5 things native English speakers NEVER say!

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hello everyone and welcome back to english with lucy today i'm going to talk you through the five words and phrases that you need to stop saying immediately now it's not that serious before we get started I would just like to thank the sponsor of today's video it is a talkie and if you haven't heard of I talked you before it's a huge online database of both native and non-native speakers who give one-to-one video lessons 24/7 you can learn English and over 100 other languages from anywhere in the world as long as you have a stable internet connection it's an incredibly affordable way of learning a language way cheaper than an offline tutor or an offline language Academy I have so many people message me each day asking how they can meet and talk to and practice with native speakers I talking is a really good option because they have qualified teachers but they also have community teachers which will practice conversation with you they've given me an offer to pass on to you you can get ten dollars worth for a talkie credits for free when you make your first lesson purchase all you have to do to get started is click on the link in the description box right let's get on with the lesson okay so the title is pretty shocking the words and phrases you must never say but honestly if you do want to sound like a native speaker or even sound like a very accomplished English student you should avoid saying these words and phrases because when students say them I immediately think they're at a lower level the first phrase that you must never say is have you ever been in and then the location have you ever been in Italy have you ever been in Istanbul whenever I do alive on Instagram I always get asked this exact question and of course I answer it because I love talking about Italy and I have been to Istanbul but it shouldn't be in it's the wrong preposition it's not that it doesn't make sense it's just not commonly said we understand what you're trying to say you want to know if I've ever visited or traveled to Italy or Istanbul wherever it may be but we don't say in we say - have you ever been to Italy have you ever been to Istanbul so yes really watch out for that one number two this is another comment I get a lot on Instagram especially when I upload photos with my boyfriend they ask me is your husband are you married are you married with will and although it makes sense and we understand what you're saying married with a person isn't correct it should be married - it's weird when you think about it you should be married with someone not - that sounds too formal but we say I am married to my husband now this is why if we're using with I'm married with my husband what if I say I am married with kids that sounds like I am in a marriage with some children however within this case means and also have I am married and I also have kids I am married with kids number three if I ever ask my students how long they've been learning English I sometimes get the response I've been learning English since two years don't worry if you say that to our native they're not going to say what they'll understand what you're trying to say but it's incorrect it should be since a fixed point in time so I've been learning English since 2016 duration it needs to be four I have been learning English for two years since 2016 another common mistake we can add on to that is during I know in some languages like Spanish you would say durante los años but it doesn't work in English I wouldn't say I've been learning English during two years doesn't work for and talking about four let's move on to number four teacher Lucy right it actually makes me sad to talk about this one because I think it's so sweet and cute but students will often address me as teacher Lucy that hey teacher Lu see how are you but I feel obliged to tell you guys that in the UK if you're trying to learn British English we don't address our teach as teacher and then name now I'm not saying don't ever say this because obviously in your own country it might be very rude not to address your teacher as teacher marry teacher Mohammed but if you're in the UK and I think in the US as well it's not common to use this to address your teachers in a school environment we would say miss mrs. mr. or mrs. moose is if a woman doesn't want to disclose if she's married or not and then the surname or if they've got specific qualifications professor or doctor in informal language schools I would just want to be addressed as Lucy if I was teaching in a formal school I would be called miss Earl any other place Lucy teacher Lucy just isn't used over here and the last one number five I love it when I receive this question in my classes but it's often said incorrectly can you explain me this can you explain me that now it should be can you explain this to me can you explain that to me explain me is wrong explain to me is right I would never say explain me your answer I would say either explain to me your answer or much better explain your answer to me now there is an exception to this and this is pretty advanced explain me can exist in one specific context so you have to explain an object explain the object to me or explain to me the object now if me is the object then yes explain me can exist for example if I was going to see a therapist and I was reclining on his sofa so I don't understand myself explain me to me yes that would work but that's quite advanced just know that explain needs an object right that's it for today's lesson those are the five things that you need to stop saying and make a conscious effort to avoid and correct don't forget to check out I talked e the link is in the description box you can click on it and you're $10 worth of I talking credits for free when you make your first lesson purchase and don't forget to connect with me on all of my social media I've got my Facebook I've got my Instagram and I've got my Twitter and I will see you soon for another lesson nah so another comment I get a lot on Instagram especially when I upload photos with my boyfriend boyfriend you can learn English and many sometimes get the response I've been learning English looked England ah look at me trying to teach English say my own language [Music] [Music] you
Channel: English with Lucy
Views: 2,430,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stop saying this, 5 things natives, native english, native english speakers, native speakers never say, 5 things native speakers never say, we don't say this, english with lucy, british english, american english
Id: B8TultRu3Jc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 41sec (461 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 21 2018
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