5 Trigger Finger Rehab Exercises

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what's going on everyone welcome back to my channel in today's video we're going to look at exercises for a condition called trigger finger that affects the flexor tendons of our fingers so what happens with this is people will notice stiffness usually initially with opening and closing their fingers and sometimes as it gets worse their fingers can even get stuck and they'll have to manually kind of straighten them again so if you've got trigger fingers stay tuned for today's exercises [Music] all right before I jump into today's exercises I just want to mention quickly that my new book is out it contains rehab programs for the 50 most common Orthopedic conditions and it has pictures of me doing the exercises and it has programs for the entire body uh broken down by a chapter so if you are looking for a resource that includes kind of self-guided rehab options like you get from going to a physical therapist I'll put the link for my book you can find it on Amazon Barnes Noble I'll put the links down in the description before I jump into the exercises it's important to know that if you've got more severe trigger finger you might need to go get a cortisone injection in the tendon or even see a hand specialist therapist who can create a splint for your hand if it's less severe or you just want to try these exercises they're a good place to start so for the first exercise we're basically looking at tendon gliding exercises in this condition there's inflammation around the tendon and the sheath that goes around the tendons we want to work on mobilizing basically Mobility exercises for the tendon so the first one here is called the duck and basically what you're going to do is kind of create a duck movement with your hand so you're going to go here and then open and close your hand and kind of like that duckbill kind of motion so we're just working on moving and activating those finger flexors but we're gonna each exercise is gonna Target a different joint so this one's kind of focused on these metacarpal phalangeal joints of our Knuckles where it's going up and down the other joints of the fingers are staying straight so it's kind of go up and down like that for each of these you're going to do 10 repetitions and you're going to go through this set of exercises two to three times a day okay so that's our first one the duck the next two movements we're going to do together because they're quite similar the first one here is called the curl and what you're going to do is we're just going to be bending these two interphalangeal joints in the fingers so you're going to curl down but the knuckle isn't going to move these knuckle joints so we're just curling down and then back up okay so again go for 10 repetitions you're going to do 10 repetitions of each movement okay so that one's the curl now the next one is the squeeze which is just kind of making a fist so that is a movement we're all very familiar with but you're going to curl the top the inner phalangeal joints and then bend the metacarpal phalangeal joints so we're making that tendon lengthen through all those joints and then shorten trying to help it slide through that tendon sheath Okay so we've got the curl just the upper joints and then the squeeze adds in the metacarpal phalangeal joints okay so go for 10 reps of each of those the fourth exercise here is called the trace so what you're going to do on this one is take your thumb you're going to touch the pad of your finger and then Trace down it and then you're going to go to the next finger touch the pad and then Trace down the finger and then go to the ring finger touch and Trace down again we're just working specifically on each tendon for each finger and working on helping that tendon slide so then start over and and for this one what I would do is just go through each finger you can kind of go through the whole hand like this you know five to ten times so maybe that was my second time through and just work your way through again maybe go through five to ten and work on that tendon Mobility okay so that is our second to last exercise the trace exercise all right here's the last exercise so this one's called display exercise you're going to put your hand out and basically just open and close your fingers so pretty simple just go out as wide as you can and back in again go for 10 repetitions and that is going to be the last one to work on that tendon Mobility okay so these are going to be the primary exercises again for that trigger finger issue it's a they're a great place to start if your issue gets more severe and your fingers getting stuck and things like that then again you may need to pursue a cortisone injection or get a splint and really extreme resistant cases sometimes surgical releases can be done of the tendons but again these exercises are a good place to start if you've got questions you can put them down here and I'll try to get back to you all right you guys see you next time bye
Channel: Rehab Science
Views: 85,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trigger finger rehab exercises, trigger finger rehab exerciese, trigger finger exercises, trigger finger rehab, trigger finger physical therapy, trigger finger physical therapy exercises, trigger finger mobility exercises, finger pain exercises, finger rehab exercises, finger exercises, stiff finger exercises
Id: jJ6LBu6ATgU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 49sec (289 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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