongly but this one doesn't and there was just a slight smell and that's the first thing that i really loved about it for each of the five projects in this video i've cut out the bit where i leave it under the uv lamp because obviously you don't want to sit there for two minutes every time but i thought i should mention that it is two minutes each time that i cure something unless it's something really deep or with pigments in that you know then it would need a bit longer but this one i did for two minutes as you will have seen this heart shape is in three layers and for this final layer i've just put the uv resin in and i'm going to sprinkle some glitter on top to give it a bit of interest so that from behind there's some glitter but at the front there isn't any i'm only doing a light sprinkling of glitter because obviously and it's one thing a lot of people forget and i say obviously some people is it's not so obvious so i will say if you're blocking the light from getting underneath anything it it won't cure the light won't get through it so you know if you're using glitter or pigments or anything like that you need to be mindful of whether the light can get through to you know the uv light can get through to cure because otherwise you're going to have problems the thing i love so much about uv resin is it's so quick you can make a project something really beautiful in a matter of minutes i think this one from start to finish probably took me about 15 minutes and i had a pendant for somebody as a christmas gift so yeah that's why i love uv resin so much if you've used uv resin before you will be aware that sometimes it has a slight tackiness to it you know when you touch it when it's first being cured it just feels a little bit tacky and i know a lot of people do get annoyed by that it does have its own use the tackiness it means you know you can put mica powder on and do other special effects onto that tackiness after it's finished and things will stick to it so it can be handy but most of the time it's just annoying so all you need to do if it's tacky is wipe it down with isopropyl alco isopropyl alcohol and the tackiness will go away but one thing i have noticed about this resin is it doesn't get much of that happening at all this is the only project where i got any tackiness at all and like i say i gave it a wipe with some rubbing alcohol and it was fine number two the bubble effect pendant so i'm using the same mold again because i really like that heart-shaped mold and i decided to use the bubble effects for this one and it's one of my favorite things to do with uv resin is this bubble effect it's so much fun all you need is some water and some dish soap in a box or a turbo you know something that you can shake with a lid on to make some bubbles then you just put your uv resin into your mold i did mine about halfway up and then added the bubbles and put it under my uv lamp after two minutes under the lamp i took it out and i dried it with my hot air gun you can use a hair dryer or anything just to dry away any excess moisture and then i started to paint i like to use metallic paints for this effect and i've used the jacquard lumia purple metallic paint for this one and then some of the pink in the middle from the same um company jacquard so yeah i'm just brushing it all on into all the nooks and crannies and then i will let it dry isn't that bubble effect really good i really love it so remember this is the back of the finished piece and i want black behind the um if the bubble effect because it makes the paint stand out more and so i added some of the black pigment from jay dixon it's the liquid pigment and i will link the link i will leave the links in the description for everything i've used and when you're using pigment it's quite important to work in thin layers and you know cure several times otherwise like i said before the light won't get through but this is the finished result and i think it turned out lovely number three bubble effects earrings whilst i still had my bubbles out from the previous projects i decided to just have a really quick go at making these earrings and they weren't really where the quickest of all my projects they were done in a matter of oh it must have been five minutes and they were done so i just found two round bezels from my jewelry supplies added some of the jay addiction uv resin and put the bubbles on top just like before then cured it under the lamp and here you can see just how nicely the uv resin picks up the texture of the bubbles so well i'm really loving this resin i've got to say so anyway this time i'm using white and now then what's the other one called i think it's called halo blue gold i know it looks green but it's one of those ones that kind of changes color in the light blue gold i think it's called and it's great and i'm kind of going to try and blend the two together once i'd finished painting i just dried it out again with my heat gun it's an embossing heat gun you can use a hair dryer like i said before and then once it's dry add your uv resin on the top make sure you go right to the edges you can use a little pointy tool like i'm doing and then cure it under the lamp once they were cured i just put some earring hooks on and i had a beautiful pair of earrings another stocking filler for christmas and again there was no tackiness to the surface of the resin at all so yeah it gets the thumbs up from me definitely number four flame painted pendant i'm fairly new to flame painting but from what i have done i've absolutely loved it what i have here is some copper it's a copper blank just a blank pendant which you can buy i had it in my um supplies for enameling i years and years ago i had to go enameling and i bought loads of copper blanks and then went on to a different like i do i got a different interest and by enameling things all got put away but i got them out again to find my copper blanks and started doing this because i think it's so good all you need to do is use your kitchen torch over the copper and it will color it now i make it sound very simple it does need some practice um i should it you know if there's enough interest i can do another video focusing just on doing this because there's quite a lot to tell you about it and i don't really have time in this video to do that but you can see the results how pretty is that it's nearly finished you just have to keep going back to it and you have to allow it to cool go back to it allow it to cool again and go back and the magic just happens before your eyes and it's so beautiful the effects that you get and then once that was done i could put the uv resin on top and the uv resin just enhanced that magical effect and made it look even better you just wait for a second and you'll see so when you're coating something with uv resin it's best to kind of make a puddle in the middle don't pour the resin right to the edge make a puddle and then take a tool a pointed tool a cocktail stick or something and just gently tease the resin to the edge and you will get a nice domed effect and this resin works really well for that and it's super clear as well you can use a torch or a lighter to disperse any bubbles but i haven't used it much i didn't find that there were many bubbles apparent so i didn't use it much here you can see i gave it the quickest of blasts and that was it then two minutes under the lamp and it was ready again once it cured i just added a pinch bale and it was ready to make into a necklace and just look at the colors isn't that amazing what what you can do with just a flame and some copper there was nothing on that copper nothing added to it it was just copper and a flame and it does that it's just absolutely magical and it's quite addictive once you get started doing it you can't stop so just a bit of a warning there for you number five the flame painted dish after seeing the results of the pendant i kind of got hooked and i went to find what else i had that i could flame and i found a little copper dish in my box of supplies and so i've cut it short for this one because i spent a long time on it it was quite tricky the bigger the item gets that you're working with it tends to get a bit trickier um because once it heats up the whole all the colors change the hotter it gets so you might get a beautiful color on one side and then start heating the other side but then of course the whole dish warms up and all the other colors start to change so what i do is i put it in some cold water every now and again to cool it down before heating another part and then you tend to keep the colors a bit better it starts with like a copper color when you start heating it it goes from a copper and a pink to like a dark blue and then light blue and after light blue if you take it any further the color disappears all together so like i say it's one of those things that you do need to work on and practice and get a feel for it but once you do you'll never turn back you'll just be in love with it like i am okay so i finally finished and as this is supposed to be a uv resin video let's get on with the uv resin part now as you can imagine it's not such a straightforward shape to cut but i did and it was absolutely fine the way i did this was i just put it into the middle and then spread it up to the edges with my finger making sure that it was going right up to the edge that's the most important part making sure you've got no missing bits on the edge and then once i'd spread it around everywhere i just dabbed it all over with my finger so lots of little pats with my finger and it kind of makes it an more even distribution and it you know it stops you from getting puddles because obviously the shape of it it could just pour down back down and make a puddle in the middle but if you're quite quick and you dab it all over you avoid the puddles and you get a lovely clear finish like this what do you think i really love those colors it reminds me of flowers lots of different spring flowers that's what it reminds me of or even a peacock peacock kind of colours too i just love it anyway let me know what you think in the comments i'd love to know what you think and if you would like a proper tutorial just about the flame painting because it is quite interesting so there we have our five easy uv resin gift ideas and i hope it's given you some inspiration or some ideas of what you could do with the christmas season approaching us so quickly i will leave the links to the jay dixon products which i use today in the description along with the discount code because i would really recommend it the results were so clear and there was very little smell or tackiness so all round very good i would highly recommend it so that's it for today i hope you've enjoyed the video and it's inspired you and if you haven't already subscribed i would love it if you could do so and give it a thumbs up and i will see you next time bye for now
Channel: Louise Singleton Creations
Views: 44,954
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Id: XyPN2nU7UqI
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Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 24 2021
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