5 Top AI Stocks To Buy in 2023 (High Growth)

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so obviously AI is blowing up and if you've ever wanted to invest your money in the AI sector this video is going to be for you we'll go over five top AI stocks that are really popular with investors and I'll go over these stats the current news and why I think they could be a good buy so let's get started okay so the first stock on our list is Nvidia stock ticker nvda you guys know Nvidia they are an American multinational tech company that really specialize in the manufacture and distribution of graphic processing units gpus so the current price of one share of Nvidia is 450.96 if we take a look at the one month price chart you guys can see we're about 4 24 30 just a month ago dropped a little bit slowly has been going up but over the last few days the price has dropped a bit however if we zoom out to the one year price chart you guys can see that the stock of Nvidia has gone up significantly so we were in the high 100s it sort of dropped down to the low 100s back in October of last year September around that time and since then it's just building a really big run obviously a lot of this has to do with AI but we will talk more about that later more specifically in the last year we've gone from 108 dollars and 13 cents per share all the way to a high of 480.88 it's a huge company with a market cap of over one trillion dollars we have a super high p ratio of 235.85 earnings per share of a dollar and 93 cents and we currently have a dividend yield of 0.03 percent now getting into some of the more complicated valuation measures we have a five year expected PEG ratio of 2.62 and a Price to Book ratio of 47.42 in terms of profitability we have a profit margin of 18.52 percent a return Equity of 18.85 and revenue over the last 12 months is at 25.88 billion dollars let's also take a look at some of their balance sheet numbers you can see they have total cash of over 15 billion and a current ratio of 3.43 in terms of the analyst recommendations we have a 1.9 rating which is a buy and the average analyst price Target is 486 dollars and fifteen cents which is just a little bit over the current price that it is today okay so yeah Nvidia it's one of the largest tech companies in the world and I think it's here to continue its track record of impressing its investors and being a key provider of indispensable products uh for the tech Market but more importantly you guys the company is branding its reach to other markets and domains so basically they recently showcased its AI powered software that's able to assess carbon capture and storage data 700 000 times faster than typical numerical simulators so to put this into perspective while it takes a normal numerical simulator about two years to adequately assess a CO2 plume and pressure buildup data it takes nvidia's fnos software only 2.8 seconds yeah obviously they're making some big moves in the AI Tech race in other news they're also even teaming up with some of their biggest competitors in the market it's been announced that Intel and Nvidia will collaborate on confidential Computing for AI workloads and the ultimate goal of this team up is to basically streamline the process of protecting data and code for customers this should provide a pretty significant economic moat for both of these companies since they're providing something that no other company or Enterprise can provide and as Tech depends grows larger and larger the need for new measures of cyber security will naturally follow Nvidia also continues to be a provider of crucial AI tech for businesses it's new collaboration with snowflake will enable businesses to build their own custom AI software or services and for me what makes Nvidia such a valuable company with significant upside is that its biggest customers will be other large or growing businesses if you're trying to invest in the AI industry then obviously Nvidia is one of the most popular picks out there it's in my personal portfolio I think it's a solid long-term pick and while the prices increase significantly over the last year with a definite possibility of a small correction I think in the long term it should do quite well alright so right now investing in AI is super exciting and if you're watching this then you obviously understand why investing in socks is so great the historical performance has just been very very strong now to invest I use MooMoo an amazing Stock Investing platform that makes investing easy for anyone with their app you can explore various sectors find solid stocks and get their free comprehensive analysis tool I really encourage you guys to check out their industrial chain feature which allows you to find AI stocks and so much more for example if I come here and click on chat GPT it'll show me all the companies related to the infrastructure algorithm and application layers of the platform I can click on any of them and it's going to show me the related stocks you can also see how Wall Street Financial analysts rate and its estimated Target price as they have access to a wide range of information and resources that can help predict stock performance now MooMoo is one of my favorite investing platforms that I've heavily vetted and personally used they're used by 20 million users worldwide and they're a super great platform to buy sell and hold socks on so right now you'll get up to 16 free stocks if you sign up and fund your account using the special link down below don't wait because offer is not going to last forever and again that link will be down below in the description and now back to the video okay so the next stock we're talking about is c3.ai c3i is an American company specializing in AI Tech and we'll sort of talk about what they do after these stats So currently one share of C3 AIS training for about 39 30 you guys can see over the last month the price has been relatively stable plus or minus about five ten percent if we zoom out to the one year price chart you guys can see we've seen some pretty significant gains we started the year at about 21 a share sort of dropped down here to about ten dollars so of course it's quite volatile and since then we've seen a pretty big spike in price but definitely some volatility along the way so yeah over the last two weeks you know the low is 10.16 while the high is 48.87 we have a market cap of 4.72 billion dollars earnings per share is actually negative meaning it's not profitable and if you take a look at some of the evaluation measures you can see that the current price of sales ratio is 16 0.77 and the price the book ratio is 5.07 now obviously this is not a profitable company yet there is a negative profit margin and we also have a negative return on Equity as well Revenue over the last 12 months was 266.8 million dollars they currently have 730 million dollars in the bank and the current ratio is 6.53 and let's start reading C3 AI as a 3.2 meaning it's a hold and the current price is also a good amount higher than the average price targets so something definitely to keep in mind so getting more into a little bit about what C3 AI does they basically offer AI based programs like demand forecasting and they recently created a generative AI software the same software that runs the chat bots on the internet in fact the company announced that it's generative AI software was already available to be purchased on the AWS Marketplace some people are definitely skeptical about c3ai's relative infancy especially in the AI and Tech sectors but just looking at what they've done they for sure provide a bunch of tangible value to customers already it's also important to note that while the company is not technically profitable its revenues are growing so while the most recent fiscal year gains were not as high as the year before the company still achieved sizable Revenue with a six percent increase now if you've been following AI stocks you'll know that you know C3 AI is one of the hottest AI stocks of the year and I do like the fact that they are actually allocating a lot of their Financial Resources towards additional on-demand AI softwares or programs in fact the company already has AI based solutions for multiple Industries which is a key advantage in the tech sector for example the company has an energy management product to help businesses reduce operating costs and meet sustainability goals which is really integral to managing the budget and operation of most businesses more specifically c3ai's business has found two niches to cater to oil and gas and defense it's hard to think of more indispensable and more profitable Industries than these two see honestly I think c3ai is a treasure chest that is still waiting to be opened and basically the most optimistic takeaway is that C3 AI is one of the most exciting and hyped newcomers in an industry that has been backed by some of the biggest Tech conglomerates in the world overall definitely a very popular stock so if you do want to invest in the AI I would definitely consider and do some more research about this stock okay number three on the list is going to be Adobe stock ticker adbe Adobe is an American multinational computer software company that produces and provides a variety of photo video and audio editing software so right now one share of adobe is trained for 516.88 if we take a look at the one month price chart you guys can see we did see some pretty sizable gains we started at high 400s it remained pretty consistent and then has shot over the last couple weeks performance Outlook is also pretty great on Yahoo finance and if we look at the one-year price chart you guys can see we're actually at some pretty high points about one year ago it reached the mid 400s per share dropped all the way down to the high 200s and since then it's slowly been going up on app average more specifically in the last 52 weeks we reached a low of 274.73 and that has basically doubled to the high of 539 dollars we have a market cap of 240 billion dollars p ratio of 48.53 and earnings per share of 10.65 cents the five year expected PEG ratio is 2.23 and we have a price to book ratio of 16.19 in terms of profitability they do quite well with a profit margin of 26.34 we have a return on Equity of 33.68 Revenue over the last 12 months of 18.43 billion dollars and a current ratio of 1.16 in terms of what analysts have to say it's currently a 2.2 meaning it is a buy and the average analyst price Target is 541 which is about five percent higher than the current price so the most exciting thing to come out of adobe is its generative AI software Firefly Adobe Firefly is extremely accessible and user friendly and basically all you need to do is type the words or description of whatever object or scene you want and the system will generate images based on your input one of the biggest advantages of adobe Firefly is that it was trained on open source image and content from Adobe stock this is a huge contrast to other generative AI software that reportedly scrape images off the internet regardless of copyright or licensing so as an investor it should be reassuring that adobe software is relatively immune to Legal interference and relies on a more ethical approach to generative AI software Firefly makes me quite optimistic about adobe's earnings future and its place in the AI markets especially in the creative Niche we're talking about an AI software that may soon have an integral role in editing or even creating your multimedia projects this would be extremely valuable to all business owners and think about how much this can impact marketing yeah it's interesting because it's been reported that AI images are actually outperforming foes on Adobe stock reporting a higher Revenue per download for AI images compared to any other file guys we all know Adobe right you've probably used Photoshop they have a ton of other software and yes they are doing a lot of cool stuff in the AI space face but this is also a super solid company that I've been talking about for many many years it's really a company that I believe in for the long term and yes it may be pretty hyped right now due to the AI stuff but I truly believe that AI will really change the way a lot of programs manipulate images and video and I think Adobe is going to be at the Forefront of that okay stock number four is Apple stock ticker AAPL apple is an American multinational tech company known for its smart devices and operating systems so right now one share of apples trained for about 193 dollars if we take a look at the one month price chart we can see we've seen some decent gains a month ago we were at about 183 dollars and since then it's gone up let's also zoom out to the one year price chart you guys can see one year ago it was about 150 a share shot up to 173. we did see the price go all the way down here until about 130 dollars 125 dollars and since then it's been on a very steady run upwards so yeah more specifically in the last 52 weeks the low has been 124.17 and the highest spend 198 dollars and 23 cents the market cap is 3.038 trillion dollars absolutely gigantic company we have a PE ratio of 32.62 earnings per share of 5.92 cents and we have a small dividend yield of 0.5 percent the five year expected PEG ratio is 2.68 and even price the book ratio of 49.37 in terms of profitability Apple is amazing they have a profit margin of 24.49 you have a super high return Equity of 145.6 Revenue over the last 12 months was 385 billion dollars they're also extremely cash heavy with about 56 billion dollars in the bank and they have a current ratio of 0.94 right now analysts are rating apple as a two Ming it is a buy and the average analyst price Target is 109.65 which is just about one two percent lower than the current price of 193 dollars okay so what apple is so good at is building an ecosystem by integrating its products into one cohesive streamlined environment where it only makes sense for example to get a Macbook if you already have an iPhone and yeah this innovation has paid off apple is still the biggest company in the world per market cap but how does Apple's dominance relate to the AI scene well Apple already has a significant advantage over most if not all other companies it's ecosystem if able to accommodate AI models and programs will be even more streamlined the thing is Apple's already making significant strides towards an AI based ecosystem with some exciting announcements about its future at the worldwide developers conference WWDC 2023. the first being that iOS 17 will be the latest OS for iPhones with AI powered features and one of the new features is an enhanced AI driven autocorrect system that essentially familiarizes itself with your typing Style by basically learning from the words that you use it'll basically constantly improve suggestions to be catered to you the user Apple's also implementing a new app called Journal which is a personal diary that provides custom recommendations for users based on their activity in other application Apple also has the potential to use AI to enhance one of its most popular features which is Siri we can expect Siri to evolve from a bot that obeys commands to an assistant that can hold engaging conversation with its users so yeah one day Siri could you know maybe be smart enough to schedule the best times to show ads based on users schedules or facilitate day-to-day applications to streamline the user's daily itinerary and as Siri continually advances the appeal of integrating other apps with Siri will also grow you guys have probably also seen this they talked about the Apple Vision Pro which is a VR headset that will change the digital shopping experience with the Apple Vision Pro users can basically visualize products in different scenarios which allows them to see themselves wearing various outfits in multiple environments and yeah I think that's super super cool people also be able to virtually try on different apparel and also think that this device could really change the whole landscape of desktop computers instead of having a bunch of screens and a big desktop and all that stuff you could just rely on a device like this work with all those screens in the Apple Vision Pro and yeah I think that's a super super exciting feature so of course apple is one of my biggest Holdings in terms of stocks it's great when it comes to AI it's also great when it comes to just Tech in general so that's why I think this is a great long-term stock okay so next up is Advanced Micro Devices Inc stock ticker AMD AMD is an American Multinational Semiconductor Company that basically builds Computing technology with an emphasis on computer processors so if you take a look at the current price it's at about 110 dollars per share you can see over the last month it's sort of gone down up down up and back down if we zoom out to the one year price chart you guys can see we have seen some pretty Healthy Growth we did drop down to about 57 a share but since then it's steadily gone up to the current price yeah 52 week low of 54.57 specifically and a 52-week high of 132.83 also a big company at 177.542 billion dollar market cap we have a p e ratio of 580.26 which is insanely High which of course is not a good thing we have an earnings per share of 19 cents and if you take a look at some of the other evaluation measures we have a five year expected PEG ratio of 1.89 and a price book ratio of 3.43 in terms of profitability we have a profit margin of 1.71 return Equity of 0.72 and in the last 12 months they've done revenue of 23.07 billion dollars they have about six billion dollars of total cash and the current ratio is 2.38 in terms of analyst recommendations it's currently rated a 2.1 meaning it is a buy and the average analyst price Target is 133.70 which is about 20 higher than the current price okay so amd's latest announcement has caught the AI and Tech World in a whirlwood they recently unveiled their new GPU which will be shipped to customers later this year obviously the introduction of a new product is really cool and it sort of does threaten nvidia's dominance of the AI chip market now why is that popular AI programs like chat gbt they run on large language models these alarms depend on accelerators that store and code tens of billions of parameters so nvidia's h100 Chip the most popular chip for running AI programs has 120 gigabytes of memory compare this to amd's new chip with 192 gigabytes and if Andy's new AI chip becomes the mother of all AI chips for the near future Andy's chip and AMD itself should and will find plenty of economic interest in the AI sector which at the moment of course is red hot some of the most expensive Nvidia AI chips sell for more than forty thousand dollars and AMD just made a chip that actually beats them this can mean a good amount of growth potential for AMD as a company and a lot of profit potential for investors the fact a lot of people they actually do think that AMD might be undervalued right now for example am the CEO Lisa Sue she expects the overall AI chip Market to augment dramatically within the next few years basically predicting that the data center chip Market will quintuple from 30 billion dollars to 150 billion if Ambi continues to be be a key player in the AI chip markets its growth should logically follow amd's market cap is also much much smaller compared to nvidia's and so it'll be really interesting to see how these two battle it out on top of all this stuff relating to AI AMD actually offers a really diverse catalog of products and this type of diverse business model really means that its revenue is not solely based on One Singular product and if you guys know me I love diversification and so that's why I think AMD is one of these safer bets when it comes to AI related stock anyways there you have it those are five of the most popular AI stocks that you guys can buy today I hope you guys got some good information from this video I know we've covered a lot of stuff yeah when it comes to investing you guys it's really really important to do your own due diligence do your own research make sure you understand fully what you are investing into and definitely don't buy any of these stocks just because it was in this video do your own research and then make your own informed decisions if you guys got some value from this video make sure to hit that like button and also subscribe for more content just like this I do a ton of videos about personal finance investing and Entrepreneurship yeah based my whole goal is to help you guys become financially successful thank you so much for your time and I'll see you in the next video peace [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Charlie Chang
Views: 123,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top ai stocks to buy, ai stocks, invest in ai, best ai stocks, best stocks to buy now, artificial intelligence stocks, nvidia stock, ai stocks to buy now, ai stocks to buy, ai stocks to invest in, best ai stocks to buy, best ai stocks to buy now, ai stocks to buy 2023, ai stock
Id: cbMK1v30kRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 18sec (1158 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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