5 Things Successful People Do Every Day

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hey my friends this is Daniel Ali and today I want to talk with you about five habits five things that successful people do every day now I believe that if you want to become successful you must have certain habits and you must understand that if you stick to these habits consistently you are going to eventually yield the kind of results that you've always been hoping for in this video I'm going to give you some tips on what you can do every day so that you can enhance your own success and reach higher levels of your own potential the first tip is silent time successful people know that in the beginning middle and ending of the day they need their own silent time they need time to reflect meditate pray and think so that they can be able to produce higher results as they progress throughout their day now if you have a look at unsuccessful people if they have a time maybe 15 20 30 minutes what they're going to do is distract themselves remember distraction is a choice and a lot of times these people will put in some earbuds and listen to music or they'll call someone or they'll put on the TV they'll never take a moment to get within their own mind because they don't know how to they're constantly distracting themselves because they cannot face the truth within their own situation in order to combat this make sure you carve out some time for yourself so you can sit and think even if it's the drive to work or if you're going to the gym make sure you leave out those earbuds make sure you give yourself the time to think so that you can be able to access the deeper truth within your soul one of my favorite habits is to journal every day and I journal at least a couple thousand words because I always want to know what I'm thinking I always want to know how I'm feeling and I'm always trying to engage with myself so I can be able to create better content for this channel I believe that if you journal every day it will give you the opportunity to after your own soul to help you to jolt to the higher level of your own success another way you can optimize your silent time is creating a gratitude list you can make a list of the things that you're thankful for you can count the successes rather than failures so write down five or ten things that you're really thankful for and be able to capture those moments so you can realize your own success another alternative is to pray or meditate maybe you believe in God or the universe or maybe you just need a moment to be still whatever it is give yourself the chance to enhance your own spirituality and get in touch with yourself get in touch with nature get in touch with the universe get in touch with God whatever floats your boat make sure you're able to utilize this silent time so that you can become much more spiritual and become exactly who you knew you were call to be the second thing that successful people do every day is that they stay connected now there's a lot of people that we interact with you know we have family we have friends we have acquaintances we have co-workers with all kinds of people from all different backgrounds and successful people are always there to initiate contact in fact I know people who tend to reach out to at least three to five people every single day on texts or phone calls or personal visits or emails whatever it takes they're always staying in contact with the people that they love and the people that they serve if you look at the most successful people in the world they transcend in the way that they connect with other people in our digital age a lot of them are still writing thank-you cards or handwritten letters and this is very helpful because instead of sending just an email you can send someone a handwritten letter and imagine how they would feel once they get something like that I mean after all do you remember how you felt the last time you got a handwritten card wow it's a very good feeling right so imagine if you do it for other people as well there's always a way to stay connected with other people maybe you might want to set your own benchmarks maybe you might want to call your parents every day or your siblings or your friends or your family or every week or every month right create your own criterion but make sure you do something that you can be consistent with this would be the best way for you to stay connected a prime example of this is people who send me emails every once in a while maybe they check in with me every other week or every other month or they leave some comments on a YouTube section below there's always some way that people connect with me and they always get my acknowledgement because I know that their intentions are good and they really want to be my friend they really want to get connected so whatever you do make sure you do something you're consistent with so that you can constantly stay in contact with the people that you really care about the third thing successful people do every day is gain knowledge now a lot of people in our society are very gullible when they see stats and facts and quotes and ideas and stories and all kinds of things they just tend to believe it without doing their own research successful people do not do that they do not accept everything they see they do their own research they get really deep and they're very diligent with how they understand information it's very important to get your facts straight sometimes a quick google search can save you the moment of embarrassment if you're willing to do that don't just take everything for granted don't just listen to what everyone is saying without thinking about it if you want to be successful you must do your own research and find out everything you need to know about the subject in which you're interacting with a lot of times in our modern society people are spewing out a lot of knowledge and we have to be able to consider who we're hearing it from and what they're actually saying but also what they're not saying we must take into account who we are and how this message impacts us a good example is when someone says you should only sleep five hours a day or you should wake up at 5 a.m. in the morning you have to ask yourself does that really align with my goals does that really help me to become a more successful person because if it doesn't then you have to be able to search for the knowledge and wisdom that can help you become more aligned with your goals always be willing to gain knowledge like I said the Internet is filled with information you can also read books and watch videos and go to conferences and ask a whole bunch of people many other questions but most of all make sure that it aligns with your truth because your truth will help you succeed at the highest level and that's what successful people do the fourth thing successful people do every day is help other people there's so many successful people in the world and I know that many of them cannot go to sleep without knowing that they help at least one person in that given day I'm personally like that if I felt like I haven't done something for someone else I can't go to sleep I'm not going to feel right so I'm always constantly producing I'm constantly adding value I'm opening the door for people I'm clicking and sending out blogs I'm doing everything I can to add more value to the marketplace so that many people can believe and feel better about who they are and where they're going another way to think of this is that when you help yourself you can help other people as well for instance when you decide to dress better or communicate better peer we're going to see the way you dress they're going to hear the words you speak they're going to feel like you're doing better and that you are able to help them and when you can help others you can also help yourself so it's funny because when you help yourself you can help others but when you help others you can also help yourself that's just how the world works the fifth thing that successful people do is plan now a lot of people don't realize the power of planning but I believe that one hour of preparation can lead to 10 hours of opportunity so you have to constantly be preparing you always have to realize what you can do and how much better you can do it and if you realize that the better you prepare yourself the better you can execute those plans a good example of this is planning your meals a lot of people wake up and they don't know exactly what they're going to eat so they end up eating random foods that may not necessarily be good for what they're trying to do in their life be able to plan your meals be able plan how you travel be able to plan on what you're going to say when you go to the interview or when you start your job be able to plan out where you're going to wear for the next day if you plan these small things they're going to eventually be big in the long term there are many systems in which you can use to plan sometimes a little sticky tab can help me to write down some of the most important things I have to do in a given day sometimes I'm marked on my own calendar because I know when I have a meeting or when I have a phone call I won't have to be somewhere at a particular time whatever systems you can create you have to realize that a system can help you to become much stronger so make sure that system is there to serve you so that you can serve others in summary if you do these five things every day you're going to be able to create a better lifestyle you'll have more time you'll make more money and you'll be more happier with what you're doing so make sure you go over this video again and please subscribe to my youtube channel my friends you are successful
Channel: Daniel Ally
Views: 197,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Success, Leadership, Communication, Money, Finances, Goals, Sales, Marketing, Advertising, Branding, Jesus Christ, 5 Things Successful People Do Everyday, Daniel Ally, TEDx Talk, Inspiration, Motivation, Keynote speaker, Strategy, Luxury, Abundance, Prosperity, Wealth, Author
Id: o1TQcroEi9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2017
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