5 Things We HATE About Orlando

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if you're thinking about moving to Orlando you might want to reconsider after hearing these five things that we've learned after living here for five years [Music] the first reason we hate Orlando is the traffic traffic traffic listen coming from south Florida I thought I hated South Florida traffic and for a while living up here I didn't notice but the more I got out the more it started to get to me the traffic in Orlando is horrendous what do we usually say Orlando is 30 minutes from Orlando everywhere it could be five miles away it's still 30 minutes yes so let's talk about the the first place that has a lot of traffic I mean everyone has definitely heard of I-4 I-4 is and this is a a new highway that they they built they've rebuilt it they've added the ultimate express lane that is the Saving Grace yes the ultimate Express does save you a lot more time but if you're not going in that direction just sit back buckle up and turn on your favorite books because the traffic in Orlando will drive you nuts yes it will um and not to mention uh tolls there's a toll everywhere you go so you you know just like anywhere you got to make sure you know how much time you need to get to wherever you need to go on time absolutely sometimes it could take you 15 minutes to get to a place at a different time of the day it'll take you 30 minutes so in Orlando always give yourself some extra time because you never know if I-4 is backed up if Orange Blossom Trail is backed up if Orange Avenue was flat backed up as Osceola Boulevard Parkway is backed up always give yourself extra time in Orlando because the traffic will make you late [Music] so you can't talk about the things that we hate about Orlando without mentioning tolls so the second reason that we hit Orlando as tolls the perfect segue from the traffic yes so the second good thing that'll kill you is the tolls yes because if you want to avoid tolls you need to add some extra time to your trip yes and make sure you get you a E-Pass Epass is going to save you a lot of money on the tolls it's a little transponder that goes into your car and allows you to to save on the tolls and Drive by an Easy Pass Lane um that that's definitely a Time Saver and a money saver absolutely but you can't go anywhere in Orlando without seeing a toll or multiple tolls so definitely tolls will have to be the second reason the second reason and why why we hate Orlando um so you have 417 you're going to get a toll on 417. you're going to get a toll on the turnpike you're going to get a toll going to uh I-4 you have 528 you're going to get a toll on there's a bunch of roads and there's a bunch of ways to get around in Orlando but you just have to make sure that you gotta pay to play gotta pay to play gotta pay to play I love that answer so the number three reason why we hate Orlando is the location location location you know where we're we moved from South Florida so the beach was about 15 to 20 minutes away from us we used to walk to the beach in the morning yep remember that time I found that money so but in in Orlando if you're thinking you know what today would be a beautiful beach day then you gotta think that means an hour drive to Cocoa Beach we love New Smyrna Beach so that's about an hour and 20 minutes away if you want to go to Tampa to Clearwater to go to the beach then that's probably about an hour and a half so although we're Central and no trip to the beach is not impossible no you just really gotta plan ahead because it's going to take at least an hour to get there absolutely if you want to go to places like Port Canaveral or yep if you're going to Port Canaveral if you're going to go to the Kennedy Space Center even if you're just going to visit Tampa Clearwater St Pete you just gotta although we're not too far you just gotta make sure you're geared up for the journey absolutely um because and that's the thing we're Central so because we are Central although we are you know not far we're also not close we're Central so you can get to all of these places but um sometimes it is it is a little ride it's a short ride um not too far but um yeah you still have to consider the tolls um and the time you know you know just if you're up to it absolutely I agree with you 100 location uh we're just spoiled because we lived in South Florida yeah yeah as you can see we like beaches um we do go to the beach quite often and so that was something very important to us uh when we moved here and how close we were to the beach and something that you may want to move to Orlando and you like beaches [Music] so the number four thing that we hate about Orlando is has to be the nightlife now I'm coming from south Florida compared to Orlando there's definitely a a different vibe when it comes to to The Nightlife um yeah because in South Florida the party never stops it doesn't when you walk out the club or the bar or wherever you're at the sun is coming up in Orlando it's a little different most things in Orlando closed around 2 A.M that's alcohol clubs bars lounges Orlando pretty much shuts down at at 2 A.M and and although you know we don't go out much when we do try to get away from our our four daughters uh we probably want to stay out a little bit longer and uh you can do that in Orlando unfortunately so that's definitely on the list of things that we we hate about Orlando The Nightlife does end a little early in our yeah a little too early don't you think yeah so um so what what do you do after 2 A.M you grab some fast food and you go home right fast food and you go home [Music] fifth reason we hate Orlando the weather weather so yes we're including part of the year right now yes we're going into fall the weather is probably the best season definitely because especially if you're out you know if you're going to go to a theme park now is a good time because you're not gonna melt you're not gonna melt but Summers are so long it takes so long to get here and it is hot it is so hot muggy and just rainy and yeah so so what usually happens is in the summer times we get a lot of rain and because of the heat once the rain hits it just turns into a sauna you know you're getting steamed after that like some oysters or something but it turns it rains every single day especially in the summertime and Florida is low to the ground so you get a lot of puddles and just wetness everywhere and it does go away pretty quick but again it just turns into steam and it makes the humidity just sticky and muggy and I definitely hate that so the other thing that happens is you know once you transition into fall and winter which is pretty much the same season here yeah it's beautiful but then once you get towards the end of winter then the cold fronts start hitting back to back so by the time you're ready to start doing springy summery stuff you ready for it to heat back up you're ready to hit the beach you're ready to hit the wall so water parks boom absolutely and a lot of people don't really know that Orlando does get cold um especially in the winter time now it doesn't last long um but it definitely gets cold enough I'm talking about we've seen it big difference from South Florida south Florida they're pretty much hot year round you know safe for a few cold fronts absolutely but I've definitely seen it at like 40 degrees to the 30s 30s 30 degrees and that's cold I don't care where you live at 30 30 degrees is cold and if you live in Florida you know you're talking about your your code and your in your and you're from Philly and corduroys yes I grew up in Philadelphia I'm used to the cold and I'm still cold always trying to turn on the heater oh yes yes I I do I meant I cut the heat on listen I like to be comfortable and uh I don't like to be freezing and it gets cold here in Orlando in the winter time and what's crazy about that is that sometimes you'll have a one day or it'll be 45 it'll switch it'll switch seasons in one day so you could be freezing 45 in the morning time around noon it'll get start warming up we'll get some rain around two o'clock and then you know it'll get cold again and at night like this is this is what Orlando is so I'd definitely say the the fifth reason we hate it we hate Orlando is the weather it's all over the place and it's cold in the winter time sometimes right [Music]
Channel: Team Collins Homes
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Keywords: moving to orlando florida, tips for moving to orlando, living in orlando, living in orlando florida, moving to florida, pros and cons of living in orlando florida, orlando florida, cost of living in orlando, living in orlando florida pros and cons, what is it like living in orlando florida, moving to orlando fl, moving to orlando 2022, Teamcollinshomes, moving to orlando, orlando real estate, orlando real estate agent, orlando florida pros and cons, ken pozek, orlando fl
Id: F6q9RJttH_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2022
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