5 Tips How To Grow a Ton of Passionfruit From ONE Passion Fruit!

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do you know how expensive passion fruit can be it's outrageous to pay so much money for something that grows so easily g'day i'm mark from self-sufficient men in this video i'm gonna give you my five top tips on how to grow a ton of passion fruit let's get into it [Music] did you hear that there was a passion fruit dropping their bloody heavy you wouldn't want that to each on the noggin we had friends over for a Barbie the other day and we took him for a walk around in the garden and we come across the passion fruits and one of them said passion fruits they grow like a weed we all laughed it's true another true story was the fact that passion fruit was the first major food crop we grew when we moved here 13 years ago in 2006 yeah I know another piece of trivia you don't care much about did you also know that purple passion fruit is the most popular and considered the best-tasting variety but I don't agree with that assessment at all we're growing a green yellow variety that just grew wild on our property so we decided to propagate it and it has an excellent taste in fact we prefer it for the purple ones also I know several people who prefer the oblong banana passion fruit - the purple variety so I guess it's personal preference combined with the evolved variety and where it's grown that influences how good different types are speaking of where it's grown passion fruit vines are typically a subtropical to tropical plant originally from South America so if you want to grow it in a colder climate you can but I recommend you grow them in a hothouse or greenhouse to give it that extra warmth or it likely will die through winter or not fruit at all in temperate climates that's still fine below sub-tropical but in places where it gets really cold yeah you're gonna have trouble ground this apparently the purple varieties withstand cooler temps and this is likely true and certainly what I've experienced with purple vines growing better through our winters whereas the yellow dies back in midwinter tip number one true to type I was gonna keep eating passion fruit throughout the video as a prop but I'm fed up eating it already I had about half a dozen so I'll just put that down for now and don't worry about all this dead growth this is normal this time of year our passion fruit fines die back it's in the middle of winter but I'll talk about that later I'll hold on I'll use it one more time select a variety that is true to type meaning that collect the seed from a passion fruit that will come back as the parent plant some varieties from the nursery are hybrid to improve taste or graft it onto a hardy root stock to give them better disease resistance but I'd prefer to find a variety that has these qualities anyway right from seed and grow them over and over again if you've ever experienced a passion fruit vine that grows vigorously but doesn't fruit it could be that the root stock has taken over the grafted plant honestly I wouldn't bother growing the grafted varieties simply crush the seeds right out of the dried-up fruit and cover with potting mix then keep them moist and after a few weeks they will have germinated and be ready for pricking out into individual pots let them grow into small plants and then plant them out a few feet apart here in the subtropics and with this type of passion fruit it grows faster than hair on a mole we planted these in January 2018 and about 16 months later in April 2019 they're already providing their first fruit and it's possible that in some locations or some other varieties it could take up to three years to produce fruit passion fruit vines don't tend to live that long either perhaps seven years max we generally grow hours for about three to four years maybe five years max because the older the vines get the less productive they become and I also get diseases like woodenness virus so I recommend renewal rather than persisting with old plants passion fruit will grow well in shaded positions one of the few fruiting crops that do it also grows well in full Sun and this versatility makes it one of our favorite food plants to grow tip number two strong trellis passion fruit can become a big and heavy plant especially if you're growing several vines all together on the one structure I would be careful here that I don't trip over a passion fruit and fall flat on my face in my own YouTube video so yeah it's important that you get the structure nice and strong and as you can see here it's got its own structure and now it's taken over our gourd tunnel to our trellis here has a couple of posts that are fully cemented in several other stopping at posts in between and attach so that is a strong wire trellising material you can grow passion fruit in the general garden and it will intertwine and grow over trees and even in an ornamental garden it works quite fine and we see it growing down in the scrub here and also you know ornamental gardens around the property but if you want to get serious about growing a ton of passion fruit you should really make a proper structure for it and it's nothing better than a good strong trellis like this and then having a structure made of that Rio mesh is perfect where it can climb up and then straddle along the top and then hang the fruits down flower fruits hanging down makes them easier to harvest and sometimes they'll just drop clean on your head but it's a great way to great passion fruit over a high structure like that and just let it sprawl out with plenty of room that way it's not smothering out the rest of your garden taking up valuable vegetable garden space or climbing in areas such as an ornamental garden where again targeted by animals and you can't control it as well tip number three harvesting oh how convenient as I said earlier our fruit are starting to ripen within about 16 months and not all the fruit ripens at once that's a really good thing because then you don't end up getting a whole glut of fruit so if you do need more than a few for a cake or something you can save the pulp by freezing until you get enough having said that the end of the season which is usually winter or mid winter here the vines do tend to produce the most fruit which again is good because you can harvest and eat or store in bulk to use in the offseason I must admit at times it's hard to tell if there is a season at all for passion fruits here because you can go around the property all year round and find a passion fruit ripening somewhere usually a passion fruit is read a harvest when it changes fully in color either yellow or purple and has a slight give when you press on the fruit you'll also often find them falling from the vine and that's a key sign that they're ready to eat even if they are looking green like this or a slight shade of what they're supposed to be I probably should mention a few other points about this particular variety don't believe the rubbish on Google that green passion fruits are poisonous because that's not the case the reason why many of these have not ripened fully to the full yellow is because a the variety is more of a green tinge B they will ripen yellower early in the season when the weather's still warm but as the weather cools down or if we get a really cold winter like we have now the passion fruits don't ripen as good but that doesn't mean they're bad they may still be green and the fruit maybe a little more sour but generally the pulp is still developed inside and perfectly good to eat but yeah if you are wondering why your passion fruits aren't ripening fully that is the main reason the good thing is often if you leave a few of those fruits that even are a bit green on the bench for several days they will ripen and get a little sweeter they may not change color to purple or to yellow but they will sweeten a little if you want to let them wait but they certainly are not poisonous of course you don't want to be going and eating pulp that isn't ready yet or juicy you don't want to be eating a green dry pulp I mean that would be a bit odd but you get what I mean you might also find that some might shrivel and this shriveling is generally a sign that it didn't quite make it sometimes the pulp inside is alright but usually the pulp inside has either not developed properly or has dried up and the fruit is then not good to eat look I don't mean to gloat well maybe just a little bit but we grow so many of these that a few animals eating some of the fruit doesn't bother us at all so we don't even try to net or keep the animals like possums away tip number four pruning passion fruit vines mostly died back in winter or the colder months especially where we are so this is the time when we do most of our pruning in some tropical climates it might not die back and if that's the case you still might need to prune to get rid of dead branches and let that plant breathe again to prevent diseases so what I'm saying is prune is required it won't hurt the vine and if anything it'll encourage more growth using this crop as an example we initially kept it from taking over our gourd tunnel by continuously pruning it back until we had enough of the gourds and then we let the passion fruit vines grow for it as you can see the passion fruits and the gourds ended up as one somehow once all the fruits of ripened I'll prune this whole lot completely back to stems and mulch or chip it all for composting and then in spring it'll start growing back with a vengeance and we'll probably end up with as much fruit or if not more this next coming season it's timely that our passion fruit vines are dying off now particularly on this trellis because once they die back and then I prune them back that will give more sunlight and energy to our Oh plants just as they're coming in to ripening tip number five fertilizing I was watching an old episode of gardening Australia with Jane Edmondson in it and she was explaining that in the old days every passion fruit vine used to have a sheep's liver or ox heart stuck in the planting hole before they bung the plant in and apparently that helped with a passion for its growth because they love extra iron I must admit I've never tried that and I don't fertilize our passion fruit plants very often either contrary to popular advice that states that they are a fairly hungry plant I find that they grow quite well without regular fertilizer and maybe that's because we grow them in good quality soil which is probably more important than fertilizing them regularly we get plants popping up and growing all over our property and they mostly do well without any extra nutrients although if positioned in a forest like area the rich soil is likely enough otherwise when I do fertilize it'll be in spring at the start of the growing season a few handfuls of chicken pellet manure or manures that are well rotted from our own poultry pens or a bit of commercial blood and bone just scattered around the base of the plants that's all and then I probably wouldn't fertilize them again throughout the whole season again that does depend on the type of soil that you're growing I mean perhaps if the soil is less nutritious well then maybe it might need a bit of extra fertilizer and compost throughout the growing season I wouldn't expect regular fertilizer to produce more fruit in fact it might do the opposite it might encourage a whole lot of growth and less fruit so definitely don't overdo it with love so don't forget my five top tips true to type strong trellis harvesting pruning and fertilizing do all those things right and you'll grow a ton of passion fruits all from one passion fruit just like I can if you like this video make sure you give it a big passionate thumbs up and also subscribe to the channel if you haven't already share the video around especially if we really did like it because other people might too thanks a lot for watching I don't think I've got to eat anymore there's about ten passion fruit eaten during the making of this video bye for now they are good though I [Music] know Nina loves them my wife so just finished one more off in front of you guys okay what tell you what really hard to beat [Music]
Channel: Self Sufficient Me
Views: 958,582
Rating: 4.9388304 out of 5
Keywords: how to grow passion fruit, how to grow passion fruit from seeds, how to grow passion fruit vine, how to grow passion fruit plant, how to grow passionfruit, how to grow passionfruit from seed, passion fruit, passionfruit, passion fruit growing, passion fruit growing tips, tips for growing passion fruit, best way to grow passion fruit, best way to grow passion fruit vine, self sufficient me, gardening
Id: AJ-GqrSRcyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 59sec (839 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 27 2019
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