5 Types of Kokoshnik Tiaras

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hello and welcome to the girl in the tiara blog this post is titled five types of kokosh Nick Tiaras in a previous post I talked about Grand Duchess Hilda Abaddon's stolen tiara that tiara is a kokosh Nick so I thought I'd explain what that means and describe a few examples first of all what's a kokosh Nick the kokosh Nick is a traditional Russian headdress it's shaped like a halo which means its widest above the forehead and a little narrower at the sides if you've ever seen the golden halos of saints and russian icons or other Christian art you get the general idea if you visit the original blog post you'll see a Russian icon of Our Lady of Kazan from the 19th century where the lady has a circular golden halo around her head the earliest versions of kokosh Nicks were covered with fabric and tied on with ribbons at the side also in the original post you'll see a painting of a Russian peasant girl wearing a kokosh neck and textured fabric with fringe along its bottom edge tied on with pink ribbons that painting is by Victor Kuznetsov he was famous for his romanticized depictions of Russian history and folklore including a super famous painting of Ivan the Terrible you'd probably recognize if you saw it you know the one raised all side-eyeing you all creepy-like wearing a fur hat and a gold brocade tunic and holding a staff with a pointy end like he's about to stab a but let's not get sidetracked the kokosh nuke was part of traditional Russian folk dress along with the Sarafan which is a sort of jumper or pinafore with the blouse underneath the kokosh dick made it to the Russian royal court in the 16th century where boyars wives who are fancy versions studded with gems and covered with rich golden cloth Catherine the Great had one and her adorable granddaughter alexandra Pavlovna was painted in one while wearing her Seraphin I highly recommend you visit the post to see this painting she's the cutest little girl like ever wearing pearl earrings a double strand of pearls around her neck an enormous beaded kokosh neck with the lacy cap underneath Kukoc Nick's really caught on in the mid to late 19th century after jewelers adopted this traditional shape to make Tiaras for the Russian Imperial Family these ultra-luxe kokosh Nick's were actually a clever piece of marketing you see the Russian royal family was in terms of bloodline way more German than Russian by reusing a design from folk tradition it's like the Russian Royals were saying hey you peasant we wear Kakashi next to see this means we all have a shared cultural history we're the same person really so think about that before you plan another bombing a revolt you wouldn't want to hurt you would you Kukoc nick Tiaras became a part of Russian court dress which meant every royal lady had one in the post you can see a picture of Grand Duchess Alexandra George Ethne and Russian court dress in about 1890 she's adapted a fringed tiara to fit around the front of her fabric kokosh nick of the 14th ER is in the Russian royal collection for work acoustics according to Geoffrey MUNs book on Tiaras soon other european royals saw their Russian counterparts look and fly in their kakashi nicks and decided they wanted in on that action too the trend hit maximum velocity in 1889 when Princess Alexandra of Wales specifically requested a Kakashi Nick tiara that looked like her sister Minnie's and by Minnie I mean Empress Maria Feodorovna of Russia but we'll talk about Alexandra's tiara in a little bit today you'll find kokosh nick Tiaras in the collections of Great Britain Sweden and Luxembourg among others but thanks to the ingenuity of designers like Cartier baleen and Schmidt Stubb the simple Kakashi Nick can look very different so without further ado here are five Kakashi Nick tiaras and the amazing women who hoard them [Music] take our number one belong to Grand Duchess Hilda of Baden this one's an example of a kokosh Nik tiara with the traditionally shaped frame flat on the bottom and curved across the top the space in the middle is empty and they're stylized decorative motifs connecting the top and bottom of the frame it was created in 1907 or 1908 by the Baden Court jeweler Hermann Schmidt stout it belonged to Grand Duchess Hilda and it was probably commissioned when her husband inherited the title of Grand Duke the base has three rows of diamonds one with rectangular diamonds blend with diamonds in a laurel wreath motif and one with diamonds and intricate scrollwork the arched top frame anchors a series of symmetrically draped Garland's with diamond drops hanging between each of them it contains 367 diamonds set in platinum and yellow gold its first owner as I mentioned was Grand Duchess Hilda of Baden she was born a princess of nassau but that title only lasted two years since her dad lost his dukedom in the austro-prussian war luckily he was filthy rich before his settlement with the Prussians so Hilda was still a catch on the marriage market in 1885 she married Friedrich the hereditary Grand Duke of Baden the heir to the Duchy they had no children which bothered hilda and really bothered her mother-in-law in 1907 her father-in-law died and Friedrich nicknamed Fritz became the new Grand Duke but their tenure only lasted a little more than a decade she and Fritz lost their throne in the German revolution of 1918 but Hilda kept this tiara and wore it to a bunch of the family events she attended during the long years of exile including King Gustav of Sweden's 80th birthday party in 1938 when Hilda died in 1952 she left this tiara to her niece born princess Antonia of Luxembourg Antonia had married Crown Prince Rupert of Bavaria in 1921 although the Bavarian royal family the fiddles box also lost their titles in the 1918 revolution Ruprecht remained a political force thanks to the deep loyalty of the Bavarian army if there were ever going to be a restoration some thought Ruprecht hood went out over a Hohenzollern thanks to his experience in the army but rupprecht had no intention of declaring himself the new Kaiser he wanted the people to do it for him like cheap trick he wanted them to want him in the meantime he and Antonia maintained a royal standard of living that included the Bavarian crown jewels that is until the fiddle Spock family sold some of the jewels in 1931 but that's a story for another post as Hitler gained more and more power in the 1930s Ruprecht and Antonio got nervous they sent their kids to school in England so they wouldn't have to join the Hitler Youth Ruprecht and Antonio also refused to fly Nazi flags from their Munich palace which is awesome because it pissed Hitler off to no end in 1944 a group of German Nobles tried to assassinate Hitler if you've ever seen the Tom Cruise movie Valkyrie you already know the deal Hitler's paranoia kicked into high gear he thought rupprecht in Antonio were part of that conspiracy but they totally weren't he put out the order to arrest them in Italy where they'd fled to avoid a situation exactly like this Ruprecht evaded Hitler's goons but poor Antonia and the kids were rounded up she spent the war on the verge of death in a prison hospital the kids were bounced between concentration camps until they were liberated in 1945 Antonia never returned to Germany and died in Switzerland in 1954 Antonia's daughter Edyta inherited the kokosh nick tiara she lived in Italy with her husband a man she'd met during their quasi exile in the run-up to World War two once liberated from the concentration camp she went back to Italy to find him and marry him they had three daughters one of whom she named Antonia after her mom but her life had its share of tragedy too she and her husband were in a serious car accident in 1954 on the eve of her youngest sister's wedding she survived her husband didn't the shock was enough to kill Antonia who had never really recovered from the Nazi prison hospital I can't imagine this tiara as much comfort to Edyta having lost her mother and the man she loved and it's a remarried five years later to another non-royal at some point she put this tiara up for sale we know it was auctioned in 1973 but we don't know if it was edit to who sold it or if it had already passed into someone else's hands the tiara appeared at auction again in 1984 when the Baden State Museum bought it that's where it stayed until 2017 when some total stole it [Music] this brings us to cocoa Schneck tiara number two the Westminster enamel tiara this particular tiara looks a lot more like the original fabric versions solid and colorful except this time gleaming enamel replaces the fabric seen in the original versions Joseph Xiaomei created this tiara in 1911 using platinum gold enamel and diamonds the solid background is a blue lakea Giroux enamel with vertical diamond stripes that arch away from the center between the diamond stripes are tiny strands of diamond forget-me-nots it contains a total of 280 brilliant cut diamonds mounted in platinum and gold the second Duke of Westminster Hugh Grosvenor bought this tiara from Xiaomei for 375 pounds Diana scars brick who wrote the christie's lot essay when it came up for auction describes it as quote combining Russian grandeur with Parisian elegance yeah that sounds about right the guy who bought it the Duke of Westminster gave it to his wife Constance Edwina Cornwallis West who was called Sheila the reason she needed something kik asked to wear during the endless string of parties and balls celebrating George the fifths coronation in 1911 the Westminster's party was one of the most decadent Crown Princess Marie of Romania reported seeing Gainsborough's famous the Blue Boy painting hanging on the wall this is another famous painting you'd recognise if you saw it it's a preteen boy dressed in elegant 17th century fashion a pale blue jacket with lace collar and knee length pants the stockings and fancy shoes he's holding a three musketeers hat with the white plume in it he's looking straight at you which is why you've probably seen a copy in a horror movie or scooby-doo episode if you cut out the eyes a ghost or villain could totally spy on anyone in the room where that painting is hung but let's get back to the gropes nurse shayla's father's family had a noble background they were descended from the Earl of Delaware which is where our state named Delaware comes from growing up she and her family lived near the Groves nurse Sheila and the first Dukes grandson nicknamed bender we're childhood sweethearts her little sister Daisy conducted a mock wedding ceremony for them as kids complete with the butler and housemaid as witnesses for years afterward Sheila and bender called each other wife and husband but his teenagers their families refused to let them get married so they waited until Bender's grandfather kicked the bucket then they swapped rings in 1901 they went on to have three kids together two girls and a boy little says Daisy didn't do too badly either she married a super rich German Prince and befriended kaiser wilhelm ii but all was not well in the westminster marriage Sheila liked being the center of attention always playing the society hostess bender was more conservative and didn't like the expensive and frivolous lifestyle Sheila and Daisy were so well known for neither one it seems wanted to change or compromise when bender and Sheila's only son died in 1909 the marriage was basically over four years later in 1913 hue offered Sheila a yearly allowance if she'd agreed to a separation nope she said I'm still good with the castles and the tiaras and our daughters thinks during World War one they kept themselves busy he fought and she became a nurse he actually worked on a prototype for an armored rolls-royce which sounds pretty freakin cool they finally divorced after the war in June of 1919 but he kept the tiara later Sheila remarried to a Royal Air Force officer bender shacked up with Coco Chanel for 10 years he also married three more times - violet marry Nelson Lou alien marry Ponsonby and Ann Winifred Sullivan he never had a son and his title passed to a cousin when bender died in 1953 attacks on his estate totaled a whopping 18 million pounds a Guinness world record at the time to make that payment the new Dukes family had to sell some of the estate's artwork and jewels this tiara may have been one of those sacrifices we're not clear on when it was sold or who bought it but it reappeared on the market in about 1995 mislabeled as a Faberge tiara but tiara expert Diana scars brick matched it to a design in the Xiaomei Ledger's proving its provenance weirdly enough the buyer was wait for it another Duke of Westminster the sixth Duke Gerald Grosvenor was a billionaire who personally owned an assload of London real estate in Belgravia and Mayfair in 1978 he'd bought the big raishin tiara for his new wife Nathalia the gift must have gone over like gangbusters because this enamel kokosh nick tiara joined the family collection once more but in this case history really did repeat itself Grosvenor put this enamel tiara up for auction ten years later in November of 2015 I'm not sure why since the Sunday Times estimated his wealth one year later at about 13 billion and yes that's billion with a B it's not like he needed the money so maybe he was just really antsy to clean out the closet or maybe there's some unknown curse on this garret that we just don't know about the tiara sold for six hundred and seventy seven thousand Swiss francs to an anonymous buyer who was not me update we know where it is now this tiara is on display at the Houston Museum of Natural Science at least it was as recently as summer of 2018 the museum has a permanent collection of Faberge items from the McFerrin Faberge Collection the largest private collection of Faberge items in the world with 600 plus items Holy Mother of God I need to get to Houston so that anonymous buyer was apparently aren't there in Dorothy McFerrin that brings us to kokosh Nik tiara number three Queen Alexandra's kokosh Nik tiara I love this one because it's composed entirely of diamonds boom how do you like them apples it's literally a wall of diamonds on your head I can't even you guys this tiara consists of 61 platinum bars that hold a total of 488 diamonds it first belonged to Alexandra Princess of Wales it was a gift for her 25th wedding anniversary presented by a group of British noble women Alexandra knew the gift was coming though she'd specifically requested the kokosh neck shape the noble woman carried her request straight to Gerard who created this beauty it's still one of my all-time favorites Alexandra was a Danish princess born into a relatively poor family for royalty as kids she and her sisters often sewed their own clothes later when her father became King Christian the ninth of Denmark they got a serious lifestyle upgrade but none of them lost their unique ability to laugh have fun and play practical jokes on each other I am not kidding about the practical jokes if royalty had a family fit to star in Punk'd this is it from squirting each other with garden hoses to turning cartwheels and corsets to blowin cayenne pepper into the faces of ladies and waiting this family did it all in addition to a sense of humor they also had a knack for landing on Thrones take Alexandra's sister for example she became Empress Maria Feodorovna of Russia her amazing diamond kokosh neck inspired Alexander's request for this tiara both Alex and Minnie had their fair share of heartbreak Alex's major source of heartbreak was her husband birdy the future King Edward the seventh dude just couldn't keep it in his pants he cheated on her with a dizzying array of aristocrats and actresses that doesn't mean he didn't love her and it doesn't mean she didn't love him it's just a fact that tends to depress modern readers he loved me most except later make of this what you will but Alex had a lot more going for her that had nothing to do with her husband she loved dancing hunting dogs ice-skating and riding horses she also loved painting and woodworking and photography woodworking yeah that's right I said woodworking also thanks to a divisive conflict between her home country of Denmark and Prussia she had strong feelings about the unification of Germany she hated it and the Kaiser she hated him in 1890 when Britain was about to trade their North Sea Island of helico land for Germany's colony of Zanzibar Alex wrote to her ministers and said don't do it bad idea seriously these guys are The ministers didn't listen the exchange happened and then Germany used holy coland to fortify their navy and generally cause as hattery and mayhem during World War one when Alexandra died in 1925 this DRI passed to her daughter-in-law Queen Mary when Mary died in 1953 she left it to her granddaughter Queen Elizabeth the second the present Queen wears this tiara a lot almost as much as I wear my double strand of imitation pearls it was an especially heavy rotation in the 1960s in 1961 for example she wore it to the Vatican with a black veil to meet pope john xxiii if you check out the original post you can see a couple pictures of her in this tiara including one where Prince Philip has a cheeky little grin on his face as he stands next to his beautiful life [Music] that brings us to tiara number for Elizabeth fedora Venus emerald kokosh neck like the Westminster enamel tiara this kokosh nick has a solid center it's filled in with stamped silver work and set with gems the frame is made of gold and silver traced with geometric patterns sent into the frame are diamonds and seven domed emerald cabochon x' beneath the frames geometric inserts are tiny lilies-of-the-valley a symbol of love and luck spoiler alert they didn't work the Russian Court jeweler Bo lien created it in 1884 for grand duchess elizabeth Feodorovna of russia it was a wedding present from her husband grand duke sergei alexandrovich in order to display the emeralds he'd inherited from his mom Elizabeth nicknamed ella was born in princess of HESA and by rhine her little sister Alexandra would grow up to married tsar nicholas ii and become the last sarena of russia but Ella was the first to marry into the Romanov clan fun fact since Sergei was Nicholas as uncle that made Ella not only Alexandra's sister but her aunt by marriage you know what they say incest is best as a couple Ella and Sergey were a strange match Ella was warm social and artistic Sergei was aloof and intense deeply devoted to the Orthodox faith and very well-read Ella's grandma Queen Victoria had been hell-bent on preventing their marriage because she didn't trust Russia or Russians don't do it she said this is gonna bite you in the ass and in the long run she was right pila and Sergei had no kids of their own but they became foster parents to their orphaned niece and nephew their nephew Dmitry tended to give them higher parenting marks than their niece Maria who pretty much resented Ella for the rest of her life everything changed in 1905 when an anarchist assassinated Sergei by throwing a bomb and his carriage the incident transformed Ella she gave up her position in society along with her beautiful clothes and jewels and founded the order of saints Martha and Mary for the rest of her life Ella lived as a nun and worked to help the poor in 1917 Russia convulsed and revolution elephant the Bolsheviks would ignore her because she was a nun she was wrong in 1918 the Bolsheviks arrested her and took her to a lab I asked with seven friends and family members they were all murdered on the night of July 16th 17th so what happened to the tiara well in 1908 after circus assassination but before the revolution Ella had given it to her niece and foster daughter Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna it was a wedding present celebrating Maria's marriage to Prince Phil helm of Sweden but like everything else in this story that marriage went to hell in a handbasket ending in divorce in 1914 Maria blamed Ella for forcing her into the marriage but from Ella's point of view she probably wanted to see Maria settled so she could devote herself to religious life Maria brought the tiara back to Russia after her divorce in 1917 while living in Tsarskoye Selo but the abdicated Tsar and his family she reconnected but the man she had known as a child the son of the palace commandant a man named Prince Sergei pretty Aten they were married that September together they fled the Bolshevik Revolution with an old Swedish ID document of hers proving that necessity is the mother of invention she hid the document in a bar of soap then flashed it at the Ukrainian border to get them the hell out of Dodge later in Paris Maria opened a Russian embroidery shop caught Khitomer to make ends meet who showed up to place an order but Coco Chanel Maria's brother Dmitry was having an affair with her but it wasn't total bliss his facebook status would have been set to it's complicated because Chanel was also sleeping with the Duke of Westminster from tiara Story number two in this post in any case Maria had to sell some jewels to get the to hire enough staff to fill Chanel's order for embroidery so Maria put out the word that she had Ella's emerald tiara and would part with it for the right price who was the lucky buyer a king who needed to found a dynasty stat this brings us to another Maria this one was born a princess of Romania with the adorable nickname of menial in 1922 she married King Alexander of Yugoslavia who gave her Ella's emerald tiara as a wedding present in the original post there's a picture of the two of them together looking all young and adorable he's on the thin side with short dark hair and glasses looks a little dorky to be honest she has short dark hair too and radiant skin but in this picture she looks a little shell-shocked why maybe it was wedding stress or maybe she did a little homework on her husband's family King Alexander's father had hired a terrorist group to murder the previous king and queen of Serbia dad and his goons dragged the royal couple out of their panic room shot them mutilated them disemboweled them and tossed the bodies off a second-floor balcony seriously you guys Balkan history has more violence treachery and murder than The Sopranos and Game of Thrones put together I kid you not maybe that's why Maria looks a little zonked in the photo I described so you may have noticed that I said Alexander's dad murdered the previous king of Serbia but I described Alexander as the king of Yugoslavia what Alexander had originally been the crown prince of Serbia but in 1918 as part of the post-world War One dumpster fire cleanup process Serbia was folded into a new country called the kingdom of Serbs Croats and Slovenes otherwise known as Yugoslavia Marija adapted well to life as a Balkan Queen her skill set clearly included looking rural as cool as you can see in a picture in the original post where she's wearing this tiara and staring you down like she means business but she also did things like paint and sculpt along with charity work and the occasional PR interview with Western newspaper in the meantime her husband became kind of a dick the country's elections they were ranked the Cyrillic alphabet nope he didn't want to use that anymore Alexander made changes that pissed a lot of people off he gave zero he actually said quote if you want to have serious riots in Yugoslavia or cause a regime change you need to kill me shoot at me and be sure you have finished me off because that's the only way to make changes in Yugoslavia so that's exactly what they did on October 9th 1934 Alexander was visiting Marseilles France a gunman fired 10 shots at his car killing him instantly Berea was now a widow and her young son Peter was now the king Marija hung around long enough to see him settled under the care of his Regent his father's cousin Prince Paul then in 1941 she ghosted she said I'm going home to Missouri where they never feed you snakes before ripping her heart out and lowering you into hot pits this is not my idea of a swell time ok just kidding she totally didn't say that but I couldn't resist the Indiana Jones reference in any case Maria moved to England and never returned to Yugoslavia her son Peter came of age in a time when rulers were forced to take sides for or against Hitler when world war ii broke out his regent prince paul did his damnedest to keep yugoslavia a neutral he knew the country couldn't hold out against either the axis or the Allies neutrality was the only answer but it just wasn't possible bowing to immense internal pressure from Serbia the largest ethnic and territorial component of the country of Yugoslavia Paul allied with Hitler in retaliation the British backed Peter in a coup and oust it Paul from power oh hell no said Germany when the Third Reich attacked Yugoslavia lasted all of a week on his way to exile Prince Paul totally facepalm Dan it was all goddamn it you guys I told you that's what would happen Peter fled the royal palace by climbing down a drainpipe and set up a government in exile in London after the war when communist forces took control of the country marshal Josip Tito deposed Peter permanently this poor guy had no crown no country and nowhere to go but he still had his mother's tiara in 1949 Peter moved to the United States and left the tiara with van cleef and arpel in New York as collateral for a $20,000 loan it's still there they've since removed the cabochon emeralds and replaced them with pasted stones what did they do with the originals that had once belonged to Empress Maria Alexandrovna your guess is as good as mine Peter died in 1970 in Denver Colorado of cirrhosis of the liver he was buried in Libertyville Illinois which is pretty ironic considering the story of his life he was the only European monarch to ever be buried on American soil in 2013 his body was repatriated to Belgrade at the request of his son let's all take a breather after that story this brings us to cocoa Schneck tiara number five Crown Princess Cecilia's kokosh Nick tiara now here's an example of a kokosh Nick tiara that's filled in with diamond lattice work anchored between the top and bottom of the frame the top and bottom of the frame featured diamond laurel motifs with smaller diamonds standing at attention evenly spaced along the top of the frame this tiara was most likely made by Faberge it's shown with the three detachable brooch like elements then attached to the front for more visual interest in the alternate configuration sands elements you could say apply a fabric backing to the lattice work that matches your outfits Crown Princess Cecily of Prussia got the tiara as a wedding present when she married Kaiser vilhelm the seconds oldest son Crown Prince Wilhelm Faberge is a natural choice when you have as much Russian ancestry as Cecily her mother was a Russian Grand Duchess Anastasia mikhailovna as was her great-great grandmother on her father's side grand duchess elena Pavlovna in an age when the average woman was 5 feet give or take Cecily was almost 6 feet tall combine that height with the shockingly thick head of hair often styled in a Gibson girl pompadour and it's no wonder German society fell for her I mean holy you guys look at the pictures of her in the original post look at that hair they don't make enough of aid of volumizing tonic in the world to get my hair to do that long story short she was a fantastically beautiful fashion plate with an instinctive knack for PR who took German society by storm her sister-in-law the kaisers only daughter thought Cecily was the bee's knees if only her husband felt the same way he first chatted her up at her brother's wedding in June of 1904 three short months later they were engaged they had a beautiful June wedding in 1905 and in 1906 their first son was born but behind the scenes their personalities bill Helen was a controlling womanizer but Cecily wasn't the type to sit back and take it if you believe that gossipy author Catherine Rance will cecily knew what she was in for according to read so well before the wedding during a trip to Italy Phil helm the dog on the street just to keep Cecily from petting the dirty animal Cecily scooped up the dog bought it from its owner and ditched Phil helm in the street first of all if this story is true you go girl also we you need to have a little talk about warning signs and which direction you should run when you see them another gossipy episode from rod Seville says that after their marriage Phil helming a letter from a male friend and beat the out of her with a riding crop Cecily ran away intending to leave him she made it to the last train station on German soil before the Swiss border then the army caught up with her and brought her back to Bill Helman although they continued to pop out the kids any romantic feeling between them was dead and gone they had six kids total including one baby girl with Down syndrome the German Revolution in 1918 toppled the Hohenzollerns from their throne kaiser wilhelm ii fled to Holland but Cecily was allowed to stay in Germany with her kids where she adapted to life as a private citizen her husband wasn't allowed back until 1923 later during World War two her oldest son was killed in action in France when fifty thousand people showed up at his funeral Hitler freaked the out and banned all Hohenzollern Prince's from fighting at the front nobody puts Baby Hitler in a corner least of all a deposed dynasty no one was supposed to like anymore both Cecily and Vilhelm survived the war although they did have to flee from the Red Army in 1945 Vilhelm died in 1951 Cecily died in 1954 and was buried next to bill helm in the cemetery at schloss hohenschwangau war it when she married one of the monuments men Clyde Harris of Amarillo Texas in 1949 you might be thinking wait what the granddaughter of the Kaiser married an American and moved to Texas yes yes she did and it's a fantastic story they met at votes cotton that has a families hunting lodge Cecily Victoria and her mother had fled there from Potsdam to escape the approaching Soviet Army in 1945 Clyde Harris was stationed there to catalog the castles artwork and other valuables later Harris investigated a jewel left and helped the HESA family recover a valuable Holbein painting Cecily Victoria had volunteered to help because a she spoke perfect English be she was very familiar with the house of family history and see she knew a little something about royal jewels they clicked right away but it seemed like there were just too many obstacles for a romantic relationship first off Clyde didn't think he could ask a princess to marry him even worse his parents were ticked that after all the blood and sweat and tears of World War two he wanted to marry a German so Clyde and Cecily Victoria wrote to each other for three years according to their daughter in the meantime he went back to Amarillo Texas and started an interior design business at one point both of them were engaged to other people but when Clyde's fiancee broke it off Cecily Victoria was the one to comfort him a few years later Clyde went to Europe on a business trip he contacted Cecily Victoria who met him at the train station one look was all it took for them both to know this was true love they got married ten days later let that be a lesson to all those bridezillas out there his stress over every detail about napkins and flowers and hair a Hohenzollern princess born and raised in the lap of luxury gave no and arranged her wedding in ten days when you're in love the details will all just fall into place and if they don't maybe those things don't matter very much after all after the wedding Cecily Victoria told reporters she didn't mind giving up her title I've got a better title she said it's mrs. Harris say it with me now Oh she also said I'm going to be a real American and I'm going to love Texas glided Cecily Victoria had one daughter I don't think anyone knows whether Cecily Victoria inherited this tiara or whether she'd just borrowed it for her wedding maybe it actually stayed with one of her brothers in Germany in any case it was sold at auction in May of 2019 and since this is as close to a happily ever after as we're gonna get I'm going to end this post here if you're interested you can get a clickable list of sources for this post on my website at girl in the tiara comm slash blog thanks for listening to this epic post on kokosh neck tiaras I hope you liked it until next time want even more royal history join my mailing list and get a free pdf with 40 our stories plus grand duchess louise of baudin's meatloaf recipe i kid you not it includes bacon if that helps you can join now that girl and the tiara calm thanks for listening and I'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: The Girl in the Tiara
Views: 13,782
Rating: 4.888412 out of 5
Keywords: kokoshnik tiaras, royal history, royalty, royal jewels, European history, The Girl in the Tiara, kings and queens, Grand Duchess Hilda of Baden, Princess Antonia of Luxembourg, Duke of Westminster, Westminster enamel tiara, Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna, Queen Alexandra, Queen Maria of Yugoslavia, King Peter of Yugoslavia, Crown Princess Cecilie of Prussia, russian tiaras
Id: nTm7x-VhNu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 38sec (2198 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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