5 Tips to Grow LOTS of SQUASH

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[Music] hello everyone this is Jack in this video I'm going to cover five tips to grow lots of squash if you follow these five tips you'll be able to grow a lot of squash like this check this out this is yellow crookneck squash and we'll be munching on this and this is really good it's like butter the very first thing you want to do to grow squash is start from seed now you can buy squash plants however squash plants caught a lot more than starting your own seeds and squash is one of those plants that you can grow very easily if you saw ten seeds you might be able to grow all ten if not at least nine seeds out of out of those ten seeds so you can easily start squash from seed so don't buy any plants you know don't waste your money just start just cause from seed in February or March that way you'll have your plants are ready to plant in April when the weather is good now this leads to tip number two plant squash out in your garden all the danger of Frost has passed now this might vary depending on the region you're from so another state might be later in the year well if you're in California Florida or states that have mild winters it might be earlier in spring so check your temperatures check the zone that you're in and flash caution your garden after the frost of danger has passed by starting these squash plants in February just planted the seeds and it takes about three to four days for the streets who starts germinating and I kept the seeds endure for about a month so the end of March and beginning of April the ceilings were ready to transplant so I transplanted them out in our garden in front of our house and guess what they are producing a lot of squash number three squash plants grow really big so make sure you give them in a space and enough sunlight they need at least six hours of direct sunlight so plant squash in an area that receives full Sun and plant spacing for squash should be at least three feet apart I'm growing squash varieties here I have yellow crookneck squash I have black beauties zucchini growing here and all of these plants are spaced at least three feet apart I have some plants they're even spaced four to five feet apart because I want those plants will become huge and previous lots of squash this is how far apart my squash plants are they're about four to five feet apart and I wanted them this far apart because these wash plants are going to grow really big and they're going to compete with each other for the resources especially sunlight so if they're really crowded they're not going to get enough sunlight so there's quite a bit of space for them to grow still and by the end of the summer they're going to fill in that space now if you live in an apartment or in a small house without a backyard you can also grow squash plants in containers as well so get a good sized container at least five gallons and you can grow squash plants in containers on your balcony or in the side of your house number four fertilizing now squash is one of those vegetables that do not lead a lot of fertilizers so if you just add compost if your well-drained soil you can just plant squash without any fertilizer you don't even add need to add any chicken manure or commoner anything just plain old compost mixing it in the ground and flashing your squash plants in that ground and it will grow just fine if you over fertilize squash plants the plants will become really big but they will produce less squash so save your money there is no need to fertilize squash plants this plain old compost will do the job number five moisture a squash plants need constant moisture do not over flood your squash plants and do not let the squash plants dry out either so cost and moisture is what squash friends really like so provide them with water little bit of trickle drip irrigation every day or every other day depending on your soil and keep your swell moist and you'll grow a lot of squash now let's go harvest these squash and one more trip when you're harvesting squash make sure you harvest them and they're small because when they become big they become very very hard to chew on and they become very rigid so if you harvest them when they're about 4 to 5 inches long like this one they are really juicy and if you bake them they taste like better look at this one so that's the easy way to harvest them just twist it and they just come right in your hand and and like I said you don't need any pruning shears or anything just twist the squash like this and they come right in your hand so when you harvest me squash make sure you don't touch the stem of the squash plants because they're prickly they're little thorns on them so either wear gloves or be very careful so I'm going to reach in there and grab a squash and here's another one check it out some really nice squash another tip squash flowers are also edible and squash plants produce a lot of squash so we've been picking about eight to ten pounds of squash every single day and we just have ten plants that's how much squash they are producing so if you don't want a laurel squash you can always harvest the squash flowers and you can even fry them or cook them or add them to your salads and check it out the squash is just keep coming in so here's my neighbors dog he always comes and visits me so here's some zucchini that we are growing so this zucchini is actually too small to be harvested right now so give it about another day maybe one day or two days and this will become bigger however this one is right about the size that I like to harvest so twist it and there you go you can let it grow a little bit bigger as well maybe this big but I like to harvest them a little bit smaller because they're smaller they are the teeth here they are here's another zucchini that's ready to be harvested twist it and here it is so here's the harvest for today this is how much squash we got from ten plants there's about ten pounds of squash and been picking this much every single day I really hope you enjoyed this video and I'll see you another video [Music] you
Channel: Daisy Creek Farms with Jag Singh
Views: 66,081
Rating: 4.9628649 out of 5
Id: Ngkqr6E9kgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 33sec (393 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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