5 Things We Should All Be Doing In These Uncertain Times

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there's no doubt about it we are living in some very uncertain times right now the spread of disease and illness is only outdone by the spread of fear and panic in these uncertain times it is more important than ever to take care of our mental and emotional health just as much as our physical health it's more important than ever to understand that you choose how you respond to each and every situation you choose what energy you're putting out into the world you choose the energy you spread to everyone around you will you spread more fear or will you be the calm and the storm will you be spreading more darkness or will you be the light so others can see here are five things everyone should be doing in these uncertain times number one self-care now more than ever it is important that you take time for yourself and by yourself spending time alone to clear your mind of negativity and bring yourself back to peace and presence is so important in these times clarity is needed and the only way you can do that is by clearing the negative clutter out of your mind schedule time alone at least once per day and preferably in the morning time to meditate time to express and feel all the things you are grateful for acknowledge your blessings all the amazing people and things in your life that you may usually take for granted notice how good that feels journal set your intentions for the day how do you want to show up for others take a walk exercise whatever get your mind clear and in a state of optimism and peaceful clarity never forget your emotional health and mental health are just as important as your physical health in fact they are undeniably linked take care of yourself number two tell those you love how you really feel about them remind yourself of what is truly important in your life express gratitude to the people who you are most thankful for if you've been uncomfortable and expressing yourself in the past now is the time to get comfortable start small write a letter or send a text if you can't sum up the courage to do it in person get your feelings off your mind and out in the open feel the heavy weight release from your life and give that person you love the gift of being appreciated as the saying goes when we get to the end none of us are going to think we should have spent more time in the office remember what and who are really important in your life and let them know now number three limit or end news consumption what the news programs report the average day-to-day beauty of the world or anything they can find to put you in a state of fear and panic if you guessed the latter you'd be right fear sells panic sells kindness and well-being don't fear is energy and the more you allow in your life the more toxic your energy is going to become fear is the real illness in the world today and if you do your research you will soon know it creates dis-ease in your body as well eliminate that unnecessary stress from your life and consume only positive material daily if you do believe the world is going to end what good is the news going to do for you commit to live out the rest of your life in joy optimism lightness playfulness happiness whether it's one day one year or 100 more years whatever you have left enjoy it love each moment like never before appreciate every experience you can experience each moment as if for the first time notice what that energy does for your life your health and the life experience of all those around you number four develop new skills and knowledge now could be a great time to reinvent yourself learn a new skill upgrade your knowledge be open to new perspectives and ideas let go of any fear of failure or embarrassment or any pressure you may have felt from society family or friends that should be doing something else with your life follow your heart and do what you love learn more about things you love to learn and make a living from being alive in your work number five stop worrying about things you cannot control let's get real none of us are gonna make it every single person listening to this is going to die at some point in the future we all will fade away into nothingness we all know this so why don't we live like we know this it's a beautiful thing to know and appreciate that human life is temporary it's especially beautiful to not know when it's actually going to come to an end understanding that each moment is a gift every new day is a present we get to unwrap not knowing what's gonna be inside to live and worry and panic about what may or may not happen to have anxiety about things out of our control it's just stupid enjoy each moment be grateful for every moment you have on earth every moment you get to spend with the amazing people in your life get grateful for the gift of your eyes that get to see the ridiculous magic of this earth the ears that get to hear the beautiful sounds of nature and music that moves you all your senses and your amazing body that keeps you breathing and your blood pumping without you needing to do a thing whatever is going to happen in the future is none of our business whatever happens now how we choose to feel and protect our energy now that's all our responsibility take that responsibility join us to build this world with more positive energy more belief that life is good more belief that health and wellness surround us more trust that all as well peace and love to you all [Music] you
Channel: Fearless Soul
Views: 109,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fearless soul, corona virus speech, coronavirus inspiration, coronavirus positivity, covid-19 motivation, uncertain times, spread of fear and panic, fear and panic, energy you spread, Will you spread more fear, SELF-CARE, 5 things everyone should be doing, FOR YOURSELF and BY YOURSELF, Schedule time alone
Id: QT2Av0fcvQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 18 2020
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