5 Umbrella Gadgets put to the Test

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[CRH Intro plays] (Boom) What's up everybody! Welcome back to my laboratory where safety is number one priority™ (Boom) And today, It's really rainy (Boom) It's been raining all day, so I thought that (Boom) Would be really cool, to put to the test, 5 umbrella gadgets! (Boom) Let's Check this out! (Boom) For the first umbrella gadget check this out! (Boom) This amazing umbrella. (BOOM) When I usually go inside of the car with a normal umbrella, (BOOM) you have to close your umbrella, (BOOM) stand in the rain and then get into the car. (BOOM) With this umbrella it's a lot easier. Check this out (BOOM) Sit in the car, and close it. Boom™ Wow~ How cool is that And when I go outside, I'll go like this... boom™ Easy So also having this in heavy wind...it's very very doable It does not immerge as much because, it just closes like that. it's amazing. So it will not break. On the heavy wind... You see, inside there's not a little...urm... cover? So that what makes it really doable. Same thing when you inside of the house, You go like this...and boom™ And that way, all the water will stay this- inside of here. Other umbrellas when you put em on the side, all the water, it just soaks up the floor. Look how much water comes out from here. Let me show you how much water comes out from there. You see? All the the floor is so wet now And, that way, you just- put umbrella down this way. And all the water stays inside of the umbrella, you don't get your... floor, carpet wet. Whatever... so you can just close it, and wait till it dries out. very cool... So when I wanna go outside, I'll just go like this. Boom™ And when I wanna go inside... look at that other umbrellas- there's no way I can coming inside and close it like this it would've got stuck but because it closes the other way I can completely cover myself right here and go inside, and have NOT one drop on my head and face and- shoulders, it's really cool I like this umbrella a lot. I think all the umbrella should have be designed this way. For this umbrella gadget, I got here- 'windproof umbrella' look at the design. If you look at that, you see, there's this much smaller right here and bigger here So that way, if it super windy, no big deal. Also it has at here, a cover you can hook it up somewhere you can, flip it like this. but since its not windy today I'm just gonna- run with it. see if its actually going to invert and break or not. You know what? for this umbrella, very cool design..I wish it was a lot more- windier so i could really put it to the test.. but I think it works. For this umbrella gadget, maybe you have to walk a very long time to the bus stop. And you held a two bags and groceries and- backpack. No way you can hold an umbrella. So, there you go Grab it like this, pull it out...boom™ And, check this out.. There's a little headstrap What I'm gonna do... is put it on like this And right here, it goes over your...head And then you can tie this up. Boom™ And now, I don't even have to worry about holding umbrella. WOW this is actually awesome. Look at that. I can walk around maybe if I need to walk in the garden, doing something, plant bunch of stuff. I don't have to worry about holding an umbrella. Thumbs up from me, that's awesome. DO ABILITY TEST You see, it does not fall out at all. Because- It really... hooked up to my head really well and right here, it strapped. That's why- it does not come off. Very cool I like that a lot. And to take it off, all you have to do is- Pull this off. boom™ And just, pop this in. And, close. Simple. For this umbrella gadget, probably the funniest umbrella- that I ever seen. I hate to show it to you. Let see what it looks like. Pops open like that... You see, there is two straps right here And then there is a hood. So what do you do is pull it like this and two straps over your shoulders... boom™ Check out my umbrella! *oh bOi he DABS* What do you guys think? Did I look cool? [no taras take that off] This one definitely not going anywhere DO ABILITY TEST You know what? This umbrella is definitely- my favorite umbrella, check this out... Thumbs up from me. hueuhuee~ This is definitely the funniest umbrella. I love the straps in case its like windy, so it doesn't fly away. Well guys, what do you think? You have to give a thumbs up for this. umbrella And boom™ To put it away you just fold it like this... and comes with a little zip lock bag. And it's done, this is how big it is... And the last umbrella gadget, is actually for your dog. Only have one umbrella, so sorry guys, one of you have to just test it out and this time it's gonna be Luke testing it out, okay Luke? I put harness on you. So let's put this umbrella to the test. You see, there is a little metal part right here I'm going to put in on Luke LUKE COME BACK COME HERE BOY Good boy~ You're so muddy Luke, this is why you need the umbrella. stay. Good boy. You see? I'm put it on him like this- and all I have to do is just... I think he likes it. He's like, 'what's happening?' Luke is like, 'I wanna be under umbrella too!' Here, A then you can walk your dog just like this. *Cute Laugh* Luke, he don't like it. He kinda scared. Hugo is like, 'Hey I wanna be under umbrella too!' So that way, your dog does not get wet. Hugo is so jealous But yeah, there you go. This is the umbrella. Luke, do you like it? Luke! You don't feel the rain- Hugo wants to bite it! So as you can see, Definitely blocking a lot of rain. Behind my dog, Definitely not for the biggest dog, Probably works better for smaller dogs, But Looks like Hugo likes it. Too, he wants to be under umbrella. That's so funny. Luke is like, 'what's going on?' Come on! He's like, 'what is happening?' Boom! Here you go, new umbrella gadget for your dog. Really cool too! I thought it was funny. I wanted to show it to you as well. Alright guys, that is pretty much it. Let me know in comments below Which umbrella was your favourite, Thank you for watching! Don't forget to give this video a thumbs up And I'll see you next time!
Channel: CrazyRussianHacker
Views: 2,100,931
Rating: 4.9220734 out of 5
Keywords: Gadgets, Gadget, Umbrella Gadgets, Gadgets put to the Test, gadgets test, Umbrella, taras kul, 10 Camping Gadgets put to the Test, 8 Kitchen Gadgets put to the Test, 7 Coconut Gadgets put to the Test
Id: hJ4T4OtcfWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2017
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