5 Tips To Help Your RYOBI Riding Lawnmower Last Longer!

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okay guys first tip we're gonna go over here is if you're getting ready to use your Mower and it's been sitting for a while you want to unplug it and plug it back in before you're going to use it what we mean by that is this has been sitting for a couple of weeks right yeah the reason it's been sitting for a couple weeks is we've been very very busy with work Jack is on the swim team now actually it's like 6 15 in the morning and we know that later today around 10 or 11 o'clock we're going to be doing this grass and leaves because they've been sitting for a couple weeks for one reason we've been letting the leaves kind of come down because we don't want to do them every day Jack's half half asleep still and and we want to let them come down secondly it's been raining a lot this fall and it's been warm so the grass is still growing so we've got tall thick grass we got leaves on top of it we haven't been able to do it for a couple weeks this thing's been sitting so what we're gonna do is we're gonna show you guys how we unplug it and plug it back in and let me flip this around real quick and show you okay Jack's gonna hold a light for me here now I want to show you this this is green and it's just been solid green for sitting here for two weeks but what we have found is if we go over here and we unplug this just flip that little door up unplug it and then plug it back in just trying to do this one-handed here now what we've noticed is if we then look up here at this charger as it starts to Blink so even though this has been plugged in and it's been going on for two weeks like this we have noticed that the power will drain down so if it's the morning before we're going to use it or if it is the you know maybe night before you don't have to hold it anymore buddy thanks uh we know that after practice everything so you're going to be head off to practice I'm gonna go to the gym after we're going to come back get something to eat and this should be done blinking by then it usually only blinks for about an hour or two when we do this but again this is one of the little tips that we like to show people it does tend to give you a little bit more energy when you do this now this may be a defect for all we know it's not according to Ryobi you're supposed to leave it plugged in it's supposed to be topped off but we have noticed when we unplug it and plug it back in that we get a little better life so either the night before or the morning of so we'll be back here in a few hours guys this will hopefully stop blinking and that seems to give us a little bit of extra juice again this could be a defect in our mower but if it's a defect in our mower it's probably the effect in a lot of people's mowers so there's tip number one guys all right the second tip we're going to go over that we kind of failed to mention and the first tip is check your batteries right man yep if you are having issues test them we did a whole video on how to open the back pull out the tray and check all four of the batteries it doesn't matter if you have the 75 or the 100 amp the batteries are a little bit different but honestly they're not that much different in cost the cost has also come down tremendously since we did that first video according to the comments and also some of the investigating that we've done so if you're if you think that you may have an effective battery or that one of your batteries is simply dying check that video out we'll put a link in the description again once you replace the battery which we did two years ago so we're going on four years and at the two year mark we had to replace one at that point if you start to have these problems that's when you start you want to start to refer to more of these other tips so we showed you the one where we plugged it in um we've gone over the fact that you want to check them and test them and refer to that video and now we're going to talk about another important thing and that is sharpening your blades right A lot of people buy this more and think hey it's a no maintenance mower you still have to take off the blades and sharpen them again we did a video on that and we will put a link in the description about that it is very simple to do there's special little things that hold it on that are shaped like in a moon shape and you you can't really mess it up right I mean it's very simple yeah I mean with any more really I mean they um just a wetness in the wet grass they're gonna get dull yeah they're gonna get dull so we what we do is we take them off this time of year we take off the mulching blades and we sharpen them now so that they're ready for spring and we just put them away in the shed and then we also take the bagging ones we're going to turn this around and we're going to show you how we do it all right now we've shown this before in videos this is Jack's great grandfather's grinding stone again totally awesome tool if you don't have something like this you could use a file or something this just does make it really easy now these are the ones we just took off of the mower again very simple to do you can see there's this Moon shaped thing so it's very easy to put them on the right way it's just a bolt you reach underneath you lift up the deck you take it off again we've done a video on it we'll put a link in the description if you want to check that out now these are quite filthy so what I'm going to do is I'm going to put these into utility sink and I'm going to soak them and clean them and then we're going to sharpen them afterward so we're just going to kind of set those aside right now it's just been a really rough summer and a lot of wet grass that you could tell the build up was just bad and based we're just going to kind of you know cut that edge right there now when it comes to the bagging blade you'll notice that it has this kind of swoopy thing in the on the side right and that little swoopy thing tends to push the leaves and grass up into the bag now we have had people on the channel make comments and say hey you know what I just leave these on and they seem to work fine again the bags come with these and if you got to take them off to sharpen them anyway which you have to do I mean you can't just not sharpen your blades because if they're not sharp it's going to pull more on your Motors and it's going to use more energy so if you want your batteries to last longer and you want to get more out of it just sharpen your blades again it's very easy to do all you do is you just run it across this thing so anyway these are made to swoop up into the bag a little bit better these are not very dirty they've just been sitting in the shed we changed them over in the spring so we're going to sharpen these and it's really simple we basically just kind of hold this you know right up against here and just kind of give that a little bit of a straight edge really really really easy to do obviously use eye protection and all that stuff you can see let me focus in on that if it'll let me hear it's kind of like the sun's messing things up oh there we go so you can kind of see here you got that little Edge you just give that a quick kind of glaze over so you've got a sharp edge you can see where I touched it there give it a nice sharp edge so we're going to do this only takes about a minute and then we're gonna pop these on again that's a great tip if you want your batteries to last longer and you want to get more out of your charge sharpen your blades see that nice glistening Edge there it really we just put on the back of the blade so it's facing down only takes a second you're gonna flip it over do the other side only takes about 10-15 seconds okay we got the blades all done Jack did a great job look at that glistening sharp blade he could cut a hair in half with that splice a hair right that's gonna help a lot okay you can see our green light from tip number one is already stopped now it is noon so it's been quite a few hours we don't know how long that took because we weren't here we were running errands doing other things you could see it's daylight now look at all those leaves and stuff out there now what we're going to do is we're going to unplug this but before we do we're going to show you guys another quick little tip this is a little box and you could use anything you want you could use a piece of foam or piece of wood or whatever this is one of the things that we noticed if you look here at this little thing when trying to bring this up here hold on a second yeah and try to bring this up here to show you this little charging door sits against this charger and you'll notice that it rounds off from doing that see how that's kind of rounded now it's not as bad as it used to be one of the reasons is we started putting this little guy in here and you can use really anything you want what that does is that kind of stops this from rounding off now a lot of people say what difference does it make well the difference it makes is this is a dust guard and we noticed that some of these I'll show you guys when I unplug this here we notice that some of these ports were getting kind of dirty and the reason they were getting dirty is if you look when this sits down on here it wasn't closing all the way you see that now we can't do much about that because we didn't realize it but for those of you who are starting new with this again when you have this plugged in just kind of put a little box or something across this and that will stop that from curving okay now what we have done and I'll show you here is we take these contacts and we put some Q-tips in there I'll stick that right in there so you can see we'll put some Q-tips in there and we clean them and uh you know we just put some Q-tips in there and cleaned them out just like you would clean your ears or something like that right so um so basically that is another tip that's the third tip keep those clean you can put something on that door so that it doesn't end up getting warped and getting dust and dirt in there when you're cutting especially in the summer throws a lot of dirt and duster on right so that could go in through that little slot and get your porch dirty and we've noticed a couple times early on that we would charge and we would go to use it and it wasn't charged at all and that's because the contacts were bad so we took that out we cleaned it with Q-tips and stuff and then we plugged it in and we noticed it was charging so that's tip number three so keep something kind of on your charge door clean your little uh contacts if you haven't and that should also help to some of the frustration of not charging so there's three good tips there now we're gonna back this guy up here in the garage and we've already got the bags and everything on again very simple to do we did a whole video on that um we will have these videos in the description if you haven't seen them we're just gonna basically take these new uh blades and we're just gonna pop them on so that we're all charged up and we got brand new blades and we're gonna tackle this grass and leaves and we're see if these batteries now since we replaced this one two years ago if the four of them are still working off the park all right so we got those blades on again it only takes a couple minutes to take them off and to put them on so they're sharp they're ready to go the other ones are soaking we'll clean them up we'll revisit those later and clean them up dry them sharpen them and put them in the shed that way in the spring we're already the other thing we're going to do this spring which Jack was talking about as we were crawling around under here there's some pretty big clumps of dry grass and things like that we never in four years now have ever really cleaned this deck when we're under it changing the blades we kind of take a like a screwdriver or kind of like you know get some stuff out but there's some pretty cakedown stuff under there so probably what we're gonna do is spring is actually take it off and I'll probably do a video on that when we do and really clean it good um it's not that hard to take off we just never really bother doing it we actually plow with that on there too we just raise it up all the way when we plow and a lot of people say oh you're going to get it all wet and everything but you got to remember the plow pushes the snow out of the way so the deck itself doesn't really have to go through any snow so it doesn't really get wet or anything even though we plow with it so this will be the fourth winter coming up so this is the fourth fall it'll be going into the fourth winter but I think in the spring we're going to take this deck off and really clean it so we'll be doing a video in the spring on that but this thing's all ready to go we're going to take it out here we're going to look at how many hours we have on it in fact we could probably just turn it on right now go ahead and sit on the seat so it doesn't beep we did also muffle the beep we did a whole video on that in the same video where we talk about doing the battery and everything since we had the panels off we put some duct tape over that beep now a lot of people say hey watch this disable it all together well we didn't want to disable it all together because there are kids around here and there are times that we're backing up and things like that and we want it so go ahead and turn it on we wanted some beeping we just didn't want it to be sold out because every time that I would back up when I was doing like plowing and stuff the dogs would freak out it was so loud it was like high pitched now it beeps for just a little bit okay what do we got here we got 87.6 hours and you can see it's all the way to the blue and I guarantee you that for sitting for two weeks if we would not have plugged it back in it probably would be down a bar already again that may be a defect but we've noticed by replugging it back in right before we use it that that helps so a lot of people would say hey 87.6 hours you've had this four years again we over did this we got the hundred you know amp we really didn't need to and quite honestly in the summer we don't cut very often so even though we've had this you know go on four years here we don't even have a hundred hours yet now at 100 hours you are supposed to do the gearbox fluid however at about 50 hours we did that because we had this all opened up we were doing the batteries so we're going to wait until we hit 150 to do that again hopefully we don't need to do the batteries again but we'll see so Jack's going to pull this out and uh we're gonna start lighting things up here see what happens okay basically what we did here guys is we did a prep so we took our little leaf blowers and we kind of blew around everything that has borders just like this went all around the outside all of our beds and things like that we also hit the street and blew all the leaves around the street onto the tree lawn because you know you don't want to mess in the street so basically now what we're gonna do is go around I'm gonna start Jack is going to be working on sticks one of the other tips that you want to look at is like tip number four is pick up the sticks a lot of times you'll see sticks like this kind of buried that fall buried in your leaves try to walk around and pick them up if you hit something like this you're gonna screw up your mower that obviously is a huge Branch man it's like two inches in diameter so a lot of times people will not notice those kind of sticks and branches so kind of do a quick walk through your yard make sure that you kind of pick up your sticks we're just going to be throwing them all in the fire pit probably having a fire later but at the end of the day that is very important if you keep hitting sticks and stuff like that it's going to dull your blade and it's going to give you problems and it all events actually gonna you know pull more energy so again we kind of went through all that we're gonna pick up these sticks and then we're going to be you know mowing okay there we go guys lots of big sticks you can see a huge pile there so obviously that's whether you have an electric mower or whatever uh obviously that's going to dull your blade if you keep hitting sticks like this this mower does do again a very good job at it it will chop these I mean probably not a big mama jama like that but so we walk through here and we just basically got a lot of those you can see how many there are so again that goes for any mower if you're if you're looking to get a longer life out of your blade and use less energy whether it's gas or electric you're going to have less uh pull on the mower if the blades are sharp and so obviously to keep them that way now you can see all these leaves that we have we have a lot of leaves and the grass is sticking up through it so it is pretty deep because again it's been a warm fall now back and forth we've had some cold days we got warm you can see we kind of prepped everything here now when it comes to this huge mulched area that we finally remulched um this past spring we usually just kind of rake that up instead of doing that we have these areas here where which are all ground cover and so we just kind of push those leaves with a rake kind of gently so we don't mess up the mulch we kind of blew them all but they don't blow very well because then the blower will like take the take the mulch with you so it's kind of weird so so while I kind of start cutting Jack's going to be kind of raking some of this up just in these areas where we have these ground covers and then these leaves will just decompose and in the spring the ground cover will come right up through them but they'll still be mulch in the areas you know that we didn't do I mean you can imagine with all these leaves there's the tree law in there I mean it's just full of leaves so Jack's going to be working on this while I cut and then I'll finish it up while he cuts you ready to hit it man yep okay guys so while Jack is doing some raking and stuff there gonna put it on the mid we usually go about one below the mid that's where we usually kind of cut and everything again this grass is pretty long so we're going to be cutting grass bagging grass along with all of these crazy leaves I'll show you guys some footage as I go along and each time that we empty again we are starting with an amazingly full charge because we did that little top off thing we're looking at 87.7 hours um the headlights were on because I think they turn on I don't know maybe we just had them on last time so I turned them off and it was dark last time so yeah that's another thing they'll save you a little bit energy obviously turn those off so we're gonna go ahead we're going to turn this baby on and uh we'll stop you know every time we uh collect this let you know how we're doing okay just wanted to show this to you guys went around the house about two and a half times already both bags are completely full with all this grass and leaves you can see how many leaves are on me it's doing a fantastic job picking them up one of the things that we also recommend as a tip is to if you're full and you're not at where you're gonna dump them yet just turn the blade off and ride over there you know so again I made it around twice I'm just gonna cut right across here cut my blade to save some energy this is where we dump all our leaves kind of like our garden and we just kind of evenly distribute them out um it's gonna be a lot of dumps this is going to be number one we got two bags already and we'll keep track here and see how many we get and see how this battery holds up so you go two huge full bags you can see there's a lot of grass in here mixed in with these leaves so this is going to be quite a battle we'll probably end up having to stop 20 to 40 times which as usual so we'll end up with 40 to 80 bags of leaves depending on you know how much they chop up and everything so we'll kind of come back at the end here to tell you how much battery life is left how much time it took and how many bags we ended up having okay here's another tip guys if you fill it up this much which I didn't realize there was this many in there it can sometimes clog your tube so you want to kind of reach in there make sure your tube's not clogged because then what will happen is you're you'll start to hear your Motors bogged down because they're actually mulching it instead of throwing it in the bag and that of course is gonna you know so if you start to hear your motor bog down or if you you know reach back and you feel that this is full the other thing there's a little indicator here so if you see that stop moving then that means air is not moving through here so again don't overfill it I did because I was trying to make it back thought I would but anyway there's three and four or you know second stop bag three I just want to show you guys here how many leaves there are I go one run down this tree lawn and that's two bags already it's about my fifth run down here probably gonna take about eight as it normally does but if this was just grass I could do the whole Tree Lawn and pretty much you know what if I were bagging two sets of bags so many leaves logging down a little bit but not too bad if it were just leaves and not the grass probably would be as bad but I mean look how tall this grass is in addition it's gone but man look at this so many leaves [Music] all right guys so here's a situation we already have stopped 30 times we have had 60 bags of leaves already and we haven't even done this main part of the yard yet here that is the most bags we've ever had doing this ever part of the reason again is just kind of the weather situation and not being able to do it you can see how deep the grass is there's so much grass in here with these leaves so we are hoping even though this is only this even though this is only showing so it's 88.4 so we have we've gone about 45 minutes of actual run time which and we're still at half now you got to remember if we're stopping 30 times buddy we're turning that thing back on 30 times and when you're turning it on that's what it draws the most amount of energy right yeah at the wasp yeah so we did a video a few weeks ago about the uh fuzzy gall wasp balls right and you can see here that our oak trees were infested with those and many now this is a maple all these leaves are gone that's normal for the maples to lose them it's uh Halloween weekend so by now but these oak trees you can see are already Brown and some of them are quite bare now that one is not but that's typical that's what most of them would look like but a lot of these are already Brown and red and there is an abundance of oak leaves here which we normally don't have again we will put that video in the description there was this whole egg Sac wasp golf thing that happened and caused the leaves to fall earlier right yes and so many of these fell earlier a lot of times the oak tree leaves won't fall till December or January so we had an abundance of leaves all at one time wasn't able to do it for a couple weeks bad combination however we are hoping that within this battery now we're supposed to get two and a half hours but again turning it on and off 30 times already isn't really good for it but that that draws more energy we're hoping with this half a battery left that even if we don't hit two and a half hours we might hit an hour and a half or something like that but we're hoping that all of these tips and all these little tricks that we did will at least get us through this we may end up with probably 70 or even 80 bags here before this is done so we're at the 60 bag Mark Jack's going to finish up here we're going to see what happens right dude you ready hit it man okay just showing you guys again as Jack gets started there this compost how much we have already 60 bags is the most we've ever done at one time again this year has been a little bit unique very very busy with work we still have all this left we are hoping we can get it all done this is one of the main reasons that we got the 2.5 hour two and a half hour 100 amp is because of all the leaves now you can see over here what we did a lot of these leaves we just kind of push up in the small stereo we kind of put them up in the middle and they just kind of rot and that's where we have all the ground cover and that's the same thing we do over there if we were to pull all these out I mean it would be next to a possible this tree lawn was completely full just like just like his is over there this was completely full took me eight passes every time I passed that was a stop so that's 16 bags of leaves just to do the tree lawn maybe even more I think I had to pass by the street one more time again we go out and the street with the leaf blowers and we blow them all up onto here because we don't want that huge they kind of sit against the curb so that that added probably about four bags just blown it off the streets you can see the grass does look magnificent for last weekend of October though I mean we have had pretty decent weather lots of sun I mean it's it's beautiful it's absolutely beautiful it's just that normally we wouldn't really be picking up grass still we would just be picking up leaves and so that's that's a little tough um we usually around the beginning of November we will start cutting down all of this we probably do a video on that we're probably going to do an update on the work stuff the uh jaw saw and everything you know again we use all the works tools the only thing we really have it's Ryobi is the mower and that's simply due to the fact that we had all the work stuff first but all of this we're going to have to cut and chop all that down look at these trees in one year this was level at the beginning of Spring and these things grow every year so we're going to chop that whole thing down and level it the other thing that's going on again you could see these oak trees they are falling I mean my neighbor she's done hers like 10 times look at him just falling as I'm talking she just got done doing hers and look at it's already the tree lots full again already I feel bad her oak tree she did trim a lot and everything this year but the same thing happened she got these little uh Galls and it caused the oak trees to fall sooner now the benefit of that is that we'll be able to get it done earlier in the year so even though these guys are going to fall earlier we won't be doing leaves so much in the spring because they'll be falling so we can thank the the WASP for that but for the most part I mean yeah look at those beautiful bushes turning red and everything there's some some milk we usually chop these down before they start to to flow like that so we'll probably chop these down today and throw these milkweed seeds down in here and because we like to re-propagate them they're beautiful but yeah I mean you could see you know we don't usually don't trim or Edge at all this time of year either but this grass is so tall I may have to go around and trim an edge when we're done but anyway lots and lots and lots of leaves thanks to the WASP Jack's gonna basically go around one or two times this big back area and then have to empty so we're probably going to end up with more bags that we've ever had and really really really put this thing to the test if we could get all this done I will be very very pleased um that we've only had to do that one battery in the four years of having it hopefully that was uh the only the only battery we have to do for quite a few years yeah this today was definitely a good test for it and again even though it didn't necessarily last a two and a half hour slot you have to look at all the extra strain we're putting on it it's kind of like a Tesla when they tell you oh this Tesla goes 250 miles that's under absolute perfect conditions take a test on the highway and Go 75 miles an hour see if it lasts you 250 miles it's not going to just like this one so look at all those these falling like as as he's cutting they're just oak trees yeah we got a lot more leaves to go but again we'll see when they actually fall uh if these uh Galls Make Them Fall earlier we'll have a few more trips like this then we won't have to worry about them in the spring if they don't like usual then we'll just be doing some bagging in the spring well we'll see we'll see what happens here now I'm going to show you guys something this Jack comes around you can see because a lot of these things are dry see how it kicks up some dust and stuff there kind of coming out of those bags that's the dust that will get in that little trap and that Inlet where the plug goes so you can kind of see how that would get kind of clogged up there so definitely trying to use that little trick where you take a little piece of Styrofoam or something when you plug that in and just kind of stop that from getting warped again if they do get dirty or you know you feel it's not connecting just take a little Q-tip and clean those connects a little bit and we did that and we found that very helpful if I don't look at things I hate to say it but try to look at things you might just be able to finish this up here before this battery dies we are now emptied 35 times we have 70 bags of leaves here I know it doesn't look like that much but that's actually about 10 feet in width so there's just tons and tons of bags this is the most we've ever had we're probably going to end up with about 75 or 80 bags of leaves here at this point this is just 35th dump so this is 70. probably going to end up with close to 80 if not more so you're actually learning what happens when you overfill the bags he opened this and it just spilled everywhere so now he's got he's got to do that and then you'll notice that shoot was full so when he turns it on that shoot now is going to empty up and fill one a half of these bags so it doesn't really pay to kind of try to cram more in there ultimately it's just it's they all have to end up in the compost and they'll do it one way or another so again did his 35th dump well in addition to mine and now he's got to clean all that up but uh 35th dump probably going to end up with about 40 dumps this is going to be 80 bags if not more there's still a lot down here this is the most challenging pickup we have ever had ever I really do think a lot of it has to do with the the fuzzy gall wasp so many more oak leaves than normal this time of year and they all fell a lot earlier and a lot closer together so just you know it's like we we were busy and then two weeks we you know passed it and we turned around and just had all this much faster than usual so we're going to continue to do this and see if we can get it all done before this battery dies you gotta remember guys if we end up with 80 bags that means we had to turn this thing off and on 40 times and those are not tiny bags you know I mean you would have to do that with any Mower and that's just a that's just way too much on and off it's just crazy how many leaves there are right now okay guys we are at 88.8 that's about 1.1 hours we've only got one yellow bar left um it's it's cutting it close isn't it buddy Jackson he's tired we are this was his 40 well our 42nd stop in addition to what I did already and he's still got probably about four to six bags over there this may be close to 90 bags the most we've ever done ever the most we've ever done was 60. this is crazy so thanks Mother Nature for throwing the fuzzy gall wasp at us this year right yeah it's okay though you know you just uh it's kind of fun yeah the little balls are fun and again we'll put a link in the description and everything but it definitely made a lot more work for us this fall um go ahead and hit it buddy see if you can get those last few bags done there before this battery dies this certainly was a challenge got a little little circle left here we'll see if we can get it done before it shuts off it's uh yeah just to show you guys I mean look at how the size of this compost this is clear close to 90 bags now that we're gonna end up having and here's what happens basically is this just turns to dirt guys just just basically all of this turns to dirt these these leaves it makes for a great Garden um and that's what we do you know everything the snow kind of sits on this they rot and then we just kind of make a big Garden out of this okay guys there's the last little bit of it I actually just took the leaf blower and blew it all off he's actually just kind of picking up um all the leaves that were kind of oh it just stopped did it oh my gosh that's so perfect yeah so what happens is if you run out of I can't believe that just happened that was so perfect and we were filming so what happens is the blades turn off and when you have like just a little tiny bit left so that you can actually kind of get back to where you need to go to plug it in because otherwise you'd be you'd be stranded right uh sometimes you could turn it off and wait a little while it'll turn back on and do another bag or two but uh yeah that was too perfect well good perfect so I blew it off just now and he picked up the last little bit here awesome go ahead and pull over to the pile and we will uh empty that uh emptied those last two so this was this was 44 uh stops so this was actually 88 bags of leaves almost 90 bags guys the absolute most we've ever had to do in One Tree and tons of grass by the way you can see how how Lush this grass was all right guys so this is actually the next evening we totally got busy and sidetracked by something else and forgot to show what the total end value was on this now obviously it's fully charged because we had it charging overnight this is actually the next evening it's been almost 24 hours but we did pull this in and it it's on time was 88.9 when we finished now when we started it was 88 it was 87.6 when we first pulled it out so how much time is that total 1.3 hours what's 0.3 of an hour a third of an hour about 20 minutes right so this thing ran one hour and 20 minutes okay so this only lasted one hour and 20 minutes it's supposed to last two hours and 30 minutes so not quite half but close to only half the time now I would imagine that probably has a lot to do with the fact that we had to turn it on 44 times and restart it because we emptied 44 times which was 88 bags of leaves now we know that when you turn an electric mower on it it's when it draws of course most of the power so when they calculate this to run just like we were talking about the comparison of the Tesla you know and some of these other electric cars they calculate them in perfect conditions if for instance if you have an electric car and you're running the air conditioning or the heat that greatly cuts down the amount of distance you're gonna go well turning this thing on and off 44 times is going to two we are still pleased with the fact that we got done with all of those leaves we'll probably never have to do more than that wouldn't you would you think yeah that's a lot of leaves I mean maybe we will we don't really know yeah I think with the fact that the weather conditions the gall wasp and everything going on that will that will probably be the extent of the most we ever have to do so if it continues to last hopefully these tips and things that we did helped our um you know life last longer and helped you guys if you're out there if you're trying to learn some ways to help increase the length of your battery and things like that now if it weren't able to last that we probably at that point would probably test the batteries again wouldn't you say that that makes sense to do so if we're not able to do that and we start to notice that then we will we're still going to have a lot of leaf pickups we're probably going to have to do 90 bags probably four or five more times before Christmas and then of course we'll start to plow now with plowing it only takes us like 20 or 30 minutes to plow and we're not running the blades so we don't even notice like one bar go down so if we start to see a defect this fall we will definitely do a follow-up video or if in the spring when we start to you know cut the new grass and things like that we will do a follow-up as of now though so far the only one battery issues the one that we've had hopefully we don't have any more if we do we'll do a follow hopefully these tips help guys thanks for watching make sure to like And subscribe and hit that thumbs up and stay tuned for further updates on this and we're also got a lot of cool follow-ups coming up we got a four year anniversary on the volts that we're going to be doing we're going to be doing a little bit more upgrades and things on that and also it's for your update to see how it is doing and then of course right behind me you can see that we have a brand new jeep jeep did something awesome they made a vehicle almost exactly like the fault it's a plug-in hybrid and Pamela went ahead and bought the first one didn't she we're very excited about that so we'll be doing a video on that you love this Jeep don't you pretty cool it's pretty fun and awesome and really be nice for this winter so guys stay tuned for all that cool stuff and all of our other awesome aquarium videos and stuff we'll see you next time guys
Channel: Jack and Dan
Views: 5,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 100 AH ELECTRIC RIDING MOWER review, RYOBI 100 AH ELECTRIC RIDING MOWER review, MODEL: #RY48111 review, RYOBI review, electric riding lawn mower review, electric riding mower review, RYOBI electric lawn mower review, RYOBI lawn mower review, RYOBI riding mower review, best electric riding lawn mower review, RYOBI 100 AH Electric Riding Lawn Mower 1 Year Review!, Brinley-Hardy Snow Plow, battery replacement ryobi, battery recycling, RYOBI480EX, RYOBI48V, RYOBI 38inch
Id: 7mk_EBJ-b1U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 3sec (2103 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2022
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