5 tips to improve logic building in programming

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before age did everyone get a share back again with another video in this video I want to discuss something awesome and something important this Christian has been into my emails for quite a long time and a lot of people just ask this question the question is really simple how I can get better in programming logic or building logics or solving bigger problems by making it into a smaller chunks and writing code for that pretty common question that is being asked now in this video I will give you five awesome tips so that you can get better in solving logic so let's get started here [Music] now the very first thing that you need to understand before we move on and proceed with the five tips is that the more experience you will have the better programmer you will become now in case you are thinking that the person who is fittingly code online or offline or in the book it's far more better than me then of course it's true because he has spent pretty much a more a huge amount of time compared to you in the programming world and he has faced a lot more problems than you so that is why he is becoming better a simple example that I would like to give you is can you write a program for finding odd and even between 0 and 100 probably first time it was really tough the second time it was comparatively easy for the first time but on the tenth time it became just like a breeze you just cruise through over it but yes in the first time it was very tough so what I'm trying to say here is experience is the key and experience good experience comes with a bad experience so it's a kind of a change so don't get disheartened and let's start our five awesome tips to improve your programming logic building skill now in the number one point I would like to keep is heat moving on [Music] the moment you have just understood what I'm trying to say here is that is the very first step of building logic then I say keep moving on I say that once you have solved a problem don't just repeat it too many times two or three times is okay but don't repeat it too much there's too much out here for example you are learning how you can find odd or even number just practice it two times or three times let's just say you're practicing printing different kind of patterns just look at it for one or two time but just keep moving on the more you will try to start on there this is one of the best thing that everybody does just keep on spreading to the code and they don't understand it sometimes they do sometimes they don't but what I'm saying is keep moving on try to face as much as problem as you can and just keep going on which brings us to our second point in building the programming logic which is faced new problem every single day every day is a new day and you need to face new problems of programming every single day if you'll be just keep printing the odd and even numbers throughout the week that doesn't make sense and you should spacing more problems problems like if you are making app like dismissing the keyboard bringing back the keyboard or taking input from the users just learn new things every day this is one of the most important part because this gives you more exposure to the real life problems and will help you to write code and solve these skills these problems so definitely keep moving and the second point is paste new problems every day the third thing that I want to share his keep staring at the code that others have written so have a look speak into the code that other people have written [Music] now sometimes it might be a little bit daunting thing and not all like this where there is a plethora of code on github so that you can understand how the people are writing those code and how the people are solving such skills and such problems sometimes you can even take those methods and can just modify an address that in our code as well but it's one of the best way of learning the programming skills probably you are doing and you are finding the same solution for the same problem in a manner which is which solves the problem but actually is a tougher way but other people who are doing it who are much more experienced I've done that in an easier manner so always in always look into the others people code through the github through various open-source libraries and bitbucket there are tons of things on which you can look up at the peoples code so with three points with a third number point look into the other people code and peek into it and try to learn from them that's number four to improve your logic building skill is look at the holy grail of programmers community these Stack Overflow [Music] now Stack Overflow is a community website where all the programmers hangouts regardless of whether they are a fan of Java or Swift or Jas or whatever the programming languages this is a very kind community and chances are high that's 99% of the time the problem you are looking at for is already being posted down there and lot of experienced programmers have already provided that solution there and based on the voting system the problems the solution of the problem gets high votes and no votes and most of the time the first answer is going to be with the highest vote and it's probably the best solution for your problem but don't be a kind of a person who just post everything on any website don't be like that because cycler is a community very search for your ant problems first of all probably and this is there are high chances that your problem is already being mentioned there but try to search on to the Google as well because this is the programming community and you should respect that not like if you are not able to install it just the Android studio and you just post like hey I'm not able to install Android studio these questions get discarded there so respect the community a little bit and it's a very kind community if you are really facing some problems and are not able to find solution on there do post your questions there people are really kind there and you will get really good solutions within a couple of days and that is a maximum of thing so hand around quite a lot on the Stack Overflow and you will really enjoy what the community is now step number five of building logic is the most important not the least it's the most important working on the project now this is super important [Music] if you'll be spending all of your time in just writing writing the code for finding odd and even on printing those Fazal patterns you will never get a better into programming one of the key aspect that a lot of people miss and just eventually leave the programming is building up some real-life good project and for that you have to maybe move on into different other kind of programming languages protects completely okay because end of the day they add this programming language they just help you to solve some problems so try to move on into different language and try to build up some good project maybe you want to build an Android app maybe an iOS app maybe a web application or whatever the case is try to build some meaningful and big scale project maybe a system which takes which gives you a movie ratings or something suggest you movies or a calculator or maybe a DSP text calculation system a simple soft the app that when you enter the number of cups you want to drink the coffee it just calculates the price of that coffee pretty much anything anything but make sure you deal up with those projects these projects will give you the exposure of how the first flow of building a project goes on and this is the most important part without this you can never become a good person who is solving a logic pretty easily so when it comes to solving the logic project I think is probably the most important part and is as I would rank it at at number one so that people can understand that yes this is important and I can see a lot of offline Institute and universities and college just beat the basic bare minimum spintax and don't focus on the project so project is important and you should actually take those offline or online classes which walks you through along with him to building all those projects and apps this is super important it's not like an assignment to be given I have seen a lot of colleges and universities just give that hey you have to build that and go away home and just build that No this is not a way of treating people or teaching how to build logics in everything students need to go through a long with you in the entire building process of a project once they have done at least four or five with them now you can provide an assignment of building first a component of that and now after that you can provide them an assignment or building the wholes project this is very important now why am i why am i pacing it so much because yes this is so much important and on a whole story I hope you have got that how important the project is now by the way if you are interested in learning how the projects are being done I have an awesome Android course link is in the description below check that out and we'll be building can 10 awesome Android apps in that so with this I'll come back with another awesome video in case you didn't like this video don't forget to subscribe and hit that like button it always shows me that how much you are liking the videos are probably not let me know in the comment section below what more videos should I create so that I can make you an awesome programmer and can help you to solve some of your problems so I'll be looking forward in the comments section below and I'll surely catch you up in the next video
Channel: Hitesh Choudhary
Views: 529,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Programming, computers, code, hacking, information, Security, iOS, iPhone, udemy, online-courses, coupons, free-coupons, udemy-coupons, udemy-courses, android, iphone, reactjs, web-development, logic building, logic building in programming, programming, 5 Tips, 5 programming Tips
Id: gJT-FaRf5JI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2017
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